Ask a question to the user above you!

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago (Edited 5 months, 13 days ago) by hedgemaze

We have lots of threads to ask questions to or about characters, but what about the users? In the vein of the Say something to the TH user above you! thread and the I want to see a TH user who... thread (and serving basically as a non-anonymous CuriousCat), this is a thread to help you get to know your fellow TH users better by asking the person above you a question. In return, the person below you will pose a question to you. After you're asked a question, edit your post with your answer! 

If you're uncomfortable or don't want to answer the question you were given for any reason, just say so and leave a fun fact about yourself so the game still serves its purpose. If a question is truly problematic, message me with any concerns.


  • Don't ask questions that are very personal or could be uncomfortable, and bear in mind that many TH users are minors, so while I encourage you to look at the profile of the user above you and ask about something mentioned if you like (like their pets, their hobbies, or their current project), please don't ask very personal questions like exactly where someone lives.
  • Try to ask something fun or interesting, but it's fine if you don't know the person above you at all-- getting to know each other better is the point of this thread! It's fine to ask something general like what their hobbies are, who their favorite fictional character is, how they came up with their username, which of their own characters is their favorite, or how they found ToyHouse.
  • Of course, it's great if you ask something more specific, too! If you know they have a lot of fandom characters, you might ask how they got into that fandom, or if they have a unique art style, you might ask how they developed it!
  • There's another thread for specific questions about characters, and another for worlds, but you can ask general/broader questions about a person's creations here, like how long they've been working on their story, or what inspires or influences them. I'm not going to keep writing examples, but you get the idea. Just use common sense and try to get to know your fellow TH users better!
  • You can ask multiple questions in your comment if you want to, but only one is fine, too. This can be as in-depth or as casual as you like.
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your question! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • Edit your original comment with your answer to keep this clear; please DO NOT add new comments to the thread just to answer someone's question. This gets confusing. Take it to private messages if you want to have an ongoing conversation.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   Please don't be rude if someone asks you a question you've already answered before! If that happens, you may link your previous response if you don't want to go over it again, but I recommend adding something new to say about the topic, if you can!
  • Want to play the game in reverse? Answer a question from the user above!

The first person can either ask me something or just claim a spot!

Edit: my answer

"Hedgemaze Expo" is the name of the main characters' band in my comic! I've been using either HedgemazeExpo or Hedgemaze as a username ever since, which is to say since 2003! Most people just call me Hej for short now.

The name itself doesn't mean much of anything, other than that I liked both words and liked the sort of paradoxical nature of an exposition dedicated to huge structures that can't be moved (what do they exhibit, photos? bush samples? tiny mazes?). In terms of the comic, it's just supposed to be a unique, kind of awkward, and silly band name, because in-story, it's an inside joke between my characters Jill and Amber.

All my forum games and threads


I see that you are an artist and btw your art is pretty cool! 0: I really love drawings without lineart even though I don't draw them myself (because to be 500% honest i think its too much work rip...) and yours are really well made!

Artist to artist, when i'm feeling down i have comfort drawings, like, things i always draw that make me happy. what are those things for you? And what are the things you avoid drawing because are too complicated or seem too hard to draw? 

aa thank you!! I study 3D animation and one of my dreams is to put on paper my ideas for characters, plot, etc. i feel like this is pretty unreal to happen but dreaming of creating and animating is just... So good. Sadly I'm having trouble with depression and anxiety that are really really bad, and that's getting on my way of doing college right, and changing my mind making me think that work for a big animation studios is unrealistic. But I feel like if i try hard enough i can get into something! One of my dreams tho is help the animation industry on brazil(that is where i live), here the animation industry is basicaly unexistent. So it would be really cool to do something here that's seem on the others countries :/

About my influences, they are mostly 2D because I feel like 2D has a more fluent feeling than 3D, and one of my goals is to make something that can passes this fluent feeling. Like, for example, akira: In akira we have a lot of things going on in the scene at the same time, it's pretty much impossible to spot it all at first look. I want something in 3D that feels really natural and chaotic, i feel like that would be really really fun!


gif You say on your profile that you're a digital animation student! That's really cool. c: I was wondering what kind of animation you're studying, or if you were planning to go into animation as a career? 

Do you have any favorite influences that inspired you to study it, or just favorite animated work in general?

(Sorry for the late reply!)

