Five Facts About Your Oc

Posted 8 years, 8 months ago (Edited 5 years, 5 months ago) by Craven Runaway

//This always helps me get to know my own ocs! //

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No replying to your own oc unless its been 24 hours without a reply.


Tell us five facts about yourself and do feel free to explain a bit.



 Rose Cayley cryptid-shawty

1.)    "I'm like, really, really pretty. But you probably know that already. Do you like my hair? You know, sometimes I wonder why I haven't been killed in a crime of passion yet. Or something. You know, like in old movies. I'm much prettier than anyone I've seen in those before. Maybe I should ask my boyfriend Percy whether he would kill for me. But like, he totally would, wouldn't he? Just for little old me."

(Translation: He's annoying and full of himself.)

2.)    "You know, Percy tells me that I should go to school and learn stuff. But why should I? I'm rich and cute and everyone loves me. Well, anyone with good taste, anyway. Who cares about maths or books or- or...... tri-.... gon-met-ry? Percy says he's going to marry me one day. I'll never have to work a single day in my life!"

(He's dumb. And I'm not just talking about book-smarts. He'd struggle to pour soup out of a boot with the instructions on the heel.)

3.)  "He loves me. Or something. He's so boring sometimes though. And it's not like we're like, together. So what if I want to play around with other people or wear what I want? That's none of his business. And anyway, if he loves me so much, then why doesn't he act like it? We barely even hold hands in public. It's like we don't even know each other, like he's - he's ashamed of me."

(He isn't very smart when it comes to relationships. This is kind of obvious, given what his boyfriend is like. There's a very obvious imbalance of power between the two and Rose isn't smart enough to see how badly this will end for him, and how giant a seven-year gap is for his stupid ass.)

4.)    "He can't be ashamed of me - I'm Rose! I'm better than anyone he's ever had! Cuter, funnier, and - and..... (**long pause**) and I know all of his favorite things! He likes playing the piano and drinking his gross Talosian wine and collecting butterflies and watching those horrible fights to the death in the Underground and blondes! (**voice quivering**) I'm blonde! I should be ashamed of him! He's so rude and selfish and not fashionable at all, and he left the annual Dusk Gala early, without me! It was humiliating, and that snake Maia had the nerve to laugh! Well, at least I had someone to go with! That plastic-faced bitch couldn't get anyone to go with her, not even for a billion dollars!"

(He's a bitch and he thinks the world revolves around him.)

5.)   "I should have asked Roscoe to go instead of Percy. It would have been fun to see the look on that prude's face! And at least Roscoe cares about me! I should have arranged for that bitch Parvati Maharaj to get held up at the docks or something. I can't believe Roscoe cares about that stupid, boring, lower-class girl, when he could have someone as wonderful and lovely as me! We never even hang out anymore - he always tries to invite that bitch along every time we go out, and they always forget about me when they're together. Imagine! (**biting his lip**) That ugly, ugly mechanic girl! With those stains on her unfashionable clothes and half her face burnt off! She does't even know how to dance! Oh, why doesn't Roscoe leave her already? I'm so much better than she is! I wish he'd care about me the way he did before she came along. Maybe I should make her leave permanently."

(Yes, he's dumb, air-headed, bitchy and boy-crazy. Let's add this to the list - he's absolutely starved of any genuine affection whatsoever. There is almost nobody who truly cares about him, and the very few who do have been driven away or killed. Rose believes he wants Roscoe as a boyfriend but the truth is, Roscoe is the only person who treats him like someone worthy of love... and means it. Rose actually wants to be Roscoe's favorite person, but he thinks that becoming his boyfriend is the only way to do it.

Rose is also quite ruthless and doesn't seem to understand that his actions can have serious consequences.)

