Ping the person above!

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Edited 5 years, 18 days ago) by LilyFlower

are your lonely and never getting ANY notifications? Well here is you solution! Ping the person above and any of your friends! 

go wild. 

you can re-post after 2 post

Edit: thanks for 250 and over post! all of you are so nice to each other and it makes my day :D


AlleycatIrony You're art style is super unique and easily recognizable.  If I saw your art I would know it was from you instantly!  That's kinda hard to do since a lot of styles tend to blend into each other somehow.


It's my sona, Rusty!

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haiiroko I need to know why you changed your name tbh. It's really cute and it reminds me of hair for some reason haha- Also, both Munin and Daegan are really interesting characters! Their monochromatic colour palettes are hella nice


Swissy I LOVE your pfp, I love noodles and pasta lol


Babygirlexe Kyle has a really neat design! I especially like the mouth where the eye should be!


Ragers Your OC gallery is so colorful it makes me really happy to look at it!! Also seeing characters in the lion king style gets me super nostalgic and yours are really cute ;o; 


Caine your art.. prettey.



Oh I've seen you around Toyhouse! I like your new username!! I know it's like... 4 months old but still, it's cool! Also I really like Milk Choco Cookie, he seems really neat! Plus cookie run is some good stuff, even though I haven't played it in like... Forever... Whoops.

Yeah I did! Honestly, my art style just kinda evolved over time and my style was generally rather cartoon-ish anyway. As such, there's no real inspiration, it's just kinda how it ended up so far.

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sar-dine Your new icon is adorable! I've also always found your username cute haha 


Judas-la-Carotte Your icon's new to me as well haha. It looks lovely! 



Hello! I've known you for a while, but your artstyle is gorgeous!

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haiiroko I really love the eyes on your profile image!
Also, i loo ve greyscales, its so pleasing to look at, it makes me think you're a super chill person haha


Sixbane ur art is super cute! i love how u draw cats?? they all look so fluffy ;o;


aaa thank u ;;o;; <3