Your OC fights the OC above

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago by raihan


The rules of this thread are very simple! It carries the rules of my previous threads!

  • Unless 24 hours have passed, you can only post every after 3 posts.
  • Please  have at least 3 sentences in your reply.
  • Please be literate and legible with your replies.
  • Claim a post when you have a rad idea for a reply.
  • Hey, this may be potentially gory, so censor the gore if it ever pops out. Writing extreme sexual detail is forbidden.
  • If you want, you can write a few sentences on how your OC makes the move to defeat the next OC!
  • Rules  can be changed anytime. If you do not want how this thread is currently  running, please contact me at my main, @/wanco-alien!
  • Have fun!

The first user starts!

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Andrea LuluToro

djeuejsj Andrea appears in fight forums again ;w; Spoiler because fighting ofc..

The helk appeared in front of Roxie, her teeth are bared, sharp tips can be shined in the daylight. "Let's fight since you can't handle a joking argument." Andrea barked as she aggressively ran to the feline-humanoid, her hooves making loud gallops similar to a mustang. The hybrid pounced on Roxie, nipping at her face and kicking her upper abdominal area, the humanoid coughed up some blood. "Do you like that?" Andrea continued to kick Roxie, also the helk started to scratch her legs, making quick swipes, although Andrea isn't a feline. Andrea picked Roxie up with her fair-sized paws and slamming her to the ground, little spine pops can be heard as soon as the action was made. Then, Roxie headbutted Andrea, pushing her backwards with each little step. This was similar to a duo of rams fighting for mates, but Andrea quickly pushed her head, her horns almost stabbing her forehead. The helk's hooves was completely sinked in dirt, she wasn't going to give up, one simple mistake that Roxie made gave Andrea the advantage to defeat the humanoid. After successfully getting Roxie to the ground, the helk decided to make a truce, which occurred rarely when Andrea defeated their opponent. "I'm sorry I defeated you, that's on me, but maybe we can have tea next time?" Andrea offered as she dusted off the dirt on Roxie.

FOR NP: Andrea can be really feisty girl, she can give you bites and horn jabs, and also hoof kicks. She can truce with you, but there's a 50/50 chance that it's a trick. You can write whatever you want! As long it's SFW!

Fruitloop Troops21

Fruitloop cried out,"You may be all bite and no bark but I can bring the heat!" He would start by creating fireballs to blast against the animal trying to tank against their horns ramming onto him. He could easily get stabbed going up and personal with the fighter but he didn't care. Even if a horn was to stab him or his cloak were to gain bite marks. He would just keep pushing her back with breathing out fire. "Burn! Burn to ashes!"Fruitloop shouted.

Fruitloop fights with fire magic and sometimes just magic. His wings aren't real and if you have it so Fruitloop reveals his face he loses a lot of confidence.

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Lunetta LostPocong

„A Sparring match? „Lunetta asked, surprised by the suggestion. The boar-woman who had challenged her was quite large, and muscular too, looking much stronger then the slender, pale fairy… “Sure! I haven’t had a friendly sparing match in a while!”

She picked up her heavy glaive and got into position, before noticing that Daisy wasn’t armed. The fairy asked, “You don’t mind if I use this, do you? I mean, I can just revive you once we’re done.” And there was the reason nobody wanted to spar with her: She didn’t know how to hold back… But still, seeing that her opponent didn’t seem to have any magic abilities, Lunetta decided to give her a little handicap.

“How about this, “she said, before grabbing her polearm with one hand near the head and pointing towards Daisy. She cast a spell that would make her opponent much stronger, faster, more resilient, and fire-proof too. “That should make things more interesting, how do you feel?” the fairy asked, “Ready for a fight?”

Once the fight had started, Lunetta realized she may have underestimated her opponent, she swung her glaive, trying to keep Daisy at a distance, but the boar managed to evade and close the distance. But the fairy just jumped high into the air, hovering there for a moment, before she enveloped herself in purple flames, and dove towards the ground.

Although Daisy had managed to avoid the attack, the blast from Lunetta’s impact still knocked her away, and the fairy took the opportunity to attack. She swung her glaive, sending waves of fire towards her opponent. With Daisy on the defense, Lunetta jumped again, twirling the glaive the prepare for a powerful overhead strike, one she was sure would be fatal.

But the killing strike failed to land, blocked by the boar-woman, who managed to grab the glaive's staff. Wide open now, Lunetta braced herself for a counterattack…

Follow-up? Maybe! For NP:

Lunetta doesn't mind sparing, but since she's a healer who can revive people, she's not going to hold back. If her opponent is weaker, she may buff them. She can also buff herself, which would make her super strong... She's very good at fighting with her glaive and can use fire and shadow magic (like throwing dark purple flames). Light makes her weaker though, so if you wanna win, just take off her hat.