Garack Va'Graile TheJokingJester
  • While I may not look it, I was quite an adventurous little girl and loved to explore the woods around my family's home, especially with my old childhood friend. Though, after an accident that took her from me involving a snake, I couldn't quite bring myself to venture back out there.
  • Shortly after I turned 8 years old, I became a big sister to an adorable little brother named Priest. However, not long after he was born, during the winter of that year, my mother abandoned our family very suddenly with no form of explanation.
  • I was raised outside of a very religious city within Vakre Kingdom, which is esteemed for its grand cathedral, and as a little girl I often visited the cathedral to pray to the Gods and Goddesses for them to allow my mother to come back to us safely.
  • When my mother left, distraught, my father turned to alcohol to drown his sorrows after many years of fruitless searching for her, which left me home alone to mostly raise myself as well as my little brother, Priest. Even though my father hardly looked after us, I still love him very much and don't blame him for his neglect. At least, not any longer. I only hope he and my brother are doing well now. I haven't seen either of them for a very long time.
  • I have a horrible habit of worrying and overthinking, and I tend to work myself up when I'm alone with my thoughts. I've been trying to work on that part of myself for a while now, but I just can't seem to help it. There's just so many things to worry about!
Killian Deering Caine

1. I can eat if I want to, but my body doesn't actually need it so most of the time I just don't. It's not like anyone in the heavenly realm really eats either, unless for the pleasure of it - and I can't say I relate to that. 

2. I really don't enjoy the look of wings clipping through capes. I know Paris and I don't have real wings and they're not entirely physical, but it's so jarring to see his wings just go through his cape! Sometimes he does make them look more physical but there is no rhyme or reason to when he decides to do it! 

3. Speaking of Paris, I don't really hate him or anything. He's weird for sure and I don't get what his problem with me is but I'd still rather be his friend than a rival or some enemy. We're the only ones of our kind and it sucks to not be in good terms with each other. 

4. True angels are alright but absolutely exhausting to be around and I feel like if I spent a long enough with them I'd probably lose my mind. Might be kinda controversial to say this but you have to understand majority of them have no clue of how humans act or behave and I'm still human myself. Or I was. But still closer to them than true angels and man does it get jarring sometimes. 

5. Can't believe I'm saying this but I miss school sometimes. You really don't realize how much your life revolves around it until you die and stop going to school. 

Abalone Nucifera Frogaloo

Hey!! How’d you find me??
My name?? It’s Abalone... You want me to talk about myself? Oh, okie... Uh...

  • My eyeballs are like lanterns, so I can see in the dark!
  • I have water roots, which can glow too... It changes when I feel differently, like when I’m happy or sad!
  • My plant is a sacred lotus, sometimes I grow pink flowers on my head!
  • I can breathe underwater. The water is soothing, it’s a great place to take naps...
  • I love froggies! I have a stuffed animal froggie named Flower, shes my baby and you can’t have her!!
I answered your questions. If you don’t mind, I’m going to keep looking for froggie friends...
Variel endiria

1. I can easily tell you about everything that was happening around me from the time when I was around three. With all the details! Honestly it's a bit tiring, having so much shit in one head. I wish I could have at least two heads. Do you know there are semi-cerber dogs on Halmaime Island? Mr Arkadius had one (so actually two) and their names were Radium and Polonium! I wish I could be that semi-cerber. But I don't want to radiate. So many halcylian die from the radiation sickness lately... Do you think I would look good with two white haired heads...or one head should be dark haired or maybe--

2. Unfortunately I've never had a chance to meet my mom, but my dad always used to say that I resemble her in every way. I'm like a fusion between my mom and my grandpa and I'm nothing like my dad. I used to visit my mom a few times in a year when I was a child, but it was always ending up like father starts to cry and completely brokes, he screams, gets anxious and faints, and then I have to drag him through the whole graveyard...