Thank you so much for the kind thoughts and the questions!! :') The date I set as a goal for myself is January 1, 2019, but my health can be pretty bad or inconsistent, so I hesitate to declare that official yet. I probably could start doing pages anytime, honestly, but I want to go into the reboot with everything planned a lot tighter this time, and sure that I can manage regular updates.

Some things I have left to do:

  • (Re)design some very important characters-- I could keep (re)designing more supporting characters forever, but it's most important for me to do some of the show staff and a few other characters of significant plot importance.
  • Decide on some plot things-- I know how the story starts and ends and the general events, but I need to lock some other things down before I start. I don't want to skip this and end up writing myself into corners later.
  • Decide on some style things-- ironically? the style I've been doing character references in isn't the style I plan on drawing the comic in (I prefer making references more detailed and less stylized, because they're more "objective" and I or other people drawing the characters can decide how to stylize them from there). It's too detailed for my bad arm/hand to manage frequent updates with, probably, and will tempt me to go into too much detail, because I always do that. I have some ideas for the aesthetic and format of the comic, but I need to just sit down and make test pages and see how it works out.

You know, I almost wish I weren't so attached to this one project, because I have tons of ideas and it's probably better to work on a variety of things to build up experience for your big epic, but I've given up on fighting that. : p You're passionate about what you're passionate about, and this is the story I've poured so much of myself and what I care about into, and I can't avoid that it's the story that I need to tell. I wouldn't be able to get the story and characters out of my head even if I wanted to. I don't think there's anything wrong with dabbling in a lot of projects though-- not every project needs to be "done" to be a valuable way to spend your time. c:

I'm a self-taught artist (I studied English lit and psychology in college because I figured it would be better to learn how to write in an academic setting, especially given that I couldn't afford any kind of art school). I used to sell my minicomics at local conventions, but I never made a profit, so I guess comics are like a hobby I'm intending to make a career out of. Thanks for saying the website looks professional! :'o I haven't touched that in years really, but it was something I coded by hand, so I'm glad to hear that you don't think it looks amateurish!


Have you any estimation of when you'll be able to start uploading pages to Catband? What's your current progress with it? I think it's really cool how dedicated you are for it & doing a reboot to an older comic, like I seriously respect people who are passionate about their projects & willing to redo or reboot older ones instead of just getting into new stuff (because I'm like that and it's a legit problem I have bc that way I never get anything done lol). 

Also, do you study art or is it more of a hobby/self taught thing for you? I'm asking mostly because the page you have for your minicomics looks so much like a professional portfolio ;v;9

I’m curious, where did you get your interest in history and folklore? Is it because a specific story/person got you into those two, or is it something else?

I'm not sure if it has any specific starting point, I think. I was always interested in history since I was a kid, but honestly I was interested in anything that had to do with studying: it was my hyperfixation almost my whole 6 years of elementary school. I just wanted to know more and more and found it amazing all these things actually happened once, and me being subscribed to a lot of books clubs that offered these scientific and often history related books probably influenced that. I think the Jumpstart Third Grade also influenced me strongly since the whole premise of the game is to help the protagonist to fix historical events that were meddles with. History always had this sense of magic and wonder to me, and even now as an adult I feel similarly, because the history of the human kind is nothing short of a wild ride when you realize Europeans ate mummies and drank blood or that people like Amelia Earhart and James Barry existed, or that Nintendo was founded while Jack the Ripper was on the loose. 

As for folklore, I have always been into mythology and ghost stories in particular (like most art kids, I feel), and because of my art & writing hobby they were useful inspirations for me! But then as older I came to realize folklore is really a way to tell history too and I somehow just became really emotionally involved about the whole "folklore is the history and culture of a certain location, often not written and thus left to die if it's not passed on" and I really value this sort of tradition and wish I could somehow do my part to keep it living on! And listening to old people talk about their stories and passing them on is something I feel really strongly about without being able to explain it, like I just somehow naturally value it a great deal and don't want it to disappear as the generations die. I think passing on the stories of people before us is one of those things that bring us closer to the core of what it's like to be a human, and it's somehow comforting to think that nobody's existence is meaningless, even if it's small in the grand scheme of events. But every story matters, and I want to do my part in passing those on. Humanities might not be valued by a lot of people because we're considered useless, but I think especially in these kind of hard times it's important to show people there is still a lot good and exciting and inspiring in humanity. 

