[ Monthly Trivia ]

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago (Edited 8 days, 12 hours ago) by Sealomimis

Monthly Trivia

What is monthly trivia?

Welcome to the Trivia thread!
Have you been thinking about building your characters? Here you can do just that and earn a little bonus in this monthly activity!

Every month, a set of questions will be posted that you can answer for your Sealomimi (3rd person) or in-character (like roleplay!) as your Sealomimi. You can earn IC by answering the currently active questions.


  • This is an OWNER-only activity, meaning you must own an approved Sealomimi to participate.
  • Only questions active during the current month will award IC.
  • All answers have to be at least 2-3 sentences at minimum! Please try to avoid one-liner responses- if we feel it is too short we may ask you to write one more sentence!
  • You can answer all as a single Sealo, or answer as multiple different Sealos.
  • To use a pet bonus, you must mention you're activating your Sealomimis pet to receive your bonus! One pet bonus can be activated once a month per user.
  • If questions or answers overlap with Quests prompts, you can flesh out your monthly trivia answers if needed, and submit them towards a Quest.

Past Questions:

MAY 2024
Question [1]: Your Sealomimi is tasked to clean their room! Where do they start? Or do they not start? Do they start planning out each task or do they get distracted by finding an old memory in their stash pile?
Question [2]: Has your Sealomimi tried creative writing before? What kind of stories do they like to write? Or have they tried once and never again? Would they have their own OCs?
Question [3]: Your Sealomimi gets the opportunity to have a drink themed after them at a local cafe! What flavors, colors, or decorations are added to enhance this new special item?

APRIL 2024
Question [1]: What's your Sealomimi's favorite color? Do they like to express it? (For example in the clothes they wear?) or do they typically not have a preference?
Question [2]: What does your Sealomimi think of meditating? Do they do it regularly, or have they tried it before and disliked it?
Question [3]: Your Sealomimi is given a very shiny rock. Now what do they do with it? Is it their new pet rock? A new paperweight? Lost it immediately in my rock garden?

MARCH 2024
Question [1]: What's a typical day for your Sealomimi like? Do they like routines or go sporatic? What happens if their routine gets disrupted?
Question [2]: Does your Sealomimi daydream? If they do, do they have anything that they frequently think about? If not, what are their opinions on daydreaming?
Question [3]: Is there anything that makes your Sealomimi cry? What do they think about the act of crying?

Question [1]: Your Sealomimi was hired for a temporary job to write an article for the local newspaper! What sort of column or topic would they write about?
Question [2]: If your Sealomimi could go back in time to any past day in their life, what would they say to their past selves? ... Or would they somewhat do everything to avoid themselves to prevent a time paradox?
Question [3]: What are some of your Sealomimi's pet peeves? How irrate does it/each one bother them?

Question [1]: Sealomimis often find the critters in their world fascinating or adorable! What's your Sealomimi's favorite fauna/animal species? Is there something that makes them special to them?
Question [2]: What kind of hobby or hobbies does your Sealomimi enjoy? Do they like to dabble in their interests casually or are their hobbies a big part of their everyday lives?
Question [3]: Does your Sealomimi have an aesthetic or style they like to lean into? What kind of aesthetics do they like? Do they pick their outfits with care and precision, or did their style just come naturally to them?

Question [1]: Community is important within Sealo society! Who are your Sealomimi's friends? Do they have many friends or a small handful of close friends? Or does your Sealomimi not have any friends?
Question [2]: (Hypothetically pretend your Sealomimi's parents exist) How's your Sealomimi's relationship with their parents, or does your Sealomimi not know their parents very well? Do they have any memories they'd like to share about them?
Question [3]: Your Sealomimi goes out for a daily routine run outside.. and oh no! Where's their ... ___ ! What's something your Sealomimi is prone to forgetting or losing all the time? How easily do they find it again? Do they just commonly misplace it or do they still have a hole in their pocket they keep forgetting to fix?

Question [1]: Does your Sealomimi have any combat experience? Any favored weapons or tools of choice? Optionally, (or just if they don't have any combat skill,) do they have any other way to safely squirm out of a fight (eg, friend protects them, can magically teleport, etc)?
Question [2]: A friend of your Sealomimi visits their room... What's the state of their living space like? Neat and organized? Messy with piles of laundry and fishing nets everywhere? Obviously tidied up just 5 minutes before their friend arrived?
Question [3]: What's your Sealomimi's favored method of transportation? The world of Seals put in a lot of investment in their public transportation. Walking, bicycles, trains, buses, boats, etc?

Question [1]: Does your Sealomimi have a sweet tooth? What kind of treats do they like? Chocolate, candy, cookies, or something else? (Optional: Do they take care to brush their teeth afterwards?)
Question [2]: Your Sealomimi falls asleep and seems to be trapped in a nightmare! What kind of dream are they in- are they lucid dreaming or following the flow of chaos? Is it all random scary things or does it show their inner turmoils?
Question [3]: Some Sealomimis are just a bit materialistic and like to collect shiny things (or generally anything that interests them). Does your Sealomimi have a collection? Is it well-cared for or do they no longer collect for it and forgot their stash somewhere in a corner?

Question [1]: Hypothetically, let's say your Sealomimi has suddenly gained the power to shapeshift into a specific animal! What kind of animal would they change into? Their favorite or an animal thematic to them as a whole? Or perhaps do they just end up as a seal?
Question [2]: Your Sealomimi is asked by a neighbor to help take care of their pet fish for a few days. Is your Sealomimi a good petsitter? Do they give the little guy the most quality vacation time, or do they need to do some explaining to their neighbor where the fish went?
Question [3]: Flowers can hold a variety of meanings to different Sealos. If they received a bouquet from someone who knows them pretty well, what sort of flowers that represents them would be present? Would your Sealomimi understand the compliment (or maybe threat) or be confused by the gift? Or maybe it gets them interested in learning the meaning behind each petal, or would they simply find the flowers a good snack to enjoy?

Question [1]: There's tons of music genres in the world, and tons of music within those genres. Does your sealomimi have a favorite genre of music? Do they like multiple genres? Listen to a little bit of everything? Or perhaps they don't like music at all?
Question [2]: Everyone always asks about favorite breakfast food, so what's your sealomimi's favorite dinner food? Or perhaps they like breakfast for dinner?
Question [3]: Expressing love and care comes in all kinds of forms! What's your sealomimi's love language? Do they like giving gifts, spending quality time with their favorite people, or maybe they have a different way of expressing affection?

JULY 2023
Question [1]: Scents can sometimes incite nostalgia! Does your Sealomimi experience this phenomenon? Are there any particular scents that your Sealomimi takes notice of? Or alternatively, are there any scents that bring them comfort?
Question [2]: Weather can be quite all over the place across the land! What sort of weather is your Sealomimi's favorite? Least favorite? Are there any deeper reasons behind their preference, or is it just a surface-level preference?
Question [3]: Sometimes, things just don't go our way and things go hiccup in our day. How does your Sealomimi address and manage themselves on a bad day? Do they seek out support from their friends, just need some alone time, or perhaps a physical activity to vent out their stress?

JUNE 2023
Question [1]: It's pride month! Sealomimis far and wide are accepting of all expressions of love and gender identity. Showing your pride can come in all forms, from self reflection, a flag, to finding people you can confide in. How is your Sealomimi exploring their identity or orientation?
Question [2]: With the new World Map release, where would your Sealomimi decide to settle in or travel through? Is it out of an environmental preference or just because it's their home town/region? (If you're not sure you can treat this question as a hypothetical situation)
Question [3]: How musically oriented is your Sealomimi? Do they like playing an instrument or perhaps like to sing? Or are they horribly off-key all the time?

MAY 2023
Question [1]: Diving into the depths! Does your Sealomimi like swimming, and how confident are they diving to the depths of the ocean?
Question [2]: Sealomimis find nostalgia in many different places. What's a snack your Sealomimi enjoyed in their childhood? (Optionally, do they still like it today?)
Question [3]: Your Sealomimi has the opportunity to go to any place they'd like to share a moment with a friend! Would it be with someone intimate at a secret hideout, or just a friend at a cafe for fun?

APRIL 2023
Question [1]: To pass the time, many Sealos find many ways to entertain themselves. Does your Sealomimi have a favorite game they like to occupy themselves with? (Video games, puzzles, anything related!)
Question [2]: "Eek!" Your Sealomimi sits down with some friends for a horror movie night! Do they enjoy the film? Or are they too busy hiding under the blankets or criticizing every moment about it?
Question [3]: Sparks of inspiration! If your Sealomimi could publish a book (or just write in general), what's a story they'd want to tell the world? Something personal? Fiction? A retelling of another story?

MARCH 2023
Question [1]: How tall is your Sealomimi? Do they find their height advantageous or find it more challenging?
Question [2]: Your Sealomimi received a gift card to their favorite bakery! What sort of treats do they undulge themselves on? Is it something new they want to try, or do they just want to eat their favorite snack?
Question [3]: Your Sealomimi had a strange dream! It seems like they envisioned themselves.. but with a new trait! What sort of trait appeared? (Can be any common, uncommon, rare, or cb trait.)


You will receive [1] IC per question answered for a maximum of [3] IC per month.

Question [1]: How's your Sealomimi's wilderness survival skill set looking? Are they a seasoned Wild traveler, or are they going to freeze to death on the first night out there?

Question [2]: Does your Sealomimi like to take care of plants? Like do they have some pots, a garden, farm, something else, or none? Do they have a green thumb? Or... a brown one?

Question [3]: Does your Sealomimi have any disabilities (or healed scars/injuries)? How does it affect their day-to-day life? Do they have any accomodations, or wish they had more accomodations/accessibility options for? If your Sealomimi is not disabled, do they struggle with anything they can't resolve physically?


  • Masterlist: (link to masterlist entry)
  • Answer [1]:
  • Answer [2]:
  • Answer [3]:




  • Masterlist: (link to masterlist entry)
  • Answer [1]:
  • Answer [2]:
  • Answer [3]:
Denji ! YaoiHaver
  • Masterlist: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/5595319/view
  • Answer [1]:   
  • Denji: "I'm 5'5 or ~165 cm! I think that's all the height yah need, you shouldn't be freakishly tall or big. My height is the perfect height, a perfect standard even! I can reach things as long as it's not too high... I can fit into things easier too! I think everyone should be my height!" 

  • Answer [2]:  
  • Denji: "This is great! I love free food!! Food tastes WAY better when it's free or a gift I don't have 'tah return! I'm not a picky fella either, I'll try anything that isn't vegetable or fruit related... unless it's strawberries or oranges, I guess I can make some exceptions. I love strawberry shortcakes, cake in general, Chocolates with cake, sweet teas, melon pan, sweet pan... Hungry..." 

  • Answer [3]:
  • Denji: "My dreams are always strange or funny. I think I had one dream where I was fighting and had a BIG tail!! Ya don't understand how big it was!!! I kept knocking other sealomimi down and breaking things and I couldn't get through small spaces! I guess it coulda been a nightmare but I'd like ta' think I'd still be awesome no matter my tail size!"



[12] -> [15]

Storm blackpetalthistle

  • Answer [1]: Um... People keep patting me on the head and calling me "cute" when I can't reach stuff... But I like crawling into small spaces so I guess being short isn't too bad. Maybe.

  • Answer [2]: That fish pie in the display case... No not a slice, the whole thing, please. Actually can I have two?

  • Answer [3]: Um... One time I dreamt my tail looked the same, but when I went to brush it it unfurled? Like pulling open a cinnamon roll. It felt kind of nice to wag it, heh heh. But... I think I like my tail just the way it is. It's good for catching fish when they swim near it. I don't know if that would work with a curly tail...


