Five Facts About Your Oc

Posted 8 years, 7 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by Craven Runaway

//This always helps me get to know my own ocs! //

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Tell us five facts about yourself and do feel free to explain a bit.



Aluran danlion

Oh, uh...

I make soap. After what happened, I needed a new hobby, so... Teb's garden helped.

I met Teb when I was 18. He was weird and I didn't like him. We've been married for over 20 years now.

I'd wanted a son since Teb and I wed. It took years for me to feel confident enough to raise a child but now we have Noshi and I couldn't be happier.

I love singing and I'm actually quite good at it. Noshi can't resist my lullabies; he falls asleep almost instantly.

Hawkfather Egalan is my best friend. He has a lot of power over us and has to make decisions I can't even imagine... and I get to see him be a brat because he hates the bathtub.

Kasan chiauve

Oh for crying out loud, why? I don't want to. ...Fine.

I am the younger brother of two. My dam died giving birth to me and my sire died in an accident when I was very young. My brother practically raised me.

I am one of the select few trained in the use and maintenance in the dozen firearms remaining from the Old World. I am a team leader. I am also one of the even fewer trained in use of the Dragon. I guess they called those gatling guns in the Old World?

My brother is Hawkfather of our Clan. Basically our ruler. I admire him for the hard work he does, but it's always put me in a tough position. It's like I need to do something to reflect that my brother is so important, but at the same time anything I do is because of his influence, you understand?

Ever since I was a kid I would brush my brother's hair for him. It's relaxing and really the only time these days I get to talk to him and not a Hawkfather. I guess he likes it too considering he hasn't cut it in forever.

I really, really like my clothes. Not everyone can afford the material and a personal tailor, and I remember being poor. The bright colors are a bonus.

Can I leave now?

Tebric danlion


Well, I'm sure this is something everyone knows, but I was adopted. Dam went nuts, you know the drill. My adopted dad is gone now but he was a good dude. The garden was originally his, actually!

Speaking of the garden: yep. I have a garden. You need plants? I got 'em. Flowers, medicinal herbs, cooking herbs, couple'a trees. Weed. Salvia, if you're into that.

Love at first sight is totally real, my friend. When I saw Aluran for the first time I just knew. Told him I loved him when he came back from a hunt. If I love you when you're covered in dirt and blood I gotta be serious about it right?

Nobody wants to talk about this, but: giving birth is supposed to be painful and hard and, well yeah it hurt like mad, but Noshi just fell right out. Thanks, kid!

I have more money than I look like I do. Shhhh. Tell no one. (Aluran was so mad when he found out. Sorry babe.)

Freyr Shank TheLadyAnatola

Hey, my brother actually did this. Wasn't expecting that grumpybutt to cooperate. Guess it's my turn then!

I'm the third youngest out of eleven siblings, and I'm one year older than my brother that tried this earlier. Actually, all of the siblings are about a year apart from each other, not including the twins or the youngest that came later. You can imagine how hectic the house was with so many kids running all over the place.

If I had to categorize myself growing up, I was always a bit of a troublemaker and a prankster. It was kind of fun to annoy my older siblings, but it was mostly to get a little attention. There were so many of us in the house, and everyone always had their own agendas and interests that sometimes the only way I could spend time with my some of my older siblings was to get on their nerves.

Uh... well, honestly I kind of feel like I'm a deadbeat compared to the rest of my family. I mean, they all have successful careers or whatever. Two are CEOs for the family business, sister's a surgeon, there's a lieutenant commander of the Marshal Guard, a pirate lord, a falcon breeder and trainer, the twins are the top fighters in an underground fighting ring, and even my little brothers are a marine biologist and a drummer in a popular band. Me? Uh... I stay at home and help mama take care of the place. Mama went into a real bad depression after pops died, and I spent a lot of time doing the household chores when she wasn't feeling too good. Unlike everyone else, I just stayed put, and now I don't know what to do with myself. I mean... we're rich and all, so I don't HAVE to do anything, but still... I feel kind of useless compared to everyone else.

I guess there's one thing I'm pretty good at, but you can't tell anyone else about it. I... I really love baking and cooking. Mama would sometimes be too down to make meals, and she never hired any chefs for the house since she normally liked to handle it herself. I picked up making meals for her and everyone else in the house, and everyone just assumed she was the one making the food. I don't really want anyone else to know about it though... I mean... Do you know how my older brothers would react if they heard I love being in the kitchen? ...No really, do you know? I honestly don't know, and I'm kinda scared to find out. Mama and Shakuru are the only ones that knows about it, and my brother tells me I'm just being silly. Maybe I am but... hey, I'm confident most of the time. I'm allowed to be insecure about something, okay?

I'm kind of a lady's man, but I'm not really looking for any relationships and prefer to keep things to single encounters. I usually have good luck with finding some lovely ladies, but when I have bad luck, I have really bad luck. I think the worst encounter involved me waking up strapped to a stretcher and she was getting ready to harvest my organs. Woke up a few days later in the hospital though. Some people would be annoyed by it, but I'm pretty grateful my brothers keep a very close eye on me when I wander off with random women... and also grateful my sister is a surgeon and was able to stitch me back up without much issue. At least I don't remember much of it, because it sure sounded unpleasant, hehe...

Well, wasn't that fun? Wonder how many of my other siblings I can annoy-- I mean, convince to do this.

Vivian malpractice

Okay, okay.

1. I am a demon from Underearth! I was a very proficient magic-user among my kind, and was granted the job class Dark Priestess!

2. I have only come into contact with a few others of world above. For now I am mostly causing mischief in a remote shack in the woods between a couple of towns.

