Ask a question to the user above you!

Posted 6 years, 30 days ago (Edited 6 months, 19 days ago) by hedgemaze

We have lots of threads to ask questions to or about characters, but what about the users? In the vein of the Say something to the TH user above you! thread and the I want to see a TH user who... thread (and serving basically as a non-anonymous CuriousCat), this is a thread to help you get to know your fellow TH users better by asking the person above you a question. In return, the person below you will pose a question to you. After you're asked a question, edit your post with your answer! 

If you're uncomfortable or don't want to answer the question you were given for any reason, just say so and leave a fun fact about yourself so the game still serves its purpose. If a question is truly problematic, message me with any concerns.


  • Don't ask questions that are very personal or could be uncomfortable, and bear in mind that many TH users are minors, so while I encourage you to look at the profile of the user above you and ask about something mentioned if you like (like their pets, their hobbies, or their current project), please don't ask very personal questions like exactly where someone lives.
  • Try to ask something fun or interesting, but it's fine if you don't know the person above you at all-- getting to know each other better is the point of this thread! It's fine to ask something general like what their hobbies are, who their favorite fictional character is, how they came up with their username, which of their own characters is their favorite, or how they found ToyHouse.
  • Of course, it's great if you ask something more specific, too! If you know they have a lot of fandom characters, you might ask how they got into that fandom, or if they have a unique art style, you might ask how they developed it!
  • There's another thread for specific questions about characters, and another for worlds, but you can ask general/broader questions about a person's creations here, like how long they've been working on their story, or what inspires or influences them. I'm not going to keep writing examples, but you get the idea. Just use common sense and try to get to know your fellow TH users better!
  • You can ask multiple questions in your comment if you want to, but only one is fine, too. This can be as in-depth or as casual as you like.
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your question! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • Edit your original comment with your answer to keep this clear; please DO NOT add new comments to the thread just to answer someone's question. This gets confusing. Take it to private messages if you want to have an ongoing conversation.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   Please don't be rude if someone asks you a question you've already answered before! If that happens, you may link your previous response if you don't want to go over it again, but I recommend adding something new to say about the topic, if you can!
  • Want to play the game in reverse? Answer a question from the user above!

The first person can either ask me something or just claim a spot!

Edit: my answer

"Hedgemaze Expo" is the name of the main characters' band in my comic! I've been using either HedgemazeExpo or Hedgemaze as a username ever since, which is to say since 2003! Most people just call me Hej for short now.

The name itself doesn't mean much of anything, other than that I liked both words and liked the sort of paradoxical nature of an exposition dedicated to huge structures that can't be moved (what do they exhibit, photos? bush samples? tiny mazes?). In terms of the comic, it's just supposed to be a unique, kind of awkward, and silly band name, because in-story, it's an inside joke between my characters Jill and Amber.

All my forum games and threads



In bio you said you are a fan of horror. What is your favorite horror movie;game;book or any other thing like this?

To menace: UR SCARY AF /JK LMAO SORRY BUT YOUR PFPS ARE LITERALLY- JUST WH😭 /pls don't take it offensive, I find it funny lol, pls forgive me T-T. About Japanese culture, ehehe, I sctually don't know, I guess my old friend who was Japanese Otaku made also me into this culture! :) plus studying Japanese and stuff is making me more into it >:) (and yea, dw about pinging)

To ZaraTM: AEGEGEGEGG you may hate me, but I discovered it by FNF. And honestly, I liked it too much, more than fnf lol. Hmmmm I actually don't know who's my fav, I an struggling with choosing Tricky, Auditor or Deimos :)


OyaZumi sorry for pinging but this is the whole point of this thread

So why are you always freak out by my old pfps everytime you saw me even though I didn't do anything to you?

Real question: What got you interested in Japanese culture?

V Well, I first come up with the characters based on my experiences with real people, tropes, and mostly cartoons. No, they don't have overaching stories and they're just a bunch of normal dudes living their life.

Yes, we're turning into boiled eggs out there.


