The above OC is in danger, what will your OC do?

Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Edited 5 years, 7 months ago) by Pierce Omagamma South-Sinner

(I edited this game while there were no replies because I thought I could set this out better)

How this works

1: Look at the scenario the above user has set out for their OC and think about how your OC would help them.
2: Once you have helped the above OC you need to create a scenario for your own OC for the next person to figure out how to help out.

For example if my scenario were this:
Pierce is thrown into a car crushing machine. The walls are slowly closing in on him and he is unable to get out.

Person 2 might write:
Mr Fredrick Von Madeupcharacter takes out the person operating the car crushing machine and quickly switches it off before Pierce can be crushed.
He then goes over to assist Pierce out of the machine.

And then write their own scenario like:
Fredrick Von Madeupcharacter crosses over a train track on their way home and gets his foot stuck in the track. He suddenly realises the train is coming and it's only a matter of time before they are mowed down by the oncoming train.

So the next person has to then answer their scenario with their own solution.


  • Be respectful towards other users. 
  • Please wait at least 3 turns before you go again, and please rotate your characters to keep it interesting.
  • Please put some effort in and write at least 3 lines.
    > New rule <
  • If someone claims but doesn't complete within 12 hours then you're welcome to skip them and reply to the person above them.

    I'll give the first scenario and then after that you need to follow the chain and look a the user above.

    My scenario
    Pierce is out cold tied up inside a car which has been pushed into the water.
    The car is slowly sinking and filling up with water and it won't be long until the cyborg is completely submerged and drowns.
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Lagal Storm_Clouds

Lagal knew that helping this... person was going to be difficult. He had been walking through the forest to gather data on the flowers blooming around that time of the year, and had stumbled upon the demoness on the ground gasping for air like a fish laid out on a dock. 

"Oh, this doesn't look good, does it?" Lagal mumbled. He spotted the cathedral through the trees, and after a few glances between Peony and the holy building, he realized the cause of her ailment. "Ohhh, that's it," He said out loud. 

Lagal got a firm grip on one of Peonys arms and began to drag her away from the cathedral and through the forest. It was clear that Lagal was struggling, from the way he wheezed with effort everytime he pulled her along the ground. It was understandable, after all; Lagal was only one entity, and he hadn't practiced much to expend the energy he was using efficiently in this situation. He felt bad for pulling her along like a dead body,  but it was the most he could do.

Finally, after what felt like two or three eternities to Lagal, he finally got Peony to a distance where she wasn't on holy ground anymore. Quickly sitting down, he ruffled his hair, tiny electrical streaks jumping between the strands and his fingertips. "That was difficult," He huffed, before lifting his head up, an emoticon smile on his face. "But i'm sure you're alright now, right?"


Lagal was certainly in a precarious position. He was wandering some railroad tracks that he thought were abandoned, admiring the beautiful scenery of the forest on either side of the steel beams. Before he could comprehend what happened, a malware attack showed up completely unprovoked, taking him by surprise. He was frozen where he stood on the railway, looking down at his feet while his face glitched out into colorful corrupted blocks and odd imagery, and small electrical currents jumped across his skin in almost invisible arcs. His thoughts were completely shut down, as if he was sound asleep and unaware of what was going on around him.

As it turned out, the railway wasn't as abandoned as Lagal thought it was beforehand. The horn of a train approached closer and closer, warning of its speedy arrival. But alas, Lagal couldn't hear it, and stayed where he was, still as a statue and unknowing of the life-threatening danger he was in.

Taidimono EggSalt

(IK it's been only 2 people but it's also been 6 days so if it's ok I'll respond again here to help breathe life back into the thread. ;o;)

Taidimono, though a very lazy and mindless one, was still a hero by nature. Therefore, when the adventuring uberhero spotted someone wandering across the railroad tracks, he became naturally curious, a normal think of the beetle masked uberhero, and followed the other for a few minutes. What was he doing out here on the tracks? ...Tai guessed anyone could ask the same of him on what he was doing out here all alone as well. So, scratch that.

A better question, as the blaring train horn sounded was why wasn't  Lagal moving? Didn't he know there was serious danger? The uberhero panicked slightly. He was no where near as courageous or quick witted as someone like Kiushhu. Was he going to see someone die tonight?

