Five Facts About Your Oc

Posted 8 years, 8 months ago (Edited 5 years, 5 months ago) by Craven Runaway

//This always helps me get to know my own ocs! //

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No replying to your own oc unless its been 24 hours without a reply.


Tell us five facts about yourself and do feel free to explain a bit.



seth 'mugz' reilly b0ykult

reviving a sort of dead thread cause i feel like talkingn about this oc hehe

  1. seth hates beef. like, cow meat in basically any form. he wont eat anything if it's so much as touched the stuff. also green beans but that's not as bad as beef.
  2. he's one of those kids in school who sits alone at a table drinking an energy drink at lunch and deathglaring everybody if they talk to him. got the whole edgelord "i hate popular kids and PEOPLE nobody understands me" loner trope going on. he's........really terrible.
  3. his best friend (curt)'s mom really likes him and mothers him a lot. she makes him sandwiches and lets him use their bathtub cause he's too tall for the tiny one in his house LMAO. it's nice cause his own mother isn't really too good to him.
  4. super lightweight when it comes to alcohol. he learned this pretty fast when he and curt stole a pack of alcoholic lemonade when they were like 15. curt's mom caught them because seth was throwing up and falling over everywhere at like 2am. she took him to the hospital, nothing serious, just a terrible headache the next few days. curt got grounded for like 3 weeks and seth decided to maybe not do that ever again.
  5. he has 10 piercings and he did them all himself. (except for the bridge piercings.) 2 bridge piercings, 3 in right ear, 2 in left ear, bottom lip, right eyebrow, and left nipple which he assumes was a drunken joke because he has NO idea where or how that one even happened. such is life i guess.
 Aurora (retired) Skykristal

1.Im in a relationship with a very beautiful girl

2. I'm not cute,  not at all actually. 

3. I can change the way my tail looks 

4. if I'm in danger I'll shoot that hot magma into your face. 

5. I can see everything underwater very clear

Lakarthe tori34

1)  I haven't cut my hair in forever.  I really need to fix that.

2)  I like using spears, but I can also use axes and hammers pretty well.  Crossbows not so much.

3)  I don't really have any particular feelings about my mother.  She's just...not there.

4)  I have a lot of respect for my father, even if I don't think he's right half the time.

5)  I miss my sister a lot.


1. I have a best friend who lives in the same capital as I do. He's a specialist in alchemy, and we went to the same school when we were kids.

2. Bread is my favourite, but if it's a type that I love the most, it's the baguette.

3. That rapier of mine? I used it for my training, but it seems to be worn out. However, with the power of the butterflies, it became stronger.

4. Mamoru and I never met in person, but all I know about him is that he came from Badcadia, the same realm that I was sent to upon accident. However, he did stop by our castle once, and he was with a red-haired boy, but all I did was look at him, talking to the other nobles.

5. Butterflies... they're common in the nameless kingdom, since it is always summer from where I live. I used to ask my mother about owning one as a pet, but sadly, that never came to be a reality...

 TK-20 Severstal Ledokol

          1. - My name 'Severstal' is from the metal industrial business which took patronize over me. And it happens... that in the city where the business HQ located there's a hockey team sponsored by them, too. Yep, of course that hockey is called Severstal... thus born the jokes on me that I'm oblieged to support that team. The problem, I have zero interest in ice hockey. So nope, never really follow the team, even though they play in the highest league in Russia.

          2. - This bandaid on my cheek... sure, it marks the spotted where I once damaged my face clashing against the polar ice. In reality... that damage can be easily fix in a short time with no trouble. Hmmm... I guess it's the same as Miha, even though his damage was far worse than mine. We don't need bandaid to cover our 'injury' since it can always be repaired. It's more like, we opt for it as a reminder not to repeat the same careless approach again.

          3. - I share the same 'birthdate' as Tomsk. Different year but the same Aug. 27th nonetheless.