LostPocong " geeze louise!! " the bear huffed " you just really don't wanna die huh?! " lucky gripped his massive hammer,  " you really should have read the fine print of the program before joining! Or non of us would be in this situation! " lucky smacked Lunetta with the hammer with a great amount of strength you really wouldn't expect from lucky... " damn your healing powers,  your a serious cheater aren't you?! " lucky huffed and continued fighting before he said " I literally can't find a way around your cheating! Seriously,  give a bear a break will ya?! "


np- lucky really doesn't spare anyone,  he won't think twice.

Jacques Howlard fizzelston

-I may be a nihilistic bastard but that doesn't mean I want to die," Jack said. He took a bite out of the bacon he was eating. Slightly baring his fangs as he did so. His lips shimmered with grease. He had blocked Lucky's blow with his other hand. His fingernails digging in the weapon. He eyed Lucky. But wasn't under the impression (yet) that he should lay down his late snack.

"Come on kid, scram," he said. Waving his slice of meat at the bear. With little success. The wolfman let go of the weapon.

Jack let out his breath. Took a big bite and cleaned his hands on his napkin.
"I'm a busy man," the detective said. A hollow sounding argument, as the two of them sat in a roadside dinner at 20:00. "But if you want to fight, fine," Jack said. He downed his rootbeer. Got up.
"Outside," he instructed the bear. Jack shook his head.
What am I even doing... 
"I don't want you breaking the furniture with that, that…" he gestured vaguely at the sledgehammer. "Thing."
Jack paused.
"They are honest people," Jack explained. "Earning their money in an honorable way. Working for it," he said. Jabbing his finger at Lucky.
"You should try and do something 'honorable' for once. After I kick your fluffy butt. Of course."


Wajo!? The way you wrote the action is so good it flows so well 😭!? I'm sorry for being to busy to write a follow up, but I really enjoyed the way you wrote the action, the tension builds up SO nicely

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Illanya Mariold HardyLark

CaptainCuttlefish (Hiya! I am here to resurrect this thread ahah. Pinging because it's been 10 months alksdfjasl.)

Spoiled for Violence and some vague descriptions of burning skin. (Nothing super traumatic, just wanna cover my bases)

Illanya grunts in pain, pulling back her arm quickly. Her green gaze slides from Alkii to the the hole that gun had put in her shoulder, and clothes. The smell of burning skin intermingled with the pain nearly makes her gag. It looks pretty bad too... unlike any injury she'd ever received. Truth be told, she has no idea how on earth this scuffle had to begin. Perhaps it was when she ran out of the woods at a full tilt sprint, axe brandished and glittering with magic.

The gun goes off again, a plasma bolt sailing just past her head, close enough to singe hair. That was probably it. From what she'd experienced thus far, this area was already a hot spot for all kinds of odd and frightening creatures. Many of which would appear human until they get close enough to attack. Illanya herself had been wading through her own encounters with such monsters when she'd stumbled this way. Were it not for Alkii's unusual gun, she would've assumed that she was another one of these fake creatures.

Unfortunately, it didn't seem like Illanya had any way to prove the same without getting closer. Any efforts at convincing hadn't gone well. A bolt strikes her breastplate, knocking her back a few steps before she catches herself. Another confirmation that if she wanted to get through this in one piece, talking from here wouldn't work.

Taking a deep breath, Illanya drops her shield, shedding some extra weight, and once again begins a dead sprint towards Alkii, albeit in a roundabout serpentine path. She can feel the buzz of electricity as bolts sail past her, a few finding their marks on her armor, knocking her off balance for a moment and leaving scorch marks on the metal.

She feels impact hit the soft spot between her neck and shoulder, and a half-choked cry leaves her. Illanya's vision blurs with tears, making it difficult to see Alkii as anything more than a vague shape. It's just enough for her to raise her hand, a painful action but necessary as vines writhe from the earth at her call, coiling at the other's ankles. It's not enough to restrain Alkii by any means, but it serves its purpose as a distraction. Illanya slams into the paerillian, sending them both sprawling to the ground. Desperately, Illanya's gloved hands find the gun and wrench it from the other's grasp.

"STOP! Stop! I'm not your enemy! Please stop shooting at me! We've got worse company coming!" She shouts desperately. Hopefully, it would be enough to convince Alkii. Illanya's eyes begins to clear, but not enough for her to not be questioning the shadows flickering at the corners of her vision. She tenses, pulling herself off of Alkii. She looks wildly around trying to get her bearings through her clearing vision to little avail. She can hear enough of the creatures to know there were too many for her to take on her own..., especially in this condition. After a moment, she holds the gun back out to Alkii. "Come on! Take it! I can't fight them off on my own! Just... don't shoot me again. I'm trying to help you!"

