What would you find on the OC above's computer?

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 4 years, 6 days ago) by Aarix

Let's have a look...

What's on the OC above's computer?

...or phone or tablet or whatever.

Basically, if you were to log into the OC above's digital device/s, what do you think you'd you find?
36GB of memes? Budgeting spreadsheets? Government secrets? A million viruses?
What operating system would they use? What would their wallpaper be? Would their folders be neat and tidy, or would it be a total bombsite? What's copied to their clipboard? How many tabs to they have open? Whatever you can imagine!

(Even if the character doesn't have access to such technology in-universe, just imagine what you'd find if they did!)


  • You can respond to what you find IC or OOC, but make sure your post itself is set to IC, so we know who's computer we're poking through!
  • You can claim a spot, but be sure to fill your claim within 5 hours. If a claim goes unfilled for longer than that, you're free to skip the claimer and respond to the post above them instead.
  • This isn't an 18+ thread, so please keep suggestive content to a minimum. If you happen to find anything a bit seedy, make sure to black it out like this, or put it under a spoiler.
  • Try to give a response that's more than one or two sentences :'o give the kind of response u would like to receive....
  • Wait until two other people have posted before you post again, unless the thread's been stuck for two or more days.

Apart from that, go wild, and have fun!

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Gautier Séraphin Dubois aidenopossum

-  Google search for "how to avoid getting sweaty while running"

- Maybe some online sheet music for trumpet songs

- Google search for "what does salt taste like"

- Articles about the best tourist traps in space

- Maybe some cat pictures lol

- Maybe a tab of Youtube with some pop song loaded up??

He looks like he'd have a messy desktop


vvv Let's ignore the fact that Gautier is computer illiterate. oOr not, if that makes things more interesting ;]

Hjordis (she/her) KazeoLion

"Animal Testing Do's and Don'ts"

"How To Convince People You're Not A Vampire When You Are"

"How to know if your food contains garlic"

"Will Sunscreen Protect A Vampire?"

Desktop is dark, but has a nice aesthetic. Roses maybe.


- completely unironic mommy-blogs with 900 paragraphs of exposition before the actual content.
- lots and lots and lots of photos. some of scenery, some with sedge and elektra, some are just stuff she cooked. she never seems to get them printed, but she always has them on hand.
- recipe vlogs! stuff like this, i'd imagine. very nutrition-centric
- minesweeper.
her computer is probably a clunky old early-2000s laptop or an old gateway desktop, barely running but still just enough to get the job done. her desktop background has been the same picture of sedge for what feels like forever, and she organizes her folders regularly to make sure everything has a proper place.

🐤 Seok RatKingUmi

ok ok, but I could totally imagine a file on their computer just called "..." and when you click on it, it' just a bunch of folders labelled A-Z and when you go in each folder there are jut a ton of memes labelled under that particular letter. 

- Their background would be the default field with blue skies window's background and they probably still use windows 7 but dont actually care

- Id like to think she has a bunch of hair styling blogs on there too just for the irony that she has dat thicc thicc looking hair  XD

- maybe some aesthetic based blogs too just cos who doesnt love aesthetic blogs??

"How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" google search

Fitzgerald (Human) kafkaesque

at first glance, Seokyeon's computer is exactly like what you'd expect for a SWAT officer: a normal laptop that's... a bit new. the only remarkable thing you'd be able to draw without scouring through its contents is that it has an absurd amount of data available, as he's not normally the type to really use it. he'd rather use his phone when it comes to using data, as apparently, all the social media platforms he uses are optimized for a mobile platform. boo.

however, once you get a browser open, one would be quick to find out that this man... has so many fucking tabs on there that it's a wonder how he's able to navigate through it. most of them are of fairly mundane subjects, like webpages of some clothing brands he likes, but there are also some highlights that would definitely throw someone off-guard. these include

  • one of those gaming sites with Flash games on them
  • Vine compilations (some of the Vines he even quotes/acts out himself)
  • a random Wikipedia article that has nothing to do with him or his job, such as this superbus, as he seems like the individual to go down the Wikipedia rabbithole every so often
  • a Google images page just for funny shirts
  • cooking sites on how to make different types of tea
he'd actually be surprisingly open as to what's on his computer, just as long as you don't get into the Super Secret Stuff(tm). concerning the latter, Seokyeon would definitely be more defensive, but other than that... he'd be more surprised as to how you got on his computer than anything else - as it's supposed to be protected with a password that's literally a long string of letters and numbers.