          4. - Most of the time I prefer not to have an enemy but the Borey bunch is a permanent exception. Deep down I know it's not their fault to be constructed to replace me and Miha but... grrr, no one likes the feeling of being replaced, okay? Especially since they're skinny pencils that probably won't survive four torpedo hits in row. 50% of my hostility to them is my own bitterness while another half... kinda like to stand in solidarity with Miha I guess.

          5. - There was supposed to be the seventh Akula... my little brother. The disintegration of the USSR forever halted his construction, and eventually he was abandoned. I have no idea if they recycled the components used in his unfinished construction to create other submarine androids? Sometimes I do wonder if any of the younger subs has part of my supposed younger brother in them...

          ...but if it turned out to be the Borey brats, $&^# it then. I'm not getting friendlier to them because of that!

Yazzar faepaintings

He speaks in a monotone voice, as if he had absolutely no emotion, and keeps his eyes lowered. He is not allowed to look anyone in the eyes after all. 

My misstress told me to answer your questions about myself, Serjo. I don't really understand what you would like to know about me, but here are the five facts about me you ordered me to tell you. 

My name is Yazzar. I was called Worm when I got caught and my education started, but I regained my name by obeying and following orders. 

Those wristbands? They are suppressing handcuffs to prevent me from using magic. Every slave here wears them. It does not feel good to be cut off of your magicka, it feels as if you are not able to breathe in deep anymore. 

Before I got caught by slavers I was an Ashlander. A vagabond. Before that I belonged to the Urshilaku. 

I am the personal slave of my mistress and no, that does not mean what you think now. I am her bodyguard, advisor, butler, valet, medical assistant... And she still can kill me any time she is not pleased with me.

No, I have no desire to get free and flee. Out there only death awaits me, so I stay with my mistress. I'm safer here at least. I miss the plains of the ashlands, though.

Rhilvas Llarith faepaintings

He looks at you, raising one eyebrow and putting on an almost bored-looking face. 

Five facts about me? Who are you to have the right to find out stuff about me, huh? Alright, if you insist I will give you some facts. 

First: You already know my occupation and I can see in your face how it pushes you off, N'wah. But you just are not able to understand with your narrow mind, you are no dunmer. I follow the tradition and the duty of my House and I do it for my people. Without slaves we cannot maintain our economy, so what I do actually saves my people and honors the Three Living Gods. If they would not silently approve, they would have forced Dres and Telvanni to obey the new slavery-laws. But they didn't. What do you mean "this is not a fact"? Of course it is a fact about me! 

Second: I hate senseless violence. Don't look like that at me, keeping and training slaves does not have to be linked with physical violence. I prefer more subtile methods that don't harm physically. Every wound you do to a slave lowers their worth, doesn't it. Unless they provoke my anger I don't use violence against slaves.

Third: You may already have recognized it, but I'll tell you before stupid rumors spread. I am not able to use magic. Teachers and masters tried to teach me in my childhood and youth, but failed. I can't even light a candle. Of course I was laughed at in my youth for that. A dunmer incapable of using magic... But I found ways to compensate this weakness. 

Fourth: I hate spiders. No, it is NOT a phobia! I just... hate them.  

Fifth: Yes, Thumar is my partner and lover. Why do you look so surprised...? Yes, he is a man, so what? I don't understand why this is something special. 

Are you happy now? Good. Now tell me some fact about you...

Rosedale, Michelle tehuti88

[OOC, finally made a character drawing so I can reply to this now! 😊 ]

1. I'm really not good at talking to others about my problems, so when I do, I tend to just dump them all out at once...this makes me feel weird. I don't know how other people like my friend Alex can just be so open all the time.

2. I'm...really bad at "reading" men. I seem to always get the wrong message. Probably because I had some unpleasant experiences when I was younger...

3. I'm in a male-dominated line of work but I've never had any feeling that I have to "prove" myself or anything. Despite my trouble reading them, all the guys I've worked with have been pretty decent so far, especially my old sergeant, Jeremy, and the guys in Minot.