3. My father never let me have a pet, no matter how hard I tried to beg him for one. One single dog or rabbit or literally anything smol and fluffy but he was always like no, here in this house can live only one pet and it's my amazing venerable majestic snake named George. I never liked George to be honest, whenever I looked at him, he was staring into my soul. The sad thing is that I still can't have pet, because I'm too busy for taking care of one (I already have Cilven and my horse) - but if I had an opportunity, I'd get a chinchilla and name it Winston Chinchill!✨

4. I named my horse F$%ck because F stands for Fabulous, U for Unsurpassed, C for Celebrated and K for Keep calm and eat a pancake. At least I explained it to my dad just like that because he was...uhm...a bit unconvinced to this name. But seriously F%^ck just sounds awesome. It's a good name. Strong and expressive. 👌

5. Wait, is it 11th of November? My birthday is today ohmaigawd I'm exactly 120 *cries in corner* too bad I'm dead since 1925 but I'm as excited as I used to be when I was still alive!! as excited and as depressed because actually I hate this day. I want to die. Oh shit. I'm dead since 1925. I was joking I swear, please bring me back to life holy shit!!!!!! :<

Ebony 🧪☣ PAVLOVE

"Uh, s-seriously? Why me?" Ebony blushed furiously, waving her hands in a way that clearly said, 'no, thank you', but they insisted on her telling some things about herself.

"I...fine, if that'll get me free..." she muttered under breath, sticking her hands in her pockets and taking a seat, slouching in order to make herself seem smaller, when all it did was make her look more foreboding. Her split tongue flicked in and out, and she started.

1. "I...guess I'm a little shy?" she admitted bashfully. "I don't really get along with new people well, and I don't know if it's because of me. But I guess if you have venom dripping from your lips that could kill someone, I would stay away too." Ebony scratched the back of her head. "I wish everyone would get along..." (TL;DR she's peaceful and wants friends, but she's scary)

2. "I really love small things. Not just...animals, obviously, but, y'know. Small figurines or dolls are really cute to me." 

3. "I really don't like showing my strength. I feel like it's inappropriate at best and at worst it's a threat. Let's just say I could...easily uh," she trails off, then looks at someone dead in the eyes, her unblinking, sunken eyes narrow and calculating. "I could easily snap someone's throat." She clenched her first, showing the reality of her strength. (TL;DR She strong)

4. "I can see perfectly in the dark! I have amazing night vision!" she said, trying her best to depart from the previous subject

5. "I love my boyfriend Umber to bits, although, sometimes I'm scared if I cuddle him too roughly he'll pass out. He's tiny, I gotta watch out for that. Certainly doesn't act that way, heh."

Randy Mace RandyMace

1. I'm freaking awesome, and I'm totally the best guitarist named Randy ever

2. Ya I'm a high school dropout cause school is lame and for nerds

3. I can tear of my limbs, and mimic voices, 

4. I can't help being sexy like I try to not you know, it's just a burden being so wonderful like me

5. So I have lengthily crime record like who doesn't,  and ya I'm not allowed in many places so what

Kenneth JayBird375

1: I'm not actually my father's firstborn. I had an older brother who looked like my father and died in infancy years before I was born. 

2: My depth perception is pretty much gone in my right eye, but other than that my vision is ok

3: Traveling across the world is fun and all, but by now I'm homesick. I would do anything to go home

4: Father never let me grow my hair out like a grownup, even though I'm the oldest sibling and crown prince. He let Bren grown her hair out.

5: For a while after I went into exile, I was afraid of fire. I can control it, I grew up surrounded by it, but I guess being burned will do that. I'm over it, my scars don't define me anymore. 

6: (not so fun fact) My father only started traumatizing me after he died. I revered him, I thought he was such a good emperor and father. Turns out he was hiding a dark spirit the whole time.


1. “My given name could be described as ‘airy’ in pronunciation -- that would be fitting to my culture and relative background.”

2. “It could be said that I have considerable endurance from earlier work, which has helped with warding off others who might be seeking conflict.”

3. “On occasion, I cut my hair short so that it does not hinder myself. This has left it overall choppy -- as I normally do not have anything beyond water pools to consider my appearance by. Mirrors are an expensive commodity -- I have heard of them but never seen one.”

4. “I enjoy drawing, mostly with charcoal from leftover campfires -- those few and far in-between except in the winter months. Whenever I can, I make sure to get at least a few pieces before the selection runs out.”

5. “My family is scattered across different parts of a mountainscape, if not located elsewhere about land nearby.”

