what's your impression of the TH user above you?

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 years, 1 month ago) by Aarix

This thread is largely based on "what impression does the above user's icon give?" thread and the "what do the above user's characters say about them" threads, but it's bit more general!

What kind of vibe does the above user give off, just as a whole?

What do you assume their interests are? What kinda person do you think they could be? Are you even familiar with them at all? Do they have a certain skill that really stands out to you?

And, if you wanna take it a step further, there anything you've ever wanted to say to them but haven't really had the chance? This is the thread for it :v

You can base your assumptions on anything, from their characters, to their profiles, to their forum interactions!

Time for some Rules:

  • Number One Rule of this thread is please don't be unkind! Even if you're not really a fan of the above user there's no reason to be  mean. Hurtful comments have no place here-- this thread is meant to be a fun and positive one.

  • Do be wary that, while nasty comments aren't allowed here, someone's impression of you could be surprising! Just remember that none of what people assume about you is necessarily true. Again, this thread is just for fun!

  • Try to wait until a few other people have posted before you post again!

I'm not sure if this thread will be a big hit 'cause it's very similar to those it's based on... but we'll give this a go!
Also, if you have any concerns about this thread please PM me and I'll do my best to sort it out! If this thread gets too mean I will have to close it so... be good to each other, guys!!!

Now that all that's out of the way, go for it! Have fun   



I haven't seen you on the forums before, but you seem really chill at first glance! I think that's Persona in your icon, so maybe you like RPGs? I get the feeling you read a lot of comic books and if someone said they were a nerd but didn't like LOTR you'd be mildly offended. You're probably super sassy with your pals, but not in a genuinely mean way.

You absolutely LOVE characters who are badass pretty ladies. Like, if you'd have to choose a favorite hero, you'd say they all suck and Poison Ivy/Black Cat is the Real MVP, but you'd guess that Batgirl/Black Widow are pretty cool, too.

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I’ve always assumed you are some sort of god because anyone who could make such good looking profiles can’t be human?? Fact. But you also seem helpful and down to earth when you make replies which I think I great. Definitely have a good sense of style too. You’re icons are always top notch.

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I see your username pop out a lot in the forum index so I know you're active on forums, but I feel like we probably have different timezones or peaks of activity because I actually know very little about you as a person? I have gotten an overall positive impression of you and I find your art super charming with its unique style and eye-catching colours! Your characters seem really nice too, like they're easy to spot as your creations and there is something about their overall designs & aesthetics that make me happy? Somehow? 

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(side note: your coding work is great and is also the basis for all my characters' bios!)

every single one of your characters is fleshed out and has a lot of art. you seem to be very organized and a bit of a perfectionist (since there are clearly characters that exist in each folder that haven't been made public yet, likely because they are still in the works! i can't wait to see them, btw). you also really like girls and fantasy, as well as detailed designs! you seem to have an eye for color and color schemes, since your characters are all very colorful and contrast with one another in their diversity. also, your characters all have very unique hair XD?


Hi! I think I never saw you around here before but I'll try owo

Overall, your characters seem to have rather "semi-realistic"(-ish?) art, and pretty muted colours, even if I see some fantasy aesthetic too. I'm under the impression that you're a mature, realistic person. Most of your OCs seem to be female and have "historical" outfits, maybe you study history or literature? These historical and fantasy aesthetics blend very well, btw. I see many diverse ethnicities too, guess you're an open-minded person who cares about representation in fiction.

Aww thank you so much! Yup, you're basically right about everything, I'm a big theology, history and angelology enthusiast! ouo



I've seen you around here and there actually! Even before I joined this site. You seem like a really nice person with really cute character designs! Enthusiastic about OC's and more! You have a very cute aesthetic (your sailor moon icon at the time I'm writing this is also very cute). You seem to favor characters that are part of religions and you make them into your own concepts of them! Which is very interesting I think! You really like angels too from what I'm seeing! Esp with you having a Lucifer as well! Hoho! You like history too I'm assuming? Overall, your ocs are also very different from one another, there are no two that look the same! As a person you seem very kind and seeing you around easily brings an air of familiarity to me haha.

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Judging from your username and avatar, you seem to have an interest in more darker themes such as horror. You seem like you would enjoy Halloween more than the average person, and probably go all out for a costume. I would also say you enjoy the color purple. After looking at your profile, I would say you probably enjoy Victorian (or vintage) things because a lot of horror revolves around that. You probably also tend to learn more about the interests you have and fall more in love with them. You seem like you're a very passionate person about what you love and care for, but can also fall hard when you fail or don't live up to your own expectations. 



I don't feel like I know much about you as a person, but I'll try! You only have two characters uploaded here, but Yuumei was uploaded over two years ago and I see her in the forum games all the time, so I feel like she probably means a lot to you and you spend a lot of time thinking about her! Both your characters here are similar-looking, so I imagine pastels and sweet feminine characters are an aesthetic you enjoy! Your profile is very minimalist so maybe you're a little shy or just no-nonsense, and judging from the quote on your page and your about page, you seem introspective, thoughtful, and determined. I'm also guessing you like dogs/animals, and maybe your usericon is your dog?



Your icon gives me a really kind and down to earth sort of vibe. I love the expression and the colors, it's very comforting to look at! It appears that you've got a ton of lovely characters, and I like that their icons all seem to be in the same art style (your own, I assume). I'm a sucker for organization and consistency, so seeing this sort of attention to character galleries/folders is super lovely. You seem to be an organized user that likely pays attention to detail. Publicizing your to do list undoubtedly shows your dedication to this community and to your characters! I'm a bit envious of you when it comes to the determination that I see in you.

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