Mignyan Anniversary 2021

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
4 2916

Entry 4
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

CWs: Content Warnings will be Listed on Each Individual Piece! Please Pay Attention in those areas!

Genre: Prompt Based Drabbles!

Editing Status: No Editing!!

With the year mark of the Second Wave rolling around some changes are happening in the Mignyan world... Time to peek in to see how things are going for a few of our Mig' Friends.

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New Arrival~

Khaos’ day up till now had been spent flitting from table to table of ever changing faces. He’d been keeping himself too busy and his maid uniform in such perfect order throughout it that he initially overlooked the chime of the bell on the cafe door. It was a pause too long till he felt the telltale itch of another Mignyan’s presence. Ears twitching, he turned darker than true eyes toward the door to take in one familiar face… and one face he couldn’t quite place.

    He should have welcomed them in immediately as was policy. But instead he simply stared for a moment. Eventually he did greet them as the more feminine of the two waved at him enthusiastically. “Irashaimase!” the maid Mig chimed with a half smile. “So what brings two new faces to our lovely little cafe?” He questioned them not mentioning right away that he at least recognized Meat-kun. “A recommendation perhaps?” That wasn’t unusual after all, a Mig knowing that they would need a new host soon would sometimes come to him while he was on the clock knowing private conversations could be held here in the guise of flirting.

The newcomer laughed and shook her head, “Not really!!” With a big grin she slung an arm around Meat-kun’s shoulders and pulled him in for a half hug that smooshed their cheeks together “I’m here for an interview and for support here is my brother from another Mother-”, to anyone listening it would seem like the end of a phrase, but Khaos knew better and was lucky enough to hear the end of her exclamation in his own mind from the Mig typical form of communication, -crab!. Staring directly into Khaos’ eyes she let him know without words that she knew they were all the same, just as he did. 

Raising an eyebrow, Khaos looked them up and down, processing the implications. “Well then…” He was for once in the very ungodly position of being at a loss. “In that case let me get my personal tables settled with a new maid-chama and I can see to your interview.” The smile that accompanies his statement had acid dripping from it in spades, metaphorically of course. Then he turned away to do just as he’d said. 

Finding a proper fit for each table with the low amount of staff currently working was not Khaos’ idea of a good time. Luckily some of his most trusted co-workers were on the floor today. “Maria-chan… can you take the last of my tables? They’re all a bit” he hummed thinking about it for a moment, “niche for what I think the rest of the dears could handle today.” He tries to keep his tone gentle.. But some of his distaste for those below him likely slipped through. 

“Of course, Wren-chama. You always attract that sort after all.” She meant it good-naturedly of course, but she hardly knew the truth. 

After all, what could a regular living creature know of the life of parasites slowly and quietly spreading their existence? Nothing. And luckily for her, she wouldn’t make a very useful host for Khaos to use his hunting grounds on her. 

“Oh of course it would be boring otherwise.” With a flip of his hair, Khaos sauntered back over to Meat-kun and his ‘sister’. “Now then. You mentioned an interview. We’ll need to be snatching one of the private rooms in the back for that if you’re alright with it.” It hardly seemed like a question even if it was phrased in the semblance of one. He hummed and quickly marked a few notes down on the front clipboard about changes in plans and him taking an interview. “And if you both have preferences on drinks and snacks you can just let me know. Our interviews can take a while so.. We tend to spoil people just once, on the house.” He grinned up at the two Migs, his fur ears twitching in amusement at Meat-kun’s spluttering. 

    “Oh that sounds lovely!” The sibling nearly bounced with her glee at the prospects. And despite all her energy it was blessedly easy to get her settled with the necessary forms and slip away to both gather their requested items and sort out his own thoughts. 

    Having another Mig at the cafe could turn out a few different ways, but the one that troubled Khaos was terrifyingly possible with the newcomer’s status. If she is this close to Meat-kun she must be in similar standing standing with this second Mothercrab which is responsible for our second wave. That could mean if she chose to stay here I would need to find a new hunting ground. Scrunching up his face in disdain, the small kemono-mimi had to resist the urge to slam down one of the nice mugs onto the tray. Taking a few deep breaths, he had to give himself another moment or so to calm down fully, otherwise he might run the risk of some nasty repercussions from too much emotion. He’d hate to have this lovely head he called his perfect home explode after all. He wouldn’t allow himself to sink into the “what-ifs”; he was a god and this was his kingdom. No one would displace him. Ever.

    This time when he entered the back room, he let his disguise drop, tail thrashing around to stare at both the others who soon followed his lead. “No cameras in the back rooms to be worried about,” he explained as he laid out the spread for the three of them. “Now I don’t believe we’ve met. I know Meat-kun, most of us do of course.. But not you.” Khaos smiled. “I’m Khaos but most of my coworkers know me by my host’s old name: Wren.”

    He held out his hand to the puppy-eared ‘girl”. 

    “Meat-tan! I’m Meat-kun’s ten times cooler younger sibling!” She enthusiastically clasped their hands together in a firm handshake; and in that moment Khaos felt that they’d get along just fine. 

    A half mad grin split his face to mirror her own softer, simply excited one. “Nice to meet you, Meat-tan.”

Author's Notes

All of these stories accumulatively add +$87.5 to Wren's worth! My writing does not get halved in worth because it is my primary and most tried and trued medium.