Mignyan Anniversary 2021

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
4 2916

Entry 2
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

CWs: Content Warnings will be Listed on Each Individual Piece! Please Pay Attention in those areas!

Genre: Prompt Based Drabbles!

Editing Status: No Editing!!

With the year mark of the Second Wave rolling around some changes are happening in the Mignyan world... Time to peek in to see how things are going for a few of our Mig' Friends.

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Author's Notes

CWs: Breaking & Entering (welcome, it’s a friends house and they know he can pick locks instead of giving him a key lol), Talk about Anxeity, Talk about Fears

To Be Observed~

Khaos hadn’t been paying attention to Meat-Kun’s transmissions much, per usual. A bad habit for a Mignyan for sure, but it had made it this far relying on just itself after all.. Or well not anymore. He grinned as his hand quickly rapped a little tune against the wood door of an penthouse-suit, rocking side to side while he waited a few beats.

When no reply came, Khaos simply grinned wider and pulled a few pins out of his already messy hair. Going about picking the now well worn and familiar lock, he was in barely a few moments before setting himself to the task. Slinking inside, he shut the door and relocked it trotting inside with the smug smirk of a cat-boy Mig that just got the cream. Creeping up slowly behind the large gamers chair that blocked him from the view of the streamer’s camera at the moment, keeping his presence hidden by sheer dumb luck, he crouched behind the other for a moment. Then he sprung hand reaching out to shake Anne’s shoulder and peek around the back of the chair just as the bunny Mig shrieked. With a loud cackle he kissed the cheek of his pastel pink gamer boyfriend and nuzzled his nose against her cheek, meat parts twitching. “Hey, Anne!”

As Anne caught his breath, Khaos endured the good natured glare with a smile. Always worth it. Really it just made him want to slip behind his boyfriend in the chair and watch over his shoulder even more. Which, of course, he did eventually do once he was forgiven.

It was hours later by the time, Anne brought up the transmission.. And his conversation with the Demon of Ilk. It sent Khaos into another small fit of cackling. “Well… Maybe the sky itself is watching him.” He made crinkly fingers and grinned maliciously while slowly leaning into the other Mignyan. Anne leaned away with a disgruntled noise, lightly smacking the nekomimi’s hands away good naturedly.

“Wren!! Be serious about this! For all we know he could be in danger.” Anne huffed and crossed his arms.

Cocking his head, Khaos thought about it. The crab inside skittering about in a panic of tryin to think. “Well… Fear is just fear right? Even if we feel like we’re being watched it’s just… Our other fears are bleeding into it yea? If things are changing on home world and Mother Crab really is actually keeping a closer eye on all of us.” He stopped to cock his head back and forth blinking in thought. “Natural anxious tendencies can do that ya know, take what we know and make them manifest. If we’re worried about like,,” Khaos crinkles his nose and clicks his tongue. How would he word that without being rude or making light of it. “Sometimes if we already have an existing fear of the dark.. Even hearing that a shadow is starker in on place like in a photo can make us think that the shadows around us are moving.. Ya know?” He grinned and scratched at his own wrists lightly thinking about how his own fears sometimes made him feel like the strings were moving even if they weren’t.

“Anywayyyyyyyyy… Wanna help me make munchies before Callous comes home??” He grinned knowing that it was a good way to get Anne distracted. The kitchen would be a mess after.. But it would be worth it. So dragging him away with the hand and trying to ignore the fact that… The feeling of eyes watching them had cropped up partway through their conversation. Staring out the window in the kitchen for a brief moment he could have sworn the sky winked at him.. But like he had said earlier. Minds play tricks on you when you think too hard about unsettling things..