General Thread for PSAs

Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Edited 5 years, 7 months ago) by Vespisia


8/9: New PSA added.

5/14: 2 new PSAs added.

4/8: New PSA posted and additional information on Squidribs added to relevant PSA.

It was suggested that there should perhaps be a general thread for PSAs which is a fine idea. A place that links to other PSAs and keep things organized.
You can link your threads/PSAs/etc, and I'll add them to the posts. :D
Please Note: I can only accept public PSAs. Anon PSAs are too much of a risk to accept, as they can be open to slander.

Things That Count for PSAs!
-Illegally chargebacked (you did a commission, but person claims you never did, for instance)
-Being shifty on doing owed things (taking months on an icon for example, lack of contact or updates, etc)
-Tracing and profiting off of it...

Things That Don't Count!
-Someone has better art than you
-Rude behavior
-Subjective issues
-Dog ate your homework

Obviously, this is just the basic frame work. Each case is different. For instance, someone could go around harassing artists for art and customs, or for people to give up their adopts and whatnot, and that could almost certainly be considered for a PSA...

Of course, it would be great if no more PSAs occur, but in the case they do, I support people posting them because they keep the community safe and will link to them in this general thread. owo/

There'll be two posts, one for PSAs and one for resolved cases! ^^


Dachsbun i don't usually participate in this thread, but i'm kinda tired of seeing people say stuff like "i have tickets from [x amount of time] ago and they havent been opened" so i feel the need to say it

once every couple of weeks, check in the help center, and reply to old unopened tickets with a 'bump'. 99% of the time, you will get a relatively prompt response, and if not it bumps your ticket up to the top of the queue. every single one of my support tickets (I have sent in a lot of them!) have been resolved!

additional tip: KEEP YOUR REPORTS CONCISE! only include the barest necessary info, make it easy to read over and try to cite specific rules broken so there's a clear plan of action.

ive followed both of these rules almost my entire time onsite whenever ive submitted a ticket and theyve pretty much always been answered promptly. yjust gotta help things along. :] hope this helps


Dachsbun I'm really sorry, I should've used a tone indicator then- I intended it more as "making a polite announcement" than "yelling in your face". Will also not engage further as I've said my piece. :tumsup:


Hi, I need some help!

There is a situation about a user in TH being a scammer, character theft and inappropriate behavior.

This situation has lasted since 2020, the point is that this has happened mostly in hispanic facebook groups, the user still tries to say they are another person to avoid all the call-outs but continues to scam people and have inappropriate behavior.

Should I do a PSA or should I just report the accounts? I have seen that some TH users had problems with transfer of characters as well as having their full commissions with them.

The only thing that worries me is that i don't know if facebook proofs can be valid because 1. proofs are outside of TH and 2. almost all proofs are in spanish.

Sorry if my english is not understood, and if someone could give me some advice I'll be grateful :']


GH-0-STIE (hope you're okay with ping)

For once, we have already seen evidence from twitter or amino, so I think evidence from facebook can be legitimate.
And for the language, it's true that we don't all speak Spanish here, but if you translate the posts into English alongside the original, I think posting them wouldn't be a problem.

 ❥ eden chcr

here to support @doggirls statement;

owed not being finished, while taking on more work: the user in question spoken about also constantly asked for money, advertised their commissions, and made ads seeking ocs and looking for art while they owed my fiance a sketchpage for a character I currently own (linked ic), and I believe they had only showed a sketch when the waiting period was nearing a month. they did advertise too in a private discord server of mine, where they never talked except for their advertising, which was very frowned upon, given that it was for people to hangout in. this behaviour was very iffy for my partner and they eventually cancelled the offer and unfollowed them promptly; 

suibaiting and harassment: user in question vented about both me and my partner on public alluding me to be manipulative and controlling. I had called them out for it on public and then blocked me; what followed was them suibaiting, publicly self loathing, and generally guilt tripping. 


How long is too long to wait for a commission? I have been waiting more than two weeks with radio silence and they have not responded when I asked them how it was going...


techtheclone ( sorry for the ping! )

A month with no update is a red flag for me.

I had a popular artist ( SundaysPlayzone ) not do any part of their commission unless I breathed down their neck..

( Two icons which I waited a month each before saying something. )

I literally got a refund, a block and an unfinished rough sketch of a finished fullbody piece out of spite from waiting two months.. as they sat and played Art Fight and did recent comms.. /:

They also offered to finish it but just gave the refund when I got the Grundo’s Café admin involved.