Coffee, Tea, or Cocoa?

Posted 6 years, 2 days ago (Edited 6 years, 2 days ago) by GalaxieAuLait

I wanted to make another Forum Game, and I don't think this idea has been done before, so here we are! This time it's about a vital question: Would the oc above you drink Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, or Both/Neither? The progression is the same as most other forum games,  like this:

Oc 1:


Oc 2:

Oc 1 seems like a coffee person!

Oc 3:

2 looks like a cocoa person

And so on. Please try to wait around 3 posts or 12 hours (whichever comes first) before you play again, to keep the variety.

I hope you guys have fun!

Shiro GalaxieAuLait

I'll start this off with Shiro, whoever guesses for her gets my guess to be fair!

His appearance, occupation, and personality scream coffee drinker to me!

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Nanachi Rorichi

very strong coffee, like VERY strong xd


I'm gonna guess cocoa.

Artifex Souligni CallmeKomodo

I'm definitely guessing coffee, probably espresso!

Renee Cabal zeotaku

coffee person perhaps

Ben Lilina

I think Renee is a coffee person

2 days late edit: Tea suits Ben lol

Roswell van Breek fizzelston

Tea with sugar and milk 👌

Moodles ((Ar Ramlah)) OniRupture

Strong coffee with a few spoons of sugar

Tremor CallmeKomodo

I'm feeling some mint tea! 

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Ismaël "Hans" Schirch fuelli

Cawfee... sounds like a coffee person, lmao. :^)

Aw yiss that would be his type 100%

Dr. Jeremy Becker thegrumpydruid

Hot cocoa kinda guy I feel

Bekeh Blanco ccelestialGlitch

Definitely coffee.