[88] -> [91]


  • Answer [1]:
  • Levi: …. I am honestly not sure but every time I encounter people they seem so tall… and big… or maybe I’m just small? (He’s 5’0) So far I don’t think my height disadvantages me or anything…. I like feeling closer to the cozy ground *cuddles in snow*

  • Answer [2]:
  • Levi: Bakery…? I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of that… but I would be very thankful regardless! If this so called bakery has treats… I guess I would like to try one of everything…! My diet is only fish and wild veggies/fruits… I would love to try new things…

  • Answer [3]:
  • Levi: I once had a dream that I woke up with my head feeling very heavy… when I looked into the river to check my reflection… I was in awe! I had two giant horns!! I felt very cool, although it was weird trying to balance myself and I kept bumping into everything.. thank goodness it was only a dream! I prefer myself without a heavy weight on my head.


[18] -> [21]

Mira MPri

  • Answer [1]:
  • Mira: "I am 130cm tall, which I am painfully aware of is very short. It tends to make people treat me like a child. Most people in my hometown are aware of my age, but I often have to explain to strangers that I'm not a lost kid when going out for groceries. I wish I was a little taller so that would be less of an issue, and I wouldn't need to get a stepstool or ask others for help to get things off of top shelves all the time. Maybe I'll still get a bit of a growth spurt soon..."

  • Answer [2]:
  • Mira: "Thank you for the gift card! It has been a while since I ate their pastries, maybe I'll treat myself next time I go out for groceries... I wonder what I should get? Something to share with my brother would be nice, but I've been wanting to try out those little animal-shaped pastries in the display case for a while now too... There are so many things to choose from, and all of them taste good. Do you maybe have any recommendations?"

  • Answer [3]:
  • Mira: "I usually don't remember them, but I recently had a dream where I grew feathered wings on my back! It was very awkward, many of my clothes didn't fit over them and I kept bumping them into doorframes and edges of furniture. I tried to fly with them at some point too, and fell into the sea! When I touched the water they disappeared, and I had to swim back to shore. I've heard others say they want to grow wings so they can fly, but if my dream is to be believed I think I'm good without them. They are unwieldy when walking, and flying was very difficult. I don't know how birds do it!"


[28] -> [31]

  • Masterlist: Sealomimi #120 (named Leander/Lele)
  • Answer [1]: "Being only 4-foot-2-inches is both a curse and a blessing. I get poked fun of a lot but I also get cuddled by friends. They know I like affection... It's really embarrassing though. I feel like a little doll."
  • Answer [2]: "Huh... I don't usually get to try new things, mostly 'cause I just stick to what I know, but I don't want this gift to go to waste. I should try a cake maybe. Or maybe get one of my favorite donuts? If I could get both, that'd be great... I guess I know where I'm going today!"
  • Answer [3]: "I woke up confused this morning because I had a dream my tail was suddenly very tiny. It was weird, because I'm so used to the heavy weight behind me... I had trouble balancing in my dream because it was like losing an entire limb. That and... I couldn't hold my tail for comfort... It really felt like I lost a part of me."


[4] -> [7]




i replied to the wrong one my bad 😭



  • Masterlist: (link to masterlist entry)
  • Answer [1]:
  • Answer [2]:
  • Answer [3]:
Forrest blackpetalthistle
  • Masterlist: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/5516165/view
  • Answer [1]: Oh, that would be Specie Spot! It's one I made up. You have to face the forest in one direction, no turning your head. Then, you have to name as many species of flora and fauna that you see as you can! There's always new creatures popping in and out of the forest near my home, so I never get bored of it. My current record is 35 ^^
  • Answer [2]: WHY IS THAT PICTURE MOVING WHAT IS THIS SORCERY (has never seen a tv before, modern tech is the true horror)
  • Answer [3]: The Ultimate Veggie Guide!! A book big enough to break a table full of all the things I've discovered about my veggies! Farming techniques, recipes, illustrations, and a pull-out harvest calendar with a sticker sheet! For some reason no publisher will take it...


[16] -> [19]

 Echo Malachi
  • Masterlist: Ghost Coral (aka Echo) #302
  • Answer [1]: "I uh... I enjoy video games, yeah. I keep my room dark all the time and it makes video games much more enjoyable. My favorites are horror games like Silent Hill and Soma. You know, the psychological ones. They're the most interesting to me."
  • Answer [2]: "Oh, uhm. I don't really... have friends... I like horror movies a lot, but I'm kind of desensitized. Not much freaks me out so I usually just stay quiet... But if it's just right, I tend to cover my face with a pillow. Please don't tell anyone."
  • Answer [3]: "Write a story? Well... I guess it's obvious what I'd write. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark were a huge part of my childhood. I'd want to do something like those books, with some memorable creepy art included. Would probably have a lot of sea-related themes. Just imagine what could be lurking in the depths..."


[7] -> [10]

 Fujiharu「藤温」🎨 PocketSized
  • Masterlist: 250
  • Answer [1]: Art, specifically painting, occupies most of Fujiharu's time. Though generally he specializes in painting - watercolors being most preferred, but does not mind dabbling with guache or acrylic - over the last few weeks, he has been trying his hands at pottery. He is rather unsure about electric throwing wheels, so tends to use an old kick wheel whenever he happens upon them...which isn't all too often, so he makes rather wobbly pieces when using modern wheels. (He'll either get used to them, or stick with painting. Oils are next on his list of mediums to try.)
  • Answer [2]: Generally not one for movies, there are the occasional times Fuji and his partner, Einar, get roped into "trying new things" by Briet (Einar's sister), and on occasion they are horror flicks. Although Fujiharu isn't particularly expressive in a typical sense, he does startle easily and can be quite jumpy. However he tries his best to mask this, so often his ears are flattened against his head as tight as possible, and you can find his hands clenched and trembling. If asked if he enjoyed the movie, he avoids the question saying that it was interesting while immediately asking what others thought instead.
  • Answer [3]: Fuji is not much of a writer - he doesn't feel there's much he has to tell (he's not particularly a talkative seal). He does enjoy reading all sorts, generally art history books, but he has been know read books suggested by friends, peers, etc. So even if he were given the opportunity to write (or have a ghost writer), he wouldn't really go through with it; he finds his life not exciting and likes to be quite private as a whole...fiction isn't bad...but not really for him.

(Hope it's okay I wrote this in 3rd person - I am not particularly fond of writing in first person for a character)



[6] -> [9]

Writing in 3rd person is fine as long as the questions are answered in 2-3 or more sentences!

  • Masterlist: Sealomimi #332
  • Answer [1]: 겨울(Kyeoul): Usually when I have free time I spend it either writing music or drawing. I like to use my free time being productive and get things done.
  • Answer [2]: 겨울(Kyeoul): Yeah it was an alright movie, definitely not scary though. I‘ve seen worse (Nothing is scarier than the music industry for him….).
  • Answer [3]: 겨울(Kyeoul): I actually have a couple drafts for a potential book in the future. It‘s a book about  writing/ making music and tips and tricks to share your own music to the public. However, I definitely would like to write an autobiography in the future… don‘t know who would be interested in my life and the struggles i’ve had, but it would mostly be for personal reasons to create an autobiograph.


[36] -> [39]

 Evelyn beewizard
  • Masterlist: 281
  • Answer [1]: Evelyn enjoys card games and usually carries a playing card deck around with her, especially if she's going on long trips. There are many different ways to play Patience (solitaire) if she's on her own and when she's  not, she's happy to invite others to a game of Rummy or Crazy Eights. Things will get heated over Uno, though, so watch out.
  • Answer [2]: Any horror movie invite would go straight into the trash. Those types of films are beneath her and it's totally not because Evie is squeamish or gets nauseous at the sight of blood or is easily scared! That's a preposterous idea and the silliest thing she's ever heard!!!
  • Answer [3]: Evie  isn't the biggest writer (beyond her middle grade journal,) but wouldn't be opposed to hiring someone to write her biography. She is, after all, the heiress to Sinclair's Fish Cannery; her great-great-grandfather started out as a humble fisherman and look at her family now! Who wouldn't want to hear about how fascinating her life and family are? About the amazing parties she attends and all of the juicy gossip she hears?


[6] -> [9]





You will receive [1] IC per question answered for a maximum of [3] IC per month.

  • Question [1]: Diving into the depths! Does your Sealomimi like swimming, and how confident are they diving to the depths of the ocean?
  • Question [2]: Sealomimis find nostalgia in many different places. What's a snack your Sealomimi enjoyed in their childhood? (Optionally, do they still like it today?)
  • Question [3]: Your Sealomimi has the opportunity to go to any place they'd like to share a moment with a friend! Would it be with someone intimate at a secret hideout, or just a friend at a cafe for fun?
  • Masterlist: (link to masterlist entry)
  • Answer [1]:
  • Answer [2]:
  • Answer [3]:
 Fujiharu「藤温」🎨 PocketSized
  • Masterlist: 250
  • Answer [1]: Although most of my time is spent on land, and my physique seems less capable of lots of physical activity, I do enjoy long swims. I generally prefer to swim on my own, but I do enjoy times when my partner, Einar, joins me. We live in a small fishing village on the northwest coast of Iceland, so the waters don't tend to get too warm - I've never been particularly fond of swimming in warm, tropical waters (so I don't frequent areas near the equator).
  • Answer [2]: Not generally one for sweets, my favorite childhood snack were uni rice crackers. Uni, meaning sea urchin. They're a small, crispy snack with a lot of umami flavor. Now, that isn't to say I never eat sweets, as the wagashi (traditional sweets) my grandmother made were very enjoyable, especially with a nice cup of bitter tea. But traditional Japanese snacks don't tend to be overly sweet...I find current sweets and pastries too much for my liking.
  • Answer [3]: Money and time permitting, it has always been my dream to take Einar with me to Kiyomizu-dera (Kiyomizu Temple) during Obon (a summer festival honoring one's ancestors). Kiyomizu-dera is by far my most favorite temple, and festivals always highlight its beauty - though I doubt he'd be fond of the amount of visitors during such time. But, regardless of reason, I would love to bring my partner back to my homeland, if only just once.


[2] -> [5]

Harper (Sealomimi) UntramenTaro
  • Masterlist: 365
  • Answer [1]: I enjoy swimming. I like to go down into deep waters to hunt and catch fish. Used to sleep in the water too... After almost being run over by a boat one night due to poor visibility, I now sleep on land. There are strange things out in the water and strange things on land too, but with proper lodgings sleeping on land is far safer. 
  • Answer [2]: My mother used to catch me smolts. I enjoy how small and easy they are to eat. My mom always told me not to catch too many, since doing so will make them harder to find in the future. Now as an adult I understand that smolts are immature steelheads, but there is something about being able to eat the whole fish in one go that still appeals to me. 
  • Answer [3]: Going somewhere with a friend... I'm already doing so, with Margaret. I like going to places with her. Far away remote places. Beautiful places. Going to a café with her isn't very appealing to me, because I dislike loud places. If she wanted to bring me to a café or some place similar, I would not be opposed, though. It is nice to experience new things, when I have someone to make me feel safe. 


[0] -> [3]

Mira MPri
  • Masterlist: #159
  • Answer [1]: 
  • Mira: "I love swimming! I feel right at home in the water, especially on warmer days. Going for a paddle on the surface is very refreshing, and it is fun to watch the seaside birds too. They are quite friendly, and will often join you in floating along! I don't really like diving too far down, it is hard to see the distance to shore from there and the water gets cold very quickly. I'm also a little bit scared of what lives down there, to be completely honest. I've heard stories about glowing fish with hundreds of teeth that eat things twice their size!"
  • Answer [2]:
  • Mira: "Oh, I used to love prawn crackers when I was little! Oliver likes them a lot too, still does actually! He eats them like most people eat crisps, just snacking straight from the bag. We used to share packets together while on trips. I still enjoy them as a side dish, but I haven't eaten them on their own in years. They are a bit bland to me now, they don't taste as much like shellfish as I remember? I guess they are more enjoyable to a more sensitive palate."
  • Answer [3]:
  • Mira: "It has been a little while since I've seen Storm! I hope she's doing well, I'd like to invite them for some tea if she isn't too busy. There is a cafe in the next town over I'd like to go to! I've been meaning to recommend it to Storm because they had delicious mini fish pies in a wide variety of flavors; I thought it might be good inspiration for her winter store. The salmon cake was especially good, I might have to ask for that recipe for myself too..."


