[PMD BTS] RP: A Near Death Experience

2 years, 8 months ago

Mild Violence

Ananda happens across a gravely injured Arius.

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The wind rustled against Ananda's hair, causing it to slap against their face and stick to their sweaty skin. They forced their breathing to remain steady and slow despite how desperately they needed air. In the distance they could hear people talking, likely the soul surviving attackers. From what they could hear the hostile ghosts were taking inventory of their loot. Ananda clung to the cliffside, chest flush against the rock and claws digging into the wall of earth. Once they were sure they would not be noticed they released their claws, summoned a portal, and fell out of sight.

They hit the ground hard, heavy from their transformation. They hadn't use the prism bottle in some time and weren't used to the changes. Woah, they had a tail! Did they have one last time?

They got to their feet and continued on, looking for the spot they'd selected to teleport the Shadewoods. Or at least they assumed they were Shadewoods, they couldn't say for certain. They ran clutched their necklace, a gift from their late fiancé, hoping that they'd made the right choice when picking sides.

They rounded the cliffside and slowly fell to their knees when they were met with a field of clothes, of the only lasting remains of faded ghosts. Were they too late? Had the ghosts been fatally wounded before they arrived? Had they misplaced the portal and the fall was enough to...

A raspy breath caught their ear and they gasped, looking around for the source. Hidden behind a bush they found a... they didn't recognize the pokemon. A skeleton man? But he was alive, somehow, though his chest had been ripped to shreds. At least he was alive! At least he was still here. At least they'd saved at least one.

But they had to act quickly.

Ananda opened a small portal to their personal pocket dimension, retrieving a spare poncho that they tied tightly around his torso to try to stop the bleeding. Thankfully in this form--just shy of eight feel tall and able to lift a Mudsdale--he was no problem at all to carry. They scooped him up into their arms and hurried in the direction of the nearest town, holding tight to the unconscious Shadewood as though their grip on the ghost would prevent them from fading away.

The frail ghost in Ananda's arm gave a weakened wheeze of a breath. They where so light, they hardly weighted anything at all. Arius was hurt, he could feel his second life slipping through his fingers. But he was helpless to stop it. His chest hurt so badly, every breath ached and made him feel colder.


A small tear drifted down his cheek. But, he could not even open his eyes as he was carried. He thought of the other. Of Gene being left behind. Of never seeing his smile again, or having another night beside him. Never greeting the dawn beside the other. He would hade from existence, meeting his second death.

Gene I'm so sorry...

Not like this. He didn't want to leave him like this. Please, Acrceus, Xernius, please, anyone. Don't leave Gene alone. Please.

The silent pleading of a dying pokemon.

Please forgive me...Gene....

- - -

The shadewoods had a small camp not to far further up the mountain path. They where setting up camp, unaware of the horror that happened to the rest of their group.

"This is so boring. There is never any action around here", grumbled a spiritomb.

"Shut your mouth Vee! This is life and death at any moment!", snapped back a very angry frillish female.

The spiritomb rolled their eyes. "We do not agree. Why be on the front lines if we can not fight?"

"No one asked you headcase", snapped back a annoyed litwick.

"Must you fight like children at all times? Tobias has expectations for us. Act like it.", Alastor said from his own position setting up a food station. He paused his preparations, something was... wrong. "The supply party should have been here by now.."

Ananda was running toward town when they spotted a small camp not far off. Was that more Shadewoods? Or was it whoever had ambushed them?

They looked down at the ghost in their arms, feeling as their body went still, and realized it didn't matter. They probably wouldn't make it to town anyway.

Ananda changed directions and made a beeline for the camp, their tail flapping wildly behind them. "Heeeeeey!" they yelled. "We need help over here!!"

Alastor looked over, surprised to see a Hoopa, more surprised to see them running toward them with a clearly wounded Arius in their arms. The shedinja dropped the stakes he was using to secure the cooking station and he stood up quickly.

"Go get some healers. Alert the camp", Alastor said as he started to command the ghosts. Without hesitation, they scrambled to do as he said.

Ananda still couldn't be sure who these people were, but their response was promising so they continued sprinting towards them. They slowed to a stop in front of the Shedinja commanding the others, just panting and staring at them helplessly.

Alastor walked over, taking Arius from Ananda, holding him close. “Arius please. I already lost Colburn. I can’t lose you too. Please….”, he held Arius to his chest.

“Where there others? The other ghosts with this one. Please, tell me where are the others?”, Alastor asked, but he feared he knew the answer already.

Others? In their haste to potentially save just one person Ananda had forgotten about the many that didn't make it.

