What kind of drunk is the OC above you?

Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Edited 6 months, 19 days ago) by Haggis hedgemaze

I love thinking about this for my characters, so I thought this would make a fun forum game! Look at the OC above you, then take a guess at what you think they're like when they're intoxicated, and post IC for the next person to guess for you!

Are they a happy drunk? Crying drunk? Horny drunk? The one who tries to fight everyone? The "watch this!" type? That one really affectionate drunk who texts all their friends at 3 in the morning about how much they really love them, man? Let's find out!


  • Read the profile of the character you're responding to, or at least skim it to get a sense of their personality. This is not intended to be an appearance-based game. Claim first if you need time to read the profile.
  • You can answer in only a few words, but it's more fun if you write a sentence or two and explain why you think that's how the character would be!
  • Please don't pick underage characters for this. Use your best judgment.
  • Keep your answer PG-13. This isn't a NSFW thread.
  • Let a couple of people go before posting again, and try to vary the OCs you post.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   

Important note on character ages: I didn't want to put a hard age limit on this game because legal drinking age and cultural norms vary a lot by location and era! However, I realize that can lead to problems. If you are uncomfortable making a drunk headcanon for a character in this thread because of their age, you can say that and skip them. Feel free to message me if you have any concerns, but let's please try to keep this thread to characters old enough to legally drink, for everyone's comfort.

All my forum games and threads

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Ketsueki Archangelhaslanded

so the first thing that came to mind when looking at him is pure chaos, he's a chaotic drunk who likes to scream in people's ears for some reason 💀 lmafo

 Scout FourEyedNerd

I’m thinking they’re the type of drunk that boasts about the weirdest things that they, and others, are doing/have done - i dunno if there’s actually a name for it, but I hope you get what I mean

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Tel E. Mark-it EggSalt

Either a tired drunk or a very loud drunk. Starts complaining about everything and anything that bothers her, and then just goes to sleep immediately after. Low energy but very noisy before getting too tired to continue talking and dipping out to go to sleep. 

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Maybe just chill druno. I mean judging by his face, he doesn't look like a type of guy who would go drunk crazy

 Rick R-177 “Crystal Rick” Orisquirrelking

He looks like a crying happy drinker. This man sobs about how beautiful life is and proceeds to pass out peacefully 

Legion CaeliGlori

I could see this Rick being a somewhat mellow tired drunkard, and they may accidentally start bickering about things they never intend to say to anyone to Charles.

 Momoi Asahi FourEyedNerd

They hate to admit it, but they are very much a 'spill all my secrets' drunk CaeliGlori

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Torta is definitely a pervy, crazy drunk type, yelling and swearing all night

What kind of person singing in the middle of nowhere with a toothbrush XD

 🔪Rhuna🔪 (Sona) S3L

Prob the guy who would sing in the middle of... nowhere. (With a toothbrush)

Reuben Rubiex ArtisticTiger

Maybe an angry or chaotic drunk..

Captain Arty-Social

Sleepy drunk, haha!