PSA: PayPal Fees (DO's and DONT'S) + TUTORIAL

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by sonyaism

EDIT: Unsure where to put this, a follower of mine told me "General" would be good enough. lol


Hey everyone. Recently, I was in a situation concerning PayPal fees that left me salty.

So, being salty, I posted a PSA on my bulletins.

Then, being even saltier, I updated and moved my PayPal Tutorial (used to be on dA) which I am here to share with you today!

Before I get started, I would like to just address PayPal Fees.


It goes against PayPal's User Agreement to charge
your customer/buyer PayPal's Trasaction Fees.


International Transactions

Please be aware that as of late 2016, PayPal has installed auto-currency exchange.
Please refer to my guide on Weebly on how to deal with it.
Please check in with people you are buying from outside the country if they want their money in USd or their home-currency.
ALSO, fees are higher than normal fees when sending abroad.


Transaction Fees

  • DO know that asking someone to cover your PayPal Fees will get you in trouble.
    • They can limit or freeze your account which means you won't be able to receive or spend funds, depending.

  • DO know that it is against PayPal's User Agreement to charge someone PayPal's Transaction Fees.

  • DO raise your prices discreetly if the fees are that much of a hassle.

  • DO not ask for your buyer to cover your PayPal Fees.
  • DON'T use "Friends & Family" payment method to avoid fees.
    • As a Seller: Potentially can limit/freeze your account.
    • As a Buyer: The seller is able to scam you because this does not offer "PayPal Protection" which means you are unable to open a dispute against them if they run off with your money.

  • DON'T ask your buyer to cover your PayPal Fees.

  • DON'T ask your buyer to cover your PayPal Fees.

  • DON'T ask your buyer to cover your PayPal Fees.
Note: If you were someone that added an extra dollar or more when sending money, that can be considered a "tip."
You put extra money onto the transaction out of your own volition. No one asked you to do so.
If the seller did ask you to cover the fees, then they are violating PayPal's User Agreement which you, under no circumstance, should be covering the fees.



Screenshot of the User Agreement Clause






Thanks for taking a read!

Feel free to critique, corret, and comment below!

I need the feedback. :')

>>sonyaism ♥


This is so important and necessary because some people just.. don't listen to paypal. @christianDashkov


Lalafell - I remember someone here telling me you could get in trouble in the future but I'm unsure how true that is. And if you don't report it, someone else can report them. There are people who are die-hard about not paying fees and if they find out someone is making others pay fees, they will not blink to report users. You should link them to this thread where I do point out it is against protocol to make buyers cover fees.


Sorry for those who have posted asking me questions. I am rather in and out of checking messages.

Also thank you everyone who bumps this. : )

Feel free to PM me if you have questions. I will try my best to answer to the best of my knowledge and experience. Please be advised I'm no expert but I've used this platform for a very long time and have learned from my own mistakes.

Also updated a small thing about international transactions.




is it so hard for artists to just add the fee into the initial price like..... if you KNOW you wanna be paid $15 for something, then the base price you go for is like... $15+whatever the fee is like that is your first and final asking price none of this "oh btw pay this fee afterwards"

i like to know how much things are when i see them...esp since america is terrible about this can i have this piece of mind online, thank

its never happened to me thankfully and i'd never do it to anyone else (i just let the fee be taken out of whatever the total is like... oh no paypal took $2 from me.....i'll live)


I am so glad those artists and people I have bought characters from havn't said anything about paypal fees. I know in other things it is very common for people to want payment via friends/family or fees added.


I'll be honest, if it is someone I trust, I don't usually mind the friends/family option. I know there is still risk, and case by case basis sometimes I am ok with that risk if I have a reason to trust/know the person I am sending money to.

The fees though. That pisses me off. I have done it, but seriously, it makes me so annoyed when people request more for the fees.






This is such a good post, I've tried to explain this before only to be met with anger. If you go to a store, the shopkeepers don't say "oh pay the credit card charge too please", so it doesn't make sense to do that on Paypal either. I've passed up many commission threads because of the paypal fees add-on.

Charge what you feel your art is worth and leave it at that! It'll work better all the way around.

Thank you for putting it into words!


I actually get very annoyed when an artist asks me to pay the fee. It should not be my responsibility to pay their fee when they are the one selling me a service. I passed up commissioning a lot of artists just because they have this, 'this price does not include the paypal fee'. It offsets me completely from wanting to buy from them. That and 'Send To Friends and Family' because I had a case of where the artist took MONTHS to finish my piece and I could not take it up to paypal because I sent money that way. I basically felt like I had wasted my money on a lost cause.


@StitchedBunnies Pings myself too~ >v<///