[16] -> [19]

  • Masterlist: 352
  • Answer [1]: "I do not like swimming at all. Sure, it can be fun every now and then with friends, but as something to enjoy? No, no. I for sure don't like to get wet, it ruins my hair and my fur! I will not even be caught dead diving into the ocean. I will stay on land, thank you very much."
  • Answer [2]: "Ahh... I remember the first time I tasted strawberries for the first time. I was a very picky eater when I was young (well, I still am), and I did not like trying anything new. I thought I wouldn't like strawberries because it was, again, new. So theeen, one day I sorta kinda peer-pressured myself into trying it because my other friends were fine with it. Luckily enough, I liked it. No, I loved it. And I still do to this day! Catch me eating anything that is strawberry-flavored."
  • Answer [3]: "Ooh! I love love inviting friends to food! It is so much fun eating and chatting with people and even though I'm picky with my food, I love trying out new cafes and restaurants. Hanging out with people in these places is just one of the best ways for me to get to know them better! Hayden in particular is my go-to buddy to go get drinks at the coffee shop."


[24] -> [27]





You will receive [1] IC per question answered for a maximum of [3] IC per month.

  • Question [1]: It's pride month! Sealomimis far and  wide are  accepting of all expressions of love and gender identity.  Showing your  pride can come in all forms, from self reflection, a flag,  to finding  people you can confide in. How is your Sealomimi exploring  their  identity or orientation?
    Question [2]: With the new World Map release, where would your Sealomimi decide to settle in or travel   through? Is it out of an environmental preference or just because it's   their home town/region? (If you're not sure you can treat this question   as a hypothetical situation)
    Question [3]: How  musically oriented is your Sealomimi? Do  they like playing an  instrument or perhaps like to sing? Or are they  horribly off-key all  the time?

  • Masterlist: (link to masterlist entry)
  • Answer [1]:
  • Answer [2]:
  • Answer [3]:
  • Masterlist: Cherub & Sugar
  • Answer [1]: "Cherub is very prideful, appearing as if she has never been inclined to hide any part of her identity. However, despite what she might tell you directly, she cares a great deal about what other people think of her. This can prevent her from truly expressing herself, putting on a mask in front of others. Despite this, you see the mask slip a time or two in spending any significant amount of time with them. I hope one day, Cherub is comfortable enough to share her true self with me." - Sugar <3
  • Answer [2]: "I live in Aesine, but in reality, I spend little time there, I love to travel everywhere and seeing new places. I particularly love to explore Vaalt, the terrain is so unpredictable so it's never boring. I really only return to my home in Aesine when Im expecting Sugar to visit, she would go off on me if she found out half of the dangers on my adventures! Sugar lives in Qierde, I've visited there a few times, it's really beautiful! There are plants that glow, radiating beauty. Fitting for her -Wait, forget I said that!" - Cherub
  • Answer [3]: "Cherub is a beautiful singer, and they sure let you know it. If there is music she always finds words to sing with them, although often they don't make much sense or carry a coherent narrative, but that is easily ignored when you focus on the sweet melody she sings. Her songs make her extremely popular at events and amongst village folk. Perhaps I could write some songs for her, she could surely become a star if she was to pursue that career, but I find that unlikely. Cherub doesn't often enjoy being confined to one thing. Pursuit of such a thing may lead her to fall out of love with singing altogether, what a truly terrifying thought..." - Sugar


[28] -> [31]

Harper (Sealomimi) UntramenTaro
  • Masterlist: 365
  • Answer [1]: While others may fret about finding a mate, I don't particularly find much need to seek out that kind of companionship. I think there are many different forms of love and companionship, and none are inherently better than the other. As for my own identity such as gender and sexuality, I primarily identify as male and I think I would like to fall in love someday, though whatever my partner identifies has no bearing on any potential attraction.
  • Answer [2]: I grew up in Aesine. I had never left the region before, not until I started traveling with Margaret. I'm enjoying traveling through Hailu, and we plan to travel through Qierde next. There is so many things to see in this world and I'm glad to start experiencing it. 
  • Answer [3]: I don't know much about music. Out in the wild there isn't much in the way of music. I hear music sometimes, when I pass the villages as I travel upstream. It sounds wonderful and joyous. Sometimes, it is too loud. I don't know much about singing, but sometimes I can mimic the bird songs quite well. Does that count as singing?


[13] -> [16]

  • Masterlist: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/6061762/view
  • Answer [1]: Azezel supports expression of gender variety. However, he can't ignore the fact that there a lot of other groups of people, who are vulnerable and unprotected. If he would be sure that it's o'k to post here links of third parties he would show the art of one artist as the sample of true pride month art, not just some art with striped flag, not some art that tells about the problems of certain group of people - it tells about equal rights for Everyone. 

  • Answer [2]: Azazel is born in Aesline. My choice is based on the impression that this region is the most cold. And Azazel is frost aesthetic. But he is deeply intrigued by tropic region (here i could not even expect that it may exist in Sealo universe) So, he may travel there. And so as there is Travel Quest with rewards he may find some time for it even in spite of busy schedule. 

  • Answer [3]: Azazel can listen to different music genres. But he can't sing and play music. Though when he was a kid there was a short lapse of time when he wanted to learn to play on piano. Also there was a time when he wanted to be rock star. But it was far in past. Well, not to deep in past. So as he began to listen to piano music for relax.


[0] -> [3]

Callum MPri
  • Masterlist: #147
  • Answer [1]: 
  • Callum: "I've always been really prideful of who I am! I don't see much of a reason to hide anything. We all come in all shapes and sizes, and that includes non-physically as well! I think Pride month is a great opportunity to celebrate that diversity, and show others they are not alone by being proud of your identity! Oh, my identity? I'm intersex and homosexual! I haven't seen many other intersex sealomimi around, and it is not talked about as much as other identities so I make sure to be extra visible with that one!"
  • Answer [2]:
  • Callum: "I want to go on adventures! I want to visit Vaalt! Shadow knows some stories from there, apparently there is treasure hidden somewhere in the caves... I'd like to go and find it! Maybe I can drag some others along as well, it will be fun! I also want to explore Selkie's Lagoon with Eirian! I'm curious where they are from, there must be some weird creatures down there..."
  • Answer [3]:
  • Callum: "I love singing! Karaoke especially, though no one ever invites me to parties there. I wonder why, I make sure to always perform my special version of Never Gonna Give You Up. Do you want to hear it? It's really cool, I sing parts an octave higher and lower than he does! No? Too bad! (his voice switches to an ear-piercingly high screech) We're no strangers to lo-"


[19] -> [22]

Hibiscus/HB!Straybow (Ver. Sealo) HimejoshiHeart
  • Masterlist: Here! 
  • Answer [1]: "I am a woman who loves other women, and a man who loves other men. Through I do lean more feminine than masculine for the way I dress, which has let to people assuming I'm only a woman at times..."
  • Answer [2]: "Aesine is a nice place for study and food. Sometimes a nice relic to study gets left behind by someone. Hopefully it was not something they cared about deeply." 
  • Answer [3]: She hums a short tune. Despite him not using his voice for words, he still does use it for noises, and that includes singing, of course.
  • Note: answers 1 & 2 are signed in whatever sign language sealos use, lol. :3 (sorry for replying to the march comment at first lol)


[0] -> [3]


... didn't I have IC from doing trivia previously?

edit: nvm, I thought this was the recent one!





You will receive [1] IC per question answered for a maximum of [3] IC per month.

  • Question [1]: Scents can sometimes incite nostalgia! Does your Sealomimi experience this phenomenon? Are there any particular scents that your Sealomimi takes notice of? Or alternatively, are there any scents that bring them comfort?
    Question [2]: Weather can be quite all over the place across the land! What sort of weather is your Sealomimi's favorite? Least favorite? Are there any deeper reasons behind their preference, or is it just a surface-level preference?
    Question [3]: Sometimes, things just don't go our way and things go hiccup in our day. How does your Sealomimi address and manage themselves on a bad day? Do they seek out support from their friends, just need some alone time, or perhaps a physical activity to vent out their stress?

  • Masterlist: (link to masterlist entry)
  • Answer [1]:
  • Answer [2]:
  • Answer [3]:
 Fujiharu「藤温」🎨 PocketSized
  • Masterlist: 250
  • Answer 1: Despite seafood being a main staple in his culture, Fujiharu grew up more inland and was not privy to super fresh fish and shellfish. However, living near shrines meant that there was frequent, easy access to any and all matsuri (festivals). As a pup, he found grilled squid to be his favorite. And although food is prepared differently where he currently lives, the smell of freshly grilled squid entices the same euphoric, nostalgic memories.
  • Answer 2: Fuji grew up in pretty temperate climate. Seasons changed regularly, and although there could be especially hot or cold days, the extremes of both weren't super drastic. Living farther north, however, was a huge temperature shock to him. At first, he really disliked the long, frozen winters...but as the years have progressed, he finds comfort in those days far too cold for Einar to be out at sea, snuggled together next to a nice fire and thick blanket.
  • Answer 3: Being a more private seal, Fuji tends to keep things, especially negative emotions, to himself. So, upon facing a particularly bad or trying day, Fujiharu recedes to his room, often immersing himself in a new art project or perhaps some light reading. While he believes he's able to hide when he's not doing particularly well, his partner, Einar, can easily discern a "need my space, Fuji" and an "I'm really not doing well, please help, Fuji."


[5] -> [8]

Harper (Sealomimi) UntramenTaro
  • Masterlist: 365
  • Answer [1]: The smell of smoked fish brings back a lot of fond memories of abundance and preparation for winter. Especially with the smell of fresh pine, it brings me much happiness and comfort. 
  • Answer [2]: I particularly enjoy sunny days with some cloud cover, as sunny cloudless days are often too hot at times. My other favorite weather is actually foggy mornings, as there is something wonderful about cool mornings that slowly give way to sunshine. My least favorite weather is probably thunderstorms. I don't like the loud thundering, even though the rain half of it doesn't bother me much. 
  • Answer [3]: When something upsets me I often will go somewhere alone and wait until it no longer upsets me. It usually does not take long before I find that I want to do something else aside from be upset. Dwelling on it never helps. 


[46] -> [49]



You will receive [1] IC per question answered for a maximum of [3] IC per month.

  • Question [1]: There's tons of music genres in the world, and tons of music within those genres. Does your sealomimi have a favorite genre of music? Do they like multiple genres? Listen to a little bit of everything? Or perhaps they don't like music at all?
    Question [2]: Everyone always asks about favorite breakfast food, so what's your sealomimi's favorite dinner food? Or perhaps they like breakfast for dinner?
    Question [3]: Expressing love and care comes in all kinds of forms! What's your sealomimi's love language? Do they like giving gifts, spending quality time with their favorite people, or maybe they have a different way of expressing affection?

  • Masterlist: (link to masterlist entry)
  • Answer [1]:
  • Answer [2]:
  • Answer [3]:
Harper (Sealomimi) UntramenTaro
  • Masterlist: 365
  • Answer [1]: I don't really know much music growing up in the wild. I have been enjoying to listening to all types of music on my travels now though. Some music is very relaxing while others are very frantic. Ones with strong beats and soft melodies are nice. 
  • Answer [2]: Salt roasted fish is my favorite. I've been trying to expand my palate while I travel though, as there are so many new foods I've never eaten.
  • Answer [3]: Spending time with someone is the most I can offer. I don't really know what goes into giving gifts, and I have a hard time figuring out what people want... I suppose I don't really understand what else to do aside from supporting someone the best I can.


