Let Us Feast! Cooking Competition (CLOSED)

Posted 10 months, 14 days ago (Edited 7 months, 17 days ago) by Celest


The highlight of every Coric holiday is always the food, and Fumir is no exception. During Fumir, everyone walks the streets, talking, laughing, so typical foods are street foods and snacks, something that's easy to carry around and eat. Of course, many people like to bring skewers and other things they can cook on the big bonfire. To combat the cold weather, many also like to make soups and stews and sip them from mugs and bowls as they stroll through the square. Sweet, spicy, and smokey are the typical Fumir flavors: the most iconic Fumir food is a meat skewer covered in a sticky sweet-and-spicy glaze, grilled over the bonfire.

If you wish to join the cooking contest, there are two ways to do so:

Post one real life recipe that you think would be suitable for Fumir. The recipe may be sourced from a cookbook or blog, but it must be credited!
Then, write a few sentences on why you think this recipe will be the hottest craze this Fumir. Give us a sales pitch!
For bonus consideration, make the recipe in real life and share a photo of it. (Photo must have your TH username written on a piece of paper visible in frame to qualify.) You are also welcome to draw your dish, if preferred.
Make up a recipe that you think would be a good fit for Fumir. We currently do not have an encyclopedia of flora and fauna, so you are welcome and encouraged to come up with distinct fantasy ingredients and cooking styles to use in your recipe.
Then, write a few sentences on why you think this recipe will be the hottest craze this Fumir. Give us a sales pitch!
For bonus consideration, include some notes for the novice chef about how one might source or prepare your more exotic ingredients. You are also welcome to draw your dish, if preferred.

All participants will earn one Sealed Letter (slot rarity upgrade) for submitting a recipe. A winner will be selected for both categories, with first place receiving an on-base semicustom, designed by me, and second receiving a Bottle of Seawater (minor mutation). If there are enough entrants, a 3rd place prize will be added. The winners will be chosen based on the suitability to Fumir (does it fit the flavor profile, what kind of dish is it), the persuasiveness of the pitch, and the presence of Bonus Considerations. 

You may enter for both categories, but you may only win one. Entering both categories will earn you an extra 5 Memories.

For those with existing Enchiron characters, you may earn Memories by having your character "visit a stall" and sample the dish for offer! Simply make an IC reply on any posted recipe with what your character thinks about it. Raakel may be our head judge, but all are welcome to participate, taste what's on offer, ask questions, and provide their thoughts. (Please remember, even if you don't think your character would like a dish, to show support for the real person who designed it OoC!) Raakel may have a little gift for those who help the most.

If you are joining the contest, you are also welcome to present your dish in-character. Is your character a confident cook, or are they anxious to present? Is this recipe a new invention of theirs, or an old, cherished family recipe passed down through generations?


CATEGORY: (Cook or Imagine)

ENTRANT: (if you are presenting the recipe In Character, here's where you might share that and write a little about how they're going about it. Otherwise, just put your name!)

THE PITCH: (A few sentences, minimum.)



This event will end January 31st.



(You may also do your cooking entry IC, in which case it might look similar to the below. This is just an example of how an OOC one might look.)

USERNAME: Enchiron



THE PITCH: Sweet, succulent, and salty chicken on a skewer. Enjoy the savory tastes of soy sauce enhanced by the sweet and sour bite of honey and balsamic. One bite, and you'll be asking for another and another. Portable, clean, and delicious, this will be your new Fumir favorite.

RECIPE: (The following is based on this recipe.)



  • 1.5 lb cubed chicken
  • 2 tbsp olive oil 
  • 1/2 cup soy sauce 
  • 1/4 cup honey 
  • 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 2 tbsp minced garlic 
  • 2 tsp minced ginger 
  • Green onion, for garnish


  • Whisk together the oil, soy, honey, ginger, garlic and balsamic.
  • Pour over the chicken, and mix to combine. Allow to marinate for at least 2 hours but up to overnight in the fridge. 
  • Soak bamboo skewers in boiling water while the chicken marinates or use metal skewers. Thread the marinated chicken onto skewers and brush with any remaining marinade. 
  • Cook the chicken on a hot grill or grill pan for 3-4 minutes per side until the chicken is golden and cooked through. 
  • Remove from the heat, allow to rest for 5 minutes then scatter with chopped green onion and serve. 



(You may also do your imagine entry OOC, in which case, it would look similar to the above. This is just an example of how an IC one might look.)

USERNAME: Enchiron


ENTRANT: Raakel stands before a bright burning flame, holding a skewer between each finger.