Oh, and also, I find history somewhat comforting in a way because I grew up being really ashamed of the way I look!! But then BAM, ART HISTORY! and my mind was blown by the realization that effeminate men have existed throughout the history and were not always even considered an inferior type of man and I felt so Validated. Louvre was like a paradise when I visited lmao thank you for my life 


I’m curious, where did you get your interest in history and folklore? Is it because a specific story/person got you into those two, or is it something else?

Sorry for the late-ish response but I got the interest because there are like a heckton of pretty designs oml- I got the interest before I got my interest in  making stories, and I have been getting some adopts for characters for which I have the basic ideas, but no design ideas! While I can design characters by myself, I sometimes adopt if I can't come up with design ideas

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I ask this as an outsider: What made you have an interest in the adopt community? Did you find this interest after or before creating stories? In what way has the adopt community it influenced the way you create stories?


 YESSSS My favorite vocaloid of ALL TIME is Luka Megurine, I fell in love with her voice right when I was getting into vocaloid, a week or so before she was released!! As a lil kid I felt so happy that there was a vocaloid with a deeper voice than the last ones! Now I'm hella gay for her, she's beautiful!!! Always gonna be my fave. I also like Galaco's design and voice! It's a shame how she was handled :(

I remember the few ones I first heard were like, World is Mine, Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru, the evil saga... But I think Gekokujou really did it for me. Boweadays I don't listen to those in particular (except the evil saga, especially Daughter of Evil) but I do listen to old songs like Meltdown, Love is War, etc cuz they're still BANGIN'

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How long have you been drawing? Your style is very interesting, did you form it around other artist's designs or did you just find that it was comfortable in that sort of style.

Thank you! I'm glad you like them! Often times I get inspriation from other sources like TV or movies. Sometimes I'll even go on a hunt for baby names to name my characters, like Anddax. Lesser Gods Must Die is an ongoing story that I'm writing. I can send you the first chapter once it's done.


Okay so I'm a sucker for out-there names and I like that a lot of ur ocs have rad as hell names like Dayender and MurderMutt hehe, do u have any specific inspiration for how u come up with names?? Also i love the title Lesser Gods Must Die thats so METAL

o worm! I'm studying animation! I went to school up in Canada for a year before I came back down to the states to be closer to home :> Grimora doesn't have too much influence on me wanting to get into animation tho lmao. The story is way too dark for any studio in the states to pick up or want to adapt, plus the goal has always been for Grimora to be a book series. It'd be cool for it to be a show one day but that's a vague fantasy I dont really see happening lol

If you ever wanna talk/ ask about art college feel free to DM me too! I know i had a lot of questions last year and I'd be happy to help <3


Well, looking at your profile, I see you're an art student! As someone who wants to become an arts student, what are you studying, and does your personal project have anything to do with what you're studying for? :>


Honestly, I take inspiration from a bunch of things, but probably the Powerpuff Girls (or...pretty much any McCracken show for that matter) and the Sonic the Hedgehog games were my biggest influences! The Powerpuff Girls got me started with drawing, and it's probably the reason why 98% of my stories have kid heroes in them. XD Plus, it's what introduced me to the idea of a "Villain Scale", which I use to rank my antagonist ocs on a least evil to most evil scale. And from Sonic, I was obsessed with Sonic as a middle schooler, and I always liked the "lighthearted story, dark situation" tone they tended to have and I've aimed for that same tone is almost all of my work. They're pretty baseline inspirations but they're what got me into what I do now! :>


Out of all the cartoons, anime and video games you enjoy the most, which would you say has inspired you the most? What was it about them that inspired you?

I legit didn't expect to be asked a cosplay question omg. That's a nice surprise!
It'd probably just be better to talk about each costume individually so here we go!

