What kind of drunk is the OC above you?

Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Edited 6 months, 18 days ago) by Haggis hedgemaze

I love thinking about this for my characters, so I thought this would make a fun forum game! Look at the OC above you, then take a guess at what you think they're like when they're intoxicated, and post IC for the next person to guess for you!

Are they a happy drunk? Crying drunk? Horny drunk? The one who tries to fight everyone? The "watch this!" type? That one really affectionate drunk who texts all their friends at 3 in the morning about how much they really love them, man? Let's find out!


  • Read the profile of the character you're responding to, or at least skim it to get a sense of their personality. This is not intended to be an appearance-based game. Claim first if you need time to read the profile.
  • You can answer in only a few words, but it's more fun if you write a sentence or two and explain why you think that's how the character would be!
  • Please don't pick underage characters for this. Use your best judgment.
  • Keep your answer PG-13. This isn't a NSFW thread.
  • Let a couple of people go before posting again, and try to vary the OCs you post.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   

Important note on character ages: I didn't want to put a hard age limit on this game because legal drinking age and cultural norms vary a lot by location and era! However, I realize that can lead to problems. If you are uncomfortable making a drunk headcanon for a character in this thread because of their age, you can say that and skip them. Feel free to message me if you have any concerns, but let's please try to keep this thread to characters old enough to legally drink, for everyone's comfort.

All my forum games and threads

R.A.M. (Lexi) Yamroll

Basically the kind of drunk that would commit stupid. Would take everything (even a look at him) as an argument and sorta challenge the ‘offender’, before failing and passing out on the ground 👍




I think Lexi would be the type to get really attached and friendly with random strangers, and then proceed to get really emotional and cry over something really stupid (like knocking over a plant).


V I can totally see that   It fits him very well!!! <3

Estrel spoilk

oh absolutely the emotional drunk. whatever emotion he’s feeling that day is doubled down- he’s a bit irked? man’s is having a breakdown at the nearest person-happy? your dog is right next to you basically cause he’s got the zoomies and won’t stop 0-0

James 99centsoda

I feel like since she's already extroverted, Estrel would be very much the picture of a jolly drunken sea captain haha. Prone to reminiscing, singing, and maybe some philosophical babble, just lots of pleasant conversation and chatting!

Devi FourEyedNerd

Almost definitely an aggressive drunk - will start fights on the drop of a hat, will scream at anyone who comes close to him, has defensively puked on someone while drunk too. Has accidentally confessed to someone about his butchering tendencies *wink wink* (lol)

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Jovano, The Fatebreaker (£60) Mashter-Potato

Absolutely no doubts; Devi is the kind of drunk where she can hide it super well until she tries to walk around or does something that requires even a basic level of focus, then everything will suddenly fall apart around her.

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Bogey zinnia

i'd imagine that perhaps drunkenness would make him more prone to sensory overload from his powers - which, when you're in a bar surrounded by other people who may or may not be drunk, would not be a fun time i think

i have an image in my head on him just face down on a bar counter... poor guy :{

Eva Weiss spoilk

When bogey is drunk, they are probably more talkative meeting up with others. But blackout drunk? they definitely start making plans. Not the kind of - oh I would love to do this tomorrow and then regret it - but more on "im going to conceptualize an entirely new idea for a car" or something really weird and out of the box. The next day, they would look at the compiled plans and be like, what?? this is completely out of my wheelhouse of knowledge what did I drink to even do this?? 

sorry if this is alot! I had an idea and I went and rolled with it ha

Shirina ♥ Frostsol

Angry drunk, probably complains about every little thing that gets on their nerves in that exact moment in that exact room.

Juniper FourEyedNerd

I feel like they're an affectionate drunk, very cuddly, wants kisses from friends and/or partner. They also tend to be quite quiet and whiny (as in about to cry for no real reason) as well.

Erin Baisol

Feel like Juniper would be a chaotic kinda drunk. She would walk around breaking and throwing around any random pots or other objects near her vicinity. May also end up swinging her sword around randomly, making others quite afraid of her whenever she gets like this


He feels like he'll suddenly become VERY friendly, flit around getting in everyone's business, and then pass out after, like, one beer.

V hilariously wrong LMAO

Abyss ArtisticTiger

Hmm perhaps a super lazy drunk. He probably mopes around sleepily. Refusing to get up or move anywhere..