Aislyn Kaye



7 years, 1 month ago


  • Aislyn Kaye

  • Age 17
  • Height 5'4"

"Me, scared? I'll race you there and I'll win."

Free-spirited and always raring to go, Aislyn has always been a trooper. Strong-willed to a fault, she is often the first one to embrace challenges and face them head-on. Aislyn has determination in spades - frighteningly so to some degree - and is pretty much the embodiment of 'knock me down five times and I'll get up five times more and win.' 

She's competitive as hell, brave, stubborn - a person with all the qualities of a bona fide adventurer. 

In a positive light, one can sum Aislyn up as an unwavering and resolute individual. However, most of her positive traits can also take on a negative light under the proper circumstances:

  1. Aislyn's eagerness to embrace challenges of all kinds has a tendency to backfire when paired up with her leap-before-she-looks mentality, and more often than not, it tends to put her in situations that could have been avoided rather easily if she took the time to contemplate on her choices instead of leaping right into the flames.

  2. Aislyn, at her worst, is prone to running head-first into lose-lose situations, and when left unchecked what first amounted to acts of courage can sometimes turn into bouts of hotheaded recklessness instead.

  3. Aislyn prides herself in being strong and self-sufficient, and as a result, can be quite good at bottling up negativity. While this can be good in the short run it - more often than not - leads to somewhat self-destructive behavior.
Aislyn tries to do what she believes is right, but knowing and doing are two completely different things. She's empathetic and emotional, and as much as she tries to deny it, it does get in the way of her better judgment.  The upcoming end of the world has only amplified these personality traits in her. Over the course of the Sol arc, Aislyn ends up doing quite a bit of growing up - her idealism is tested, and through loss and several life lessons, she becomes a more cautious and humble person.

The Night of the Summer Festival

Several weeks before the night of the annual Summer Festival, one of Oakwoods' residents - a retired librarian by the name of Mr. Brown - vanished into thin air. The local police thought it had been an abduction or a possible homicide, but Mr. Brown turned up a week later by the outskirt's of Oakwoods' forest. The man was physically unharmed, but something strange had happened to him. He was lethargic and unresponsive to everything around him. The same strange occurrence began to repeat itself with people vanishing only to return days or weeks later as zombie-like husks. 

On the night of the summer festival, Aislyn was supposed to meet up with Friday and Flynn at the town plaza. Friday arrived on time, but Flynn never did. Considering the recent string of odd disappearances, Aislyn insisted they go and look for their missing friend.

Aislyn and Friday swung by Ottermore's to look for Flynn only to be greeted by the sight of his unlocked car. Worried, they searched the nearby woods only to find themselves transported to the medieval Kingdom of Sol. It was like something out of a fairy tale.

After they meet the Prince of Sol and find Flynn, Aislyn and Friday learn about the escape of a creature known as the World Eater and about the ripples in reality that have connected their own world to the realm of Sol. Aislyn gets dragged into a harrowing quest to help save the world.

The Kingdom of Sol

A kingdom on the brink of ruin. Sol exists in another realm entirely, but the barrier between worlds has grown weak and a rift has opened up deep in the forests of Oakwoods. 

After the artifact was shattered, and after The World Eater escaped its prison, the barrier between worlds grew weak and The World Eater hid the broken shards of the artifact throughout both Sol and Oakwoods. If the Shards aren't recovered and if The World Eater is not returned to its prison, both Sol and the human realm will be destroyed. 

When Aislyn and her friends first wander into Sol , the country is caught in a war with Alencia and the good and well-loved King Reginald has just perished. The kindhearted but painfully naive Prince Tobias has taken the reins, but it's quite clear that everything has been plunged into a state of chaos. 

Aislyn also learns that the squirrels lured lured Flynn into the woods and into Sol on purpose, but that it had also been one huge mistake.  Back in the day, during times of peril, the king and the archmage would summon a group of humans from different walks of life and dub them The Defenders of Sol. However, more than a hundred years have passed since The Defenders sealed The World Eater away. Flynn, and by extension, she and everyone else were summoned entirely by mistake.

Despite it all, Aislyn and her friends get caught up in a frightening quest to save all of Oakwoods and themselves. They are given a deadline of one year before the barrier is destroyed and both Sol and the human realm are overrun by reapers and parasites. 