  1. Equius Zahhak [Homestuck] - This was my first ever proper cosplay and it was....... alright? I made most of it myself, like the tank-top and shades and the glasses. I never ended up using grey face paint for this, not even once. The horns were a mess since I made them out of clay and they were way too heavy! I have a lot of fond memories of the costume though and the cosplay meet that I wore it to. It's not something i'd ever wear again since i've kind of moved on from it, but I keep some of the bits and pieces for sentimental reasons.
  2. Nepeta Leijon [Homestuck] - The first time I wore this was the first, and only time, I used grey facepaint. After that, never again lmao. It got a lot better the more I wore it honestly and once I actually managed to make the hat it just, improved tenfold. I actually bought the Leo shirt for this one since Nepeta is my patron anyway so I really wanted that shirt! I would actually probably wear this one again since I love Nep, but I would never wear facepaint for it because i'm a coward. The first time I wore it, I did it as a male version.
  3. Male!Aoi Asahina [DanganRonpa] - Man... this one wasn't that great. I only wore this one once and I bought most of it online, but most of it didn't fit well so I just kind of made my own stuff. Maybe the fact that con I wore it to was kind of bad didn't help, but I just... never wore this one again. In the future I'd probably cosplay regular Asahina, but i've no idea when I would.
  4. Mukuro Ikusaba [DanganRonpa] - Even though Equius was technically my first, I think that Mukuro is basically the first one that was actually great and was the first one I felt super confident in. Mukuro meant so much to me as a character and she still does. I've met so many important people thanks to her! I compiled all the stuff together myself since it wasn't necessarily that hard to do so. Mukuro's wardrobe is easy to replicate anyway. I've ended up wearing this one a lot and i'll probably still wear it again in the future. 
  5. Yuna Ueda [My Own OC] - I cosplayed my own OC, don't judge me. Seriously though this was super fun to do and I wish the hoodie I made for her still fit properly! It was so much fun hanging out with my friends, dressed as our own OCs and just having a good time! 
  6. Fio Germi [Metal Slug] - I'm still not super keen on how this one turned out but it was fun doing a joint cosplay with my girlfriend! I didn't make any of this one, just bought all the different bits and pieces, while my girlfriend made the jacket for me. The cap was annoyingly too small so it just had to kind of sit on my head so it looked... kind of silly.
  7. Peko Pekoyama [DanganRonpa 2] - This one didn't turn out too well either, but I still had a lot of fun with it? The wig was a mess, but overally I think the con itself helped make this one fun to wear. I bought this one completely and didn't make any of it, which is something I ended up doing a lot in the future.
  8. Chiaki Nanami [DanganRonpa 2] - Again i'm still... not really satisfied with how this one went? It was cute and the backpack was so so adorable, but I just don't think it looked good on me. Maybe someday in the future i'll go back and wear it and it'll be great! But I don't think I'll wear it any time soon. I bought this one too! The shoes were... really really bad. They didn't last long beyond the first convention I wore them to.
  9. Rui Ninomiya [Gatchaman Crowds] - Even though this one turned out pretty well... it's not one I think i'll wear that much again. There are better outfits that Rui wears in GC so I want to do those instead. His basic clothes are just so boring tbh.
  10. Toriel [Undertale] - I'm still so proud of this one! I made it all myself and while it really wasn't anything special, I just had a great time when I wore it. I don't think i'd wear it a second time because it really was kind of a nightmare to wear, but i'm still proud that I pulled through and finished it and got to cosplay Undertale with my friends.
  11. Tsubasa Misdachi [Gachaman Crowds] - I nailed this one! Too bad i'm one of the few people that actually care about Gatchaman Crowds lmao. Still, it was fun wearing this one the few times I did, even if no one really knew who I was cosplaying. I put this one together myself so it's surprising how accurate it ended up looking.
  12. Yuki Nagato [The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan] - I'm going to be wearing this one again soon but it's criminal that I haven't worn it since my first time. The uniform I bought was just super good! I just think I need to fix the wig a little and it'll be perfect!
  13. Marie [Persona 4] - Hands down, one of my favorite cosplays. Funny since it actually uses the same wig as one of my other favorite, Mukuro, lmao. I pulled this one together myself but ordered a few specially made bits online as well. Marie was just... such a great costume to wear and I adore her. I'll probably wear her a lot more in the future.
  14. Joker [Persona 5] - I bought every single bit of this one and holy shit, it looks so good. It's not one of my favorites but with the long coat and the mask, it just feels really cool to wear it to conventions.
  15. Makoto Niijima [Persona 5] - Again, this is another one of my favorite costumes! I just feel so pretty and elegant in it! And the costume itself is just so high quality. I bought it online and I honestly think I was so lucky to get one that both fit really well and looked super good.
  16. Chie Satonaka [Persona 4] - My most recent costume and it took so long to actually get it together lmao. But you know what? It was 100% worth it, since it was again, one of my favorites. I can't wait to wear this one again, which I will be soon.

