Take a third option! [IC Game]

Posted 5 years, 6 months ago (Edited 5 years, 6 months ago) by Kogami

Another IC game, which is surprising for someone who doesn't roleplay pfft

This game should be simple enough to play, you post as your OC giving two options and the next post will choose a third option related to the already given ones!


Character A: "Left or right?"

Character B: "Backwards! Edward or Jacob?"

Character C: "An actual good book. Heaven or hell?"

Character D: "Purgatory! Chicken or beef?"

....and so on.

Since this is a simple and quick game, the rules will be very short but I would suggest wait until 3~5 posts to participate again, unless the last poster were left for more than 12 hours. Also, don't give anything NSFW or offensive, or two options that's not possible for a third one. That's all!~

P.S. Roleplaying or quoting as your character is encouraged since this is an IC game after all c:

Mattias TrippySnakeBalls

Not knowing anything about code he replies, "uh...ABC's?"


"Oohhh, would you ratherrrr- oh, wrong game? Uh, helping or being mischievous?" He looks to Ithil, "Did I do that right?"

Austin Elsiikun

"Giving wrong instructions. Dunno if that counts as a mischievous thingie but it's a middle middle hue hue."


He rubs his hands with glee as he presents his options: "Windows or Mac?"


"I'm going with an apple iMac! So yeah!"


*He brings out a whiteboard, gets a marker and writes his options down*

"would you rather go swimming in the beach or in the pool?"

Konohana Mamoru sarurun

"I'd rather stay here. On the land. Away from water. Thank you very much."

"Would you rather read classical fiction or non-fiction?"

Florent Sanguinetti Nuclear-Hydrangea

"Sci fi fantasy novels all the way! I got 'nuff non-fics and classical lit bore me sometimes"


"If you wanna go to Switzerland, and take a trip to the mountains. Do you wanna stop by and take a hike or go skiing at the snowy parts of it."

Cean Damian denishdraws

"I'm going to find a lake and fish there"


"do you want the pills or syrup type of the medic?"

Andrea Antimony CometTheMountainLion

“Deepest pits of hell, I say injections!”

- - - - - -

“Smoke on the Water or Stairway to Heaven?”

Jett apodoforcas

“Highway to hell is the way to go.“

“Speaking of, AC or DC?”

Nobutoshi "Kon" sarurun

"I know nothing about electricity, so nothing. I'm telling you, you kids should really go back to enjoying the simpler things in life, like a nice candle lit night under the moon."

"Pens or pencils, what tool speaks to you?"

Cobalt JayBird375

“I like crayons! They taste the best”

“Would you rather eat a sandwich made of actual sand or a sandwich made out of an actual witch?”

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Xander Klingelhof fizzelston

"Oh pardon me, I am more of a bird fan. Songbirds, bigger birds... Ah, I love them all."

"turnips or radishes?"

Quincey robot-star

"Don't eat, but carrots, they're sharp."

"Hm... gold or silver?"