Five Facts About Your Oc

Posted 8 years, 8 months ago (Edited 5 years, 5 months ago) by Craven Runaway

//This always helps me get to know my own ocs! //

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Tell us five facts about yourself and do feel free to explain a bit.




Ok well since you wanna know so much About me i will gladly tell you

1.Numbah One I love the 2000s No Im Obsessed with the 2000s from Movies,Music,Celebrities You name it!

2.Numbah Two Despite being Chubby I do like to go on runs But other then that prettu much im fine with how my body looks Like i always say "Cant Love others if you dont love yourself" I Also say "Men like a bit of Cushion" *Giggles*

3.Numbah Three I Have A thing for Military men and Men With Daddy issues or both! Hey! Its not a Fetish or anything! Its just a preference Dont judge Me!

4.Numbah Four I Smell like Strawberries Even If Im dirty..Which is great! One time i did a Instagram Picture with a Got Milk Crop top on I remember the Captions was "Got Milk's New Ad..Anyone want Strawberry Milk" If you know what i mean. *Giggles*

5.Numbah Five I was a model for Figure/Gesture Drawing once...That was a Neat Experience

Warwick Impy

5 things

1.  He is very unstable mentally and tends to snap often. 

2. Loves to show off his body and flaunt it.

3. Enjoys Whiskey 

4. The white in his hair is natural, and it turned due to a stressful situation.

5. Is really in love with a girl he can't have cause he can't get over his instability 

UFT | UFO radishleaf
  1. most monsterkin who assimilated into human society average 4-5 years of schooling on history, mannerisms, and so on so that the transition is easier on them. however, nell was advanced enough to only require two, but this still came with drawbacks. namely that nell is still confused about certain human traditions and actions that are considered mundane and/or normal. that doesn't even begin to explain how clueless he is when it comes to navigating human courtship, however.
  2. speaking of human courtship, finding a boyfriend in nate, the strange boy who had a jarring fascination in him, was the last thing he ever expected to happen when he assimilated into human society, since he did so out of fascination of the culture and not to find a mate. nell clearly cares for him deeply, but he's awkward with showing it. his reactions usually run the gamut of blushing heavily to hugging nate tightly under the justification he's cold and not, y'know, showing affection. 
  3. nell's cheek markings are a sign of maturity and only came in a year after his stay in featherdown. appearance of a male harpy's cheek markings usually denote when he would start looking for a mate, and it is this nell attributes to him falling for nate (though he obviously showed small signs of interest beforehand). had he stayed with his tribe, nell would've been bombarded with feminine attention since the bluer a male harpy's cheek markings, the more attractive he is (vibrant colors means a male harpy is in good health, has strong genes, etc). 
  4. nell absolutely looooves water and splashing around in it (the beach is his favorite place in the world, so being in a port town is akin to a blessing). this is because the barren wastes of tress, while not lacking in water sources like small streams, it was uncommon for there to be large bodies of water. unfortunately, his love has caused him to be banned from taking baths. when he did, he would splash water everywhere (have you've ever seen a bird take a bath? pretty much the same thing)forcing gretchen to clear up after him. as of right now, he's limited to short showers, and that's it. 
  5. you would think that as a bird, nell would obviously be afraid of cats, but it extends further than that. the catfolk (sphinxes) of the wastes of tress hunted harpies for sport, namely for their wing feathers to decorate their persons. they'd usually send cats to scout ahead and alert them of any harpies hanging out in the open or on low-hanging cliffs so they'd be easier to hunt. thus, the sight of any cat by a harpy usually meant a sphinx would follow after, so of course a harpy would freak out at the sight of one. unfortunately, this fear hasn't left nell even though he hundreds of miles away from the wastes. 
Psycho Pinkapop

1. I don't like sweets. It made me gone all hyper and stuff...I'd prefer bitter flavor.

2. I know, I know, I said i hate sweets...but I can make cupcakes, poképuff and some other desserts.

3. I'm the leader of the team! Or... At least I think so. I stands front and deal with stuffs while Jake do other inrelated stuff

4. My favourite color? Purple, duh. What? There was nothing about me that you could guess it on your own? Well, one of my eye is purple and that's it. It used to be both purple, though.

5. I like being a boy, you know? It's like, you're strong and stuff. Also it's not just my mind that went switchin' between genders, my codes are also altered whenever that happened. So I'd stay in that gender and can actually use those capivate moves like Attract

Freyja Blumenkranz

1. I have a half-sister who is older than me. I haven't spoken to her in a long time and we were never exactly on good terms, as one of her favorite things to do was bully and push me around around, something I couldn't stand.

2. I was raised by my mother and never met my father. I have asked about him before, but my mother only gave vague answers.

3. Pomegranates are my favorite fruit but are rare where I am from.

4. I have a fear of fire, their destructive power unnerves me and I have a habit of freezing up when encountering large flames. This fear of fire leads me to generally dislike creatures associated with it, such as dragons.

5. Though some think I am a full unicorn, I'm not. My mother was a normal mare and my father a unicorn. Though I have the immortality and abilities of the unicorn I look more like a horse as I don't have the cloven hooves and lion's tail that unicorns have.