No no...Get it together Tai! Shaking his head, and in a thoughtless blind panic, the warrior leaped from his perch, tackling the still creature. The two rolled off the tracks rather painfully down the hill, skidding to a stop eventually. Not the smartest plan, but at least it worked. Heart racing, the only thing he could really think of now was to leave here and just go home,  man.


Oh, Taidimono, you've really done it now. What started as a peaceful snooze among the trees had now quickly turned into a precarious struggle with some sort of strange animal. And as luck would have it, the uberhero's daggers were strewn on the forest floor, where he had left them. Good work, our ever valiant hero.

With a nervous laugh as he wrestled with the creature, the beetle masked hero glanced around to see if any help was coming.

What? Was he supposed to know this was its territory or something before napping here?

Lan Turner PicklePantry

The beast chased Taidimono, large jaws filled with rows upon rows of razor sharp teeth snapping, claws leaving deep gashes across everything it crossed. It got closer and closer, its teeth close enough to snap even the air around the uberhero. Just as it had broken the distance between them, ink black vine-like tendrils wrapped around it, yanking it like one would a dog with its leash. The creature staggered before it was pulled away again, taken far away from its prey.
"Fortune favors the lazy," echoed a low voice just as the area became colder and darker. The sound of leaves crunching could be heard, soon followed by the image of a man's body with the head of a lamp. "It is a common saying someone I know often says," he said, and though he had no face, there was a smile in his words. He turned his head to look down at Taidimono. "Many people treat sloth negatively, but there is much to admire from it. The ability to stay calm and relaxed, to plan things with all the time one can muster, to confuse enemies with a lack of a telling sign. Laziness can often get you into much trouble, but perhaps it is more a wildcard than it is a detriment. Just what surprises are you holding, I wonder."
Within a second, the mysterious man was gone, the area returning to normal. In his place were Taidimono's daggers.

Darkness was acquainted with evil, it in itself was the root of all evil. It was a fact it itself had molded into a now universal truth.
Lan folded his arms behind his back, slowly watching the person ways ahead of him yell at him. "You monster!" she spat. "You-You took everything! My family, my-my-" She shook the tears off her face before glaring at him, raising the sword's tip to aim it at his heart. "The world doesn't need darkness. I'll put a stop to everything!" With a battle cry, she started charging at him, the sword glowing with mystic runes.
Lan offered no rebuttal nor a counterattack. He simply stood there. For she was right, he was the source of all evil and everything wrong with the world. It was a title he'd come to accept, just as he accepted the countless souls desperately wanting to exterminate him like now. She was the hero in her story, perhaps in many other stories as well. Who was he to deny her this right?
"I'll give the world a new chance!!" she yelled while thrusting the sword at him.

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Wraith Stormheart SpiritdragonRyuu

Wraith had watched the whole thing unfold, he had a feeling this girl was up to something and decided to follow her from the shadows. He observed with his one seeing eye that she had stolen something from the apothecary and was now being chased because of it. Leaping from building to building he followed the action, still debating which one of the two parties he was going to fight tonight. This girl didn't seem dangerous and the people chasing her had a right to be angry, however he couldn't help but be curious what recipe they were trying to keep from the world. Jumping down and transforming in mid air, Wraith landed on the ground between the girl and the group chasing her. He bared his teeth angrily and lunged at the men, this sudden appearance and ferocity certainly scared the group. Turning in the other direction, he gave chase to the girl. He could hear the creaking and snapping of wood somewhere nearby and ran in the direction, not long after he saw the girl holding onto a ledge. Transforming back to his human form he grabbed her wrist, maybe a bit too harshly and pulled her back onto solid ground, dropping her rather carelessly onto the more secure floor. His golden brown eyes, one working and one blind, stared down at her with a frown.

"What did you steal?" He said with a slight growl in his voice, if he had gone through the trouble of saving her, it better have been worth it.

