Five Facts About Your Oc

Posted 8 years, 8 months ago (Edited 5 years, 5 months ago) by Craven Runaway

//This always helps me get to know my own ocs! //

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Tell us five facts about yourself and do feel free to explain a bit.



Yumiya (弓矢) Akkoneko

((This is just in time. I am doing a featured character thing lolol))

Okay, so Gray told me I should do this five facts thing. Let's go!

  1. I was named the way I am now cause this body is actually a pen, and the maker of it is called Marksman. My name means bow and arrow, apparently. Well, I guess it fits, cause I was an archer (oh wait I still am) in my previous world.
  2. I was in an arranged relationship with a princess, who I really got the hots for, (she was a babe, I tell you. She not only had the curves in all the right places, she was practically an angel.) but I guess I was chicken and I... I tried to play it cool. I guess she found it too cool and well... she chose to go with someone else. That's all I can say. I might like, die again if I try to recall more of it.
  3. So, now, I'm in another relationship. This time, it's with Gen, who's this sort of long-lived divine beast or something? (Gen is short for uh... Genbu. - Gray) Anyway, at first, we were like, okay, we're together because our pen bodies are owned by this guy who's a friend of Gray's. Later on, we found out more about each other, and we like what we discovered, and we soon made it official. If you're going to ask what I like most about him, I'd say that his best trait is his patience. I mean, I'm this annoying and he still agreed to go with me. //blushes// Also, the fact that we get a natural threesome is just... hnnnnnngggghhhh THAT'S AN ADVANTAGE!
  4. There was a time when the two of us thought that we were going to not stay at Gray's house anymore, so I thought hey, I wanna show him my appreciation before we left and keep ourselves from going around in our human forms. "But what gift?" I also thought. Well, it just so happened that there's this old lady who sold me this thing called a dragon potion for 69.69 Php (I borrowed some money hehehehe), and it was this really strong aphrodisiac. I was just going to give it to Gen, but no, I thought it would be too good for that. I put the whole thing with some wine, and we drank it and we f****d each other silly for the rest of the night. IT. WAS. AWESOME.
  5. You know why I wear a hat? Uh.... There's this slight bald spot there that I don't really want to show... And it's stupid how I got it, cause it was from a weirdly fired arrow. Just don't ask how it happened, like in detail. It's just that it got poked, and now it healed, but with a scar. Hahahaha! (You missed an opportunity to make a Joker reference! - Gray)
 Abilene Mayla Sunset-Peril

Me? I... guess I have time... most of the soldiers are in their barracks for the night anyways...

1- Most of the staff had been a soldier for the Resistance Army for some time before being able to leave the front lines, I joined as a comms. agent and never once fired a gun.

2- No one really calls me by my real name. I'm called "Furnace" over my headset, by the commander, and even by soldiers just walking through base! The only people who use my real name, Abilene, are the 3 animals that work in my call unit with me.

3- I can't get what I've heard out of my head.... the army's focusing on treating the mental trauma of the actual soldiers, which is alright, but I hope they can help me before I'm stuck with these screams forever

4- I'm depressed and I know it. However, I don't think anyone's noticed

5- During a military operation known infamously as Operation Big Wave, I got so overwhelmed when one of the special forces agents called in screaming about what he was seeing that I took off my headset and ran away from my desk. If the Resistance had been destroyed then, I would have disappeared so I wouldn't be tagged as an aid to the rebels and tracked down.

Satin SunnyStreets

Ok, Velvet, I'll do this just to please you. And pass time, I guess. I'll make you do it next though!! 

Oh, what? It started? Well why didn't you tell me?

Right, right, five facts about myself. Ugh, I don't know- 

Fine- Fine! Number one: I cannot stand hot cocoa. Lacey doesn't understand this because she loves it, but I hate it. In fact, although they're not as bad as cocoa, I don't like any drinks except good old water. With a slice of lemon, maybe. That would be nice, right? If I brought it to the beach with some toast and blueapple jam, maybe? 

No, Velvet, I don't like milk! I've told you, milk is weird. Ack- I'm retching now just thinking about it. 

What? That fact was not boring. What-ever, number two is a-maz-ing. Here goes:

I don't like locks, they make me feel trapped. I know they make some people feel safe but I don't want the door of our house to be locked. For Star's sake, I can't even lock the bathroom door! You should know, Velvet, the amount of times you've barged in there. 

One time, when we were younger, Lacey bought us ornate wooden boxes to keep our sewing projects in. It had a little lock and key, but I threw my key down the well so my stuff would never get locked inside the box. Do you still have yours, Velvet? No? Thank goodness!

That one was too more interesting! Now for fact three... you know, this is more fun than I was expecting. 

Okay, so I actually really like rain. The rain here is always warm, but Lacey doesn't like getting her hair wet and of course Aki never leaves the house when there's even the slightest chance of a thunderstorm. Well, apparently he did once, but I don't remember that. Do you, Velvet? You're older than me.

