General Thread for PSAs

Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Edited 5 years, 7 months ago) by Vespisia


8/9: New PSA added.

5/14: 2 new PSAs added.

4/8: New PSA posted and additional information on Squidribs added to relevant PSA.

It was suggested that there should perhaps be a general thread for PSAs which is a fine idea. A place that links to other PSAs and keep things organized.
You can link your threads/PSAs/etc, and I'll add them to the posts. :D
Please Note: I can only accept public PSAs. Anon PSAs are too much of a risk to accept, as they can be open to slander.

Things That Count for PSAs!
-Illegally chargebacked (you did a commission, but person claims you never did, for instance)
-Being shifty on doing owed things (taking months on an icon for example, lack of contact or updates, etc)
-Tracing and profiting off of it...

Things That Don't Count!
-Someone has better art than you
-Rude behavior
-Subjective issues
-Dog ate your homework

Obviously, this is just the basic frame work. Each case is different. For instance, someone could go around harassing artists for art and customs, or for people to give up their adopts and whatnot, and that could almost certainly be considered for a PSA...

Of course, it would be great if no more PSAs occur, but in the case they do, I support people posting them because they keep the community safe and will link to them in this general thread. owo/

There'll be two posts, one for PSAs and one for resolved cases! ^^



Wow that's crazy, yeah my concern was that they have been uploading art and what seems to be ychs in the meantime while I have no word on my comm after I paid. I feel like if I write a psa people will make fun of me because it was a very cheap commission but the idea I had in mind was very sentimental and meant a lot to me and not hearing back about it just feels like they're playing with me lol.



You earned that cash.. If they take your money and give you no product; you have every right to make a PSA. Just because your commission wasn’t millions of dollars doesn’t mean you can’t warn others.


Thanks guys, I've already began seeing people being assholes though so I'll have to make use of the block button.


i personally disagree with making a PSA for under a month and for $2 if no exact TAT was agreed on. disagreeing doesnt make someone a jerk tho.

just my :twocents: on the whole matter, since i believe it couldve been handled a lot more maturely.

edit: should add; all i had left on my chest to say, ill leave it here.


If it makes me an asshole to point out that $2 is too low for a custom and they should charge more in the future and be careful about commissioning minors, then okay I am an asshole, I can accept that. OP of the PSA was also badgering the artist every few days and made the PSA after only what... nineteen days of waiting? The PSA is too focused on their own personal feelings about not having their $2 custom done after two-ish weeks rather than, imho, focusing on the people who have been waiting months. I think the latter is far more important to address.


I’m not gonna argue but if it was the people who’s disagreed about the commission’s money..

They probably would’ve complained or charged back.. we’re not stupid here.

I’ve had people steal $15-$85… over the course of.. I dunno.. 10 years??? That attitude is how people think they can get away with situations like that but what would I know?

Anyways, added a couple people to my blocklist since it feels they support stealing actual money if it’s a small amount.


ok i know i said before that was my final post but bruh. way to go with the mudslinging. very constructive addirion to the thread and totally not an attempt to stir drama. (that was sarcasm.)

and it seems now people are reading into it what they want to read... rather than the objective truth.

nobody is saying that ghosting or stealing is OK. thats a huge strawman. hounding someone after 19 days when there was no TAT agreed on comes across immature when its over... $2. thats nearly free. the kid's getting paid less than some peoples pocket money. we're talking start of the school year, idk how old this minor is but i'm sure they've got real life things going on - and they didnt get a chance to speak for themselves before this immediately became the "drama".

you're talking about two dollars and nineteen days. the situation was immaturely handled and escalated far too soon. one that is also likely now going to be brushed under the rug and forgotten about.

Pointing out these things politely doesnt mean I support theft. Get out of here with that incorrect and inflammatory bs.

I support patience and empathy. those are very good qualities to have.


i agree a psa was warranted based on the experiences other people have had with that artist, but the situation that was described didnt really seem bad enough without that added context. keeping in mind that the artist is a kid and that school has just started again for americans, it makes sense whyd they go a couple days without responding + the fact that they only made $2 for a whole custom is probably not very motivating for them either. 

i agree they shouldve had better communication, but the psa seemed a bit too self centered and guilt-trippy especially due to the added comments of how much said custom was worth to the op. if this really was the case then id assume they wouldve paid more than that, since it seems like there was a huge emotional worth.

so again i agree that you have a right to get your money back, no matter how little the amount was, but the psa couldve been handled better. i also dont see how the term "assholes" is fitting for the people who commented, none of them were disrespectful in any way. if someone insulted you and told you to take down the psa, then id agree theyre assholes. but thats definitely not what i saw.


I'm gonna come out and say taking advantage of a kid under charging them self and immediately running with your feelings in a PSA under a month makes you the asshole but that's me. The kid needs to learn responsibility for sure but you're not looking so great here either amigo.

Edit: i also have no dog in this race, I just wanted to make a petty comment lol ping me if you want but I just wanted to say my two cents that no one cared for and will not reply more than likely lmao this just rankled me in a way that hasn't happened in some time. I got my own comms to do, deuces 


Hello, I stumbled on this adoptable for sale on DeviantArt this morning which I believe is traced from a game I play. The hair of the drawing lines up very well with the model from the game, but I am unsure if it is traced or just heavily referenced.



teratris Thank you so much!! I'm not on DeviantArt very often and am unfamiliar with the artist. The mobile game name is 代号鸢 if that helps!