@NP! Hello hi! Illanya has a list of abilities on her profile you're welcome to pull from! She primarily wields an axe and shield, but is skilled with all martial weapons so if it suits better for her to have a sword go ahead and roll with it! :D she also has an Undead AU you can use instead if you'd like^^

Kolja memeathon

HardyLark claiming!! gonna edit in a bit!

EDIT: i dont normally write action but i had fun!!! 

The sound of metal on metal reverberated through the forest. There was a moment where it seemed the world stood still. Kolja couldn't help but smile as adrenaline and joy pulsed through him. This was the strength of a /real/ knight, not some royal guard volunteering to spar, bound by the obligation of serving the Prince. This was a /real/ fight, and there was no holding back.

Water began to rise at his feet, taking the vague form of a wolf before lunging at Illanya and knocking her off balance. He surged forward, ready to swing, but Illanya let herself fall back, rolling under the wide arc of his blade. His sword, thick and heavy, was too slow to correct. Before he had the chance, she leapt at him, throwing her full weight at his hips and sending him tumbling on his back. His sword slid out of his grasp and clattered to the ground a foot or so away. She pressed the edge of her axe against his neck.

There was a gentle thudding as Kolja's tail wagged, slapping against the grass. "You are much strong, new friend! And very fast." His eye shined with an almost childlike glee, his silver hair unfettered and sprawled out around him. "We should be sparring again sometime!"

for NP, ill try to give Kolja a real bio soon, but in summary:
-sheltered, kinda naiive prince out on his first adventure bc he wants to help people

-he uses a big two-hand sword (seen in his ref) and has hydrokinesis, which sometimes takes the shape of wolves

-he was designed as a genshin character, i plan on moving him away from that since i dont play the game but feel free to write as if he is if thats what you prefer!!


memeathon The fight is going to be frying paned XD

"I DECLARE WAR ON YOU!!!!" said Casper yelling like a barbarian while holding a frying pan and a trash can lid, wearing a soldier helmet. Kolja on the other hand also hold a frying pan but is bigger than him and a wok as a shield.

Casper and Kolja are sprinting at each other at full speed. They grab their pans and start fighting with them. Casper keeps bashing his pan on Kolja's wok while Kolja tries to protect himself from being knocked out. Kolja push his work at full force and Casper was pushed out by Kolja's wok. Kolja instantly runs on Casper, knocking his head with his big bad frying pan until Casper grows a bump on his head. Kolja wins the fight while Casper rubs the bump on his head.

Kolja and Casper are having fun and laughing. They shake hands to stop the fight.

"Do you want me to heal your head?" said Kolja.

"Ah, no need buddy. It's just a small bump, your fighting skill is way better and cooler than mine. I forgive you tho" said Casper, forgiving Kolja.

For NP, nothing gore or sexual (I'm a minor). His weapon is none but you can give him one if you want.

Since I delete Casper, here's Fade _kaylarts_


Dannhampton you're OOC btw ': ) 

 Fukagawa _kaylarts_

“I’ll go easy on you don’t worry,” Fukagawa smiled, as he tucked another strike in near Fade’s ear, missing his head by a hair. After that, the O’tsin jumped back a step, standing on the tips of his toes, bare feet to the empty ground.

He stood there a moment, waiting for the man to strike, which he did, and Fukagawa just pushed him by, with another “simple” move – simple to the O’tsin was not in the same range of consideration as most mortals…

“However, I do love sparring,” he mentioned, “you can probably tell, though.” He laughed a little, then landed another kick on Fade. “In this modern world, can’t say I’ve sparred too much with the police, though, you are quite good.”

Dannhampton nice

Mandragora ProfessionalDumbass

Mandragora blocked a punch with the flat side of her blade. Shoving forward and to the side to make Fukagawa move forward with the momentum of the attack. She had to admit, she liked this one. Usually, during a sparring match, she would have to deal with the clumsiness of her partner in the dance. Work around the fact that she was no longer with her Khainite sisters and over-adjust so as not to kill some witless fool. But this one was fun, he knew what he was doing. By Khaine, he gave her a workout and ideas for her own form of the Khainite Battle Dance. Ohhhhh, how she liked this one.

In her moment of thought, however, Fukagawa had shot his elbow back to hit her in the face. Quickly she pulled her shoulder up to absorb some of the damage. A shock ran through her joints as she grunted in pain. Not willing to allow herself to be embarrassed so easily by him. Pacing back gracefully, she brought her Scarath to the 3rd defensive pose. The long flowing blade held at her side with the tip pointing at her opponent. Before she could make her own attack, Fukagawa darted forward with a hop step then a roundhouse kick. 

Having only moments to react before connection, Mandragora once more brought the flat of her blade back up to block him at the shin. In a moment, lacking any grace and focused more on brutal efficiency. She took a hand off her Scarath and promptly punched him in the groin. Followed by another shove to send him to the ground. Ending their little sparring session with a grunt "Sorry"
