[S] The Cairn Keeper

Posted 4 months, 3 days ago by October_Heart

The Cairn Keeper




Physical Features

Species: Human

Age: 36

Physical Build:  Wiry and slightly scrawny

Gender: Non-binary

Hair, Skin, Eye colors: Black hair, tan skin, blue eyes

Other Distinguishing Marks Or Features: They are missing an eye and have a prosthetic foot

What are some things this character might carry on them at all times?

                  -A Caelian feather and an Ignii claw

What is their general state of dress or appearance?

                  -They look fairly well put together for someone clothed in animal skins and hides.


Personality Trait 1: Reverent, they hold great respect for the cairns they care for and care for them dutifully.

Personality Trait 2: Friendly, the Cairn Keeper is kind to travellers so long as the travellers respect the cairns and do not stay too long.

Personality Trait 3: Asocial, the Cairn Keeper does not need or seek out any social interaction (though they are not opposed to it.

Loves: Peace and quiet, nature, tending to the cairns

Hates: violence, destructive intruders

Fears: Someone causing severe damage to the cairns, they would give up their life before allowing this to happen.

Goals/dreams: The Cairn Keeper wants to someday pass on their duty to a successor some day.

Hobbies: Beading and jewelry making.

Habits: The Cairn Keeper holds a strict daily routine.

Occupation: Groundskeeper/pseudo-monk/priest

Some things this character is good at: Organization, art, fighting.

Some things this character is bad at: Forming long term bonds.


Childhood: The Cairn Keeper was raised by their father figure, an elderly Caelian, in the same cabin they currently live. They were taught how to care for and respect the stones, as well as how to defend them.

Adulthood: The Cairn Keeper has tended diligently to the stones, even after the passing of their father figure. They have taken well to their role. They have fiercely defended the cairns from any threats and have lost their eye and foot doing so. They have provided temporary shelter to travellers, but have kept no companions.

(this character's journal is comment friendly!)


Ooooh what a mysterious figure. What do the cairns symbolize to them?


They have a sort of pseudo religious devotion they don't question too much, but in general the cairns symbolize the holiness of life and death.