voted most likely....

Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Edited 7 years, 1 month ago) by Vin

Pretty simple game!

Post in character and comment what that character would be "voted most likely" to be/do.

 Byun. voidranger

voted most likely to pinch your cute, little cheeks~ B^)

Ochotnik Isoprene

voted most likely to flirt with you while you're dying in a pool of your own blood

Alex SuperStar2361

voted most likely to casually say that your eyes look very delicious (or something equally disturbing) in an attempt to make friends.


voted most likely to fall asleep while talking to you and leave you awkwardly holding his books

Cushion ChibiMangoFloof

Voted most likely to kill someone and not understand why it is wrong.

 Mariko Watanabe meltylandnightmare

Voted most likely to doxx you and not understand why it's wrong or an invasion of privacy.

Kisa EeveeDream

Voted most likely to hug a random stranger in the street and think it's totally okay.

Aiji Chigai

Voted most likely to push two strangers together and tell them to kiss at random.

Claire NeverDraws

Voted most likely to point out a weirdly shaped cloud

Batal Prismakry

Voted most likely to start singing in the middle of a crowd for no reason at all

Liam SuperStar2361

voted most likely to have stolen *insert thing that has gone missing here*