THE PITCH: "Feast your eyes on this, the most flavorful, the most mouth-wateringly delicious, the most life-changing cockatrice skewer you've ever experienced. One bite, and I guarantee, you'll be hooked. I expect to see you at my feet, begging for more, the moment this passes your lips. Just try it. Before the night's over, every Fumir chef will be knocking down the castle doors for my recipe. Consider yourself lucky: this is my gift to you, the very first bite. Treasure it."




  • Half a cockatrice, deboned, meat cubed
  • 3-5 flintfire peppers (Use more if you're not a coward)
  • 2 tablespoons of any fat, melted
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • Plenty of garlic (More than you think)
  • Inksac of a sulfursquid
  • Drain the inksac first, and make sure to finely chop the peppers, or else you won't get any of that sweet spice.
  • Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, and let it soak for a while. Mix it well before you add the cockatrice, or else it won't get a nice even coat. Let it sit for a couple hours while you prep your skewers.
  • Use metal, or boil some in water for a while. This handy trick keeps them from burning up. When your meat's done marinating, fill your skewers.
  • Roast each of those delectable morsels in front of an open flame for, oh, three minutes per side. When that sauce is bubbling, you know you're getting close.
  • Try not to eat them all before they finish their five minute rest.

BONUS CONSIDERATIONS: (here, you can post an image, or add recipe notes, or do both.)



  • Sulfursquids can be hard to spot in the pools, but they love pennants. Try using one as bait, if you can catch one. Oh, and the inksac is higher than you think.
  • Cockatrice meat can be hard to find in the more barren parts of the mountain. They love heat, and they love trees, so try to find a lava flow or a forest if you're not finding them at your local market.
  • Do NOT use a knife to open up the flintfire peppers. The seed inside's like a stone, and if you hit it with sharp metal, it'll explode. Open it with your hands first to remove the seed, then it's safe to slice and dice it.



CATEGORY: Imagine!

ENTRANT: Mordecai has just bought it from the nearest stand!

THE PITCH: "Caiman & Martian Noodles- Thankfully they don't actually contain Caimans in there, no... But It's great! Meant to be shared with couples, I think the premise is so cute... One person holds the noodles and the other holds the sauce, and they alternate with the chopsticks, while dipping the noodles in the sauce and eating! As for us singles, you can just pour the thick, salty, umami and sweet sauce right over the noodles. It's a delight, though it might be a bit harder to carry around. Some vendors even sell it with meats, even though the original doodles by Caiman and Martian never tried it. A lot of people might tell you to get it from them, but I actually think any other Vendor is fine! However, none of them have been able to replicate the way the original sauce fizzes..."



- "the original recipe says "love". do we put that here?" "Just put whatever,"
-  Noodles (handmade preferred)

-  Bone marrow

- Maldevian Honey

- Sulfursquid Sauce (or similar)


- Fairly easy to make! Just cook your noodles and set aside with some salt.

- Mix the bone marrow, maldevian honey, and sulfursquid sauce into a warm, gooey sauce.

- Enjoy!



- (Hey... You want to know how the sauce fizzes...? Well, It's magic, actually. Caiman & Martian Magic...!)


Sealed letter has been added to your inventory!

Azuriel sol Springcat1983

Azuriel jumps abit listening to Mordecai talk about it and goes to wherever she saw them walk from and orders some herself.  Azuriel runs back over to Mordecai She pours the sauce on the noodles n quickly tries it. "Mmm! Id loove to try the original with the fizz! This is already good without it!" She smiles then wipes her mouth chuckling abit "sorry i just ran off haheh. You were just making it sound so good i had to go and try it!" 

Raakel Celest

"Thank you most graciously, Zuri," says Raakel, as she hands Azuriel a rock she most definitely did not pick up off the ground two minutes ago.

(an ordinary stone has been added to your inventory!)

Raakel Celest

Raakel eyes the noodles with the pulled back expression of the doubtful. The claim of 'magic' in the sauce has her doubting even more. Plain noodles and sauce? No meat at all? Still, Raakel picks up a scant few noodles, dips them in the sauce, and slurps them up.

She pauses.

Then, her eyes widen. The savory, meaty flavors of the marrow, the sweetness of the honey, and the richness of the squid! Then, the fizziness hits, a peculiar sensation that lights up the mouth! She takes three more bites, immediately, then coughs, quietly, and recomposes herself as she folds her hands in front of her. "Not bad," she pronounces, primly.


You are our first place winner for the imagine category! Would you like the semicustom, or would you prefer a major mutation?


omg celest!!!!! I would love a semi custom, dm me on discord! <3


Endercoil (pinging myself so i remember to make an entry later!! hope this is ok)




LOL well here's a real ping to be a reminder xD