Still trying to catch their breath they could only shake their head. "A... ambushed," they said between gasps. "I... I'm sorry."

Alastor looked down. “I see. I will- alert Tobias of this…”, he could deal with his grief later. Right now, he needed to handle this situation.

He took Arius and set him down on one of the few cots that had been set up already. Thankfully the froslass healer they brought with them was already waiting.

“I can make him stable but we have to get him home before he fades…”, she said honestly.

Alastor nodded. “Have Tyon arrange it. Send the scouts down the way, collect what we can and see if any supplies survived.”, he turned back to Ananda.

“We can handle this situation from here.”, he told the hoopa.

Ananda watched as the fading ghost was tended to, staring a little too intently at the Froslass. They looked nothing like Kilesso, but still... they hadn't seen another in years.

The name Tobias grabbed their attention. "Tobias? Then... you are Shadewoods," they said, their earlier assumption having been confirmed. Had Kilesso known these ghosts in particular? Had he once called them family? Were these the people he died for?

"Please I can... I can take you to their belongings," they offered, unwilling to just walk away from whatever this was they had stumbled into.

“Yes. We are the Shadewoods. You’ll find the lack of robes and crazy ideals a good indicator of that.”, Alastor said as he walked down the path. A few pokemon followed him.

A Chandelour, a duskull, a drifloon, and a jellecent. They made the core of the scouts, each with their own terrain specialty.

“After you.”, Alastor said to the hoopa.

Ananda glanced back at the ghost they'd carried into camp, wondering if they would still be there when the group returned. Please Arceus don't take them yet, dont make these people suffer more loss than they already have.

They walked back the way they'd come. It was a mile or so south, and all the while they looked to the Shedinja who seemed to lead their party. "What might I call you?" they asked.

“I am Alastor. The Chandelour is Flint, the Jellicent if Van, the duskull is Clover and the Driffloon is Sunny.”, he explained as they walked onwards.

“Thank you for bringing him back, Tobias is- particularly attached to Arius.”, he said.

"It is nice to meet you all, though I wish it were under better circumstances," Ananda said at first with a smile but it faded quickly. "You may call me Ananda."

"Of course, I only wish I could have returned more of them to you. Arius..." they repeated, as if they were tasting the name, trying to remember. "I... can't recall them by name."

They glanced down at Alastor as they walked. "Did you know Kilesso? A Froslass."

The scouting pokemon looked over. Between them only Sunny knew Kilesso, and, Alastor as well.

“Yes, his loss is- still felt. Even if years has passed.”, Alastor said as he looked down at the road. “Everyone is remembered. Even if the passing of time forgets their names. Tobias remembers them all.”

Ananda smiled to themself tenderly, feeling as though Kilesso walked in the space between them and Alastor, as of they could feel the chill of his presence. But it was just a memory, a trick of the mind.

"Then I am all the more grateful to have met you. Kilesso was dear to me, and I wondered for a long time about these people he pledged his life to. What are the odds, running into you here," they said in an oddly optimistic tone given the context of their conversation.

"We're almost there, it's just around this way," Ananda explained, walking along the cliffside into the natural alcove they hide the portal they'd opened from view. Their belongings had been left undisturbed, piles of cloth and weapons littering the ground.

"Yes... Kilesso was outspoken, and perhaps he didn't take the best directions but he left lasting memories with those lucky enough to be touched by the chill around him.", Alastor said. "I... am not like the other ghosts, not reborn like them. I'm simply living my first life. Maybe my only one but- I still care deeply for the ghosts around me."

He paused as they came to the walking path. It was clearly a battle had happened, some trees where singed from flamethrower attacks, the ground made black by being struck by shadow claws and shadow balls. Several trees had been knocked down or held damage that would take many years to repair. The pathway was littered with clothing, and the things left behind by those who had faded.

Alastor noted that it was not just Shadewoods here, a few robes laid scattered about too, as they did not reenter the embrace of death alone it seemed. The scouts knelt down to the fallen clothing, gently taking a handful of dirt and putting them in separate jars. One by one, they wrote the name of who had been lost on them. Tobias would want them.

They also gathered the clothing, they would re-purpose it as needed.

Alastor knelt down to pick up half of a megastone. A gengarite. "Morticia....", he said softly as he ran his hand over the edge of the cracked stone. He did not see the other half anywhere, he wondered if it had shattered when it fell to the ground with her. He supposed... that she wouldn't be making it to their date then. He felt deeply heartbroken from her loss, but, he did not outwardly show it. He slipped the golden colored shedinja mask over his face.

"This is a devistating loss for us all.", he stood up. Unsure if he spoke more to himself or to the others. But in the end, it didn't matter.

