what's your impression of the TH user above you?

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 years, 1 month ago) by Aarix

This thread is largely based on "what impression does the above user's icon give?" thread and the "what do the above user's characters say about them" threads, but it's bit more general!

What kind of vibe does the above user give off, just as a whole?

What do you assume their interests are? What kinda person do you think they could be? Are you even familiar with them at all? Do they have a certain skill that really stands out to you?

And, if you wanna take it a step further, there anything you've ever wanted to say to them but haven't really had the chance? This is the thread for it :v

You can base your assumptions on anything, from their characters, to their profiles, to their forum interactions!

Time for some Rules:

  • Number One Rule of this thread is please don't be unkind! Even if you're not really a fan of the above user there's no reason to be  mean. Hurtful comments have no place here-- this thread is meant to be a fun and positive one.

  • Do be wary that, while nasty comments aren't allowed here, someone's impression of you could be surprising! Just remember that none of what people assume about you is necessarily true. Again, this thread is just for fun!

  • Try to wait until a few other people have posted before you post again!

I'm not sure if this thread will be a big hit 'cause it's very similar to those it's based on... but we'll give this a go!
Also, if you have any concerns about this thread please PM me and I'll do my best to sort it out! If this thread gets too mean I will have to close it so... be good to each other, guys!!!

Now that all that's out of the way, go for it! Have fun   


The impression i've generally always had of you is that you're quite a lighthearted and friendly person? You don't like things to be serious so you're often very jokey and jovial to help counterbalance that. You can see this through your characters as well I feel, since they all have this rather exaggerated and comedic vibe to them, but in a way, that's their overall charm as characters!

Your preference for males definitely shines through as you don't have a lot of female characters and you're not one to follow convention when designing your characters. You like to create characters that you like making, even if their looks or personalities aren't what's usually seen among the community as a whole! I think that's very admirable of you!


honestly the vibe i always get when i see u in the forums is a pretty chill and peaceful one! it makes me feel like ur a fairly laid back and quiet person, but i also feel like u like to joke around and have fun w/ ppl ur close to :0 i just generally all-round get an impression that ur really kindhearted and easy to get along w/!

a good portion of ur characters seem to have very pastel-y or faded out colour palettes and that seems to make that impression stick too bc ppl w/ those kinds of palettes to their characters usually are really nice ppl who like soft things ;w;



also ive read ur name as alleycattony for the longest time for some reason


I haven't seen you around before but you seem very friendly and upbeat! Your characters seem to reflect your personality a bit, too! The ones that I saw seem colorful and not exactly loud, but eyecatching if that makes sense! Your art is really cute and I love the little animations you seem to do sometimes! I myself really like characters with saturated colors so looking through your art gave off a sort of happy/peppy/jokester vibe!



I don't think I've seen you around much, but your icon and your profile already give me the impression that you're a sunny, positive person! c: You seem like you have a big friend group, and are really social! I bet you're fun to hang out with. Based on your profile aesthetic and characters, I imagine you like soft things and warm pastel colors. It's also obvious that you're interested in supernatural themes like demons and spirits. You have characters from a bunch of different projects and your own webcomic, so I think you're a very creative person with a lot of ideas!



At first, by looking at your icon, I saw you as a very chill and laid back person. You also seemed to me that you like A E S T H E T I C S through your characters and you're also positive. 

I love your characters and how unique and different they are ♥

@Riixinkuu I do like nature so that part is very true ! My logo has a floral pattern on it. However I'm attracted to more newer things, especially music / movie wise: but my music taste doesn't really include the most recent stuff, only popular house tracks from the 90's and a vast majority of vaporwave that used stuff from the 70's and 80's

And yes I fight against boredom so I either make puns or do something to keep me busy !



Admittedly, I'm not too sure what to gather from your icon. It makes me think that you enjoy nature and "stopping to smell the flowers" every once in a while. It's also giving me some classical vibes so I'm going to think you prefer more classical and older things whether it be movies, music, etc. as opposed to newer things. Overall, I would say you're definitely a person who has a lot of interesting traits about them and you are NEVER boring, you're almost always the life of the party.

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I would be quite inclined to say that you appear cold and distant at first glance, but actually is quite chatty and casual once approached. I also have the impression that you have a liking for fantasy and magical characters, as well as non-human beings in general. Overall, you would be a pretty cool acquaintance and friend for others, and would be well-liked within your circle of friends.



You don't have a large number of characters on TH, but the ones you have are from several different projects or worlds and you have your own species that you've put a lot of thought into, so I get the impression that you're a very creative, thoughtful person who loves to write and envision different scenarios, and play in different universes. I think you prefer supernatural creatures and fantasy worlds, and I'm pretty sure you like birds; maybe they are special to you. : > Overall, you seem like a cool person: probably calm, mature, maybe a bit reserved.


Oh!!! You always strike me as someone who is extroverted and social, but still has some limits to that.  You also strike me as someone who really likes rock music and punk fashion, from what I get from your ocs and their story lines. You put a lot of thought into your stories and characters and you dont like to give up on a character of yours, just recycle or tweak them a bit so they don't go abandoned. Even some characters who are older rarely go unnoticed.

You also strike me as somebody whos a big fan of older cartoon network shows, idk I just get that vibe


Just from your profile, I can tell you're someone who is maybe kind of memey? You really like memes and you don't take yourself too seriously most of the time. But at the same time, you're not all fun and games since most of your characters seem to have very well developed backstories and profiles! So you're obviously able to keep a good reign on the side of yourself that's not so serious. You seem pretty emotionally driven too and you're not afraid to show that at all! That's really admirable! 


You have good art, and a more anime style! The lineart is clean and I do indeed like your designs!


You seem to be good at drawing animals and monsters. You have a really nice cartoony artstyle, and your art has a really good choice of colours. I should say your art is fantastic!

V Ah thank you! That is so sweet. :3

This user's account has been closed.