Ask a question to the user above you!

Posted 6 years, 30 days ago (Edited 6 months, 19 days ago) by hedgemaze

We have lots of threads to ask questions to or about characters, but what about the users? In the vein of the Say something to the TH user above you! thread and the I want to see a TH user who... thread (and serving basically as a non-anonymous CuriousCat), this is a thread to help you get to know your fellow TH users better by asking the person above you a question. In return, the person below you will pose a question to you. After you're asked a question, edit your post with your answer! 

If you're uncomfortable or don't want to answer the question you were given for any reason, just say so and leave a fun fact about yourself so the game still serves its purpose. If a question is truly problematic, message me with any concerns.


  • Don't ask questions that are very personal or could be uncomfortable, and bear in mind that many TH users are minors, so while I encourage you to look at the profile of the user above you and ask about something mentioned if you like (like their pets, their hobbies, or their current project), please don't ask very personal questions like exactly where someone lives.
  • Try to ask something fun or interesting, but it's fine if you don't know the person above you at all-- getting to know each other better is the point of this thread! It's fine to ask something general like what their hobbies are, who their favorite fictional character is, how they came up with their username, which of their own characters is their favorite, or how they found ToyHouse.
  • Of course, it's great if you ask something more specific, too! If you know they have a lot of fandom characters, you might ask how they got into that fandom, or if they have a unique art style, you might ask how they developed it!
  • There's another thread for specific questions about characters, and another for worlds, but you can ask general/broader questions about a person's creations here, like how long they've been working on their story, or what inspires or influences them. I'm not going to keep writing examples, but you get the idea. Just use common sense and try to get to know your fellow TH users better!
  • You can ask multiple questions in your comment if you want to, but only one is fine, too. This can be as in-depth or as casual as you like.
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your question! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • Edit your original comment with your answer to keep this clear; please DO NOT add new comments to the thread just to answer someone's question. This gets confusing. Take it to private messages if you want to have an ongoing conversation.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   Please don't be rude if someone asks you a question you've already answered before! If that happens, you may link your previous response if you don't want to go over it again, but I recommend adding something new to say about the topic, if you can!
  • Want to play the game in reverse? Answer a question from the user above!

The first person can either ask me something or just claim a spot!

Edit: my answer

"Hedgemaze Expo" is the name of the main characters' band in my comic! I've been using either HedgemazeExpo or Hedgemaze as a username ever since, which is to say since 2003! Most people just call me Hej for short now.

The name itself doesn't mean much of anything, other than that I liked both words and liked the sort of paradoxical nature of an exposition dedicated to huge structures that can't be moved (what do they exhibit, photos? bush samples? tiny mazes?). In terms of the comic, it's just supposed to be a unique, kind of awkward, and silly band name, because in-story, it's an inside joke between my characters Jill and Amber.

All my forum games and threads


Argal I just wonder if you have any new characters in store. You did upload R.A.M. a while back, and I want to ask how you go about making characters? Do you do it on impulse, or is it deliberate? Also, any plans this year? In general or character related.

NP, do not ping me.

v My father is. My mother is not. I did attend catechism, but never finished with it.


So you're a lunchroom Catholic, eh? Did you have a particularly religious upbringing, or were your parents just as ambivalent as you are?

My favourite era is the 19th century. Not because it's particularly fun to live in, but because it is fun to study. I love their fashions and wacky social rules.  I also love to study 19th-century monarchs, especially Wilhelm II. (You guys are lucky my Wilhelm II brainrot was confined to my TV Tropes forum-going days /j)

As for my favourite piece of random trivia? The fact that trousers were referred to as 'southern necessities' back in the day.



Any particular historical time periods, concepts, events that you are particularly interested in?

 Favourite random fact (doesn't have to be history related)?


I really like your art style, did you ever take art classes or are you self taught? 

Thank you! I've taken classes due to school requirements, but I'm largely self-taught. 

What kind of things influenced your art style?

I actually get asked this a lot. So here's the pre-written response I have typed up lol

- My art style is a forsaken mash of everything I have ever been interested in or lightly fixated on. The biggest influences to my current style are: pulp art, old ink illustrations, comic art, and 70s-80s fantasy illustrations. I like grain, textures, and bold shadows so my art winds up reflecting that. I have a hard time explaining particulars, but I like the look of pulp art, the colours of 70's-80s fantasy illustrations/animation, the sharp shadows of comic art, and the textures and brush strokes of ink illustrations. I'll also see a particular stroke or quirk in a piece or art style and then try to shoehorn it into my own. Really, in the end, my art is just an amalgamation of anything that I like the look of. A carpet pattern, a texture, a magazine ad from 1898. If I like it, I'll figure out how to recreate it.



I really like your art style, did you ever take art classes or are you self taught? What kind of things influenced your art style?


Yes I did finish all the seasons!! I am obsessed with that show lol it saved my life throughout high school. The only things I haven't seen yet are the movie, Rainbow Roadtrip, Best Gift Ever, and most Equestria Girls



I see you’re into mlp! did you finish all seasons of FiM? I haven’t yet cause there was so many seasons for me to keep up aaa 

V i like helicoprion i just think the buzzsaw jaw sharks are silly and cool, or dunkleosteus find it interesting fish had some form of armor back then 



Since one of your interests is listed as palentology, what's your favorite niche/obscure prehistoric animal?

v Apologies for the late ass response, was busy all day. So, defining favorite as "most interested in", I would say the French Revolution.



So favorite historical events?

V Oh I do love them so much. Can not remember which one is my fav though but I know they're very delicious


BewareOfTheMenace Do you enjoy hawker food? If so, what’s your favourite?

There was this one story set in Australia that I wrote when I was 6 involving a girl named Tototie who is an expy of Phoebe Magic School Bus. Should I bring Tototie back y/n

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Mark [sona ver.] ("Marley") BloodyMarley

Tempo noticed that your profile and sona had designs that were nature and animal-aligned! does this reflect your interests in any way? (like, you’re interested in botany or ecology for example)

NP sorry my profile had like no information lol you can just look at my sona (posted IC)

v unfortunately not the interesting jazz like that, hahaha. i’m too boring for that. i’m more of a smooth jazz, elevator music type of person 😭 forgot i hadn’t updated the profile in a minute so i’ll probably change it to IDM so i’d have more to talk about


BloodyMarley Oh you listen to jazz too? What's your fav bands and artists? Miles Davis? John Coltrane?

V Normally I do this: Upload a character, post their images when I have a time, then start writing. Most of the time, I have a lot of ideas in my head but can't seem to executed it well when it comes to actually write them.



I see you seem to upload a lot of characters often. What are your process when it comes to writing those characters? 

NP, please don't ask about my art style inspo.

V The character is Finn Feeder from a Splatoon band. And yes! I'm joining Art fight, I do have several people that I'd like to attack. 


^ That's nice. I look forward to seeing you join.

tartintart Who's the character in your profile picture? And do you plan to join artfight this year, any goals?

NP, do not ping me.

v I think it's funny. I think it's more fitting for a fantasy type of thing, though. It's flawed, but in an endearing way. I actually like his other book better, 'The New Dinosaurs'. It feels as if he's embraced the zaniness. They're both products of their time.

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I see speculative biology is one of your interests, do you have any thoughts about the ,,man after man'' book  ?

V i enjoy anything splatterpunky :-)c especially art. When it comes to movies my taste is more so refined, my favorite horror movie being candyman. For games why not exactly being concidered horror i love doom for its violence and bloodshed.