"You're living?" Ananda asked in surprise. "I thought the Shadewoods were a group uh... lingering spirits only. How did you..." they trailed off, wanting to ask more but as the former battleground came into view priorities shifted.

Ananda stood by as the group performed their rituals and collected the remains of their loved ones, not wanting to interfere in their mourning process. Their heart ached for them. They'd seen so much conflict in the last few years and yet each such encounter dug into fresh wounds.

"What did they die for?" they asked sympathetically. "Who are you at odd with now?"

“What’s that suppose to mean!?”, shouted Van. The jellyfish pokemon turned and glared at Ananda. “WHo ArE yOu AT OdDs wiTh NOw? How dare you act as if we seek out troubles! As if we enjoy throwing our loved ones to the slaughter!”, he hissed.

Alastor stepped between Van and Ananda. “Van, that is not what they meant by their question. Please…”

“Do you even have feelings Alastor!? Morticia is dead and you don’t even seem bothered by it! What about my Vivian!? Huh! And this- hoopa acts as if they know of us!”, he shouted as tears ran down his face.

“Sunny. Clover. Take Van for a walk.”, Alastor said. It took a bit of trying but they eventually got the jellyfish to walk away.

“We did not start this conflict. The Order of Shadows is going wild. We did not do anything…”, Alastor said.

Van's outrage surprised Ananda, the hulking Unbound Hoopa turning to look down at the Jellicent as tears streamed down his cheeks. Their brow furrowed with regret and they opened their mouth to speak but Alastor was faster and put an end to whatever conflict was forming.

"I'm sorry," they said to him once the others had left. "That didn't come out how I wanted."

"I don't know a lot about your kind, just what Kilesso was willing to share. Which wasn't all that much," they sighed, a hint of frustration from arguments that were long dead. "I understand you're a secretive group since these types of conflicts aren't all that uncommon for lingering spirits."

Ananda wanted to know more, to know what it was the Order of Shadows was doing or why they were attacking the Shadewoods, to understand this conflict better. But they didn't feel it mattered. This was Kilesso's family they were talking about, they didn't need more information than that.

"Please, I want to help you," they said. "However I can."

Alastor sighed, “You should speak to Tobias if you want to know more. I do not wish to speak out of turn on these affairs. Please understand, it is not my place to give out information.”

The Chandelure watched the two of them. “Tobias will be at the home base when we get there”, they offered.

Ananda pressed her lips together with a nod, an expression that said they weren't surprised by this answer even if it was inconvenient. They would be meeting Tobias then? The fabled leader of this clan of lost souls, the father figure Kilesso spoke so highly of despite their arguments. If he knew who they were and what they'd done, would this leader sooner accept their help or strike them down on the spot?

Welp, only one way to find out.

Ananda's face brightened--as much as a face could brighten given the recent tragedy--when the Chandelure spoke. "That's great, I didn't think I'd get to see him so soon. I figured he's a busy guy."

“Busy is an understatement.”, Alastor collected the items, jars of dirt and belongings aside. The rest of the scouts returned not long after, collecting what was needed and walking back to camp.

Alastor paused, looking at Ananda. “I am… sorry for your loss. Kilesso was.. a good friend of mine.”, he said before following the others.

Ananda just stared at Alastor for some time, just soaking in that they were speaking to someone dear to Kilesso. "Thank you. That's very nice of you, especially given... I'm sorry that you've suffered so much today."

They eyed the jars of dirt as they were collected. "Does Kilesso have one of those with his name too?"

“Yes. He does. It is back in our home. With the rest of them.”, Alastor said. He held Morticia’s jar tighter. “It is a loss shared by all…”, was all he could manage to say about it.

Ananda nodded, unusually quiet for themself but sensing this wasn't the time for idle conversation. These pokemon needed the space to grieve. They considered asking about those that had been lost, but didn't expect such talk would be appreciated in that moment. So they made the trek back to their camp in relative silence.

Until a thought crossed their mind. "What's Tobias like?"

When they got back to camp, Arius had been stabilized enough to be moved. They would start going back home immediately.

Alastor walked over to his brother with a frown, Arius looked terrible, already bleeding through the bandages on his chest. He was mumbling weakly, and incoherently.

“Ge…n….g…..n”, Arius mumbled.

“We’ll find Gene, and keep him safe Arius.”, Alastor assured, holding Arius’s hand gently.

“Tobias is…. A very wounded person. Wise beyond years, but tied to the mortal coil. He is… strange and unique… he is a polarizing sort of person.”

A crease formed between Ananda's eyebrows as they listened to Arius struggle to speak.

