Game: Make an outfit for the character above you!

Posted 7 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Hanadoodles

Inspired by the hugely successful draw a character from the person above you thread, here's another forum game with similar rules! 

  • Post to claim a spot. 
  • Look through the characters of the person above you.
  • Make an outfit for them! It's recommended to post a little bit about the character's personal aesthetic, the type of things they'd wear, etc. just so the person after you has some idea) 
  • It's recommended to post IC but that's not entirely mandatory, although please do specify which OC you are designing for if there is none selected above.)
  • Outfits can be simple or complex, digital or traditional.
  • Post BEFORE doing any designs; we don't want two people making an outfit for the same character 
  • You may use sites such as Polyvore/Tumblr/Pinterest or dollmakers/Dreamselfy if fashion design isn't your thing, but please credit any non-original content used. 
  • Don't forget to thank the person below you in an edit to your comment or via PM! 
  • Please wait until at least 3-4 other people have commented before commenting again. 
  • Make sure you have at least one public character, and that images aren't set to thumbnails. 

Since I don't have anyone above me, I'll put together an outfit for the first person to comment >o> (will be traditional as my tablet's currently broken but I will update with the colored version once I get a replacement) 
(Edit: for you-are-butt

And as for my character, some cozy hipster-y fall outfit in reds/oranges/browns for her maybe? 

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Parable Cliodna


Might be interesting even if I have no idea if your gal is medieval fantasy, contemporary, something different, or even whether she lacks boobs because of character reasons or as part of the drawing style. XD I'l give it a try though.


Parable here wouldn't mind some new traveling clothes. :) She's got some aesthetic information on her character sheet but as far as additional data goes...

1. The "outside-world"/Overworld seems to have nordic influences to it.

2. It is November but she doesn't feel cold all that well so it doesn't bother her much.

3. She doesn't really know what goes well together stylistically (or gender-role wise) because the culture of "outside-world" humans is completely alien to her, but she's got a decent eye for color schemes.

4. She might want some sort of a headcovering - a hood, shawl, hat, goggles, sunglasses? Something that would shade her eyes from the sun because daylight gives her migraines.


That's all just notes and suggestions that the next poster doesn't have to follow, anything works, even if she was reimagined as a contemporary punk. :D


EDIT: Done




I feel like I should bump again, this is down on page 7 already.

Vilandria Prismakry

I'm not sure how well I'd do, but Parable is a lovely char and I do love nordic things so I'ma give it a try and claim!

All done hope you like! <3

As for me, I'd like somethign super fancy/elaborate and super regal royal ball ready for Vilandria (including hair if possible? It's ok if not though I can always try the design diff hair thread for her hair style haha!). She's got a ball coming up soon in her story and I'd love a super awesome look for her for it ~



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✶ Mave Trolluminati

I'll try claim @nekokurisu

image_by_punicross-db8rdn3.png Is this alright?


I'd like some clothes fitting for an assassin or a mercenary

Daia Animaloftheelements


i would like something completely modern and human. Probably with some gothic elements to it



Masashi hoshiko Power-of-panda

Edit- done and sent over in a PM

Igaku unused-account

Igaku needs a casual outfit! No nurse outfit, just something they can wear outside. It has to have a hoodie and I'd like it to be kinda pastel?

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Ran sappirefire Hold hikaru-i

I'd love to try! Claim

Something for Ran? She loves harajaku, goth, all kinds of fashion :3