[77] -> [80]

fish pulverizer sunkitt

Masterlist: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/5960599/view

Answer [1]: "I don't listen to music. The world is better with less noise." [FISH PULVERIZER] prefers the solitude of the Aesine wilderness. She lives alone in a cabin, a good distance from neighboring villages. She has very sensitive ears, and dislikes most loud noises, including music. Despite this, sometimes she can be seen listening to the distant song of a lonely seal, carrying across the wind.

Answer [2]: "...Meat. Any kind. I find the aroma of freshly slaughtered deer to be the most enticing." [FISH PULVERIZER] will tear apart a deer with her bare teeth. Approach with caution.

Answer [3]: "Hm... Perhaps.. Bringing home the fruits of the hunt. They don't need to fend for themselves. I can handle it." [FISH PULVERIZER]'s love language is 'acts of service'. She will protect and feed you during the harsh winters, bringing home fresh fish and other meats for you before wandering back out into the woods again for firewood. You won't need to do much while she's around. (Actually, she probably won't let you do anything)



[102] -> [105]

Hibiscus/HB!Straybow (Ver. Sealo) HimejoshiHeart
  • Masterlist: 350
  • Answer [1]: "... My favorite music? Well, I am not really into... regular... music... Do you know what 'jpop' is?" Hibiscus mainly listens to vocaloids or vtubers (like me lol)
  • Answer [2]: She often eats junk food! hotdog yummy. Mac N Cheese is also tasty to him :3
  • Answer [3]: Spending time with someone else is a love language for him, alongside being "cute" and silly around them, as a contrast to the formal way he also acts. As well, they quite enjoy gifts like flowers or chocolate!

Hello! Your sentences mostly consist of one-liners that just misses the minimum of about 2 long sentences per answer, so we'd like to ask for you to write another sentence or two for each answer! Once you're done, just reply and a staff member will grant you your IC :3c

If your Sealomimi has nothing more to say in-character, you could write underneath each answer OOC with an additional description and it'll be accepted. (Example: "Duh! Of course I like pies!" Sealomimi likes pies because  of their fond memories from their childhood. Their mother made the  greatest fishpot pies and aspires to make the same recipe on their own  in their free time.)


Edited! :3



[3] -> [6]

Eirian MPri
  • Masterlist: 392
  • Answer [1]: 
  • Eirian: "I only recently learned about music after moving to the surface. It was strange experiencing it for the first time, but all the different possible sounds and styles are so weird and wonderful! I particularly like pianos and acoustic guitars though, they have such a gentle and soothing sound."
  • Answer [2]:
  • Eirian: "I always liked eel. I used to only eat it grilled, but with the ingredients found on land I've been having it cooked, pickled, with rice, with noodles, on bread... It is amazing in any variety! I think my favorite way to eat it is in fish pie though. It is also convenient to take with you because of the bread crust!"
  • Answer [3]:
  • Eirian: "I like spending time with my favorite people; just talking about nothing and enjoying all sorts of activities and scenery together. There is so much to see in the world, and I'd love to experience it all together with the ones I love!"


[22] -> [25]

  • Masterlist: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/6061762/view
  • Answer [1]: 
  • Different genres of music but mostly classic. So as it helps to get concentrated. And to be honest, i'm tired of modern style of life - it requires to be multifunctional. It's more bad then good. But it doesn't mean that the music became worse then centuries ago, It's just differ.
  • Answer [2]:
  •  Slightly salted salmon and boiled potatoes or some baked salmon and veggies. Though i may take some fish soup and crispy bread.
  • Answer [3]:
  •  I try to support the ones, who's meaningful for me. Sometimes i can make small gifts. When i have some time, it's hand-made gift. Sometimes i just message with How Are You? If i have an opportunity i offer my help.


[3] -> [6]

 Fujiharu「藤温」🎨 PocketSized
  • Masterlist: 250
  • Answer 1: Fujiharu isn't a huge fan of contemporary music, however, he also doesn't like what he perceives to be conflict. So, if someone has music playing, regardless of what it is or if he dislikes it, he will keep to himself and either tune it out, or passively listen. But generally his go-to genre of music is instrumental. He's not picky, he enjoys western classical, traditional instrumentals of any culture, or even just instrumental covers of popular songs enjoyed by most of his peers.
  • Answer 2: Not being much of a morning seal, Fuji rarely consumes breakfast, and thus not particularly partial to those types of foods regardless of time of day. As for suppers, Fuji prefers more hearty meals in the cold months - stews, curries - and eats far lighter when it's hot - sticking to fruits mainly.
  • Answer 3: Neither Fujiharu nor his partner, Einar, are very visibly affectionate. As such, Fuji tends to express his love by aiding his partner where he can - cleaning their home, repairing clothes, preparing meals, etc. Einar, on the other hand, displays his affection through gifts. However, being a bit on the oblivious side, Fuji doesn't quite understand these gifts, as he feels he has plenty of worldly possessions...so Einar has had to gift more mundane needs rather than "frivolous" things.


[3] -> [6]



You will receive [1] IC per question answered for a maximum of [3] IC per month.

  • Question [1]: Hypothetically, let's say your Sealomimi has suddenly gained the power to shapeshift into a specific animal! What kind of animal would they change into? Their favorite or an animal thematic to them as a whole? Or perhaps do they just end up as a seal?
  • Question [2]: Your Sealomimi is asked by a neighbor to help take care of their pet fish for a few days. Is your Sealomimi a good petsitter? Do they give the little guy the most quality vacation time, or do they need to do some explaining to their neighbor where the fish went?
  • Question [3]: Flowers can hold a variety of meanings to different Sealos. If they received a bouquet from someone who knows them pretty well, what sort of flowers that represents them would be present? Would your Sealomimi understand the compliment (or maybe threat) or be confused by the gift? Or maybe it gets them interested in learning the meaning behind each petal, or would they simply find the flowers a good snack to enjoy?

  • Masterlist: (link to masterlist entry)
  • Answer [1]:
  • Answer [2]:
  • Answer [3]:
 Arina - Damascus Bloom Kavaplant
  • Masterlist: #335
  • Answer [1]: Would love to say a seal, but Arina is very fitting for a peary caribou, maybe with an ephemeral dusting of pink at youth, till natural silver-snowy fur overtakes! I associate her with caribou for some reason, she has a very wintery and noble feel about her (despite being girlfail; maybe she's a clumsy caribou). Her favorite animals are actually pangolins!
  • Answer [2]: Er... 50% chance the fish is there when they get home. She needs clear instructions, written on paper, pasted on the fridge, the tank, somewhere written on her arm maybe? In case anything happens, to any one instruction list. She's very loving otherwise, though! It's just maybe she shouldn't be the first pick when it comes with who is responsible enough to watch over little guppy...
  • Answer [3]: Anyone who knows her ought to get her yellow roses. But reasonable, she may just receive camellias, a personal favorite of hers, paired with filler greens and queen anne's lace. She does understand that those are good signs, and rightfully mean good things! She just won't catch the nuance of a bouquet like that, nor many others. She isn't all that interested in learning meanings anyway, if someone really wanted to say something to her, she figures they'll just speak up! (Oh Arina...) At least she doesn't eat them? She is no rabbit!


[0] -> [3]

Harper (Sealomimi) UntramenTaro
  • Masterlist: 365
  • Answer [1]: The idea of shapeshifting is really fascinating to me. I suppose if I could turn into any animal, I would love to turn into a hawk. It would be incredible to see the views from up high.
  • Answer [2]: I know a lot about the lifecycle of a steelhead trout, but "pet" fish are outside of my forte.I feel as if I would be able to take care of a fish if someone taught me. They can be quite beautiful and fascinating though, so I would be happy if someone entrusted their care to me even if temporarily. 
  • Answer [3]: Flowers are pretty. The concept of using flowers as a medium for communication is strange to me, I'm not sure if I would be able to understand it or be fluent. However, I think I would at least make an effort not to pick flowers that would be offensive if I were to gift one but personally I don't think I would look too deeply. 


[94] -> [97]



You will receive [1] IC per question answered for a maximum of [3] IC per month.
EVENT BONUS: you will receive [1] Fishy Candy per question answered.

  • Question [1]: Does your Sealomimi have a sweet tooth? What kind of treats do they like? Chocolate, candy, cookies, or something else? (Optional: Do they take care to brush their teeth afterwards?)
  • Question [2]: Your Sealomimi falls asleep and seems to be trapped in a nightmare! What kind of dream are they in- are they lucid dreaming or following the flow of chaos? Is it all random scary things or does it show their inner turmoils?
  • Question [3]: Some Sealomimis are just a bit materialistic and like to collect shiny things (or generally anything that interests them). Does your Sealomimi have a collection? Is it well-cared for or do they no longer collect for it and forgot their stash somewhere in a corner?

  • Masterlist: (link to masterlist entry)
  • Answer [1]:
  • Answer [2]:
  • Answer [3]:
 Arina - Damascus Bloom Kavaplant
  • Masterlist: #335
  • Answer [1]: Yes and yes. Arina is a massive fan of sugar and sweet! A little too fond of confectionary sugar. She's seriously addicted and now ... restricted. But when there is a will there will be a way by her. She always happens to have a couple of hard caramels on her, snuck away in a newly sewn pocket. Her favorite "little" treat is a double chocolate muffin! No... kladdkaka! Actually, strawberry swiss rolls! Or, no... icebox cakes. Hm, too hard to decide, best to keep moving forward and consider every good sweet a favorite. Now, ever had a giant cinnamon roll cake?
    (Opt. -- She is very careful to brush her teeth despite how scatterbrained she is! When she was young she hated brushing but she did not like when her parents would do things for her. Arina's folks would threaten to brush her teeth for her, which got her to build the habit. Flossing is another story. She's working on it, maybe.)
  • Answer [2]: Well she might be stuck in simple nightmares for her entire life. She sucks up all the imagination during the day hours, there can't be much left for her brain to borrow on nightly horrors, right? But supposing it was a bad nightmare, her worst ever, she does dream vividly. Not quite lucid, but there's a lot of visual information and most certainly dull, echoing, and overwhelming sounds. Developed, audible dread. All different, a little mundane, but easily too much for her given a few passing subconscious minutes. It may begin with little fears of hers, like falling into nothingness, but soon might it graduate to more personal fears the longer she's stuck. What those are? Who can say, she likely doesn't even know herself!
  • Answer [3]: She collects leaves which she presses into a thick book. Or at least, she used to. Arina doesn't have the time to maintain it, nor any other collection, much anymore, but she used to gather funky leaves and other tree stuff as a wee little puppomimi. Once got in trouble attempting to collect pine sap between pages, a LOT of pine sap... (pine is still one of her favorite scents). Despite her well-adorned appearance, she's never been particularly materialistic, but she certainly has a keen eye and takes special note of those who are. Anyway, no one knows where her assemblage was last left. Maybe she considers her armor sets a collection now? It is shiny...


IC [3] -> [6]

FC [34] -> [37]

Mire MincedMangoes

  • Masterlist: #312
  • Answer [1]: Surprisingly no! While she does have a love for slushies, that's about the only thing sweet that she will actively consume. She much prefers eating meats and other savory dishes, as she grew up wild and that's what she's used to. Her beloved slushies are simply an outlier. 
  • Answer [2]: Dreams are extremely chaotic for Mire, they tend to be a mix of horrifying danger and ominous surroundings. They have no control over what they do in their dreams, like a watching a first person movie. They will often wake up in a cold sweat. 
  • Answer [3]: Shiny rocks shiny rocks!!! Mire adores shiny rocks, and will often compare them to their crystallization, imagining having those patterns and colours on her instead of her pearlesence. Their biggest dream is to be able to make beautiful accessories that match their colours using the rocks and gems they collect! They already have a start with their capped pearl, horns, and the bands that keep her hair braided.