Anyway, I like to run through the rain. It's so nice to feel the drops slowly flooding my fur with water and then when I get back home to shake it all off - all over you!! Kidding, kidding. Sort of. 

What do you mean you already know these? This is a "five facts about yourself", not a "tell Velvet all your secrets"!

Fact four is embarrassing though. I still have my mini keychain from when I was about 5, tucked deep into the bottom of one of my socks and hidden in my sewing box. It's a little string doll, which sort of looks like me. I'm not sure string dolls are what Lacey's best at. Anyway, yeah, I still have it. It's tail unravelled ages ago and one year is all ragged from me chewing it, but I guess it's not unloved!

What do you mean you knew about that? ... Velvet!! Did you go in my sewing chest! You meanie- we said we wouldnt. 

Ha! You deserved that, but I'm sorry if I broke your leg. I didn't kick it that hard, though.

Whatever- onto the last fact! This fact is quite simple.

Every StarField, I like to make a little felt stuffed toy, I guess, for everyone. It can be literally anything- the first time, I just sewed all of my family some wobbly hearts. Last year, Velvet got a pancake, with a carefully stitched pat of butter on top, Lacey got a slightly square cup of coffee, Aki a mishapen rose (oops), Rory a butterfly, Nisha a fish, and Clove and Rosemary both got cupcakes, because they always love the cupcakes Chia bakes for us. Oh, Chia got a heart, because this was her first StarField with us!

Ok, Velvet, your turn now! 

What? The recorder can't be out of batteries already. The light’s still oh. Velvet, wait! Come back--

Lucky the Patchwork Fox VampiricDarkBat

Oh?....Uh hello?

✩ I, I am scared of mirrors...does that count? Oh dear....Uh I guess it's because of my stitching. I do not feel it unless I see it

✩ My hair and skin are real....but so are the buttons and the stitching. Oh...uh...I wouldn't blame you for running away in fear...

✩ I really like Sakura blossoms...uh...because of Lukas I used to take me out for picnics in a park with sakura trees.

✩ I like to draw...I am not very good at it..but...uh...I can do small doodles of cats...sometimes humans too.

✩ I also like to cook sometimes....I can make a few things.....I try for Lukas when he is stuck at work. He really enjoys some of the casseroles I make him.... I think.

Thanks for...uh...spending the time to...listen to me....sorry if I scare you.

Vah SunVah

Oh boy. Five facts about myself... uh... yes. I am... interesting really. 


Probably not really. 

#1 I am... I stand about six hands tall at my lower shoulders. All in all, I think I'm about four feet tall. Yeah, I know. It's... small. But that's the straw I pulled. 

#2 I really, really really like flowers and butterflies. Can't draw them worth crap, but I love them. My best friend loves them too but like... he actually does stuff with them. I just like the way they look. 

#3 why is this so hard? I like to sing, actually. I consider myself very good at it. I think at least. Nobody has told me that I'm awful yet. My favorite songs as of right now happen to be: Cry Cry Cry by Scott Helman and Do My Own Thing by American Author. 

#4 I actually really enjoy meeting new people. I don't often get the chance to do so, but I like it a lot. Sometimes I think I might overwhelm people with my personality but I'm really not that bad once you get to know me. 

#5  eeeeshh, another one? I... uh... I... I look like my creator, sort of? I mean, -sona. I'm based off of them. Yeah. That's about the best I got. Not interesting at all.  

Ezra radishleaf
  1. ezra loves the feel of paper against his fingertips, and can usually be seen idly paging through a spell book when in the company of himself. most of the time he isn't even reading the content; just eyeing the illustrations or anything of interest. this has led to people overestimating what he knows, thinking he's a voracious reader. this isn't to say he isn't knowledgeable, just not up to par with the so-called "prodigy" label he, unfortunately, shoulders. when asked a difficult question, his silence may come off as quiet contemplation, but in actually, he's mentally floundering on what answer to give and/or bullshit his way out of it. 
  2. the man's house is an absolutely pigsty despite his usual kempt appearance. this is because ezra wasn't really taught how to take care of himself; his mother coddled him after his disappearance (long story that is backstory-related) and he accepted her care without protest, since he didn't need to lift a finger as a boy to do anything. it's to the point it's concerning; his best friend, gretchen, has to babysit his lazy ass and lend a hand to clean up his place since he can't do it alone. she doesn't mind helping out, but the fact it'd only be a few days before his place is mess again is absolutely frustrating. 
  3. it confounds ezra to this day that he ever married severin. he can't understand how they went from vitrolic (mostly one-sided) rivals to, "babe, do u take 1 or 2 spoonfuls of sugar in ur coffee?" there was attraction between them since their school days, but ezra chalked it up to an intellectual like-mindedness and not, y'know, actual romantic attraction. despite years of separation blamed by a petty argument, the attraction remained there even when they crossed paths again and fell into new, albeit familiar, interactions with each other. though he loves him dearly, ezra is still aware that severin is an asshole, but concluded, "he's still my asshole. unfortunately."
  4. he lov.............. his cat................................ tallulah. a lot. she soft and warm like mash potato. 
  5. despite years agonizing over it, ezra isn't sure how to apologize to his older brother, aaron. after the incident with his brother's wife, emma, and him smearing her name through the mud, aaron cut all ties with him, and any attempt to discover his whereabouts has turned up moot. ezra's mind has paged through all possibilities, from him living in a very secluded area to him having passed, but they're only that--possibilities. he desperately wants to tell aaron he has learned from his mistakes and possibly reconnect their severed ties, though he wouldn't be surprised if aaron thinks otherwise. yet, it is the one block of guilt still weighing on his shoulders, and he doesn't know how to shrug it off. 