(Even was he's doing a good thing, he's still a jerk xD )


Wraith in danger:

Wraith ran across the bridge trying to get away from the mass amount of police that were currently in pursuit of him; they were blaming him for a murder of a man, an escaped convict to be exact. Okay, maybe he did kill the man, and maybe they did catch him doing it, but it was their fault that their prison was so shoddy that the dangerous murderer had escaped and was causing havoc amongst the streets. Wraith gritted his teeth, feeling the various bullet wound in his body burn with each movement. He looked over the side of the bridge and saw a large deep river beneath it, bolting to the side Wraith jumped over the railing and into the cold water beneath. He didn't expect the strong undercurrent which lay under the waters surface and was quickly swept further down the river whilst still being held under the water. Rocks and twigs hit his already battered body as he was being pulled down by the ever strengthening water. 

He managed to put his head above the water for a few seconds, noticing that he was nowhere near the bridge, in fact he had no idea where he was now. He felt himself getting pulled back under and quickly grabbed a large rock which was close to the bank of the river. His still bleeding injuries mixed with the frigid temperature of the water had made him weak, despite him holding onto the rock as tightly as he could, he could feel his fingers slowly slipping from it. His body had already gone numb from the waist down due to the cold water and could feel the icy grip creeping up his shoulders. He fought to keep his eyes open, but his shivering body was making it hard to stay awake, even though he knew that if he fell unconscious, he would be pulled under the water again.


Nice to see another of your characters :D 

They are always so cool looking ^.=.^

Follow Up:

Wraith could feel the icy depths starring to drain him of his strength, in the distance he had heard a voice and a splash somewhere behind him, but the world now was growing faded and distant with each passing second. Suddenly he felt something grab him around his waist and pull him away from the rock, more water surrounded him face before a sudden whoosh! which found him having air rushed into his body. His vision spun and his head lolled to the side of the person who had grabbed him. Before he knew it, his face was getting gently slapped as he was now lying on the floor. Wraith gave a weakened pained groan before starting to cough up water, he rolled onto his side, coughing harshly as he did so. Each inhale was desperate and quick, whether it was from the sudden realization that he almost died or the fact he had no idea who had grabbed him, he wasn't sure. 

After a few minutes, his coughing stopped and he took a few deep breaths before sitting up slowly, placing a hand on his forehead as he did so. Giving hiss of pain at the bullet wounds , he slowly looked up at the figure before him. He couldn't help put blink a few times, even his blind eye had a look of surprise in it as saw the large humanoid looking shark in front of him. It would make sense that someone like him was the one to save him, he certainly would be a much better swimmer than any human. Wraith coughed a few more times and rubbed over the three scars on his throat, trying to find his words. It was then he heard the man ask him a question.

" name is Wraith." He said trying his best not to sound weakened from his experience. "Just trying to get away from some trouble." He replied. "I err....thank know...saving me." The grateful words felt like vinegar on his tongue, he never thanked anyone, ever really. It was a unusual experience, but he also knew that he would be dead had this man not have been nearby. Though the mans appearance was certainly something Wraith had never seen before, he didn't feel intimidated by the man, even when he showed his teeth when he smiled. Had this man wanted to kill him, he could have just let him drown. Wraith moved his legs slightly as he still sat on the floor, his muscles were still stiff and cold. 

"Well...I've always believe in repaying a favour.....if there is anything I can do, to thank you properly for saving my life, just tell me." He said, his mind still reeling about how close he had come to death this day.

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Bailey salternate

It was dark outside when Bailey was out on her walk; she was not really keeping an eye on the time. Her strolling has lead her up to the beach. There, something had caught her eye; the large, dark figure stood out in the moonlight. She stepped closer to the shore, noticing that the body was overturned. She then walked into the ocean, reaching as far as she could to grab his hand. She then pulled the figure onto the shore, her struggle becoming increasingly difficult as she began dragging him across the sand. She then sat down next to him, briefly glancing at her half-soaked jeans before turning back to him. Jun's fish-like appearance stood out to her more, but she paid no mind to this; the teenager was too drunk to tell the difference.

"You gotta be more careful swimming out there, moron. You're lucky I...I got there," Bailey slurred her words as she patted her hand on his shoulder.

"If you want, you can crack open a cold one with me, man. Just take it easy."


Surprisingly, the fake ID worked this time! Bailey was able to get into the bar at ease. Definitely not a site fitting for a teenager. Bailey planned to just get drunk and relax for the rest of the night. Today was not a good day for her, which was clear in both her cranky attitude and the way she spoke. Pairing the cocky redhead and a gang of drunk adults is not a good blend. Next thing she knew, Bailey was cussing out a much older person.