IC [0] -> [3]

FC [22] -> [25]

Chalcedony Albiru
  • Masterlist: #358
  • Answer [1]: Chalce likes rock candies in particular since he likes the texture, but other than that he doesn't have the strongest sweet tooth! He's more neutral on sweets. He does make sure to brush his teeth well after, though!
  • Answer [2]: Chalcedony's nightmare would typically be him completely lucid but unable to wake up, trapped in a dark void. This would be quite a personal nightmare to him, but luckily he doesn't have them often. When he does, though, he usually forgets by the time he wakes up.
  • Answer [3]: Chalce will collect anything that shines! His collection is routinely cleaned and polished, and every item has a specific spot. He also has a habit of collecting items that others no longer wish to keep, which results in quite a few various knick-knacks in his collection of blindingly bright items.


IC [12] -> [15]

FC [13] -> [16]


Masterlist: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/5960081/view

Answer [1]: Siku has a.. pretty normal relationship towards candy. He likes it but isn't too crazy about it. His favourite has to be chocolate and white chocolate though! (And no, he doesn't brush his teeth cause he doesn't have a toothbrush)

Answer [2]: A nightmate for Siku is probably lucid dreaming nonsense, where everything is jumbled up and doesn't make any sense. He likes order so this would upset him greatly. It may also include snowy plains turning into hot deserts in seemingly a blink of an eye, the world as he knows it evaporating just like that.

Answer [3]: Yes! Siku likes to collect shells especially. His collection though is old, and hasn't been cared for very well. He used to adore this collection but hasn't had the time to grow or take care of it in a long while.



IC [0] -> [3]

FC [20] -> [23]

  • Masterlist: 370
  • Answer [1]: yes! he likes all kinds of candy but hys favourite for sure is chocolate. the darker, more rich, the better. give hym 70% cocoa dark chocolate and he'll love you forever. he enjoys the bitterness. hy also loves flavoured chocolates such as caramel, sea salt, and chili! and he takes good care of his teeth, brushing at least twice a day.
  • Answer [2]: hy has chronic nightmares. they never seem to follow a pattern or come from any actual trauma but are random, wacky and have him waking up sweating. it can get as bad as sleep paralysis sometimes. usually he wakes up to his boyfriend trying to calm him down, thankfully :"3
  • Answer [3]: victory loves expensive things, as long as they're also useful expensive things. hy doesn't care for things that cost a lot and sit around, useless. what's the point? besides, expensive things are an investment, and getting that really good coffee machine will mean quality coffee for a long time! hy of course takes good care of these investments.


IC [0] -> [3]

FC [15] -> [18]

Hibiscus/HB!Straybow (Ver. Sealo) HimejoshiHeart
  • Masterlist: Here! 
  • Answer [1]: Hibiscus is rather formal with others, so people who don’t know her assume they don’t really like candy at all. That couldn’t be farther from the truth! Hibby quite enjoys candy, to the point that literally their only motivation for going on the candy hunt is to eat the tasty candy!
  • Answer [2]: (mention of abusive family and fakeclaiming of disability) A dream about their shitty father, mayhaps? Or maybe one where they get accused of faking their disability by the people they hold near? Maybe one where they fail at something important…
  • Answer [3]: OH BOY YOU DONT EVEN KNOW. Hibiscus collects objects that have even the slightest hint of magic in them, and studies them for fun. If he goes out on his own, it’s mostly to find more of those objects, or to find the rare anime/manga/game left behind by the wild sealomimi.


IC [6] -> [9]

FC [8] -> [11]


Masterlist: #286

Answer [1]: Very much, to the surprise of others. He especially likes chewing on candy while working with documents and insists that it's important to keep him occupied and not distracted. Naturally, he needs to have his coffee sweetened with no less than 3 teaspoons of sugar, preferrably more. Tora often chastises him for the amount of sweets and sugar he consumes on the daily, but at the end of the day he's always brushing his teeth and watching his health, so he's perfectly fine. If he had to go a day without anything sweet, then probably not.

Answer [3]: Joachim is quite an avid hoarder of books. He's slowed down on the impulse purchases over the years, but his house is filled with books that were either bought because they were needed, or because they caught his eye in a window or review. He tends to think that his collection is fairly normal and not quite anything to talk about, but the amount of space that has been cleared specifically to house his numerous books makes him reconsider the thought. Of course, he has read every single one of them. Not a single coin wasted on those pages.

Masterlist: #243
Answer [2]: (TW for child abuse/ experimentation ?)

They've become scarce recently, but sometimes he has dreams about his early 'childhood', the one back in the lab. He barely remembers what happened back then, only blurry visualized fragments and vague feelings, but in the dreams, they seemed so vivid as if the peaceful life he had was the actual dream he woke up from. Even though the reality was that he was all grown and no longer that little child, once he was in the dream, it was like he was made to take a role and could only sit through whatever would come at him. When he wakes up from them, he wonders whether the events in the dreams were just scenarios that he supplemented, or his actual memories resurfacing from the depths of his mind.


IC [10] -> [13]

FC [26] -> [29]

  • Masterlist: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/5960775/view
  • Answer [1]: since he's pretty famous, i think aero would have a lot of chances to get sweet treats at parties and events and i think they would develop a Serious sweet tooth over the years. i think he would love things like chocolate strawberries and little fancy cheesecakes the most and he does a pretty good job at brushing their teeth regularly, but occasionally they're too tired to do it at night and just go to bed :,]
  • Answer [2]: i think aero would have nightmares of being chased by huge race cars or like... waking up one day and everyone hates them for something they did but he can't remember what it was and no one will tell him what he did! they would definitely wake up in a cold sweat after that LOL
  • Answer [3]: oh they definitely do, they've got a collection of trophies and awards from races they've won which he is super proud of, and i think he would collect various toy cars as well as car parts which is a little strange but also kind of endearing... this guy just loves cars :] all of these things would be displayed nicely all over their home and he does set aside time to make sure they are dust free!


IC [0] -> [3]

FC [12] -> [15]

  • Masterlist: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/5960114/view
  • Answer [1]:Anya absolutely loves sweets, especially candies (but she'll eat anything sweet, really, like chocolate, cookies or any deserts). Her favorite type is Gum drops! Although she likes any candy, she doesn't like anything really bitter. And while sometimes she does brush her teeth, she's most of the time taking some snack pretty late and forgetting to brush them...
  • Answer [2]: It dependsShe might have nightmares about past experiences (like the crystallization process, it was pretty scary not knowing was happening to her), but it might aswell be about her fears of heights or losing her friends. In those cases, she'd wake up panicking for a bit, not knowing it was a dream. On the contrary, she could have some nightmares that are quite... silly to her, while others could be scared of those, like the world ending, and as long as her fears ain't involved, she wouldn't be really calling that nightmares.
  • Answer [3]: Well, Anya isn't the "love shiny things" type. But she does collect a few things like books, a whole collection of books, her room might soon look like a library. Oh, and she has that bunch of umbrellas on the corner of her room, umbrellas brand new or broken, of every color.... Other than that, she's not really materialistic.


IC [67] -> [70]

FC [31] -> [34]

Arthur (Arthur - Sealomimi,,) Kenzeren
  • Masterlist: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/5968983/view (#325)
  • Answer [1]: "Treats... What? No, I'm not a fan of candy. I hate sweet things... No, actually, anything that is too sweet and anything sugary... Maybe it's just me, but sugar just makes me feel sick. Just... Sick? That doesn't sound right- uh, no. Whatever. If I must say a type of treat or candy I like then I think dark chocolate and minty candy, like, peppermint. Actually, does Dark Chocolate combined with mint exists...? I definitely gotta ask the researchers if they have any and, hopefully, allow me to bring them on my travels once I'm back... Okay, but... Well, any other type of candy? I'd... Rather not eat any of them." (Optional: "Well obviously I don't want to appear like I'm dirty or anything, I ABSOLUTELY always HAVE TO make sure I have my teeth cleaned. If I ever stop brushing, then I'm probably outta my mind. I really need a new toothbrush, though. Actually... No? As long as I can brush my teeth I guess...?")
  • Answer [2]: "Nothing scares me as much as my supervisor does. Okay... Maybe except for losing my job or something. I need money, man." - I'd say he'd be in a nightmare with completely random scary things since he doesn't have any actual fears, he probably gets jumpscared all the time and pretty much just flinches slightly. Again, maybe he'd be absolutely terrified if he was in a nightmare where he gets fired by his supervisor... Oh boy, that'd really scare him. Other than that then I'm pretty sure he has a crippling fear of having others look down on him or see him as different. That'd be a perfect nightmare to scare him too.
  • Answer [3]: "I take any sort of scrap materials I manage to find with me. Maybe I can build machinery for myself afterwards, I'm a trained engineer after all. Okay, maybe that's not true, but I do have engineering skills... I usually collect metallic things and if there's even any then I'll take wires too. Helps with saving money, I won't have to spend all my fund on just wires and material. Oh, yeah, that's just for my job. Personally, I collect gemstones too. Any kind of shiny crystalline things I find laying around all goes into my collection. I have a whole room, fully organized, just for them. I do give some of them names, okay, I just like to give my collections some more life. I have a little drawer for rocks too... Like, special rocks. Those with strange marks or unique characteristics... And the one that was thrown at me the other day. It didn't hit me though, their aim wasn't good, but it sure did hit me emotionally - it got me chuckling for a while just by thinking about it... It's still funny to me even now. Those rocks I collect has gotta mean something to me to be there... It's like a hall of fame for rocks."


IC [0] -> [3]

FC [30] -> [33]

  • Masterlist: #171
  • Answer [1]: He's less of a sweet tooth, and more enjoys savory/umami flavors! However he will certainly indulge in sweet things from time to time, particularly rich sweets like chocolates. He definitely enjoys his chocolatey treats, but always takes care not to indulge too much in it.
  • Answer [2]: He doesn't lucid dream, more follows the flow of what happens in the dream. His nightmare may reveal quite a bit about his fears in life, particularly about being good enough to succeed. His dreams are less rampant chaos and more tend to follow a plot of sorts, but there is the fair bit of unrealistic and odd things that happen, even if it is coherent.
  • Answer [3]: He loves hoarding pearls and pearl-like objects! He's a little bit of a dragon in that essence, going for only the best looking he can find, and he certainly takes care to keep his collection well-kept. He does go out of his way to add to his collection and show it off in the privacy of his home, but he doesn't bother others with it if fits not the topic of conversation.


IC [0] -> [3]

FC [26] -> [29]

mizgard chuwigirls
  • Masterlist: ml-021
  • Answer [1]: "I do like the occasional sweet... I don't eat them often, since I don't go into towns to buy any... I just stay out travelling... and don't have a lot of coins to buy sweets... But, when I do get to try something, it's really! Exotic! I think the most memorable sweet I've had is braided chocolate bread, I like chocolate and bread, and together it's yummy and looks so nice! And then it's braided, woah!"
  • Answer [2]: "I used to have this theme of recurring nightmares when I was in tight spots-- I'd be wandering a desolate planet forever. It's very lonely. There isn't anything but my thoughts and a flat earth before me. There's not even any water, just land, land, and more dry land. Sometimes I can see for miles and it's endless land, or it's misty and I can barely see around me. And I have this unbearable urge to keep walking, even when I'm starving, or thirsty, or lost, or just feeling down. I know there's nothing out there, but I can't give up, for some reason. It's really dreary."
  • Answer [3]: "I collect bottlecaps and tin cans! I like colorful or cool designs; I don't care for rarity, just if it looks aesthetically pleasing to me. I don't go out of my way to collect or buy them, and I mostly only keep a few and recycle when the stash gets too much. It's not really collection, really, I just like how pretty the can or bottle I drank from is."

