The OC above is behind you...

Posted 5 years, 8 months ago (Edited 5 years, 3 months ago) by Lux KountrysideGrizzly


1: You must post as your OC

2: If you are only gonna scream, at least make it funny and not just screaming. Example: *screams in fanboye*

3: You may make your interactions as long as you like. This includes but is not limited to speech, actions and reactions

4: Keep it clean please, I don’t think I’d wanna do dirty things to someone who jump scares me from behind!

5: All characters are accepted!!!

6: Once you’re interaction is finished, you must type at the bottom “I’m behind you...” or another varient that gives out the same message so that the next person may interact using their OC. To shorten your text, look for the symbol that has the T and an arrow pointing upwards and downwards. Shortening the text is now optional.

7: Please wait at least 2-3 posts after your post or 24 hours after the most previous post.

8: The only exception to your OC interacting with another one of your OC’s is if it has been 24 hours since you posted and no one else has posted during that 24 hour period.

9: Art of your interactions is okay but I cannot allow NSFW that would be rated adult (e.g. sexually explicit) under any circumstances, this would ban you from this thread. Anything that would be rated mature (e.g. nudity, bulges for males or nipples for females) however should only be sent privately to the user you intend to draw art for, they must be 18+ to be sent mature artwork and you must have their permission before you can draw their character at a mature rating. Failure to ask permission beforehand would be a warning if the reciever is already over 18 or a ban from this thread if they are under 18.

10: Swearing is fine, just be careful on how you use your words, like, try not to offend anyone in real life, yeah?

11: If a comment has been deleted, keep calm and move on. Don’t worry, you’ll still get a reply!


Users banned from this thread:

Nobody yet, let’s keep it that way.


Me as Lux: I’m behind you...

User 1: Oh, hello there! You look so adorable and I love you so much! *rubbing his head* 

I’m behind you...

User 2: *Screams in Halo 3*

I’m behind you...

And so on...

Starting with Lux!

I’m behind you...

 May-Li Féng Rorichi

"Neh?" The jiangshi gasped as she felt something strange pocking her from behind. Yoha turned around stiffly only to find a strange and (very yummy) looking creature. She could feel her mouth watering at the thought of chewing on those tentacles...No! Her master had told her countless times not to chew strangers! It wasn' did they call it? Polite! Yes, it wasn't polite! And being not polite wasn't good. And Amaballe didn't like when Yoha Ne wasn't good. A proper greeting was a key to striking a polite cremation, no, bus station? ugh, wrong again...whatever! That tion thing was good, and that what really mattered. "Hello...My name is...Yoha Ne! Nice to...meat you!" The jiangshi said before suddenly pouncing on Ghost to finally chew on those tentacles. Well, she did that polite thing so she was behaving well, right?

Yoha Ne approached the person in quick hops. Ah, finally those yummy hairs were in her reach! She bit on the back of the person's head letting out a satisfied squeal which sounded more like a monstrous growl though...

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Ruby EggSalt

Ruby squealed first in fear at hearing something running up to him, then in absolute delight and excitement over the demoness's appearance. The very excitable patapon began bouncing in place, looking over her extremely tall form.

"It's not so dangerous if you know where you're goin!" He exclaimed, quickly circling Peony with curiosity "Woahh! Are you a demon? You don't look like any of the akumapons or gorl! Where are you from?"

Ruby's ears perked up, tossing his shield between his hands as he continued to inspect her, "Ohh!! you're sooo kinda seem familiar! I think I heard someone back home talking about you once!"

Well, at least with his utter energy and excitement, the little patapon wasn't afraid in the slightest of the demon.


Happily making his way around, Ruby suddenly spotted someone or something of interest, happily hopping over with a little too much excitement, as was normal of him.

"Hello!!" He practically yelled behind them, spinning on one foot as he chirped, "Who are you?"

Nobutaka Deguichi PicklePantry

"Eh?" Taka looked over his shoulder, quirking an eyebrow at the fuzzball talking to him. The hell was this? Reminded him a lot of those spirits Dollface had.
"I ain't the type to give out info that easily, Fuzzball," he grunted. "This part'a town is dangerous, ya might not get as friendly a reply if ya do that to someone." He turned back around, scratching the back of his head. It wasn't like he could just get buddy-buddy with him, but no point in biting the poor guy's head off.

"Oi, move it, will ya?!" Taka snapped from behind you. He looked pissed, as though he'd been waiting a long time to pass you, but it was also possible he waited three (3) entire seconds before getting impatient.

Heron Aarix

Heron looks over at the source of the voice, shooting its owner an icy glare. Admittedly, he's not used to having to aim glares upwards. That bluntens the daggers a bit. He looks the stranger over impassively for a moment. The scars are hard not to notice, as is the domineering steel to everything from his stance to his eyes. Someone else, sure, Heron might have ignored. Or at least shoved as he let by. This guy? No. He knows this sort of man—very neatly classifiable: the kind of person you didn't want to fuck with. And Heron isn't in a hurry to die today. Especially not for something this stupid.

"Go on," he mutters, and shuffles aside, though he keeps his grip on eye contact—cooly. Heron can manage respect, but if this guy thinks he's gonna see him cower he is mistaken.


The voice is cold and flat. 

"You're in my way."

Its owner looms behind you, and apparently doesn't mean this as a simple observation you don't have to do anything about.

