Coffee, Tea, or Cocoa?

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago (Edited 5 years, 11 months ago) by GalaxieAuLait

I wanted to make another Forum Game, and I don't think this idea has been done before, so here we are! This time it's about a vital question: Would the oc above you drink Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, or Both/Neither? The progression is the same as most other forum games,  like this:

Oc 1:


Oc 2:

Oc 1 seems like a coffee person!

Oc 3:

2 looks like a cocoa person

And so on. Please try to wait around 3 posts or 12 hours (whichever comes first) before you play again, to keep the variety.

I hope you guys have fun!

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[40$ Eimyrja Avistella

My first thought was tea when I saw his icon, then I saw his likes, aha

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Idea 527 honeyshuckle

I can imagine that gaze looking disdainfully at me over a cup of coffee.


(Now, canonically 527 cannot eat or drink, so just imagine if they could)

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 Areli, The Golden Princess Bleatjio

Riceball seems like the kind to drink cocoa!

Calisto Morias Max-with-no-Coffee

She looks like she drinks cocoa!

($30) Cass Suzuhikoto

I could see him liking some kind of herbal tea!

Fracture Amorset Semety

Tea I think,  with milk and sugar


That is very well thought out. And fairly accurate.

Except he does drink tea. Mongolian salt tea, but that's more for the memories than because of taste. 

Johnson (Human) kafkaesque

food threads? necromancy? good shit tbh.... that asides!!

Lysander's attitude makes me think that he's the guy to go straight for black coffee. he might sprinkle in some sugar or creamer every so often, but generally, he's the type of individual who likes it plain and simple. it's mentioned in his biography that he's committed to getting his goals across, so this would reflect quite obviously in his drinks. he'd likely see additives as just mere "distractions" to their intended effect, and the only reason he'd even consider them in the first place is to make the taste just a bit more bearable for him.

s for why I chose coffee as the base drink for him over tea, Lysander is mentioned to be a bit of a workaholic, while also having a bit of a temper. the temper bit particularly stood out to me since tea often has that soothing, calm effect that I don't think Lysander would exactly represent? he could drink it himself, but he wouldn't find the same interest in it as coffee lol. if anything, he'd be convinced that tea is just glorified water and only consume it as a last resort. but no cocoa whatsoever! he'd think cocoa would be too childish or sweet for his liking, and in terms of symbolism, cocoa has that coy, friendly element that Lysander doesn't really represent that well. ^^"


   - OH DEFINITELY LMAO. mans definitely liked his black coffee (I remember someone mentioning it for him in a different thread, so it's pretty much canon in my eyes now wheeze), though... I could see him occasionally being given tea by Dolores... she was likely the only person who was allowed to do so, as he was picky as all shit and liked his tea a certain way; he likely claimed that nobody could do it right after her, so the man hadn't tasted tea in like. thirty years lol.

Jay Vance (JV) Max-with-no-Coffee

Black coffee for sure, but maybe tea on the occasional day?


One part of me would like to say tea, but the really warm, autumny palette is gonna make me settle on cocoa for her!

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Spencer Spookers

Probably strong teas! I could imagine coffee when offered, but he strikes me as someone who would relax when given a nice quiet evening and a cup of hot tea.

Maribelle Burnett Vapor

Cocky, smug, an office worker... Office worker in quotations marks, but alas, all of those things combined bring to mind a guy who just really likes his drinks without much sugar, no matter what they are. Chris strikes me as a coffee guy, although he will occasionally drink tea if there's no coffee to be found.

Absolutely no hot cocoa, though he wouldn't mind, like... "condiments" for his coffee from time to time, though such is only a little more common than him chugging cocoa. He probably considers him a superior being for drinking coffee nearly black.