⬆️ boiled egg gang frfr 🍳🍳🍳


Oooh! Saw that one of your fandoms is Madness Combat! How did you first discover it, was it from the game or the animation, or something else entirely? And who's your favorite character? :D

EDIT: Whoops! Got sniped! Gonna add a question for BewareOfTheMenace too :]

First of all, hello from your next door Indonesian hehee :D I've always been curious about your The Kids are Alright characters. How did you first come up with them? Do you have an overaching story for them, or were they just silly little dudes you made for funsies?

Also, is it scorching hot there as well? :') 

⬇️ One of my favorite fics that I've wrote is actually Gacha World fanfiction! I remembered writing it with so much ease on vibe alone; while the hardest is a My Hero Academia fic because I have to do. So. Much. RESEARCH. But also writing Izuku is actually really hard for me 😔

For fics that I've read, my all-time favorite is Welcome To The Family, which is a really fun Far Cry 5 fic that I re-read almost religiously hahaa! I usually avoid fics with tagged character bashing and genderbend, they're not my thing personally.


ZaraTM hihi ! I see it says on your profile you write fanfiction, is there any fanfics you've written or read that you particularly like? If you've written for fandoms was there any you had a grand old time writing for or one that was particularly hard to write for? Same goes for reading, any fics you LOVE or hate to death?

np: please dont ask who my favourite transformer is, its starscream heehoo

Hihi! I enjoy quite a lot of robot media or robot characters from certain media, the ones off the top of my head I can name is Robots (2005), Walle, Stray, NSR (isnt too robot centric but theres a few main robot characters), Portal, MLAATR, and a few more but I can't remember them all rn 💔 i will forever hype up robots (2005) though its my main inspiration ily robots (2005)


Aside from Transformers, are there any other robot-centred media you like? Because Bucket is giving major Emmy the Robot vibes.

You see, my interest began with the Victorian Era, but it expanded to the Edwardian Era. I'm mostly drawn to the aesthetics of it, but I'm also drawn to the historical figures living during that time period and the society that dictates it. Because let's be real, there are some goofy ahh people living in the Edwardian Era.

As for favourite Indonesian food? Kerak telor. Hands down.
(Although, kerak telor counts as a snack, so if I had to choose a main dish I'd either go for rawon or babi guling.)

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AstroWildcat - (Not my first thought being High school musical T-T) Your profile says you're into vintage fashion, which as me curious: What's your favorite decade/style of clothing?

V Daffy or Bugs Bunny. Marvin the Martin is second lol


dino_the_rex Who's your favorite Looney Tunes character?

V Both. Furbies are the most beautiful creatures ever.

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I see you have lots of furbies! I'm curious what drawn you to them and if you feel the same way about other critters like them ? (hatchimals and the such!) 

V that's hard seeing as I like all of the cast, Starscream, Knockout, Ratchet and Arcee are probably my favorites especially for the bots. For the humans I enjoy Miko and Raf! I find their interactions with their bots the cutest !

Though if I had to choose one, it'd be Starscream . That's my wife 



I’m not super into transformers but I see you like them quite a lot, and I remember watching Transformers: Prime with a friend, and I remember liking Ratchet a lot.

So my question: who’s your favorite of the Prime Cast?

It was a few things, I was fairly influenced by western cartoons like Over the Garden Wall or Gravity Falls which I watched when I was younger, Homestuck almost certainly bled into it with the way I draw glasses (and maybe more) and a lot of Arcadekitten’s works (Cemetery Mary in particular) influenced the way I draw eyes without glasses.

I remember the teaser for Be Kind my Neighbor influenced me a bit too.

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razoren I heard Touhou is the most hardest game. What's the most hardest level you've been through?

v Well someone from DeviantArt gave out free TH codes from the DA forum. I had no idea what it is but it looks fun for me so that's it. I actually had another TH account which is way older than this but I forgot my password. As for social, only TH and AF.


↑ Ohhh interesting, tbh, I actually thought you were from insta or facebook XD. 


BewareOfTheMenace I actually wanted to ask this before, how did you find/discover Toyhouse? Also, did you had any other art socials beside Toyhouse and Art fight?


Zenith, quite obvious by the amount of artwork I had of him both in traditional and digital ones. He's just fun to draw hehe :>>



Which of your OC's is your favorite to draw?

v started drawing when I was like 2 LOL been awhile.... and I started digitalizing in  6th grade but started doing it way more consistently in 7th!!