Shifter of the Month Submissions!

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago (Edited 9 months, 19 days ago) by iinkt

Here, you can submit your Shrimpshifter to be the "Shifter of the Month"!



The Shifter of the Month (Shifter OTM) is a community-voted Shifter that will receive a plaque for the month, and is featured on the front page. You can draw the Shifter OTM and get Scales (+ extra Scales during Contests)!

The Shifter of the Month submissions are done here, and then voted on by the community. They will be revealed in the Newsletter for that month. All of the Shifter OTM characters from the year will be pitted in a vote for Shifter of the Year.


You must resubmit this form each month you would like to participate!

Shifter Link: (Link Here)


  • Reference: (Link Here)
  • Icon (for World Display): (Link Here)

About Your Shifter:

  • Quote:
  • 3 Adjectives:
  • Mini Biography (opt. but preferred):

Drawing Permissions: (Y/N/ask)

  • Gore? 
  • Eyestrain?
  • Suggestive?


  1. Please make a new submission each month!
  2. Once a Shifter becomes Shifter OTM, they cannot be Shifter OTM again this year.
  3. You may only submit one Shifter per month.
  4. You must allow your Shifter to be drawn by others!



Shifter Link:


About Your Shifter:

  • Quote: "Try again, sweetheart."
  • 3 Adjectives: Proud, fearless, fearsome
  • Mini Biography (opt. but preferred): Angry and vengeful, she turned to piracy after a nasty breakup with a  man she once believed had the power to change the world. Currently  dating Mismar.

Drawing Permissions: (Y/N/ask)

  • Gore? Y
  • Eyestrain? Y
  • Suggestive? Y

Shifter Link: Aki!!


Reference: Here!

Icon (for World Display): Here!

About Your Shifter:

Quote: "You know, this isn't totally bad- aaaand Zappy's threatened to do unethical science again."

3 Adjectives: Tired, Caring, Bitter

Mini Biography: He is the combination of several different shrimps and he is. so traumatised by that fact oh my god. Anyway he's only alive because Zappy was so lonely they decided to kin frankenstein and revive the dead

Drawing Permissions:

Gore? Y

Eyestrain? Y

Suggestive? N


Shifter Link: Dr. Aster Chord


About Your Shifter:

  • Quote: “No, no, I told you, if I publish this research I’ll lose my job! ‘Because wh’- because of conspiracies against me! And nothing else! Obviously!”
  • 3 Adjectives: Questionable, curious, impulsive
  • Mini Biography: Dr. Aster Chord is a very… unreliable scientist, to say the least! The verifiability of his medical and science degrees is the subject of many, many debates. They’re a big fan of science experiments where they get to mess with living or once-living creatures. While it is TECHNICALLY qualified to preform surgeries, it has been unsurprisingly banned from most medical procedures, not that it quite cares to get its procedures or experiments approved like it’s supposed to- because hey, how was it supposed to get its self-done top surgery approved? Anyways, Aster is currently caring for Foggy, a teen deep sea shifter who seems very naive. Aster is a good caretaker at least- enough so for Foggy to be calling him uncle. Just don’t look at all the chemicals they’ve had Foggy experiment with “for hands on learning!”

Drawing Permissions:

  • Gore? - absolutely yes he is an evil scientist
  • Eyestrain? - yes i love eyestrain art
  • Suggestive? - no

Shifter Link:



Icon (for World Display):

About Your Shifter:

Quote: "Wait you want a quote from me? Can I just say some song lyrics? No? Damn..." 

3 Adjectives: Aloof, tired, restrained 

Mini Biography (opt. but preferred): Urie is a shifter with a love for music! He's a super big fan of P!ATD and MCR, despite the looks she gets for liking them while being a fully grown person. They collect band shirts from concerts and has an affinity for memorabilia like bobble heads and hockey cards. He can inverse the colours on his scales when he comes into contact with something warm, his green scales turning red and vice versa. He is missing an eye, the facial scales covered it up completely, leaving her visually impaired, despite this she refuses to get the scales taken off, thinking they look cool...

