☀️ Say something nice about above user's art

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Edited 3 years, 5 months ago) by Caine
 Please make sure to read the rules carefully! They are not long and are here to make sure everyone has a good time and nobody has to be banned


  • You must fill your claim within 12 hours! Failing to fill the claim will result in you being skipped 
  • Make sure everyone can view your gallery! If you have +18 content make sure it's tagged so that minors can't view it! 
  • No passive aggressive or backhanded comments, or anything that could be read as negative or hostile. If you don't like someone's art, don't claim that user. This is a compliment thread, not a critique thread!
  • You can post again after three new posts have been made after yours!
  • If you have already claimed a user once, feel free to compliment one specific piece from their gallery! This is to prevent the game from being clogged
  • Your comment must be at least two full sentencesTry to put effort into your comment, and if you can't think of anything nice to say, maybe don't claim that person at all.

This is not targeted at anyone in particular, but just a reminder that even though cutting your long sentence into two shorter sentences technically gives you the minimum two you need to participate, it's an extremely scummy tactic and absolutely not fair for the person you're claiming! If you can't think of anything nice to say, wait for someone else who you can give a proper reply to. I'm sure you wouldn't want a clearly low effort response either

Banned users:

N/A. Let's keep it that way!

3 warnings = ban from the thread. However, in really big problem situations (insulting and slandering etc) the ban might come immediately

If someone hasn't finished their claim or otherwise causes you trouble, feel free to DM me so I'll give a strike! Please also notify me if someone doesn't follow through the minimum sentence count either!


pajuxi Your lineart, coloring, shading, just..everything 0_0

It looks so professional! So clean, crisp and beautiful 8,D Why have I not seen you around before??

my DA https://sugarfreesaccharine.deviantart.com/



Your style is so cute! o: I like how colorful and happy your gallery looks, such pretty light colors. It's all so nice to look at :> I also like the poses you use for all of the characters they all look so unique for each picture

Idk how to call it, but the lace-kinda pattern is a nice addition to the backgrounds

link to dA



I dig your nice, crisp lines and sharp silhouettes! Your expressions are subtle, but still expressive. Your pics are unsettling, in a good way!


I update my DA pretty sporadically, so I guess most of my more recent scribbles are here!: https://toyhou.se/Waltz/art?page=2

Older works are here: http://minesweeperaddict.tumblr.com/tagged/my_art



Your art style is adorable! I like your linearting; it's clear and I personally really love lines that are more on the thicker than thinner side! I don't know how to explain it but I think your lineart also really complements the colours you use? Like everything feels so "filled" somehow in the most positive way! Especially this one is a big fave but I also adore this one with the really natural tones and super cute freckles aaaa ; o ; 

I also really appreciate the fact you can draw all sort of face shapes as it gives a really nicely diverse look to your gallery!

My dA (+ pixel account)


Caine One thing I like is how varied your artwork is in terms of the lineart; you've got fairly thick lines, no lines, and everything in between. Your shading is remarkable, and I LOVE the way you draw backgrounds/flowers. Overall, it all just looks very polished, even professional. The same can be said for your pixel art since I forgot to look at that account prior to this sentence.

My stuff for anyone that actually has nice things to say about it


OrcaWhatever I like the simplicity of your style, the smooth lineart and bold colors are quite pleasing to the eye. The characters you draw also express a lot of personality, I could easily see them starring in a cartoon of some sort. You have plenty of very cute-looking pieces in your gallery, but in your recent pics especially you’ve included various angry/serious critters, I like the variety!

My gallery: https://gumdreary.deviantart.com/gallery/

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This user is not visible to guests.


OK but I really love your art, like seriously I do! Because first of all, your pixel art is so GOOD?? Like I've seen some good pixel artists and I think you're really excellent at it, I like how you can fit the small details into your characters' sprites! That must be hard work! Plus your sprites in general are cute. :> But your normal art isn't at all bad either! You really have a knack for color palettes and shading, your ocs look very vibrant and energetic in your art. Keep on goin', I'd say. :D

My gallery: https://mocha-monogatari.deviantart.com/gallery/



oh my gosh, your art is so cute??? I LOVE it's cartoon-y look, it just has a lot of personality to it! I like the way you draw facial expressions, and your style of anatomy is really great too! I LOVE it, your art is great <3


https://creepsheeps.deviantart.com/ here's my gallery!


creepsheep You honestly draw the CUTEST feral noses I have seen ; o ; < 3 The way you draw them makes them look incredibly soft somehow and I want to boop their noses haha 

I like the experimentation in your gallery: there are all sort of things from different subjects to different styles, and it's delightful to see another person whose style is pretty varying and versatile! Your human characters especially are really expressive and I really dig that + the colours you use in your pieces are the nice kind if "murky" I love with natural and often faded out colours (my biggest love...). Also, the way you draw lineart is really nice? Like it's rare to see people really pull of the whole "same line weight everywhere" look and I think they actually make your pieces to stand out nicely! 

My dA (+ pixel account)



I don't even know where to begin with your art.. I've seen it so many times and every time it looks stunning. it's simple but you still manage to somehow put in a lot of details and make everything look soft and sweet. the way you use colors and your lineart is lovely and I wish I could do lines like you do. your character designs are amazing aswell and I always love to see them. 

the way you manage to make emotions visible in a more "simple" way is amazing. 

my Gallery can be found here


@nighticrawler Claiming!

I've seen your art around a lot here on TH browsing your characters and seeing you post on the forums, and what always jumped into my eye was how detailed the painterly style is! The lineless look and the brush strokes compliment your original realistic style, especially the designs of the characters you design and draw. Which I should add, your style! Damn!! The way you draw eyes, facial features, details in the face, and especially your anatomy and the fluidity of your poses, it's all really impressive! The colours you choose for highlights, shading, and flats go together pretty well and attest of a good grasp on colour theory. Keep doing what you're doing, and keep building on that awesome painting style!

My DeviantART, feel free to also give some feedback/critique/points to work on if you feel like doing so <:



Your art to me is very unique. It looks as thought you have found your certain style that you want to do. I am not saying that this is the end of where you could improve. I am saying that your consistency is present and it looks wonderful. Kudos to you in being able to do human and animal types of art (cause I sure as hell can't //sobs) . Keep up the good work cause I love your art honestly Q_Q I can't wait to see what is to come years from now.

okay person below me here is my DA lol a mini reminder that I've only been really doing fullbodies recently.. as well as painting. I kinda only did chibis xD;;;;



You say you've only been doing fullbodies and painting for a bit, but I'm really impressed with the details you're including! Especially the musculature on pieces like your deadly sins; you're conveying a lot of anatomical information through your shadows and how you're using your brushstrokes, and you're also clearly getting the concept of 'put some detail in the hair, but not so much that you're drawing every strand' to make it look voluminous and... hair-y. And the fabric on the stone angel is SO shiny and good looking! I really like the color choices you've used the red cloth, it's really luxurious looking. Keep going with it; I can absolutely tell how much you're pushing yourself, and it's so awesome to see. It looks great. Aghhh, and Pride looks so cool!! That sun face is awesome, with decorations and the fire and stuff. I could absolutely see that design as a boss in a video game or something. A+, A+, I love it!


My DA is here! I also have stuff on my tumblr.

// *clutches heart* thank you so much...! I've come so far in the three years I've started getting serious about practicing, and I'm also looking forward to seeing what I can do in the future!