- She cannot keep anything alive. She even managed to kill a cactus. 

- She loves dating, but she is not looking for a relationship. She's too busy, juggling her job, her many hobbies and taking care of her sister. 

- She hates clingy men. Inviting her to meet your mother on the first date... Texting all the time and freaking out when she takes "too long" to respond... Expecting her to change... It'll just drive her away. 

- She loves trying out new things, and has a different hobby every two months or so. 

- She has a lot of friends, but the only ones she's really close to are her bff Wendy and her sister Raina. 


- She loves doing research. It calms her down. 

- She'd spend all of her time in the dark if she could. 

- Her idea of shopping is taking whatever is for sale, grabbing the version that comes in black, grey or blue and buying five of them. She will spend more time in a shop to please Kaylee, but it will not bring her to buy more, or give more thought to what she'll buy. 

- She feels very protective of Kaylee. 

- She has a very unhealthy lifestyle; she can go for days without eating a proper meal, often sleeps on the couch instead of in a bed, forgets to clean and do laundry, doesn't get enough sleep... 

Dennis CorvidCreatures

Well I’ve got some free time so I might as well tell you about myself!

I’ve lived in my home town my whole life. It’s small but I love it here

I work at our local drive-in theatre part time. It’s to make money on the side of school and I love my job

I’m 15 and go to my town’s highschool. Pretty much everyone there knows eachother!

I actually enjoy mock fights and friendly competition. As long as nobody is getting seriously injured or killed, count me in

I know I have wings but I don’t actually fly very often in town. I usually fly when I’m out camping with friends or something

 Sierra 4LeafRose

1. I have a unique job that pays 0.00$ per hour and requires me to travel a lot.

2. I get to do a whole lot of neat things for my work. For example. I've flown a total of 5 aircrafts!

3. I've crashed a total of 5 aircrafts.... Totally not my fault though! I just keep getting shot down but I swear if it were working normally I would probably be able to land at least a small plane!

4. I never learned how to drive a car. I don't really need a car for work... and anyway, they make me kinda nervous.... I usually either walk where I need to go or teleport. Sometimes I gotta hitchhike though.

5. I've learned it's better not to give people your full name whether for business or personal reasons. First name only or no name at all! If you give them any more than that then you'll likely regret it. These days a quick google search can tell you a lot about a person that is better left undisclosed....

Anhrefn Swiftwing Scottie

Oh geez....

I didn't like my traditional Welsh name when I got to school, so I changed it and only a few folks know my real name

I... kinda sorta took a hit job when I was a fresh dropout, which put me on the shady side of the law that I can't seem to escape

I fly a decommissioned cargo shuttle called the WFS Meteorite.  I usually have either Micah the botanist or Duncan the smuggler on board with me to help man the old hunk of steel

My eventual goal is to settle down where the law won't bother me and run a species sanctuary with Micah

The cross necklace I wear is the only memory of my mother that I carry with me


(Oooo super fun I have lots of characters I could write about but I will start with just 1)

Hello my name is Bee; yes like the bug but i can assure you that im not a bug but in fact i am a female Shiba inu. I love to go for walks and to go swimming. I am a very friendly pup but I get super excited to meet new friends sometimes a bit too excited and I scare them away oof. Most smaller animals are usually scared of me which makes me kind of sad but I've learned to live with it so it's not too awful. I love meat which I guess is another reason the small beans are scared of me. I don't hunt or hurt anything at least not on purpose well there was this one time I was chasing a butterfly and accidentally hurt it's wing I ended up taking it home n we became buddies I don't like calling him a pet. Monty is my monarch he's very pretty and boy oh boy does he like his flowers ahah can't blame him though they are pretty. There was this other time I was playing with a bunny and we were running in the field and I accidentally bite her too hard on the arm (I forgot how rough I get when I play sometimes) I tried to say sorry to her but she hated me and wanted me to go away so I did never saw her again.  oh well it happens sometimes us canines can be a bit rough when we play not always though. I live in a world were small animals are scared of larger animals which I'm not a fan of but I understand it. 

So 4 facts about me 1: I have a monarch butterfly as well as other pets/buddies 2: friendly but feared by small animals 3:I love meat and 4: I love flowers walks and swimming. ^-^