((my first ever IC ever....)


IC [0] -> [3]

FC [42] -> [45]

 Sunshine Malachi
  • Masterlist: #341 - Bee Movie Ruined My Life
  • Answer [1]:
    "A sweet tooth? Of course I have a sweet tooth, I love sugar!! I love lots of types, especially gummy candies, but I'll eat most sweets! Except sour or spicy stuff... uwahhhh... they don't taste good..."
    [he stops to think about the question about brushing his teeth]
    "Uhmmm... I forget to... But Leander reminds me a lot. He's like a big brother!"
  • Answer [2]:
    "Nooooo, I don't like my nightmares..! I can never fly away in them..."
    [he whines and pulls at his ear whiskers, squishing them in his hands]
    "When I have nightmares, it's usually stuff like... like losing my pearl! Bees die if they lose their stingers so... I might die if I lose my pearl!! That would be so awful!!"
    [... this strange little Bee-lomimi doesn't seem to have much to worry about, does he?]
  • Answer [3]:
    "I actually have a collection of stuff on my big honeycomb-shaped shelves!! There's not really a theme... I just... Sorta put stuff on it that I find cool! I have so many things on it... Like rocks I've found on my delivery routes or stuff other Sealomimis have given me, stuff like that!"
    [he hums as he stops to think some more]
    "... I don't guess collecting sweets in my belly counts, huh?"


IC [0] -> [3]

FC [39] -> [42]

maisy doggirlyuri
  • Masterlist: 268
  • Answer [1]:
    surprisingly, maisy doesn't have much of a sweet tooth.. she much prefers spicy things and will donate all of her candy to etoile, who will finish an entire bowl of the things in one or two sittings. maisy does like cookies, but she prefers them closer to a bland biscuit than a sweet cookie. she doesn't like chocolate at all, doesn't really care for cake, and thinks icing is a tad sickening... it's just not really her thing.
  • Answer [2]:
    maisy has nightmares often, so having one she can't get out of isn't anything too new to her. she doesn't have a specific event that she can point to and label as the start or cause of her bad dreams, but she is particularly afraid of feeling a being's gaze lingering upon her body for too long. it doesn't matter where she is, either - she tends to feel watched in both waking and resting times. maisy will often stay up all night worrying and then sleep through the entire day, contributing heavily to her isolation, too.
    her most common bad dream is being stuck in a crowd.
  • Answer [3]:
    maisy absolutely loves collecting and making little plushies of animals and dolls...!! she goes to great lengths to make sure each one is sufficiently washed or dusted at the very least. they are all named different names and she tucks each one into her bed individually when she's preparing to sleep. she is a little ashamed of her hobby considering most of them resemble/are pups toys, but she doesn't let anyone into her space without a good reason. even her closest friend hasn't seen her collection or entered her house. it's her private place.
    it isn't shiny or pristine, but her favorite is a plush of a puppy.

    after i wrote this i realized just how absolutely sopping wet and miserable maisy is as a person. sorry


IC [28] -> [31]

FC [27] -> [30]

Storm blackpetalthistle
  • Masterlist: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/5960646/view
  • Answer [1]: Why would I eat sweets when I can eat fish...? Tilapia is kinda sweet I guess... does that count? I wonder if any of these fishy candies taste like actual fish...
  • Answer [2]: Nononononononono get me outta here nope- (Storm's nightmares are usually just endless spooky situations; like being trapped underwater, or surrounded by beasties and unable to move. They're always followed by a sit on her jetty with a small cup of tea to calm down ^^)
  • Answer [3]: I like antique fishing poles... They line the walls of my storeroom. It's always very tempting to take one with me when I go to restock supplies... I have to remind myself that they're just for admiring. Wouldn't want to break one. My cousin sent me an especially nice one, it has an extra long rod and reinforced guides for holding a long line. It was made for fishing in Liffside Village, to be cast down off the cliffs so that the fisherseal wouldn't have to climb down every day to fish.


IC [51] -> [54]

FC [48] -> [51]

坚果 z06

Masterlist: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/5960579/view 

Answer [1]: Jian Guo not the biggest fan of sweet foods, as a former wild sealomimi he's primarily used to chowing down on raw or barely cooked, unseasoned fish (he's awful at cooking). He's also gotten a little used to eating cat food.. Only the expensive, organic brands as well. He wouldn't say he enjoys it but he doesn't mind some food sacrifices in order to feed his cats. 

Answer [2]: His nightmares would only consist of losing any of his cats. They are often of one specific cat of his, Trip, who was his very first cat and one that he saved from drowning. Fortunately, when he does wake up he'll find Trip cuddling next to him and perfectly safe. 

Answer [3]: Does collecting cats count? It started off with saving one cat from drowning and having no choice but to adopt him. Gotta protect him from drowning again right? But then there's a kitten on the street that looks hungry and sad.. Can't let that happen right? Suddenly Jian Guo finds himself surrounded by at least 10 local street cats.. Can't let them all starve right..? At this moment, Jian Guo is feeding approximately 52 cats. Although he's not sure if that one orange one is actually four cats instead of one.. it seems to be hungry every single time it sees him.. Maybe that's just an orange cat thing?



IC [0] -> [3]

FC [21] -> [24]

  • Masterlist: #007
  • Answer [1]: "I love love eating sweets. I travel a lot and I love seeing how different places make different kinds of sweets! All kinds of cakes are my absolute favorites! How do they make them all so colorful and fluffy?! But favorite favorite types of cake are fruit-flavored. Ooh, do rainbow cakes exist? I could eat a whole one!"
  • Answer [2]: "Probably my worst nightmare has to be when I was trapped in a small space. It was so scary! I couldn't move! It was also so dark and it was hard to see anything. Whenever I do see something, it looked like a scary shadow. I don't remember much what happened after but it was such a relief when I finally woke up safe and sound to the sweet, sweet light of the sun!"
  • Answer [3]: "I like collecting neat rocks... There are just so many colors and shapes! I have a whole stash! I have some that may just look like ordinary pebbles but they are also special. Each one holds specific memories from places I go to. I guess you could also consider them souvenirs because of that!"

(Approval comment got misplaced, sorry!)


Masterlist: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/5960027/view

Answer 1: Yes Piper I considered to be a massive sweet tooth. Her girlfriend has maybe caught her in her room one time where Piper's room with sweet wrapper and chocolate bars. Some of Piper's favourites include lemon drizzle shortbread, chocolate and raspberry cookies and truffles with a hazelnut filling,  her girlfriend does enjoy the occasional sweet treat now and then

(Optional: Yes despite her love for her sweet treats, she does make sure to brush her teeth, she does get a gentle nod from her girlfriend ti make sure she stays on top of it)

Answer 2: Well one of Piper's deep rooted fears is thunderstorms so I imagine this nightmare feeds on this fear. Usually Piper's dreams ate pleasant and easy going but this particular nightmare spooks her to her very core. This night sees her running through endless Storm's, creatures chasing her, the loop never ending. Yes she is a lucid dreamer so she is trying to take control of her dream but her fear is what is making this nightmare never end

Answer 3: Yes, Piper absolutely loves collecting things,  it's one of her favourite hobbies. Shiny things are one if herbpersonal favourite . Also because she is a deep sea diver, she gets the chance to collect anything. Dome stuff she also likes to collect are coins, pearls, seashells, flowers and pebbles. Her room also has an entire shelf dedicated to plushie, she last counted 20 and wants to collect more . Piper always makes sure her collection stats pristine and cstee for as some of the stuff she has collected started from her childhood so she makes sure everything is well maintained 



IC [4] -> [7]

FC [15] -> [18]

Callum MPri

  • Answer [1]:
  • Callum: "I love sweets! Whatever kind you put in front of me better be something you do not like, because I will be unable to stop myself from gobbling it all up haha. My friends tend to appreciate it, giving me the leftovers from their mixed bags, but I do need to be careful to not eat too many so I don't destroy my teeth... Brushing only helps so much when you eat multiple bags a day around Halloween!"

  • Answer [2]:
  • Callum: "I don't have nightmares often, but I had a pretty scary one recently! I dreamt that I woke up in my bed, but everything was unnaturally dark despite my clock saying it was morning. I went to look around town with a flashlight, which was quite tough because everything seemed to be covered in a thick black fog. I know the streets quite well, so I tried to make my way over to the town entrance, as there are many lights there to help visitors. When I got to that point though, the lights showed that a giant wall had been built around the town! Confused, I went to look around for my friend's houses, ringing their doorbells, but no one opened even when I screamed and pounded on the door. It seemed like everyone had disappeared... Defeated, I went back home, only to find a gaping hole of the thick fog where my entryway used to be. When I tried to shine my light through it, a hand suddenly appeared from the fog and tried to pull me into it! It freaked me out so much that I woke up in a cold sweat!"

  • Answer [3]:
  • Callum: "I collect ticket stubs from all sort of events I've been to! I've been doing it since I was 10 or so, so I have plenty of them at this point haha. I keep them in a big photo album, which makes them easy to look through and reminisce about the event itself. Though it is mostly for me, sometimes the local librarian asks for it as well to double check their town records for correct dates and event names!"


IC [25] -> [28]

FC [44] -> [47]

Harper (Sealomimi) UntramenTaro
  • Masterlist: 365
  • Answer [1]: I haven't eaten many sweets before but along my travels now I have tried many. I enjoy chocolate, especially hot chocolate. I don't like mint flavored sweets though, it feels quite strong and makes my mouth feel cold which is not an entirely wanted experience.
  • Answer [2]: My nightmares usually involve drifting alone, unable to see land. Even when I dive down I don't see any life in the water either. The unnatural stillness of the water and lack of fish makes me feel so incredibly alone and frightened. 
  • Answer [3]: I don't really have a collection of things. I like picking up shiny things like rocks and shells though, and I find that most people appreciate when I give those to them so I suppose I like to "collect" them but not to keep personally. 


IC [104] -> [107]

FC [47] -> [50]





IC [39] -> [42]

FC [41] -> [44]



You will receive [1] IC per question answered for a maximum of [3] IC per month.
EVENT BONUS: you will receive [1] Fishy Candy per question answered. Candies will only be rewarded up to November 20th; no more candies will be given out after this date.

