Ask about the above OC's VISUAL DESIGN

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Edited 1 year, 8 months ago) by RadiantRaindragon

Hello and welcome!

This is a question game specifically for talking about characters' physical appearances. Their outfit? Their hairstyle? Their scars? An accessory they always wear or a sword they always carry? You get the idea.


To help clarify what kinds of questions are allowed in this game, I've made a list of correct and incorrect examples! Hopefully this should help out anyone who's stuck thinking of a question!

Format example:

Person 1's post: Why does Spike have a necklace of house keys? Edit: Adder got the scar during a criminal job that went a little wrong.

Person 2's post: Where did Adder get that scar from?

You can post IC if you want the next person to question a specific character, or you can post OOC and let them pick for themselves. If you post IC, try to stick to characters that have something noteworthy in their designs - while there's nothing wrong with more plain characters, it can be hard to think of an interesting question about them.


1. Stick to the theme of the game. Your post must include at least one question related to the character's design. You are allowed to ask non-design questions as extras.
2. Don't be rude or passive-aggressive towards other people or their characters in any way.
3. Wait for at least 3 people to post before you go again (unless over 12 hours have passed since the last post, then it's fair game for anyone).
4. All characters must have at least one, SFW art piece. This means characters with no art, or only 18+/filtered art, cannot be posted. You are allowed to skip people if they have no art or only 18+/filtered art.
5. Please do not post the same character repeatedly. This is to lessen repetition of the game.
6. Do not skip people (unless they're breaking Rule 4). Even if the above user has blocked you, that is not valid reason for skipping them.

I actively monitor the thread for rule-breaking, but if you think I missed something, please PM me and let me know.

If you break rules: Depending on the severity of the situation, I may either PM you with a warning or immediately ban you from the game. Regardless of severity, you can be banned if you repeatedly break rules.

Ensiel celestiials


What's up with her dark sclera? Is it unique to her or do other members of her species have it? Also does she have any other colors that she likes wearing besides green? (that isn't meant to be mean sdkjfsd)

Uhhhh idk who to post so anyone here's cool?

Quotation straight from the bio: "yes you're absolutely right if you think she's based off beat saber"

 Sadala Saki Hollowist

Asking about -

Was she based off Beatsaber? Does she have any powers or anything connected to the game?


He hates it. He hates shikins and the fact that he is one

Mephisto (Dragon/Beast Forms) hedgemaze

How does Sadala feel about being a Shikin/his Shikin features, given his hatred for Lemon and the fact that he destroyed his home planet?

For Mephisto, how exactly did he get the distinctive scars winding around his arm?

Haha, unfortunately the answer is "I designed him when I was 14". There's isn't any deep lore reason for the scars, but in any form he's in, it's definitely because he's done something cocky and stupid. In general I've said it's because he picked a fight with a bigger/older dragon when he was younger. When I draw him in his completely human form, I'm going to have to come up with another reason, though-- some animal he messed with that he shouldn't have, probably.

How big is his dragon form?

Hmmm, his body isn't very big, but he's very long from snout to tail tip, like a sauropod: around 20 meters?

(On a side note, his dragon form is epic and I love it.)


Gray RadiantRaindragon


For Mephisto, how exactly did he get the distinctive scars winding around his arm? How big is his dragon form?
(On a side note, his dragon form is epic and I love it.)

Mostly just his personal style/preference, but also because he doesn't like drawing too much attention to himself. He prefers to blend into the background, even on stage if he can.

Atlas Aska RabbitJaguar

Why doesn't Gray wear bright colors?

Yes, Atlas's skin is a fully functional map, complete with a red line connection his location and destination!


About atlas.... can you use his face as an actual gps?? 

Ignitia Fireblossom PixelatedButterfly

What inspirations help create your character's design ?

Edit: Hmm you know, I'm not sure why I did that, maybe wanted to change it up, I did plan to have her tail back to its original colour and design ^^

Stalgator RadiantRaindragon

Looking at the 'art evolution' picture, is there any particular reason you decided to change her tail from red to white?

I think his wings are too short (and his body too heavy by comparison) to allow even gliding - he would just fall if he jumped off something.

The only real use for his wings is fighting/self-defence. They have hard bone spikes on the joints which serve as a potential weapon, and the wings themselves could be used to shield parts of his body or to knock someone away.

Mayonaka Pinkapop

2021st post let's goo-

For Stal, I know he couldn't fly, but is he able to glide in a long distance?

He's supposed to be a pied bat, but in the end I ended up doesn't take enough of the pied bat species colors and pattern so he just became speciesless with a bit of pied bat inspiration

I chose the orange highlight because of aesthetic, but his cloth color scheme was my friends' suggestions. It went through a lot of colors experiments before I settled with this one!

Sei'ku xmoriartea

Is Mayonaka based on any particular species of bat? And why the ruby/gold color choices? I love the combo, looks super cute, but is there a particular reason for those?


Nope! His eye sight was damaged in the accident that burned him and the magic that saved him could only heal so much. What Sei'ku doesn't know is that his damaged eye is now the same color as the celestial's who healed him.

And also no! Aasimar don't even usually have wings 24/7. The wings are typically part of limited magical ability. Sei'ku's mother however is the celestial he gets his bloodline from and she is of a very avian sort called the avorals. So being first generation aasimar, he's got a couple of quirks.

bipple the blue pixiekinz

are his eyes different colors because of the burn or were they like that before? also, is it normal for aasimar to have talons?

planar travel doesn't really exist in crasilia, but it's been theorized about, so he wants to be the first one to actually do it. he hasn't done a very good job so far

Claire spiderpuppy

Why does Bipple the blue want to unlock portals?

Vincent ShibiiChi

What future plans do you have for Claire? Will she be in a story or simply a comfort sorta character? And what is your favorite part about her design?

Yes he can! No worries you didn’t miss anywhere in the lore! And if you did that’s 100% okay he has a lot of text to scroll through lol! But no he doesn’t really get disoriented due to his third eye placement as it’s simply his normal. Without his third eye would actually be more disorienting than with as he’s always had the third eye! And ty for the design compliment <3

$85 Capra

Can Vincent see out of his third eye? If he can, does this unique placement of an eye help him, or confuse him?

Love his design and lore, sorry if I missed this information somewhere.

He does benefit! He has pretty poor eye vision, so his number of eyes compensates that, even by a little. He pretty much has 350 degree vision, like a horse. I'm unsure of his species as of right now, so all I can do to answer your second question is say that he's some monster and can have any number of eyes.

Torsten Holt dandikix

Does Roman benefit in any any way by having many eyes? And why does he has so many in the first place?

Yes, he does! Dots is his most favorite pattern but he also likes thin vertical stripes, flowers and just plain shirts with no pattern!
And his horns don't usually cause any problems cuz he lives where almost everyone has horns, sometimes even larger than his so everything is made to be comfortable for horned folks. The only problem he meets often is what if he isn't careful his horns might get stuck on stuff like trees and curtains because of their hook-like shape.