When Aislyn accepts her role as one of The Defenders, she's given the gift of Force Propulsion - a power that allows her to utilize force for both offensive and defensive means. Aislyn's gift first takes on the form of flash stepping. Aislyn propels herself forward, making it look as if she's teleporting from one place to the next. In reality, she's merely sprinting in different directions at a frightening speed. Eventually she learns how to use her gift offensively, utilizing force to empower her strikes and to create small explosions.

Oakwoods and Backstory

  • A small, idyllic city somewhere in the USA. It is a 30 minute drive away from the much more bustling city of Grenfall, and a two hour drive away from the Tuna Capital, Goldshore. In Oakwoods, pretty much everyone knows everyone.

  • Aislyn rolled into Oakwoods with her parents when she was 6-years-old. Her father worked as a chef in Brighton while her mother worked as a writer and editor for a local Health, Wellness, and Gardening magazine. Aislyn's mom was pregnant with her younger brother at the time, and Caleb (her dad) decided it might be for the best if they moved to Oakwoods. It was a nice place to raise kids and Caleb - who'd been born and raised there - thought it'd be nice if they were closer to their extended family as well.

  • Shortly after the move, Aislyn started her second year of kindergarten at Littlewood Elementary school which was where she met Friday and Flynn.


  • Sports! Aislyn is a member of the Oakwood High School's Track and Field team. She loves the feel of the wind on her face and the grass beneath the soles of her running shoes. There's just something about running that feels liberating, addicting even. Aislyn loves the sport so much that she's made it a habit to start her day with a 6AM run. She's a morning person and proud of it.

  • Children. She's good at dealing with them and keeping them entertained. This fondness extends not only to kids, but to animals as well. For as long as ever, Aislyn has always wanted to get a dog.

  • Sappy romcoms and Korean dramas. Aislyn will swoon over them no matter how cheesy. Considering she can be quite the tomboy, people are often surprised when they first find out. 

  • Vegetable smoothies. Flynn and Friday are always disgusted by the concoctions, but Aislyn thinks they're rather refreshing. She also enjoys cooking and gardening.
  • Losing. Aislyn is competitive to a fault and will say yes to almost any challenge or dare. It's no surprise that the girl can be quite a sore loser. 

  • Being cooped up indoors. Aislyn is outdoorsy and likes to keep active. Having to stay inside for too long always make her lethargic and a little grumpy. Because of this, she's not too fond of the rainy seasons and prefers it when it's nice and sunny outside.

  • Academics. To put it bluntly, Aislyn is not the best student out there. She's got a C average with the occasional B thrown in every now and then. It's not that she's dumb or anything like that, she just has bad study habits. If asked what her favorite subject is, she'll answer without any hesitation that it's Physical Education or that it's lunch period.

  • Canned goods. No, just, no. 











Friday Goodman

[ childhood friend, eventual love interest ] Best friends since kindergarten. Aislyn met Friday shortly after she moved to Oakwoods and the two have been pretty much inseparable ever since. They were initially drawn to each other because they shared the same red hair, and the curiosity quickly turned into a natural friendship. They've always been quite affectionate around each other - and while this lessens to a degree when they get older - it never really goes away. Friday is just so sweet and bubbly and an all around ball of sunshine. It's infectious and Aislyn can't help but like herself better when she's with him. 

Friday is the jam to Aislyn's peanut butter and the cheese to her macaroni, and when both of them are together, one can be sure that trouble - or some form adventure - is right around the corner. They're both energetic and impulsive kids on their own, but together, they're a different force to be reckoned with. Thankfully, Flynn is there to keep them in line.

Throughout the years, Aislyn has had a somewhat on-again-off-again crush on Friday. She's brushed it aside time and time again to ensure their friendship stays the same.  She managed to put her budding feelings for Friday to rest when Dan came into the picture, but her adventures in Sol made her realize that she and Dan were far better off as friends. Aislyn broke up with Dan during the Sol Arc to work on herself and focus on saving the world.

After they saved the world from certain doom, and after they did a bit of growing up and moved away to college, Aislyn decided to just tell Friday about how she feels: whatever will be will be.  She confessed to Friday during their freshman year of college. Friday returned her feelings and the two of them got together shortly after that.


Flynn Barker

[ childhood friend, best friend ] One of the few people she'll really listen to, Flynn is a bit like an anchor to her - he keeps her grounded and when she's struggling to stay afloat, she can always rely on him for solid advice. Sure, he judges her decisions sometimes and worries too much on other occasions, but his actions always come from a place of love.