"You wanna go? Huh? Fight me right now you fuckin' sack of trash!"

Vendetta Shadowzim777

Vendetta could not help herself going outside her home to get the occasional drink. She needed to get away from the mansion she was living at with a few of her monster friends. Although hearing the constant nag of Dr.Paranoia talking about how she needed to conceal her identity always got to her. She figured a simple hooded black robe was enough, although he had to slip her lower set of arms into the robe since it only had two sleeves. She was not in her “Spider Queen” mode so she did not have that thorax blocking her way.

Despite the stares she got, no one seemed to bother her in the bar. Perhaps they were afraid or thought she looked like a dude, she didn’t seem to care really. All she wanted was some hard scotch.

After taking a sip, Vendetta peered her four eyes to some commotion going on. She couldn’t help but smirk. “I knew these mortals could be fun.”

Vendetta loosened her sleeve to drop a twenty that fell out on the bar table before she decided to get a better look at what was going on. What she witnessed was a foul mouth girl, clearly drunk, cussing at an older man. The older man seemed to be rather gruff and tough looking. The man moved back and forth like a dingey at sea, most likely he had a bit too much to drink as well.

You think it wouldn’t be any of Vendetta’s business. Mortals were there to be eaten or scared by someone like her. Then again…She knew that one of the choices could be made apparent now.

Vendetta tapped her black finger upon the man. “Huh?” the man gasped.

“The kid’s got a fowl mouth to her, perhaps it’s best you leave her alone.” Vendetta spoke softly.

“Back off you Fuckin bit-“The Man gagged as Vendetta brought her hooded face right in front of the man. Revealing what she looked like. Vendetta giggled with a twisted smile. “Calling me a bitch…Makes me think I should just, Bite your head off right now.”

The Man screamed, tumbling backwards into a nearby table. “MONSTER, MONSTER!”

Vendetta sighed, grabbing a hold of Bailey as she had to run out of the bar. “Paranoia’s going to kill me for revealing myself.” She sighed. Despite some struggling, she had some strength in her to pull the drunken teenager out of the bar.

“Look kid, just go home alright? We had some fun…But don’t say anything about monsters?” Vendetta gave Bailey a pat on the head. “I like your foulness, reminds me of me when I was a black widow. Or rather, before I transformed from one. Nevermind. Just stay away from drunks K? And uh, get home safe.” With that, Vendetta had to rush back home. She had a bit of fun but she knew she was going to get an earful from Paranoia in the morning.

---Vendetta in Danger!

Vendetta huffed. She knew one of her trips heading outside the  mansion was going to get her killed. She heard gunshots a bit far from  where she was at. Seemed there was a monster hunt for Vendetta. You  think after saving a girl’s life from getting attacked by a drunk would  make her a hero. Rather, now a whole drunken posse was after her. The  stress was getting to her.

“Crap, where is that mansion again?”  Another gunshot was heard, but it was louder. Even in the dead of night  at the forest, she didn’t seem safe. Vendetta yelped as from behind, her  head was smacked by a stick. Her hood fell off, revealing her face.  Vendetta seemed rather dizzy, but she could have sworn three men were  coming her way. One of them seemed to be holding a stick while the other  two-pointed guns at her back.

“See you in hell, monster!”

Usually  Vendetta was always in control of these situations, but for the first  time, she felt frightened that she was going to die.

Hayes Tack PicklePantry

With a low, raspy yell, something jumped onto one of the gunners. The gunner screamed and staggered backwards while clawing at the thing on him, but soon his cries came to a halt. The other two stared, stunned and confused, until the figure stood up. It was too dark to tell, but there was a definitely a man's silhouette. Yet... something was off about it, something... inhumane.
The two started attacking. Whether it was gunfire or smacks of the stick, the silhouette didn't seem to notice. There wasn't blood coming out of it either but... hay? It roared out again and lunged at them, managing to get one as the other ran for their life.
Now alone with Vendetta, the creature lazily swung around to face her, arms numbly waving around with each step it took to get closer. Moonlight managed to pierce the trees to show a glimpse of it. A scarecrow. In the middle of the forest?
"Land. Needs protection," he gasped. "From bad. People. Like them. Not farmers. Bad. Bad for. Land. Must protect." He took a step forward. "Spiders. Are good. Help protect. Crops. Eat. Bad bugs. Save plants. Save. Land. Spiders are. Helpful. Not bad. Like people."

