Which Character is More Well-Known?

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 years, 1 month ago) by Orca

Edit: It randomly went IC again. Why?

A mashup of these three threads, because I really needed to make more unoriginal threads.

How this works: Link two of your characters. The user below will say which character they're more familiar with, then they will link two characters.

On the off chance that a while passes and no one seems to know either of a user's characters, then the game will have to move on. If you're the next poster, acknowledge that you don't know either of those two and post your two characters.


User A: Are you more familiar with Dr. Fire or Bozard?

User B: Bozard! Who do you recognize more: Orca or Baz?

Let's start this off for real. Who's the real mascot of my YouTube channel? ...It's probably Orca, but are you more familiar with Sir Hottie McHottie or James?

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i unfortunately haven't seen either of them </3

kaoru or irukandji?


havent seen either of em

rowen or jay?


Jay because I've seen him so many times on the forum games 


Mangkhut or Kong-Rey?


I've definitely seen Kong-Rey more frequently in forum games! I don't believe I've seen Mangkhut before but I'm glad I have now because his design is awesome


Henry or Ashley ?


I've definitely seen both around. But I think I've seen Henry a little bit more frequently. Or perhaps he just stands out as more memorable because he's so unique?


Eden or Iodine?


I see Eden around a lot more than Iodine, or so I feel like. Both of them are pretty iconic, though I have to hand it to Eden, I feel like he is around the forums a lot more than she is. Both are still cool though


Rhubarb or Koriander?


I've seen Rhubarb around quite a few times, but I can't say I've seen the other yet. Both have really interesting designs though! ^^


Jinx or Lilith?


I've seen both of your guys before, but I feel like I've seen Jinx just a tad more then Lilith


Winnie or Tobi?

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Tobi for sure, I remember interacting with her on a forum game once

Cachan or Alberta?

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Pines! I've seen pines alot, actually grew fond of him, although I have not seen Juniper often, hehe—

Cyrus or Quinn?


Cyrus for sure, I see him more and his design is more recognizable to me, like if you showed me I could name em on sight .. I've seen Quinn around occasionally though !


Bucket orr PAL