Mignyan Anniversary 2021

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
4 2916

Entry 3
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

CWs: Content Warnings will be Listed on Each Individual Piece! Please Pay Attention in those areas!

Genre: Prompt Based Drabbles!

Editing Status: No Editing!!

With the year mark of the Second Wave rolling around some changes are happening in the Mignyan world... Time to peek in to see how things are going for a few of our Mig' Friends.

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Author's Notes

CWs: Mentions of Tarot & the Occult.

Preparing for the Worst~

For most people, preparation included action. Gathering items, packing, the collection of tools or perhaps weapons for a future conflict. For Khaos forever, it came in a form he was so unaccustomed with that it almost felt novel, stillness. Instead of scrambling, packing his shit and trying to escape town like the feeling of being watched had caused some of the people he knew to do, Khaos sat on the floor in the middle of its bedroom, eyes shut. The small crab tried to block out the ringing in its “ears”, only half accomplishing its goals. It was hard to ignore something you had no control over and even less ways to mitigate. Yet still, he remained calm and a stack of familiar cards rested calmly between his palms.

With a deep breath he began to shuffle. The cards flew between his hands with practiced ease. Once he'd fumbled with them, hardly able to pull half answers from them like teeth from a steel jaw.. Now the cards naturally pulled upon the strings inside his arms joining with Khaos in a strange sort of harmony. The red strings wrapped themselves around his forearms shifting and throwing themselves out occasionally in reaction to the cards and their owner's intentions.

The shuffling seemed to go on forever. I’m not even sure I want to pull this reading… It could be- He shook his head subtly pushing those thoughts away. He didn’t need to think about how bad it could be, every reading has a positive and negative to it. There are always choices to be made. Those who saw fate as set in stone were fools, the sisters were always weaving after all, and even one changed choice might not change an entire tapestry but it can change the feeling of a single square.

As he thinks this, a card finally falls from his fingers, and the Mignyan freezes. For a moment, his eyelids feel heavy. Almost unable to bring himself to open his eyes, he reaches out for the offered card. Flipping it slowly, his swirling eyes take it in.

The Fool.

With a huff, Khaos shakes his head, a smile tugging at his lips. So many times he had seen this card, both while seeking it out and while seeking answers. A familiar figure has his back turned, face barely visible from it’s turned position. Carefully running his clawed fingertips over the card Khaos considers its meaning, the endless possibilities it will always signify. And the irony is hardly lost on him. Well that’s hardly an answer.
Slipping the card back into the deck, he kept it in mind while continuing his preparation, his search for guidance. But no more came. The deck had fallen silent. No more answers would be given tonight.

So he set it aside. Standing, he looked up at the ceiling. There was one other place to get answers, perhaps even aid for the future if the need came to it. Gritting his teeth, the young man pulled the red strings from his arm deliberately this time, weaving them into space until they formed a gateway. The smell of brimstone hit the kemonomimi of flesh and he breathed it in like a welcome home. Stepping through, he went on to make his final preparations for whatever was ahead.