Hayes let out a blood-curdling scream as he ran around aimlessly and frantically. It wasn't difficult to tell why. He was practically glowing, and if that wasn't the giveaway, it was the trail of smoke following him.
He was on fire.
"FIRE! FIRE! FIRE BAD!" Hayes screeched. There was no telling how he got in this situation, but one thing was clear: he had no idea what to do.

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Matcha salternate

Matcha's curiosity has got to the best of him; what was dangling behind that rope? He had just got out of work, but longed to take a walk at the canyon nearby. He stepped closer to the edge, gasping in reaction to the entangled demon. After heaving Seir up with difficulty, Matcha unsheathed a claw and began to claw at the rope.

"Oh, you poor thing," he cooed as he continued to cut the rope.

"Here, I'll get you out of here. I thought the humans learned after the...ooh, I shouldn't ramble. The more important thing is freeing you."


The only thing that sounded from the canine was a loud yipping noise.

"Ow! It bit me!" Matcha yelped, staring at his burned paw. It stung at his paw pads and nubs on his fingers. Despite the pain that he continued to feel, he forced a saccharine smile as he continued to force himself to work. Upon getting questioned, though, he responded,

"It's only a mere burn! Don't mind me! My paw may be hurting, but it'll go away soon! I-I promise! Gotta make my clients happy..."

En Litari II PicklePantry

So this was coffee, huh? En stared, mesmerized, at his small cup. He'd had coffee before, but it always tasted incredibly bitter, and was way too hot! His brother would laugh every time at his expression. As he'd been travelling the area, En had heard of a small cafe that made the best coffee, so a combination of nostalgia and intrigue, and here he was. The colors were already lighter than the coffee he'd had before, he could even make out where some of the cream that hadn't yet mixed was. He was excited to try it, but right as he lifted it to his mouth he heard the yelp.
Quickly setting the cup down, En got up and spun in the direction the noise came from, noticing the barista he'd ordered from withering in pain. "Hey! Are you okay?" he asked while hurrying over to him. He looked around. It must have been just a coffee burn, but what was that about being bitten?  He looked at what Matcha was holding. "That looks pretty bad," he said. "I don't think you'll be able to work even if you wanted to. We should get you to a doctor, or you should at least go home and rest. I think your boss would understand." He hesitated. "If you really want, I can help? I could make the coffees and you can tell me what to do? Maybe that would work?"

En fell to the ground as his sword went flying, sinking in the ground just a few feet away. When he looked up, another sword was pointed at his throat.
"This all coulda been avoided if you'd just given us your money, brat," spat the sword's owner, two goons behind her. "Ya only got yourself to blame for this!" She raised her sword to strike. En clenched his jaw. His other sword was still sheathed at his side, but could he pull it out in time to stop the blow?

It was no use, he wouldn't be quick enough! His hand instead clutching the charm he'd kept with him, En closed his eyes and braced himself for the sword--
-- only for it to get deflected. He opened his eyes as he heard yelling, gasping at the figure in front of him. "J-Jun-ko?" he stammered. She moved so quickly and gracefully, knocking the goons out before anyone could tell she was close enough! En could hardly keep track! Before he knew it, the leader was running off, cursing at them with every step, and Jun-ko was holding a hand out to help him up. He took it, climbing to his feet, yet was still dazed.
"Thanks for saving me," he heard himself mumble. He wasn't sure how she was able to tell he was in danger, but if it hadn't been for her there was no doubt in his mind things would have ended badly. He blinked when he realized she was smiling, feeling the tiniest of blushes show on his cheeks, then noticed the flower she had offered. "Oh! A plumeria!" he blinked, taking it into his hands. "These are really common near my home! I forgot how pretty they are." He gave them a nostalgic smile, remembering all his times running outside of the castle and never paying mind to them. Now that he couldn't go back, he found himself thinking about seeing these all the time.
Looking back at Jun-ko, En smiled and handed her one. "Here. I think it would look really pretty with you." His blush spread like wildfire. "If, umm, you have time... could I buy you some snacks as thanks for saving me?"