Nightshade strawbbymillk

Jumping, Nightshade turns around and crosses her goopy, dripping arms. "Honey, do you even know who you are talkin' to? I suggest you back your whiney ass  up." She snakily commands just before ushering the space in front of her. "You ain't going to disrespect me in MY neighborhood, honey. Step up before you get jumped." She threatened, just before huffing. "Sorry, darling, you scared my lovin' little pooch away from me." She explained, though no puppy was to be seen or heard from. "Now I didn't know you were behind me, but you can fix yo attitude before somebody has t'fix it for ya."

"Ooh, There [he/she/they] is! turn around, honey, I finally found ya!"
Levi FairySugar

Jun looked behind him. Not looking very amused before he raised and eyebrow at the others statement. Jun patted his pockets untill he found his notebook and pen and wrote down on it. "Your late." It said simply before Jun fliped the page and wrote on another side "I nearly forgot Why I was standing here. " he said letting the girl read it clearly before writing on his notepad again. "Okay. So Im here and I was promised sweets. " he said simply before putting his notebook away and pointing at the candy shop before following the hyperactive female inside.  


Jun had been waiking for a while. Following you. Why was he following you? Well only you really can know that. Was there someone with a grudge on you? Someone who could have summoned him? Did you summon him? Or is it simply..hes lost and needs directions? It happens more times then you think. 

With that being said. As soon as he reached up and taps on your shoulder. His fingers are ice cold. 

This post has been removed.
"49" sinthcircle

(The above removed post was me accidentally posting early... Mobile <_>)

Huh? Why'd it get so cold? 

It takes him a second to process. 

" " 

"A" 49 yelps, visibly jumping, turning around at a surprisingly fast speed. His visible eye stared at the other, confused - looking him up and down. Hadn't been expecting someone else...

"Didn't see ya there, eheh..." He chuckles nervously. This face wasn't one familiar to him - if they'd ever interacted before, it slipped his mind. "You've, uh - you've got some cold hands!" 


Faint mumbling could be heard not far behind. Whatever he was saying, it was too quiet to be clearly heard.

A brief gasp could be heard. The mumbling stops - & for a brief moment, there's silent.

"Oh! I think I found'em!" 

⭑ TAZZI twilightzone

At the sound of mumbling behind her, Tazzi slowed her pace, on full alert, shoulders tense. It sounded like a male’s voice. A gasp, and she stopped walking completely, one hand clenching one of the lightsaber’s hooked on her belt. For a few tense moments, there was silence. She could tell he was right behind her.

Oh! I think I found ‘em!

She drew her lightsaber and spun around, eyes narrowed dangerously. Her finger brushed against the ignition, but quickly relaxed. was merely a human. Or was it? That did not look like an ordinary human. Humans didn’t have claw-like fingers and creepy, sharp-toothed grins.

“What exactly does that mean?” Tazzi asked in a low, cautious voice, still holding her unignited lightsaber. She was taller than him, and it seemed like she could take him if it came down to a fight, but looks could be deceiving. But his words...was he sent to look for her? A rush of fear washed over her, and her heterochromatic gaze flicked back and forth, looking for signs of anyone else.

Huffing in frustration, she leaned down to the stranger, talking quietly and quickly. “Listen, I don’t know who you are or who sent you, but it‘s best that you clear off now. Don’t tell anyone you’ve seen me.” She drew back and searched his ever-smiling back for a sign of acknowledgement. Tazzi didn’t know who he was or why he was looking for her, and at this point, she didn’t want to know.

A fight was eminent. She figured it would be best to clear the streets just in case things went awry. Tazzi didn’t want innocent people to get hurt.

Taking fast, long strides, the hybrid approached someone from behind, hoping that they wouldn’t run. 

“Hey, you.“

She leaned over their shoulder, gaze hard and serious.

”You’d best get out of here. Find shelter. In a half-hour’s time, the battle will begin.” Tazzi ignited a lightsaber, looking warily into the distance.

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Kiushhu EggSalt

Kiushhu jolted slightly, spinning around on their heels as they leapt back. It was a defensive position they had taken, glove held in a tight fist as if ready to strike---

"Oh," Their posture straightened out, green energy dissipating quickly from their weapon with a soft hiss, "Robin, you frightened me."

The uberhero chuckled softly, shaking off the last of the surprise they had gotten from the sudden appearance of the woman, "What brings you around, sneaking up on people like that?"

Kiushhu wasn't entirely sure of what the odd girl known as Robin could be doing. It always seemed to be random, and in their few meetings typically involved treating the hero similarly to a plush toy. She was kind of a...mystery to say  to them.

...How on earth did she manage to sneak up on them? Were they getting less alert?


Scrambling across the area, rushing past others and towards some unknown goal. Kiushhu huffed, jumping up over a bench to keep up their momentum...

Only to skid to a halt behind someone to avoid slamming into them.

"Ah!" They exclaimed, "Look out."


Kiushhu dipped their head slightly, glancing around the scene for a moment.

"You are alright, yes?" They questioned, offering a gloved hand for help, "Perhaps we should move somewhere else. Things seem odd around here, no?"

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Rava chuckles softly, stretching up from a human height to their full 10ft height, twisting to see who had approached them. "Oh? Is that so? I believe you may be mistaken." Their ever-present smile w i d e n s as they lean down, their voice a soft hiss. "I believe you should leave now, before it's too late.":)


They seem to be hunting for a few certain someones, but spot your character, deciding to have a bit of fun. They jump down, silent as the void, and tap their target's shoulder, their voice an eerie, unsettling whisper. "Hello there- :) I'm Behind You."

This user's account has been closed.