3. I am training myself to become one of the most powerful members of demonkind! That is my goal in the long run.

4. I have an insatiable lust for money and treasure! I stash it all in the makeshift basement of my dwelling.

5. I am best friends with a blind mage, but I have not seen her since leaving Underearth, and I miss her greatly. We worked very well together. She was always the brains, and I was usually the brawn.


[The royal guard sighed in irritation. Who forced him to do this again? Oh. Right. His queen did...]

1. People say that I am extremely mature and formal. This is actually a lie. My queen says that I am immature and perverted when I'm around her and her alone. This is extremely accurate. I... have concerns for her, however, as she has this wish to mate with me. Thankfully, humans don't devour their partners, but I'd rather keep her the pure and giddy woman she is. ...She's still at the young age of 24.

2. Despite being formal to my queen, she has allowed me to be... "myself" around her. That's something I'd rather not do, considering there are people out there who already claim me to be a "dick." Besides, I already feel like myself when I stay by my queen's side.

3. I have this tendency to hunt my queen's animal stables when she's not aware of it. Something tells me that she already knows, but knowing her, she wouldn't adressed such a problem to me already.

4. I was told that I sleep like a log with my mouth wide open. I respond by asking why someone would watch me in my sleep. My queen told me that I sleep by her bedside and that's why she knows how I sleep... Sometimes I wish she wasn't so honest with me.

5. I prefer turkey over chicken, to be honest.

Nuke Fiaran TheLadyAnatola

1. I am the youngest of 12, although I along with my oldest brother are the only ones gifted with the powers of our ancestor, the great healer Lady Amradelta.

2. While my brother seems to have acquired Amradelta's vast power over healing, I have inherited the darker half of her powers. I'm capable of creating very powerful and destructive energy fields, but I have very little control over my own powers due to lack of training. The energy within me is so volatile I end up killing any living creature I come into direct contact with, most often by horrible disintigration or explosion. It's rather awful, so I try my best to stay away from other people to avoid hurting anyone.

3. Despite my ability to destroy so easily, I'm very much a pacifist and any harm I cause to others is always unintentional. I'd rather take injury than risk hurting anyone else.

4. I tend to get terrible motion sickness when on vehicles of any sort, so I prefer to walk or fly myself anywhere when traveling.

5. The only people so far I seem capable of coming into contact with safely are my family members. My oldest brother insists I can get ahold of my powers if I just trust I won't harm anyone, but I worry so much due to past experiences of... um, blowing up people... I haven't tested out if I can safely touch anyone other than my family recently because I don't want it to be a fatal mistake. Although he insists if I trust a person enough and trust in myself I should be fine, I just can't bring myself to try. I suppose I just don't trust myself enough yet... I don't know if I ever will.

Lydia cancerunicorn
  • Unlike what most people think, I know how stand up for myself
  • My favorite seasons is spring and summer
  • I enjoy hunting and crafting gear over anything else
  • I'm very close to my brother, Neo 
  • I'm quite good at climbing
Sid Databuffer-Storage

Five facts about me? Why not.

1). I have been told on many accounts I try to hard to be a hipster. I'm not a hipster. I just like quality music outside the norm.

2.) I'm not exactly a pyromaniac, but I always stop and start at fire. Fire is very cool, and very warm.

3). Winter is hell. Don't talk to me about Winter. I'm just going to pretend you never brought up Winter.

4). I actually don't /need/ glasses, I just think they look cool...

5). One thing I hate about myself is how often I lie. Stupid things too, I'll say I ordered an different drink than the one I did, I'll pretend not to know a person... I don't know why I do it.


((OOC: Dragon Age 2 Hawke oc, would have my own drawing up of her since the creation screen is p dark and hard to see but haven't had the time to do any digital art recently)

1) I can't stand the thought of my friends and family getting hurt any more than they've already been. They mean the world to me and I would do anything to keep them safe

2) Getting my face tattooed really hurt and I don't know why I thought that would be a good idea to get the whole thing done in one session (at least it looks good)

3) I'm terrified of ghosts and demons and things like that. When my siblings and I were kids sometimes we told each other ghost stories and I would never be able to get to sleep afterwards. I always told them I stayed up so they wouldn't be scared but really it was because was too scared

4) I annoy my siblings a lot, it's my way of telling them I love them

5) I think know my dog is the best dog in the world


(OOC: same deal with Gyda)

1) I was really close to my father when I was a child. I miss him

2) Sometimes it seems like I do dangerous things without thinking about the consequences. Really, I do think about them, it's just that the good that's done far outweighs the consequences I face

3) My family annoys the hell out of me and I hate them sometimes, but they are my entire world and I would do anything for them

4) I can't stand Fenris sometimes. I do sympathize with him a lot and, since he's dating my brother Peter and good friends with my sister Gyda, we have to be around each other a lot so I wish he would just try to listen to what I have to say for once

5) I never had a ton of friends in Lothering and I've never dated before. I was too scared to get close to people and not a lot of people wanted to get close to me or my family after finding out that three of us were apostates


(OOC: Same with Branna and Gyda)

1) I've always been more of a follower than a leader. Gyda and Branna were always the leaders in our family

2) Absolute silence makes me tense. Normally there's at least Carver and Branna bickering or Gyda joking with Bethany or the dog snoring or something. The times when it was totally silent in my household were when there were a lot of templars near and we were almost too scared to even breathe

3) I like to sing and play the lute

4) While I'm pretty close to everyone in my family, my mother is the one I'm closest too

5) I am very flirty