Drawing Permissions: (Y/N/ask)

Gore? Y

Eyestrain? Y

Suggestive? I'm a minor so I'm gonna say no- 


Shifter Link: Photos: Reference: Icon (for World Display): (will provided dropped version soon) About Your Shifter: Krillia is just a weird little dude doin weird little things. She is smart, but prefers not to show it because she doesn't like flaunting it and would rather find funny things to talk about. Quote: "if you judge a fish on its ability to climb, it will go its entire life believing it is stupid." 3 Adjectives: goofy, weird, creative Mini Biography (opt. but preferred): Once worked for a brilliant scientist, but it wasn't challenging enough, and she was tired of doing nothing but working, so she left and spends her time inventing and painting now, she is creative in ways that astound most people, and her inventions are intricate but easy to use, and she always makes sure they arent eyesores, and that they are pleasant to look it. Drawing Permissions: Yes Gore? Only small amounts Eyestrain? Yes Suggestive? Would prefer to be asked before


Shifter Link:


About Your Shifter:

  • Quote: "Don't waste time for the wrong people" and "Food is the way to the heart"
  • 3 Adjectives: Gentle, Positive, Loyal
  • Mini Biography (opt. but preferred): One day, a star emerged from the sky, temporally blinding those who dared to stare. The light slowly dimmed though, and eventually a figure holding what seemed to be bow and arrow could be seen. The result? A pretty calm shrimp named Valentina (nickname Val) who's pretty convinced she's cupid reincarnated. When she's not making people fall in love, she's making music and acting for a rom-com. Valentina doesn't have many friends, but she's incredibly close to people she is friends with. In her free time, she likes to watch TikTok, make art, feeding ducks and bake (as Val says, food is the way to the heart). 

  • Drawing Permissions: (Y/N/ask)
  • Gore? Ask
  • Eyestrain? Y
  • Suggestive? N 

Shifter Link: Kuiper!!


About Your Shifter:

  • Quote: 
  • 3 Adjectives: short, curious, quiet
  • Mini Biography: Kuiper is a deep sea shifter who works as an astronomer, and as he has always had a fascination with the stars, and has always taken any opportunity to see them, it's working it's dream job. star's anxious around those he doesnt know, but with thoes it does and likes, he's very comfortable. 

Drawing Permissions:

  • Gore? N
  • Eyestrain? Y
  • Suggestive? N


Submissions following this point are for July!


Reposting for July <3

Shifter Link:



Icon (for World Display):

About Your Shifter:

Quote: "Wait you want a quote from me? Can I just say some song lyrics? No? Damn..." 

3 Adjectives: Aloof, tired, restrained 

Mini Biography (opt. but preferred): Urie is a shifter with a love for music! He's a super big fan of P!ATD and MCR, despite the looks she gets for liking them while being a fully grown person. They collect band shirts from concerts and has an affinity for memorabilia like bobble heads and hockey cards. He can inverse the colours on his scales when he comes into contact with something warm, his green scales turning red and vice versa. He is missing an eye, the facial scales covered it up completely, leaving her visually impaired, despite this she refuses to get the scales taken off, thinking they look cool...

Drawing Permissions: (Y/N/ask)

Gore? Y

Eyestrain? Y

Suggestive? I'm a minor so I'm gonna say no- 


Posting for July!!

Shifter Link:


- Reference:


    • Icon (for World Display): 19647563?1673393415

About Your Shifter:

  • Quote: “An empathetic spirit and confident soul are the key ingredients to success! …But I’m afraid I’m missing my confidence…”
  • 3 Adjectives: Sweet, Gentle, Insecure
  • Mini Biography (opt. but preferred)                                                                                                                                   Paeon, also known as Pae ('Pay') is a sweet and gentle soul. However, she has many insecurities and lacks confidence in herself.
    She is skilled in healing, but dreams of becoming a model one day. Her lack of confidence keeps her from moving forward though.

Drawing Permissions: (Y/N/ask)

  • Gore? Yes!
  • Eyestrain? Yes!
  • Suggestive? No!

July repost !!

Shifter Link: Aki!!


Reference: Here!

Icon (for World Display): Here!

About Your Shifter:

Quote: "You know, this isn't totally bad- aaaand Zappy's threatened to do unethical science again."

3 Adjectives: Tired, Caring, Bitter

Mini Biography: He is the combination of several different shrimps and he is. so traumatised by that fact oh my god. Anyway he's only alive because Zappy was so lonely they decided to kin frankenstein and revive the dead

Drawing Permissions:

Gore? Y

Eyestrain? Y

Suggestive? N


Shifter Link: Yael !


  • Reference: here !
  • Icon (for World Display): here !

About Your Shifter:

  • Quote:  “ you should question every little thing sometimes, just for the hell of it! it's fun to pick things apart ... now, what kind of potion do you want? ”
  • 3 Adjectives: Determined, Enchanting, Inquisitive
  • Mini Biography (opt. but preferred):
    • Yael is someone who likes to keep to themself majority of the time, but loves to provide potions to those seeking them out. They have a love for adventure and can be seen traveling by themself to all sorts of little corners of the universe, especially in ancient libraries to read dusty old books.

Drawing Permissions: (Y/N/ask)

  • Gore? ask
  • Eyestrain? ask
  • Suggestive? ask