Reginald Mach ProniaArtclia

Hi I’m Reggie and I can’t do introductions so I just get strait to the point.
Fact 1: I can hold my alcohol 

Fact 2: I can’t socialize with more then 2 people or I go into panic(silently).

Im with Louis, my boyfriend and I love his curly long hair because he takes care of it, but what he doesn’t know that due to past trauma, I cut his hair just a little bit every night to keep the big man from touching him. You wouldn’t understand but it scared me as a child.

Fact 3: I can dance and sing

That’s all for now

Circe Hawthorne Blumenkranz

1. "Some people don't know this, but centaurs do eat meat! I don't really like to boast but I think I'm a good hunter. I refuse to eat reindeer though...that just seems wrong to me..."

2. "I'm good at it now, but when I first started, I was awful at playing that pan flute. Like...embarrassingly bad. The other kids would make fun of me for it, but I'd like for them to see me now!"

3. "I have a small family. I don't have any siblings, so it was just me and my two parents. My parents were actually the leader of the tribe I grew up in before everything fell apart..."

4. "I can withstand most cold temperatures no problem! Hot weather is my weakness though...I hate summer because of it..."

5. "I don't really like thunderstorms...rain I have no problem with, but lightning scares me. I always worry that it will start a fire, and the booming thunder that comes with it is just terrifying..."

Dr. Tuesday Opthedragon

Hiya! My name is Quinn, but most people call me Tuesday :D

1. I work for The scp foundation, site-121 in Canada. I organize and format the other scientist’s notes into proper scp files! It’s my dream job, combining my love for monsters and my love for writing, there’s also some science involved! It’s absolutely perfect!...for the most part, at least

2. I LOVE writing! It’s been a passion of mine since I was a kid, and it was what got me my job! I mostly just revise/rewrite the other scientists notes, but I’m hoping that I’ll be able to research and write a whole file on my own eventually (whenever the higher ups decide I can interact with the dangerous scps, that is :/). I also hope to write a novel one day!

3. My nickname is Tuesday! people started calling me that back in kindergarten. One kid couldn’t pronounce my last name properly (it’s Tierney btw. Pronounced Teer-nay), so he eventually just decided to call me Tuesday instead, and it kind of stuck. The people at the foundation call me Doctor Tuesday, haha :D

4. I’m friends with an scp named Songbird! She’s this huge bird thing with a smiley face mask and crazy sharp teeth. don’t be scared of her though, she’s a real sweetheart. She’s kind of like a second mom to me (or a third I guess? I have a lot of people who act like I’m their daughter for some reason. There’s my actual mom, then there’s Songbird, and there’s also Ms. Pepper. Not sure what’s up with that lol). Anyways, she saved me from a house fire when I was little. I thought I’d never see her again, but then she showed up here! 

5. I absolutely hate alcohol. It tastes terrible, it makes me feel all weird and sluggish, and it smells bad. I don’t understand how Ben can guzzle that stuff down like water, blegh. I prefer apple juice. Or literally anything else for that matter.

6. I know how to skateboard and I also have a motorcycle license thingy! I just don’t own a motorcycle. Or a skateboard. I’ll hopefully have both of those things one day! Just as soon as I get paid enough to buy them :,)

 Katie serenegenerally

Hi everyone!
1) I prefer to go by Katie. Katelyn sounds boring, and always will be boring.

2) I love to fence! I saw the word in the dictionary and the sport looked so cool! I had to beg my mom to sign me up because I loved the idea of swords and stuff! I think I finally persuaded her in 2nd or 3rd grade. I still do it to this day!
3) Speeeeaaaking of fencing, I am the top of my fencing class! I work really hard to be my best in fencing competitions, and I got 3rd in my state-wide fencing completion! Cool, huh?

4) I love striped shirts! They look cool, and I like the pattern. That’s why I wear it all the time! My favorite is the one I am wearing! (The one in her reference)

5) ......I am terrified of being watched. I feel like someone is going to murder or injure me, and there is nothing I can do. I-I just horrifying... those eyes... those spells. I can’t deal with it anymore. I hate being watched, and I always get anxiety just thinking I am watched.