   - oi, don't worry about the rambling!! I always appreciate the level of detail in your responses, and this is no exception. ^^

that asides, all of this is... pretty accurate for him?? I actually think he'd be essentially addicted to social media or his phone if he was in a modern universe (although all he'd post is either dog pictures or selfies if he had a social media account rifp) so it just... settles into it fairly nicely... plus that bit about him being pissy if you try eavesdropping on his phone is 100% accurate and would be canon if he actually had one LMAO.

also. he'd DEFINITELY watch those cute/wholesome animal videos as a guilty pleasure. he wouldn't be caught dead in public doing so, but in a private setting, he'd tear up over that shit. it probably clogs up a good portion of his YouTube history, as well as those fashion and cooking videos that you mentioned. as for the cooking part... he's dumb enough to actually try making them despite having no experience whatsoever. if they're even remotely edible, it's because he has high ass expectations and knows how to follow directions to a T. :")))

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Overseer Milkman

The Grandmaster has the power to see what the user sees before their computer screen. But she didn't see how the user looks overall, but according to the sites that he's had in his history; most of it involving the care for children.
One of them is a site that leads to a parent blog, teaching their reader the reason why they cry and how to make them stop. Another is keeping them to understand children's happiness. And another leads to several pages in amazons that correlate to popular kids toys... and the homepage of a candy company?

"Sheesh," she said quietly in the dark room of his office. "Personally it's not that hard to keep a kid happy. I personally wouldn't spoil the kid though. I clearly now... first hand as a mother." She chuckled away.


*Coco Thinks* "Hmm...Maybe Goverment Secrets Maybe She works for the CIA or something or Maybe a bunch of screen Shots of Scenes From Man in black or the Matrix


Zeb Lakeman aidenopossum

- A few tabs with different episodes of different anime, all paused at different times

- One of those sites where you can read manga for free

- a tab of Twitter where she’s left the block prompt open for a toxic kpop stan account

- the website of a Japanese restaurant

She has some kind of anime art as her desktop background. Probably of Vegeta.

🚀Ellie🚀 L0WETIDE

-A few emulated video games, mainly classic Sonic games but there's a few more

-A good twenty or more gigabytes worth of pictures of Princess

-Also a good ten-ish gigabytes of motorcycle pictures

-Lots of bookmarked tabs of websites about dog tricks

-A few searches for public gyms in his area, good running trails, places to buy workout equipment, stuff like that

-A ton of downloaded metal albums

-A Skype tab open with a conversation he's having with Benji (Yes, he's the Skype kind of person)

-Desktop wallpaper is probably also a picture of Princess, or some abstract green pattern

Judas Lanson skater_bunny

-Probably puppies or other baby animals

-Recipes that use citrus

-Lots of selfies

-A romance novel

-Some science stuff maybe

-artwork, maybe her own or someone's that she enjoys looking at

vvvv lol yes

Icarus ParadiseLost

I feel like he'd have an extremely messy desktop with tons of files and stuff, he's a mechanic, he literally created a sentient robot (Amelia), he doesn't have time to be organized. These files include pictures and schematics of Amelia, documents of people (some of which seem particularly suspicious - why does he have documents of murder victims on his desktop?), etc. Behind it all is a simple background, perhaps one with Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics (though that part is just for the irony, since based on the profiles and links of several characters connected to Judas, I have a feeling that Amelia breaks the laws). He probably has many tabs open on his web browser, some of which he doesn't even know why they're open still (such as an Amazon page for mechanical parts for robots), though some have more reason to be open (like one for Tobias Triceratops).

Dolores (Human) kafkaesque

Icarus's computer would strike me as one that's either super plain and well-used (probably because I don't imagine Pokemon having the best dexterity, so signs of use/wear-and-tear will be fairly obvious), or one that's super advanced and techy. she's likely the type of individual who prefers to stay on top when it comes to obtaining programs, as she wants to make the best art that she can. her wifi and antiviral software are always up to date, and you can 100% BET that her computer backgrounds are either screenshots of her favorite shows or art that she's made.

once you get past the password (which is likely to be a reference to one of her favorite animes), her files and tabs are either totally organized, or a total fucking wreck. there's no in-between allowed in that regard. maybe she organizes her files, but only periodically, so there are times where you can navigate her computer with ease - then times where doing so would be a nightmare. at least the fact that her computer is up to date ensures that lag is never an issue...

on it, you'd most likely find treats such as

  • art tutorials/programs
  • websites allowing her to watch anime (whether it be bootlegs or legally acquired content)
  • a fandom wiki of one of her favorite animes
  • any art-sharing site (maybe TH if she makes her own OCs, but I also think of DeviantArt and tumblr haha)
  • aesthetic pictures of rain (which can be seen as a source of comfort for Icarus?? who knows)
Icarus, depending on her mood, either won't really care that you hijacked into her computer or... pretty distressed. I can see her being a bit self-conscious about her interests, but at the same time, they might be niche enough to where she's fine with virtually anyone sharing an interest with her. the same applies to her art since it's often of the shows she watches. either way, she'd try to carry that computer around everywhere she goes, even if it gets a bit unwieldy at times.