  1. Question [1]: Does your Sealomimi have any combat experience? Any favored weapons or tools of choice? Optionally, (or just if they don't have any combat skill,) do they have any other way to safely squirm out of a fight (eg, friend protects them, can magically teleport, etc)?
  2. Question [2]: A friend of your Sealomimi visits their room... What's the state of their living space like? Neat and organized? Messy with piles of laundry and fishing nets everywhere? Obviously tidied up just 5 minutes before their friend arrived?
  3. Question [3]: What's your Sealomimi's favored method of transportation? The world of Seals put in a lot of investment in their public transportation. Walking, bicycles, trains, buses, boats, etc?
  • Masterlist: (link to masterlist entry)
  • Answer [1]:
  • Answer [2]:
  • Answer [3]:
  • Masterlist: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/5960798/view
  • Answer [1]: Mire has a simple answer to most attacks, turn their tail towards the attacker, and wack them with it, one of the few times a Giga sized tail comes in handy. It's very big, and mostly fur, so attacks don't tend to hit, and it's capable of sending people flying. It can also hurt people greatly, as it has crystallization patches, hard and occasionally sharp hits to the body can be painful. She also uses the crystallization as armor, as she lucked out on having hard, less fragile crystallization. 
  • Answer [2]: Mire isn't one to clean up, or really have a set living space. You're more likely to see them coming and going, transient. Sometimes they have an apartment in town, sometimes they're living in a pile of snow next to the waters edge. Because of this they don't tend to OWN anything, and therefore they don't have anything to clean up, other than food waste (lots of fish bones). Though if you're nice they'll lead you to a hole in the snow filled with shiny rocks. That's their only real possession. Rock collection. In a hole. 
  • Answer [3]: Swimming, is at least the easiest for Mire, but of course, you can't swim everywhere, and will use public transport like buses to get place to place on land. More often they're out in the sea, collecting shells to give to friends and catching fish to gorge herself on. (A/N: I have never ridden a bus do you need to pay to ride one? If so then she walks ig???? Buses are confusing we have no need for them in a place were you can walk across town in half an hour)


IC [3] -> [6]

FC [25] -> [28]

  • Masterlist: 251
  • Answer [1]: Antheia rarely gets into fights, she's more usually into arguments. Although if it ever comes to violence, she sadly doesn't really know how to fight, but they just punch with their fist as self defense. When stuff go too far, her friend would probably protect her.
  • Answer [2]: Usually she wakes up and take care of herself quite early, so you'll never see her tidying up at last minute, even if you show up unannounced. On top of it, Antheia's house is very organised and clean, the only messy thing is her collection of shells that she has no place for.
  • Answer [3]: She usually walks around town, just to see nature, or use a bicycle when she has to go somewhere a bit far. If to travel to another region or somewhere quite far, she'd usually take the bus or the train, as walking for a long distance would be quite tiring...


IC [103] -> [106]

FC [71] -> [74]

Arthur (Arthur - Sealomimi,,) Kenzeren
  • Masterlist: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/5968983/view
  • Answer [1]: "Is this a jok- Okay, yes. Yes. It's a required skill to have! Well- it's at least a requirement where I live. I wouldn't have lived THIS long if I had no idea how to fight! I'm not even joking. I did hear that some prefers specific weapons for battles... Honestly? That's kind of nonsensical... I'm not saying anything rude, it's just that I can and will use anything I can find usable to fight... Wouldn't THAT be more convenient than having to sort out weapons just to fight? You're gonna be beat by then! Wait, actually... I like daggers... Karambits maybe? I never got my hands on any besides that one time I borrowed a friend's one, they seem like that kind of cool but expensive stuff..."
  • Answer [2]: "I remember once when a pal of mine came over to check on my room. He was surprised, to say the least... "This is cleaner than I thought!" He said. Do I look THAT messy...? Oh, come on! I keep everything of mine as clean as possible... There's so many important gadgets, documents and items in my room that I wouldn't want to lose in a mess! Of course I wouldn't have a messy room! God, if my room was THAT messy, I would've been fired right on spot!"
  • Answer [3]: "Whatever goes... I like walking more, though. Giving my legs good workouts never hurts. It's way more fun to walk than use a vehicle in my opinion, maybe I'm just too boring? Who knows. That and Jets! God, I remember when my boss had to take me like halfway around the world in a hurry... And the only way to do so? Hop on a jet! That thing was fast, and by that i mean REAAALLLY fast! It's also really cool... Gave me a short feeling of being luxurious... Can you even imagine just pulling up in a jet? That's gonna be LITERALLY AWESOME! My close seconds are Street Bikes and Speedboats... Oh boy, I reaally need to hop on one again sometime."


IC [34] -> [37]

FC [72] -> [75]

Chalcedony Albiru
  • Masterlist: #358
  • Answer [1]: Chalce actually does have some combat experience, having been involved in a few fights in the past. They weren't initiated by him, but he ended up winning them anyway. Due to personal preference he likes fighting with only his fists best, although tends to have a pocket knife stuffed into his tail fluff for safety.
  • Answer [2]: Chalce's room is typically tidy, as he cleans his entire living space top to bottom routinely. However if he feels especially tired after a long day of finding shiny things on the floor, there will sometimes be various knick-knacks scattered around.
  • Answer [3]: Chalce's preferred mode of transportation is simply walking from place to place whenever possible. He does own a bike, but he likes using his own two feet to get wherever he needs to be. If he needs to be somewhere fast he'll usually take a bus, though!


IC: [37] -> [40]

FC: [46] -> [49]

CREWMIMI sunkitt

Masterlist: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/6062659/view

Answer [1]: Absolutely not. Crewmimi is too interested in rocks to spare any time learning how to fight. Under all the fluff, though, Crewmimi is deceivingly strong. You need muscles to move all those heavy rocks around! He could probably hold his own in a fight against the average Sealomimi. If he were to get in a more dangerous fight, however, he may use any field equipment he has on hand (pickaxe, rock hammer, etc) if needed. He typically travels alone on his rock-hunts, so in the case that he can't fight off an attacker on his own, he'll be forced to retreat. He's not terribly fast, but luckily, if he's in a cave system, he probably knows the layout well enough to throw an attacker off his tail.

Answer [2]: Crewmimi's home is surprisingly spotless. The first thing you notice when walking in is that, oddly, his bed is right in the entrance when you walk in. All his tools sit along the wall, worn from use but otherwise clean. He has maybe two/three sets of clothing, which are also hung in the front room. This is because the whole rest of the house acts as rock storage. They are all lined up, labelled, and clearly well-taken care of. It's like a museum if you ignore the bed in the front room. If you ask, he will gladly tell you all about the various minerals and gemstones he's found over the years! If you're truly lucky, he'll let you hold one. Maybe. No one has actually done that before.

Answer [3]: Crewmimi loves any fast and accessible transport! Buses, boats, trains, anything as long as it gets him where he needs to be. Though he lives in Vaalt, he travels all over the world in search of different rocks (perhaps he's filling out some sort of geology pokedex?), so transportation is necessary. He doesn't have any issues walking, however! Once he gets outside city/village limits, he often walks long distances to get to whatever cave site he's decided to explore. The only type of transportation he doesn't seem to like is swimming. He'd much rather be covered in dirt and dust than water.



IC: [51] -> [54]

FC: [75] -> [78]

  • Masterlist: #171 - Drake
  • Answer [1]: He practices quite frequently to keep on his toes. From doing basic training regimens to sparring with others, he wants to be able to defend himself if the need should arise. He prefers tridents and short  swords, but can wield daggers and a few other weapons without making a fool of himself in a pinch.
  • Answer [2]: His room is neat and tidy. Everything has a specific place to be and if it moves from those spots he will be increasingly distressed until he can fix it. It is always this way, and if the person who is visiting messes up his room at all he will keep his calm until they leave- which is when he will promptly clean up and fix it all.
  • Answer [3]: Drake heavily prefers walking and swimming to taking general public transportation, but he isn't opposed to it. He likes to be in shape and just generally enjoy using his body to get around- though when he feels like it or doesn't have a choice, bikes, boats, or buses are his preference.


IC: [35] -> [38]

FC: [43] -> [46]

Harper (Sealomimi) UntramenTaro
  • Masterlist: 365
  • Answer [1]: It is best to avoid conflict if one can. In the wild there are many creatures that can harm someone, and the best thing to do is leave it alone. I have my claws and my teeth but I would hesitate to use them except in extreme self-defense.
  • Answer [2]: I do not have a room, really. I have my belongings that I keep with me, and I keep them relatively well organized in each assigned pocket. It would be troublesome if I could not find the things I own, especially with how little I carry with me to begin with.
  • Answer [3]: Walking, swimming. Traveling with one's two legs is always better in order to take in the environment. I do hitchhike and take public transportation to get across larger and vaster distances, but there is something charming about being able to get somewhere by oneself 


IC: [115] -> [118]

FC: [55] -> [58]

  • Masterlist: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/5960640/view
  • Answer [1]: Flurry's only "combat experience" is throwing hands with mosquitos. He's a pretty clumsy guy, so he probably doesn't have enough finesse to wield a weapon. If he were to be in a fight, he'd hide behind his boyfriend (who is way more versed in combat).
  • Answer [2]: Flurry keeps his spaces very organized and neat. He enjoys a minimalist style, so his spaces reflect this. He takes pride in the presentation of his interiors. After his boyfriend moved in, however... there are hidden piles of chaos all over the house. The bedroom is pretty much split down the middle between maximalist and minimalist. Flurry couldn't stand his boyfriend's mess at first, but they compromised in the end.
  • Answer [3]: Walking is tiring. Flurry enjoys public transport, especially trains and boats. He thinks the concept of public transport is fantastic and enjoys his time in transit between places. It's an important part of the journey! Nothing beats listening to music while the world flashes past your window.


IC: [9] -> [12]

FC: [51] -> [54]

  • Masterlist: Hayden
  • Answer [1]: "I'm strong enough to protect my friends! I will fight anyone who dares mess with me or anyone I care about!" (They are not, in fact, strong enough to fight anyone. Hayden is confident that they'll be able to physically take on anyone. But anytime they face confrontation, they almost always chicken out and/or their friend is the one protecting them instead.)
  • Answer [2]: "I always try to 'clean up' before guests arrive. My friends always told me that my room is a mess, that my stuff is everywhere. But I don't really see it that way. As long as I know where everything is, is that really called disorganized?"
  • Answer [3]: "I like riding my bike to places! I used to not like riding a bike because it was tiring and because I wasn't good at it. Now that I'm older and I'm better at it, I realized that it feels so refreshing and fun riding it around!"


IC: [48] -> [51]

FC: [72] -> [75]


Masterlist: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/6291067/view

Answer [1]: Arapaima is well..not the strongest, actually far from it she doesn't know how to fight nor actually have any battle skills. BUT She is very kind and chill, she is very quick to understand her situation and can then improvise a plan that involves mostly talking and showing how hurting her or killing her is just a pointless waste of time as she have no money, no possessions, no clothes (normally), no technology...only fish and pets.

Answer [2]: As said in the previous question, Arapaima doesn't own much stuff, she is a very simple sealo. Her and Berry live on a boat. When Arapaima invite a friend over to her room what any friend of her can find there is her pet Sunreine with a very big and gorgeous aquarium, some coloring books, a simple small bed, a ton of fishnets (very tidy ones) and some fishbones. There is also a big transparent door with a pretty view of the sea to the see. She likes to site on the ground when her friends are there near the aquarium to talk about their day, life and just stuff. A plain simple but sweet lifestyle and room!

Answer [3]: Walking to a place and enjoying the view as strolling is Arapaima favorite method of...transportation? Well her feet are, technically! She is very slow and as she doesn't actually work when she needs to go somewhere she just wake up early, give herself some time to prepare and walk without a hurry to where she needs to go, strolling and admiring the scenery even if she sees it everyday, she can find beauty in just existing.



IC: [48] -> [51]

FC: [6] -> [9]

  • Masterlist: #440 - Fracture
  • Answer [1]: Kind of, if you consider fishing combat! Fracture is an avid fisher, and that includes taking down fishes the same size or larger than him... although that's usually assuming the fish isn't fighting back. He's very handy with daggers/knifes (again, mostly just because of fishing...), but he could definitely defend himself if he needed to. Which probably does happen every now and then, being a travelling Wild sealo running around. He doesn't really care or find any enjoyment in fighting, so it's mostly just a last resort thing, if him throwing snow in his opponent's face and running doesn't work. 
  • Answer [2]: Probably covered in maps, travelling equipment strewn haphazardly on the floor, cookbook open to a page sitting next to a pot with some kind of soup in it. He tries to keep things neater when he's staying in a town temporarily, but if it's just his makeshift camp, everything is everywhere, because he's the type of seal to work on everything all at once by quickly alternating between ideas. If the friend is the type of person to be put off by a messy space, he just offers them some of the soup and hopes that they like the soup enough to let the state of his living quarters slide. 
  • Answer [3]: Swimming or walking, he doesn't like most forms of public transportation. He'll opt to hop on a train if he needs to travel a really far distance, but that's mostly the extent of it! He wouldn't mind bicycles, if he was able to ride one (he can't. his balance is terrible).