4. Makeup is a waste of time I could be spending doing something more productive, you know, like my job.

5. I know it's not my fault my brother was kidnapped, but...that "What if" feeling just never goes away, does it?

Maakus Andrekov b0ykult

i am reviving this thread because i like it. :3

  1. maakus was raised in a pretty isolated conservative town. the only dealings they had with the 'outside' was trading. as a result, despite having lived in his home country his whole childhood, he feels separated from its actual culture and from his people because he barely ever left his hometown.
  2. his favourite food is grapes. he appreciates good quality wine too. he barely ever gets to have either though because they're expensive.
  3. he's very empathetic and sweet. the kind of guy who would help a total stranger in a time of need. a lot of people try and take advantage of his kindness, and some succeed. luckily he has a less trusting and much more discerning friend to help prevent these situations.
  4. he is a fool for aforementioned friend and has a hard time hiding it. which sort of threw him into confusion because he never thought he could be attracted to another man. he was told as a kid that those sort of relationships don't happen (at least for people of his home country). conservative town and all.
  5. people keep mistaking his name as 'marcus' or some variant. there's no R in his name but ah he's way too polite to correct them.
 Rain Quartzstorage

1. Despite her cute looks Rain is a technology genius who loves to build robots that are used in underground fights and in the battle for freedom, making her also a feisty fighter.

2. She knows the best street food carts and where to find them. Her favorites are vendors with spicy dishes. She primarily eats at food stalls for the majority of her meals and gets to know the owners that way, who in turn provide useful information they pick up day to day. 

3. Rain considers herself a lone wolf but she'd be lying to say she is. She has close friends who she sticks to like glue and relies on just as much as they rely on her. She just doesn't like to admit it. 

4. She's been arrested and knows her way around a prison. She knows how to get on the good side of inmates, and all the little tricks to make her stay more comfortable. You're bound to get arrested for illegal robot fights in her world. 

5. Her name is Rain because her hair resembles a dweary downpour of rain. She adopted the name after a befriended late hobo began calling her that. 

Felix BurnsBerry (The Dentist) Jazzy_J_Wolf
  1. Felix still keeps ties on what his mother is up to these days. though she was distant to him growing up, she was never cruel and he still's feels for her.
  2. He has a photo of him and his wife on their wedding day on him at all times, he looks at it sometimes and cry's thinking about her
  3. The idea to steal top right molar of his victim came from a his mentor, who used to carve stars into their victims foreheads. Felix was amazed at how proud his mentor talked about it being a sign of respect.
  4. He still has his wedding ring, while his wives is buried with her
  5. Little Shop of Horrors is his favorite movie
Felix smiles as he pulls out a knife, "Well this was fon, but now mon ami we must say good bye"
Asâ (Hásâko'asâ) ghostlysun

1. Bee was born without forearms and hands. For a while, as she grew older, she lived without arms using mostly her legs because most of the prosthetics were of poor qualities and she was growing too fast to get expensive ones. At 15 years old, she got her first magical prothetics. Since she is a witch, she learned to do the maintenance as a way to reduce the cost.

2. Her girlfriend, Gigi, doesn't know that the reason she tripped and almost broke her nose was because she was too focused on her cute pouting face to notice a dip in the pavement.

3. Her first intricate spell was one to create a basic soul for one of her plushie. She was 13 years old at the time and she still refresh the spell at 22 years old.

4. She loves to come up with cute nicknames for Gigi. Her favorite ones are Buttercup, Muffin, Frootie Tootie, Kitten, Cupcake and Pumpkin. (Gigi says that they are embarassing, but she loves them and comes up with her own.)

5. After meeting Gigi and promising her to teach her to longboard, she took hours to make a learning plan and find way to flirt with her in the context of the lessons. She also came up with a lot of embarassing puns. (Gigi loved it.)