Aside from being one of her best friends, he's also kind of like an older brother to her. Aislyn doesn't say it often, but she appreciates his concern and his input and all the things he goes out of his way to do for both her and Friday. Even after they get caught up in Sol's craziness, he's always been there to make sure they're alright.

Flynn is the water to Aislyn's fire and keeps her grounded and levelheaded when the time calls for it. Meanwhile, Aislyn pushes him to step out of his comfort zone and take off his big brother cap every once in awhile. They don't always agree on things but care deeply for each others' well-beings.


Bree Watts

[ childhood friend, best friend ] An invaluable confidante and - in some ways - a refuge from both Flynn and Friday. Mature and level-headed, something about Bree's presence is almost motherly. Basically she's The Mom Friend™ Aislyn relies on, and this is probably why Bree is privy to some secrets that even Friday and Flynn known nothing about.

Aislyn met Bree early in elementary school when Flynn introduced them to each other. Bree was a girly-girl and Aislyn was a bit of a tomboy, and back then, they didn't get along as well as Flynn hoped they would. Thankfully, their first impressions of each other didn't stick, and they learned to appreciate each other's presence as they grew older. Aislyn learned that Bree was into Kendo while Bree learned Aislyn was into baking pastries. They had a lot more in common than they thought, and their differing personalities also went quite well together - Bree would help Aislyn with clothes shopping and teach her how to paint her nails, and Aislyn would teach Bree how to play soccer or how to set up tents just right.  By the time they entered high school, two of them were pretty much like sisters.


Annalise Barker

[ childhood friend  ] The little sister she never had. Aislyn (much to the younger girl's dismay) loves to dote on Anna. The other girl can be so painfully shy that Aislyn just wants to give her hugs and help coax her out of her shell a little. Aislyn knows Anna is smart, and that she's driven and capable but - having grown up with Anna - she also knows that the younger girl needs quite a bit of nudging to get from point A to point B. Aislyn understands this and is (in some way) one of Anna's pillars of support. The two girls are suprisingly close, and while Aislyn's extrovertedness can be somewhat overwhelming sometimes, she knows this and does go out of her way to tone it down when hanging out with Anna.

Aislyn likes to pretend she's the 'chill older sister type' but when Anna decides to join the defenders, she's the most upset by the younger girl's decision. Aislyn wants Anna to stay safe and starts becoming more of a mother hen herself when the younger girl joins The Defenders, especially after Flynn is put out of commission by his injury during the Carnival arc.


Daniel Chen

[ friend, ex-boyfriend ]  Her first boyfriend, they started dating toward the end of their junior year. Aislyn wasn't doing too well in class and had gotten a warning - if she didn't pull her grades up before the end of the semester, she'd get kicked off the track and field team.

Dan, being vice-president of the track and field team and a consistent honor student, offered to tutor her. He was smart and sweet and he liked her. She liked him too. They started dating shortly after, and it was good while it lasted. They broke up sometime during Sol Arc due to Aislyn's refusal to tell him the truth about her recent strange behavior. Their breakup was a rather sour one, but after Dan learned about Sol and joined the Earth Squad, the two patch up but never rekindle their romantic relationship.

They managed to remain friends, but there's just a teensy bit of awkward in the air whenever they end up alone together. Dan still has lingering feelings for her, but for Aislyn, the ship has already sailed.


Morrigan Elliot

[ friend ] Aislyn finds Mori's mischief and mayhem highly amusing. She doesn't quite know what to make of Mori's "journalism" club, but she's always interested in hearing about the younger girl's latest supernatural investigations. Mori is - to put it bluntly - a bit much at times but quite a lot of fun to be around. Flynn might not appreciate Mori's brand of snarky humor, but Aislyn thinks the girl's larger-than-life tough-girl-attitude can be quite refreshing. 

Mori is one of the juniors, but Aislyn knows the girl's got street smarts, so when Mori gets pulled into the weirdness of Sol, Aislyn doesn't worry about her as much as she does about Anna and Freddy.


Pluto (The World Eater)

[ friend's pet ] Aislyn adores Pluto, and for some reason, the World Eater has taken a liking to her as well. After Anna, Aislyn is pretty much Pluto's second favorite person - partially because she gives him milk and brings him nice kitty treats. Aislyn has always wanted a pet, so she often goes to great lengths to smother Pluto with affection. The World Eater enjoys the pampering quite a lot and is very vocal about his approval.

Coding by Lowkeywicked