IC: [6] -> [9]

FC: [34] -> [37]

  • Masterlist:  Duskie & Hibiscus!
  • Answer [1]: Hibiscus is skilled enough at magic to hold his own in a fight, almost like a JRPG mage. Duskie meanwhile is surprisingly good with a sword!
  • Answer [2]: Hibiscus and Duskie share a room, with plushies all over the bed and magical objects in the closet. Anyone who'd visit them would know them enough to not be that surprised- by the person they know's half of the stuff, anyways. "What do you mean your boyfriend collects plushies!?"
  • Answer [3]: Hibiscus either walks around normally... or uses her magic to surf the seas on her tail! Duskie just flies around using his wings to get to place to place. Sometimes they carry each other!


IC: [8] -> [11]

FC: [43] -> [46]



Answer 1-As part of a elite family, Emily has been trained in the art of swordsmanship., Her mother and her grandmother being her mentors. One of her favoured weapons is a family heirloom in the form of a well refined blade, this was made by her great great grandfather and so holds it very dear to her, while she chooses to only use it in emergency, Emily will defend her friends, sisters if she deems the situation necessary. 

Answer 2-Emily is very neat and organised. You will find her home spick and span. Emily holds a very high standard on cleanliness and a clean home, she also expects her friends to be well maintained too,. Call her a neat freak if you will . When she has a friend or family over, she makes sure everything is clean and tidy.

Answer 3-Her family expect her to travel in style whenever they visit places so things like either high class cars or carriages. However outside of her family's expectations, Emily will happily dress casually, grab her bike and cycle but also will find her also traveling at sea too. 



IC: [21] -> [24]

FC: [50] -> [53]

 Arina - Damascus Bloom Kavaplant
  • Masterlist: #335
  • Answer [1]: Yes! Though, Arina's prowess is not as extensive as the honest abilities of a seasoned soldier. She has not found herself in many serious conflicts to begin with, and she intends to keep things that way. Arina is excellent with a sabre, but best with a pike, and dabbled some with axe throwing and archery and various more things for the sake of dabbling. She favors lengthy weapons due to her aversion to violence, which her family is much approving of. Bonus! If she's out of her depth, she is not one to run, she has to be shielded, not advised nor "saved".
  • Answer [2]: No one better walk in anytime soon. Unannounced guests get her at her worst... Arina is not the neat sort. Well, neat but not neat, the cleanliness and orderly neat. She will try, with some mustered up care, to tidy up if someone must come to her room, but she finds that space very personal, very sacred. It's the keeper of her things, after all. All her disjointed, jumbled things, many surely not quite complete as halves are displaced or buried broken. But very precious are they still! Some in memory and some in material value, scattered here and there.
  • Answer [3]: Favored? Walking. Favorite? Literally anything else. She walks out of convenience, but her favorite has to be anything, as anything is more interesting than convenience. If she could, she'd be seabound or travel along rapid rivers by canoe. She'd have a thrilling time equipped with a bike or rollerblades (after practice). Enamored, if she could go by rapid transit, from one place to another in so little time.


IC: [23] -> [26]

FC: [3] -> [6]

  • Masterlist: 038 !!
  • Answer [1]: Loma can and will use their bare claws and sometimes teeth to get you away from them if you disturb their peace in any way. they carry a dagger on them just in case but will forget it is there and go full feral goblin mode. the dagger is mostly used for more serious situations and the feral mode is mostly displayed in times of needing peace and quiet.
  • Answer [2]: Loma’s official ? home is rather trinket-filled and a bit disorganised, though not too much so as they don’t have a lot of stuff in their house to begin with. they live in a wooden shack thing in the middle of Aesine which often goes unattended for long periods of time while Loma wanders out in the snow doing nomad activities.
  • Answer [3]: Loma enjoys walking the most!!! just likes to take in the peaceful surroundings at a leisurely pace (? for them anyways they are a quick walker). other than that, small boats are kinda cool, but they don’t like very much else.


IC: [0] -> [3]

FC: [51] -> [54]

  • Masterlist: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/5960581/view
  • Answer [1]: Taffy has had a moderate amount of combat experience. He knows how to wield a select few weapons and most of them were not originally picked up with the intention of combat, like a spear which he primarily uses for fishing. He tries his best not to get into fights but he’d probably win them anyway due to his training with weapons. He also has had training with hand to hand combat which is where he is most comfortable with combat. He was trained in self-defence courses as well as the occasional martial arts class just for flexibility and strength training. 
  • Answer [2]: Taffy is a neat freak…in his own way. He needs to have everything organized in a specific way even if it makes no sense to anyone else. His room would be best described as half organized and half chaos. He knows where everything is. It looks clean but there is stuff everywhere. He is a maximalist when it comes to his room and has a boat load of decor, but never any laundry anywhere but the basket. He isn’t particularly dirty with his room and in fact keeps it clean aside from the organized mess.
  • Answer [3]: Taffy enjoys walking and swimming the most. He loves doing things for himself so something like that would make sense for him. He enjoys getting the exercise anyway so it’s fine. He doesn’t like public transit much because of how crowded and sometimes expensive it can be (to him at least) 


IC: [0] -> [3]


You will receive [1] IC per question answered for a maximum of [3] IC per month. To claim pet bonuses, please mention it on the side "eg, applying Nimbus pet."

  1. Question [1]: Community is important within Sealo society! Who are your Sealomimi's friends? Do they have many friends or a small handful of close friends? Or does your Sealomimi not have any friends?
  2. Question [2]: (Hypothetically pretend your Sealomimi's parents exist) How's your Sealomimi's relationship with their parents, or does your Sealomimi not know their parents very well? Do they have any memories they'd like to share about them?
  3. Question [3]:  Your Sealomimi goes out for a daily routine run outside.. and oh no! Where's their ... ___?? What's something your Sealomimi is prone to forgetting or losing all the time? How easily do they find it again? Do they just commonly misplace it or do they still have a hole in their pocket they keep forgetting to fix?

  • Masterlist: (link to masterlist entry)
  • Answer [1]:
  • Answer [2]:
  • Answer [3]:
  • Masterlist: Hibby! & Duskie!
  • Answer [1]: Hibiscus and Duskie are rather close to one other! Hibiscus mainly only interacts with people if she happens to wander into them, while Duskie is rather chatty and often goes to visit people! (... do the people in your soul count as friends?)
  • Answer [2]: Hibiscus was neglected and abused as a child, while Duskie just doesn't have any known parents. Although Duskie considers the two people in his soul as related to him, they're more like brothers than parents.
  • Answer [3]: Hibiscus mainly keeps all his stuff on-hand- unlike Duskie, who often runs out without realizing that he left his wallet or his lunch bag or something else behind! He's done it enough that if Hibiscus lets out a loud sealy bark while he's on his way out, that translates to "Duskie, you forgot something!"


IC: [61] -> [64]


Masterlink: Emily

Answer 1-As Emily is from a high society family, she is pretty extroverted but has to set an example to her parents who expect her to be very social and a schmoozer. Emily doesn't really have any real friends and secretly hates her socialite lifestyle

Answer 2-Emily doesn't really have the best relationship with her parents, finding their expectations for her for their own sake irrrates her but puts on a facade that sees her adore her parents. However she is very close to her little sister Kiki

Answer 3-Emily is someone I wouldn't imagine losing something so let's do this as a what if. Emily is known to lose stuff relatively easy, and a daily run would be the worse as she doesn't always bring a bag, luckily she is rational and traces her steps back and finds the item she had misplaced



IC: [21] -> [24]


Masterlist: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/6889178/view , applying Nimbus pet

Answer [1]: Artica is quite a introverted Sealo, very polite her best friends are actually her pets, but during a Sealoweenie she met, I mean technically they met her some cute goofballs she ended taking a like to. Now they can be called friends, Artica is kinda more like their mom as (especially Berry) they are younger and not responsible at all....

Answer [2]: Artica have a good relationship with her parents, she is an only daugher. Her mom and dad are both old and caring, she likes to cook and send fish for them to eat from time to time. They communicate in letters and are very proud of their daughter. Artica have a ton of pictures of them together and her pets whom her parents treat as grandchildren.

Their favorite pet is her Nimbus, whom they find their bioluminescent gorgeous. Artica let her parents customize the Nimbus portable fish tank, which they did and give them a little nickname of Nimby.

Answer [3]: As she is not a spender she would definetely forget her wallet, but she will also realize very quickly and go back to get it. In fact normally its one of her pets who find her wallet and go to stay in front of the dor waiting for her to come back and give it to her.



IC: [114] -> [118]

Harper (Sealomimi) UntramenTaro
  • Masterlist: 365
  • Answer [1]: Margaret is my friend. I have other people who talk to me. I am... very bad at remembering names. But I recognize people, and I am happy they speak to me. I apologize in advance if I do not remember your name, but I will always have a piece of dried fish snack to share if you say hi. 
  • Answer [2]: My mother always kept me happy and fed. She would teach me how to fish, how to swim, how to survive. I don't really remember my father if at all, he had passed away when I was young. It's been many years, I fear I have forgotten my mother's face when I told her I wanted to go out on my own. Was she happy, or sad? I don't remember. We were never in the same place more than once when we were together so I always kept the same migratory pattern of the steelhead trout in hopes someday she would find me again and I can tell her I am happy. I hope as I travel now that we cross paths again. 
  • Answer [3]: It may sound bad, but I feel I always am forgetting Puck. We found Puck sliding around on an icy lake while traveling and since then Puck has been with us. But sometimes when we pack up our campsite we can't find Puck. I don't intend on leaving him behind on purpose! We don't get very far before we find Puck moving as fast as he can to catch up. Good purrmaid. 


IC: [208] -> [211]


You will receive [1] IC per question answered for a maximum of [3] IC per month. To claim pet bonuses, please mention it on the side "eg, applying Nimbus pet."

  1. Question [1]: Sealomimis often find the critters in their world fascinating or adorable! What's your Sealomimi's favorite fauna/animal species? Is there something that makes them special to them?
  2. Question [2]: What kind of hobby or hobbies does your Sealomimi enjoy? Do they like to dabble in their interests casually or are their hobbies a big part of their everyday lives?
  3. Question [3]: Does your Sealomimi have an aesthetic or style they like to lean into? What kind of aesthetics do they like? Do they pick their outfits with care and precision, or did their style just come naturally to them?

  • Masterlist: (link to masterlist entry)
  • Answer [1]:
  • Answer [2]:
  • Answer [3]:
 Sabin beewizard
  • Masterlist: 105 - https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/5960058/view
  • Answer [1]: Sabin  has loved sea creatures ever since he was a little sealo pup and  tried to bring home an armful of crabbles to keep as pets (he still  has the scar on his finger to prove it!) Crinoids are his favourite,  however, ever since reading about them during his early university days.  He almost didn't believe they were real creatures at first, but they  just made him love the ocean even more. It's a wonderful place full of  funky little dudes like crinoids!
  • Answer [2]: A  good chunk of Sabin's hobbies are a part of his every day life. His  love for the ocean and its creatures helped shaped his career as a  marine conservationist. Because of this, he can often be found giving  talks and presentations at the local aquariaum when not out working  with the community on how to protect the surrounding reefs and wildlife.  Even his more casual hobbies are ocean related, Sabin spending a lot of  his time taking walks on the beach, surfing, or hunting for sea glass  and shells for his collection.
  • Answer [3]: Despite  hailing from Hailu, Sabin's style can best be described as 'tourist  chic': loud shirts with bright tropical prints, cargo shorts, and - yes -  even a fanny pack. (It's very useful for carrying around  odds and ends, and treats for his Sharkit, Crash!!) Thankfully, he draws  the line at sandals with socks, but give it another decade and he'll  get there.


IC: [5] -> [8]