What would above user's artstyle taste like?

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Edited 5 months, 2 days ago) by Kogami

There's been a certain meme going around as in "If my art was edible, what would it taste like?", so the game should be self-explanatory enough: Look into the above user's art and imagine what would it taste like if its a food! Make sure to link a site that have the best examples of your works (as in your dA or Instagram, etc) or otherwise the next user will judge based on your "Art" tab.

Rules: (Because, ISTG, yall)

  • PLEASE try to expand MORE than just a really simple, low-effort one liner.
    DON'T just leave something like "Tastes like candy." "Mac and cheese I guess." and that's it. Without /any/ explanations or description. That's BORING.
    Why would it taste like that? Maybe the coloring or the overall technique or composition just made the user's artstyle look savory or bitter, or maybe it reminds you of a specific texture from an existing food? Let's all be creative!!
  • This should be common sense, but don't be rude or criticize someone's art, as this is not a critique game. If I caught anyone doing this, even if passive-aggressively, you'll get yourself banned from this game. My best advice is don't claim the person if you have nothing nice to say about their art.
  • You may post again after 3 posts.

Alternative food-related forum games:
Alternative artstyle related games:

To start off. first user can start with mine! My artworks can be found in my dA or personal site! You're also free to use my TH art tab~


I thiiink it'd taste like blueberry fool,, with the way you use colors I automatically knew it tasted like some sort of dessert with whipped cream, but the shading style gives blueberry for some reason. I think it'd be a subtle sweet taste as opposed to very strong, which is why I picked blueberry fool. It's soft, but still has a kick


The sharp shapes make me imagine crunchy texture, and the warm colors give imaginings of a savory taste. I think the closest I could say is that your art would taste like a triscuit. Mostly a sea salt triscuit comes to mind, but I could imagine some of the artworks with majority warm colors tasting more like the roasted garlic triscuit.


Your style almost gives me Totally Spies or Winx Club vibes. I would think late millennial-early Gen Z childhood food, like those ice pops that come as liquid in a tube-shaped bag. Or Lunchables.


Your style is very smooth and has a sticker like quality to it, i feel like fruit roll ups would actually fit your art style very well. Particularly the blueberry roll ups, since your art gives off a more mature vibe? If that makes sense.


Lots of browns and yellows, Im thinking of dark chocolate that has been frozen inside a freezer for a while, or the ones with fruits & nuts inside them. 


old lemon head candies found in the bottom of your Halloween bucket, partly because of the colors you use, but also just the general feel of it


A blackberry pie in which recipe from a cooking book written in the 1910s that contains a lot of now unused ingredients so you must improvise. Your art feels like it would have this homey taste, though you feel as if something is off. Everything is made from scratch, though there is this uncertain feeling to it (Your art is gorgeous by the way!)


Ur art style tastes likes the red and orange gummy worms,, the traditional art you make is more crunchy in texture I tgink ! Very smooth and squishy gummy-ish and soft look though,, 👍


Your style would taste like gum drops. The shapes make me think of gum drops idk it just feels like it would have that texture and taste. Like in your sketches it would be like the slightly crunchy part of the gumdrop or something ye

art examples here! I have recently posted some old and some new art so if you look at my actual gallery it might be confusing! (Though my most recent post is new art!)


Your art looks smooth, shiny, and kinda bubbly, with darker and more natural colors most of the time, so I’m gonna say tapioca pearls!


Your style looks like it would taste very light and sweet. My first idea is to say some sort of lemon icing that doesn't overdo the flavor. Not too much sugar, but definitely sweet with a little tang.


Something grape flavoured obvi, I'm thinking of grape Fanta and a side of those Japanese sour grapes gummy strips, for the amount of purple you use. Generally, it feels like it would taste like a very sweet candy. 

Up to date art examples CorvidCreatures

Probably something nostalgic, like Capri suns or those cheap ice pops in the plastic tubes that were ridiculously easy to cut your mouth on. It reminds me a fair bit of the older Nickelodeon cartoons

My art examples are linked in IC :D

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Something like a buttermint or slightly flavored homemade whipped cream. not too over the top but nice and smooth