Game: Make an outfit for the character above you!

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by Hanadoodles

Inspired by the hugely successful draw a character from the person above you thread, here's another forum game with similar rules! 

  • Post to claim a spot. 
  • Look through the characters of the person above you.
  • Make an outfit for them! It's recommended to post a little bit about the character's personal aesthetic, the type of things they'd wear, etc. just so the person after you has some idea) 
  • It's recommended to post IC but that's not entirely mandatory, although please do specify which OC you are designing for if there is none selected above.)
  • Outfits can be simple or complex, digital or traditional.
  • Post BEFORE doing any designs; we don't want two people making an outfit for the same character 
  • You may use sites such as Polyvore/Tumblr/Pinterest or dollmakers/Dreamselfy if fashion design isn't your thing, but please credit any non-original content used. 
  • Don't forget to thank the person below you in an edit to your comment or via PM! 
  • Please wait until at least 3-4 other people have commented before commenting again. 
  • Make sure you have at least one public character, and that images aren't set to thumbnails. 

Since I don't have anyone above me, I'll put together an outfit for the first person to comment >o> (will be traditional as my tablet's currently broken but I will update with the colored version once I get a replacement) 
(Edit: for you-are-butt

And as for my character, some cozy hipster-y fall outfit in reds/oranges/browns for her maybe? 

Shoko (Sho) Akani Zaten

claim DONE!  vynex77! i hope you like her ^^


BeetlePrince that you so much for Shoko's outfit! 

Sami Hoshi BeetleJaws

Claim Zaten


I'd love an outfit for Sami! He's very into long sleeved pastel crap so pretty much make/find something cute n warm looking! 

Ahhh ty!! Sweet lil boy might draw em in that!

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Soary Bloodbyte TheKnaveDave

Claim Sheradioactive ! I've got an idea for it I think. Went with a Victorian walking dress, since she's a doll!


I'd love to see what someone's got for Soary! Anything's fine, she's a bit on the gothier side but would wear anything that someone said she looked pretty in honestly. Please do keep her vial with the braid in it though! It's important to her character

vv !! Thank you so much! It's a really good fit with her and looks great! <3

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Claim! vynex77 

anyone here, but rick preferred.

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Claiming TTundraSnow-__ !

IC is preferred! Acorn mostly prefers comfier clothes, but also likes really over the top outfits, so either is fine!

Edit: Finished!


Diana Jingletail

Claim ErisMarlow

I'm not good at clothes, but I'd like to practice and I'll do my best!

IC is preferred, but anyone in my D&D folder is fine! Any outfit that looks like it belongs on the character's class should be fine. :3 Diana does not wear armor!

Edit: Finished!


Edit again: Thanks so much for the outfit! :D


Jingletail Claim

Edit: done and sent

Would Love:

Enoch: Something inspired by Comedia Del'arte (vibewise he's Arlecchino fused with Pierrot) but completely greyscale and instead of a mask he has a  clown paint

Shea: Casual, messy cottagecore vibes, preferably something for winter 

Salty: No set outfit idea for him but the vibe is that he is a Circle of Twilight Druid whose armor is made up of nature that changes itself to reflect the biome and season he's in, so say he's in a grassy area in the autumn then a bunch of long grass blades would become incorportated into his outfit and his palette would mainly oranges, yellows, reds, and browns. Really go wild with this 

Taliesin: She's a puppet witch and her outfit and whole body ought to have a patchwork sewing supply store from hell vibe to it. Important to remember that her right leg is a prosthetic from the knee down and is meant to resemble a massive spool and sewing needle

Sundance: Just a cowboy yeehaw

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Jovani di Fidanza P_Ren

angelscarousel Claim! Would love to whip something up for your alternative kiddo.

Jovani di Fidanza is basically a spoiled rich boy. Would wear stereotypical gold-digger style fashion probably, and he also loves flowy shirts and loose pants, stylish designer clothing, etc. Alternatively, if you prefer fantasy settings, I'd love to see a spoiled prince type ensemble for him too!

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