So yeah! Sixteen cosplays in total, maybe more since i'm probably forgetting some. I've got one more new one planned for this year I think. As you can see, sometimes I pull them together myself or just buy them online. I tend to prefer buying them since actually making them kind of stresses me out too much.


OH! u like cosplay so how many cosplays have u done/owned? who was ur first cosplay and have u ever worn a costume to a convention? do u make ur own cosplays from scratch or do u just buy full outfits from online?


ElithianFox ok i'm answering this so late so u might not even see it BUT! i can't say i know how to explain my creative process as i kinda zone out when i draw ;^^ tho i can definitely show u my main inspirations and art examples from some of them - which i'll put in the spoiler!

my boyfriend is obv my biggest inspiration!

my friend sage is another inspiration


another friend of mine here! while i don't paint, her anatomy and style has really inspired me thru the years


now i don't know dreameleon personally, and they don't allow reposts so i'm just gonna link instead of sharing art here but i think their style is a+ cool af and it inspires me a lot as well even tho it's not a style i can translate into my own well

so i suppose after seeing those four artists u can probably tell where my style is inspired from!

as for how long i've been drawing - for as long as i can remember, my mum tells me i drew my first real 'human' or just... general distinguishable art when i was like one or something, and i didn't believe her until she showed me an old photo she took of me as i was drawing it (i mean, granted it looked like a potato w/ a face w/ 100 sticks coming out of it's head for hair w/ some tiny stick legs and arms but hey)
another friend of mine inspired me to start creating and drawing OCs as they had SO MANY and i thought they were the coolest things ever (and my bf again had a bunch of OCs as well, and i was very inspired by him when i was in early highschool despite not actually being proper friends w/ him at that point in my schooling)


What's the inspiration/creative process behind your artstyle, since it's fairly distinct and has unique facial features that I haven't seen around in a lot of other styles? In that same theme, how long have you been drawing and what's the thing that made you interested in drawing OCs?

Thank you for the question! However cliché it is, I really love answering questions of this type 😉

To answer the last question first, I started out with OCs and worldbuilding around when I left middle school and went to high school, so around age 12-13. Considering I'm nearly 22, that'd be around nine to ten years of working on my stuff!

At first, I'd come up with random stories to keep my way too active mind busy, and around that time I was still obsessed with dragons and horses. In middle school, we had an educational trip to Bokrijk, which is this large domain filled with buildings from the olden days (1400's), and we were told a lot of stories about demons there. This ended up giving me an interest to incorporate demon characters into my stories besides the already existing dragon people, and eventually come up with actual characters! My first stories revolved around random dragons and demons interacting, and there wasn't really a lot to it. I also don't remember most of them, only some small snippets of imagery that has long faded.

I went with a medieval time period because I liked the idea of a lack of electricity and much looser laws where it was still possible for people to be complete douchebags and still avoid the laws, which was definitely needed in the storylines I was making. At one point, electricity was a resource that existed in the world, but it wasn't a primary resource because I liked its use and its ease but didn't want it to have a large impact. That eventually didn't make sense at all to me, so at first I went with a conversion to fully medieval, which later changed to very late medieval. I'm still stuck on how electricity magic exists and yet electrical applications don't hgfcjgvh;bkjv

Back when I was still just making up character stories to fill my time I realised pretty soon that I had no idea what kind of world my few characters lived in. At first, I really didn't care. At first, it was just a blank slate that was edited as my characters changed history. At first, the idea was that the world was endless, but that didn't satisfy me enough, and eventually my willingness to have a concrete world with actual details grew so strong I started worldbuilding. It was a wild journey, because I had to fit in all canon details about my characters (and back at that time, there was no such thing as AUs; if I thought of it, it was damn well canon!) and ended up being cluttered. It ended up sorting itself out through small changes over time.

I think it ended up being a skill I honed over the years! Seeing worldbuilding I liked to draw inspiration from, seeing worldbuilding I disliked to find out what I should do different, and the feedback people gave me were all things that led me to become more and more interested in worldbuilding itself, and now it's taken almost a front seat in my creative interests! 


ElithianFox i may ask such a clichéd question but what led you to love world building and (medi) fantasy so much? we almost have the same kinda interest and that will always pique my mind whenever i see people with similar likes n stuff

how long have you been working on your stuff too?