⭑ TAZZI twilightzone
  1. Tazzi, while she sports quite bold and fashionable attire, does this to put on a facade of confidence. In reality, she is extremely self-conscious - as a child, she was forced to wear makeup to hide her hybrid heritage, and after her vitiligo worsened, her self-esteem plummeted, and along with the fact that many people are afraid of her because of her somewhat unsettling appearance, Tazzi has become very resentful of herself.
  2. During her days in the Jedi Order, Tazzi was considered to be somewhat of a prodigy when she was a youngling. She picked up new languages fast, passed tests with flying colors and possessed exceptional combat skills. As time went by, her learning rate subsided to even out with the rest of her fellow padawans, but she was still able to impress her master with her tactical abilities and quick thinking; this would later help her survive the Jedi Purge.
  3. This girl’s best friend is her droid, through and through. She loves Leviathan to death and if anyone touches her cute giant vulture droid she will throw hands.
  4. Tazzi’s greatest wish after the Empire falls is to find her soulmate and get married, partially because she wants to spite the Jedi Order for always insisting that attachments were forbidden. Even though she liked being a Jedi (most of the time), there were some things that she didn’t agree with and wants to do now that the Order is gone, primarily starting a family. However, she is a but emotionally stunted because of their restrictive views on love, and she is now afraid of falling in love or even caring about people, more so since she lost her master and two past romantic partners.
  5. Her favorite color is red. Not a bloody red, but a soft, rose red. It reminds her of her visits to Dathomir as a padawan to discover more about her late father’s people, and it comforts her to see the color in her surroundings. When she draws, she almost always accents her artwork with that red, to remind her of her father’s home, and that she will always have a place to go should she need to get away from the hardships of the war.
Selvoxath (Selv) stonepanther77

1. I'm a bunny demon hybrid! Scary, right?

2. I'm from the Underworld, but I like to spend my time on Earth. There's so much color and fluffy creatures!

3. I'm the apprentice of a super strong mage panther. She's an Empress in the Underworld and she's training me so I can be meaner and stronger!

4. Here's a little secret: I actually don't like hurting people that much. Kinda weird for a demon to say that, huh? Yeah... your not the only one to think that. Maybe I can still become mean and strong without killing people!

5. I really like talking to mortals! They say some funny stuff about immortal creatures and have so many interesting stories about us! Oh, please don't tell my mentor I talk to mortals. She won't like that very much...

Mei Oui
  • I think very highly of my appearance - in fact, I refuse to step out of the house with even a hair out of place. I must always look my best, even for the most simplest of occasions and will not hesitate to flaunt my wealth in the form of rich, designer clothing.
  • When I do eventually go outside (dressed to impress, of course), you will usually see me wearing a mask of some kind. Underneath that mask, my lips are sewn together by a red thread, how tight they're sewn together depends on how I'm feeling that particular day.
  • My favorite eats are delicious steamed pork buns and a chilled slice of mango cheesecake for dessert!
  • Photography is a hidden hobby of mine, I used to love filling albums when I was a child. Although, after my first marriage, that passion began to weaken, but I hold those albums very close to my heart.
  • I enjoy children very much, but I secretly fear I will not make a very good mother myself.
Rush Roborai
  • Rush didn't get his curse (markings) from any old ancient. He was cursed by Form, a rather infamous ancient who held a lot of power before the massive biobstructive event.
  • Rush feels very conflicted about Destials, because on the other hand, when he does give them a chance, he usually hits things off better than he does with anyone else. But on the other hand, spending too much time in their proximity makes him very ill due to his curse, they are directly related to his trauma, and he has seem too many former friends turned evil and broken by some madman. So he feels it's best to keep his distance.
  • Rush gravitates towards Leap because they are both quiet introverted people but they can also work off each other really well. A friendship with Leap is not too demanding but it's still fulfilling. Also, Leap is willing to play board games with him despite losing so often.
  • Rush's favorite board game is Distant Explorers, a game where the objective is to create a fleet of spaceships and then be the first one to explore 3 planets first. It's simple, yet strategic enough, and one of the only games all his friends both understand and enjoy.
  • Rush lives in the attic of his shop. It's spacey enough, but during the day he prefers to spend his time in the shop, even when it's closed.
 Nile Spookers

Aah fun!!

- His revival from death was actually fairly botched. He wasn't supposed to be oozing demonic slime if he was revived correctly. He would've had tendrils with a lovecraftian vibe if he was revived correctly. 

- Despite being undead, he doesn't eat human flesh like a typical zombie

- His tongue is black, though the slimes he produces can tint it some. 

- Lives in an apartment in the city, but it's unknown how he gets the money to pay for it. Hmmm

- Will work alongside cannibals, despite being killed by them originally, just to get close and then horribly betray them ahaha. 

6th bonus: His favorite color is green 👀

Not Important milkywaytrain
  1. he's french-canadian, born in moncton. he can speak both french and english, though his french is quite rusty.
  2. he's traveled all around the world; his favorite countries to visit are japan, france, and scotland. he actually got his fox mask from a festival while visiting japan.
  3. he gets money by panhandling, normally.
  4. he doesn't have a home and hasn't had one for a solid 87 years. he rents hotel rooms and couch surfs sometimes, but also just sleeps outside a lot.
  5. he's cursed to full and complete immortality; he can only be freed from this curse by the man who cursed him, who is assumed dead. this curse means he'll even survive the heat death of the universe! eventually his atoms will reform into him and he'll be the new god.
  6. bonus: the reason he has a fox theme is because his real last name means "fox." his full name would translate to "lucky fox" (it's felix renard)
Mai (Kitsune) znckwei

Five facts about me? Very well, I don't see any harm in sharing ..

1. My favourite sweet is mitarashi dango .. has always been since I was a young kit. 

2. I play the passive-aggressive card quite often these days. Though back then I was a lot more straight-forward when expressing my annoyance. I fought a lot with the other kits because of that heh .. goodness I was quite rude.

3. I love my family, but I love my papa most! I feel like I'm a lot more closer to him than my mama, probably because she was pretty strict when I was young. She is still a lovely kitsune though. If you are reading this, love you too mama eheh. You should be chill more often like papa~

4. I .. kind of have a little issue with getting flustered easily- I think there's a term for that .. uh, tsun- tsundere?? I guess that's what it's called-

5. I take pride in keeping my tails looking neat and clean. Combing them is my morning ritual~