Ask about the above OC's VISUAL DESIGN

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Edited 1 year, 8 months ago) by RadiantRaindragon

Hello and welcome!

This is a question game specifically for talking about characters' physical appearances. Their outfit? Their hairstyle? Their scars? An accessory they always wear or a sword they always carry? You get the idea.


To help clarify what kinds of questions are allowed in this game, I've made a list of correct and incorrect examples! Hopefully this should help out anyone who's stuck thinking of a question!

Format example:

Person 1's post: Why does Spike have a necklace of house keys? Edit: Adder got the scar during a criminal job that went a little wrong.

Person 2's post: Where did Adder get that scar from?

You can post IC if you want the next person to question a specific character, or you can post OOC and let them pick for themselves. If you post IC, try to stick to characters that have something noteworthy in their designs - while there's nothing wrong with more plain characters, it can be hard to think of an interesting question about them.


1. Stick to the theme of the game. Your post must include at least one question related to the character's design. You are allowed to ask non-design questions as extras.
2. Don't be rude or passive-aggressive towards other people or their characters in any way.
3. Wait for at least 3 people to post before you go again (unless over 12 hours have passed since the last post, then it's fair game for anyone).
4. All characters must have at least one, SFW art piece. This means characters with no art, or only 18+/filtered art, cannot be posted. You are allowed to skip people if they have no art or only 18+/filtered art.
5. Please do not post the same character repeatedly. This is to lessen repetition of the game.
6. Do not skip people (unless they're breaking Rule 4). Even if the above user has blocked you, that is not valid reason for skipping them.

I actively monitor the thread for rule-breaking, but if you think I missed something, please PM me and let me know.

If you break rules: Depending on the severity of the situation, I may either PM you with a warning or immediately ban you from the game. Regardless of severity, you can be banned if you repeatedly break rules.

Alkali xmoriartea

So Armin has a very modern design, but he fights with a sword. Tell me a little about that. Is it particularly powerful weapon? Something he just picked up and liked? Does the red stone at the hilt have any meaning?

She is! She's from a very deep part of the ocean and has spent most of her life underwater and swimming through trenches and the like. She's a triton and so they are a naturally amphibious race, originally from the Plane of Water and later adapting to the Material Plane. In some of her art, you can see that she has gills along her neck. When she's out of water, the gills lay flat on her skin. In water, they move very gently to filter the water around her. She is primarily suited for being underwater, but she has functional lungs (of which she will use every breath to complain about not being in the water).

👑 Drago 👑 KingDrago

Alkali has a very aquatic design! I assume she can breathe underwater and on land too. How does that work? 


Being a king means most others outside will either respect him or hate him regardless of race. As you might expect there is also some discrimination against Drago and his kingdom however it is not super prevalent.

His clothing is custom tailored using needles, thread, and magic!

Kale Vin Hollowist

Drago is a dragon person, so how would people outside the kingdom react to him? How does he find clothes to fit his scaled body?


She keeps lucky charms in her pouches, but the bandanna doesn’t mean anything (I MEAN LIKE LUCKY STONES NOT THE FOOD)

dvergur pixiekinz

where did she get that bandana? is there anything special in those little pouches she wears?

he sees about the same with all his eyes, he's just a little better at depth perception

 Munchii - $60 MunchiiMoon

How is dvergur's eyesight? Does he see better or worse with the extra eyes on one side?

Hibiskus Mysticaly

Are your claws naturally that color or are you painting them?

Her jacket has a scale like pattern inside, it also shines in different green tones in the light.

Rex RadiantRaindragon

Is the inside of their jacket scaled, or does it just have a scale-like pattern?

Censored for abuse stuff:

It was inflicted by a piece of broken glass. When he was 12, Rex accidentally smashed his grandfather's (his guardian's) favourite glass. Something which the man, being a drunk abusive jerk, didn't react well to. He retaliated by slashing Rex across the face with it, cutting his nose to the bone and leaving a permanent mark.

Yuni flufferi

where did Rex get the scar on his face from?

(also im offering any of my mains lololol i just like yuni)

edit, she CAN hear, just not through her "jester tails" and she can actually move them freely! though most of the time they just kinda limp there unless she needs an extra hand or two lol

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Turn Vin Hollowist

Why does he have so many piercings? When did he get them?

Hair inspiration came from Raditz from DBZ! 

Reasons for his glasses: 

his eyesight is horrible 

Ive seen that alot of nerds in shows or comics are shown with glasses. And Turles is a nerd. So just plop some glasses into his design.

His nickname is Glasses 

Käz Fallon Chaie Arcainook

What was the inspiration for Turles’s hair style? Any specific reason for wearing Glasses or is it just mainly for style? 

Sorry for that late response XD In some of his art, it looks like he has several small rings on his hand/fingers; is there any story or meaning behind those or are they just for decoration?

Those were a gift given to him from Arryn (his partner) when they first met. I havent fleshed out a lot of his story but Kaz did have a more negative lifestyle when he was in highschool. He was often bullied or 'shunned' for his unusual height and light colored hair. His family was considered different and that only grew when his parents adopted his sister Reika. Last story short he has nervous ticks when being pressured or when he is stressed so when Arryn found this out he noticed how Kaz would pick at his fingers, sometimes leaving behind irritation wounds, understanding this Arryn bought the ring and bracelet set for the giant fellow so he could mess with that instead of his skin. It being a connected set Kaz can also remove it and not loose it since the set is on the bigger side of jewelry. 

Lazarus RadiantRaindragon

In some of his art, it looks like he has several small rings on his hand/fingers; is there any story or meaning behind those or are they just for decoration?

Once, he was racing through the Underworld with a group of devil friends and flew too close to a dead tree, getting his wing snagged on a branch because he's a dumbass.

It doesn't really affect his flying, but it took him a while to get used to the air passing through the tear instead of pushing cleanly against his wing.

torch pixiekinz

how did his wing get torn? does it affect his flying at all?

i think it did go out once when she got too close to an ice troll, and water would probably also put it out. the fire starts back up on its own eventually, otherwise she could just use a spell to set her head on fire again

 Bokcho Saki Hollowist

Asking about -

Does her fire ever run out? Would it go out if I dumped water on it?


Its a bit hard for him to put his hoodie on, so most of the time he keeps the hood down.

But when he DOES but the hood up, his hair tries to poof up more and it looks weird

Mao Chosho

I assume he has a hoodie on so I do wonder, how difficult is it actually to get fitting headwear, hoodies or caps or so, both because of the hair and the ears?
Or how much does he or his parents struggle with that? lol sorry, not sure what wording is better
Ah, the dark sclera thing is just something I like too much. I put it onto almost any demihuman animal human lol in her case cause it makes her eyes like buttons and cute!
As for what she loves wearing, really, she wears anything cute and fruit themed stuff, so any color goes! As long as it isn't mostly dark and has patterns on it!