💰 Price the character above! (Game) 💰

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago (Edited 5 years, 5 months ago) by GeckoSauce

💰 Price the Character Above! 💰 

(OOC Game)

As the title says, post IC and the person below you will comment OOC what they think your character is worth!

For Example:

Person A: (Posted IC)

Person B: (Posted IC but answers OOC) "I would price your character as being worth £6".

Person C: (Posted IC but answers OOC) "I think your character is worth £65".

Also adding a quick reason why would be nice but not necessary!

You can use any currency listed, provide multiple if you wish (£/$/€/Points) but please do not say art or game currencies.

Please try and refrain from posting the same character repeatedly, try and use different ones! You can post a character more than once but only every so often, not on every page.

It's probably best to claim your place so you don't get beat to it. 

Feel free to bump the thread to, I don't mind!


This is a game! 

I can not express that enough. 

Do not use this thread to get an actual pricing for your characters, it is unfair and most likely inaccurate.

As stated, this will probably be inaccurate so do not complain if someone 'under prices' your character. 

This is for fun and for fun only! Anything negative saying someone's character is worth nothing etc will not be tolerated.

If people start misusing this game etc I will simply remove it. 

Aya CaeliGlori

Oh wow he has a lot! He's well developed, has over 100 pieces of art (well 181?) and I'd say you could sell him for well over $1000. Maybe even $2000.

Madeline gummy

100 dollars or so? She has a lot of art from a lot of different artists, which would make her have a higher price.

 North GeckoSauce

I'd give a price of around £12 ish!

She has a good few pieces of art but they are all mainly quick/sketchy in style.

 Yvella (Read description) SweetasSaccharine

What with all the extra art and design quality

I see them being priced at $85 ^^

Arc Lilina

I'll say $70! While she has a really gorgeous design, she only has about 6 images in her gallery, but they all seem high quality!

Ravenfluff FluffyJo

Probably $20-30, the design was complex and beautiful! Yet has only 2 arts, if it has more it’ll probably gets like $60+

Hippolyte Seiden

I'd say around $60. He has a rather simple design but lots of arts !

Aislyn Kaye Foxofspades

I'd say 100-200$!

He's got a detailed profile and a TON of HQ art <3


I would say definitely at least $75. There is a lot of art for her and lists her personality, background, and facts about her, but her design is rather simple.


id say maybe about 20-60 USD?


About $1? She only has one image in her gallery, but she seems really cute!

 Viper (Hu Peiyi) raikufu

I'd price them around $35-$45! The character has a catchy design, alt outfits, and a good amount of cute art. The character is also very thought out and developed!

Captain Jas Faulkes WhiskeyWorks

Tons of information, and an extensive gallery with lots of great, high quality artwork... even some animation! $180 at least!

 Alamea SweetasSaccharine

Fairly unique(to me) looking oc with plenty of quality artwork

I see him going for at least $80, possibly up to $100

So roughly 2-2.5 bottles of decent rum

Char aaawhyme

Aw hell yeah, Alamea is gorgeous and has such wonderful art and is well fleshed out!

I've never bought a character before, so I have no idea how much she'd actually be worth, but if I were to buy her, I'd pay at least 150$ for her!