"This 'Gene'... they weren't part of that group, were they?" they asked. They hadn't seen any Shadewoods escape, but maybe they were mistaken. Not all of them wore the hairstyle Kilesso had, though many did.

“Um- no. Gene is an outsider soft soiler. Arius had taken a deep shine to them but- Tobias does not really approve of their relationship. It has cause a lot of tension between them.”, Alastor explained.

“But, as a natural ghost myself… I don’t really have room to speak about Gene’s status either.”, he concluded.

"Softsoiler? Haven't heard of that kind of pokemon before," Ananda said, not familiar with this terminology. "Are they dangerous or something?"

“A soft soiler is…. A ghost reborn who is from the modern age. They are not like say- Arius, who was reborn after hundreds of hears and has limited understanding of today’s world.”, he explained.

"Oh. Is there some kind of rule about only seeing people from your own time or something?" Ananda asked. If so Kilesso hadn't been adhearing to that rule when he accepted their proposal. But during their travels they'd learned some pokemon were more sensitive than others to the difference in age between partners.

“Uh… not…. An official one but…Tobias likes to keep older ghosts and soft soilers separate… most of the time soft soilers can easily return to a life. To live without distrurbance since they know of the world. But for pokemon like Arius. Everyone he knew is gone, everything he ever knew disappeared into the sands of time..his home is ruins, long forgotten by the world. He could not even speak our language when he was reborn…”, Alastor said.

Ananda considered this for a while before speaking. "I don't think I really understand, but that's fine it's not really important right now. We need to get going right?" they asked, eager to get Arius the care they needed.

“Yes, and we will. But we have to take steps to ensure our own safety with enemies so close…”, Alastor said as he stood back up.

Not long after a few more Shadewoods arrived, they where very cautious of Ananda. Suspsicious of them and kept their fistance as they took Arius ans the items and started heading back.

Alastor and Ananda followed, and they all stopped in a graveyard. Alastor stopped Ananda at the gate as the others disappeared into the darkness. “Stay here. I will ask Tobias if you may enter”, he said as he turned and walked into the graveyard.

It was unnaturally quiet here. No birds or bugs. The very earth seemed dead here.

Ananda didn't pay the new Shadewoods any mind. Even among their own kind an Unbound Hoopa was given a wide birth, and while they knew not themself what they looked like in that moment they could only assume they were an intimidating sight. They gave the ghosts space to tend to their wounded before heading out.

When they reached the graveyard Ananda grew more curious. Were they hear to 'bury' their dead? Was this what the dirt was for? Or did they just live in a graveyard?

"Sure, no problem," Ananda said to Alastor when they parted ways and they were left alone. The quiet felt lacking somehow, and they hummed to themself in an effort to fill it as they waited patiently for whatever was to come next.

It was a long while, but eventually the shadows crept in at Ananda. Tobias’s form rose from the darkness until he fully manifested. Alastor returned beside him.

“Ananda allow me introduce Tobias, leader of the Shadewoods.”, Alastor said.

“Charmed I’m sure.”, Tobias said as he observed the other.

Ananda hadn't been paying much attention, off in their own little world. They tried to imagine what was going on just inside the graveyard that they could not enter. Were Alastor and the other ghosts they'd met prior sharing the news with their clan? How many were among them? How many others had they lost?

They didn't take notice of the shadows until the started rising from the ground, one form familiar and the other not. So this was Tobias? He was... shorter than they imagined. But then again everyone was shorter from this point of view. And he dressed rather uh... fancy? Proper? But that wasn't important.

Their tail brushed against the ground. They weren't sure why, they weren't used to having a tail. Were they eager? Intimidated? Both?

"Hello," they said. "I've heard quite a bit about you, nice to have a face to put to the name. How is Arius doing?"

“I have faith in Arius’s attachment to his second life. He is in critical condition, it will be a while longer before I know more.”, Tobias said.

“I am surprised you did not come soon Ananda. Especially after Kilesso faded.”, the marshadow said. “At any rate, I am greatful you returned Arius to us”, he bowed his head, taking his hat off as he did so. His long horns appearing as they often did without his hat.

Ananda's eyes widened in genuine surprise. "You were expecting me?" they asked. "Had I known I'd have... well really I don't know what difference it would have made. It's not like I knew how to find you. Kilesso was very protective of the Shadewoods and told me very little about you all. Said that information was for the dead only."

"Though I've gathered there are some exceptions," they added, glancing to Alastor.

"But I'm glad our paths have finally crossed. I wish to assist you, however I can. It's the least I can do. Kilesso... he would have wanted it this way," they said, their optimistic tone growing more serious.

Tobias reached into his pocket. “I have had something for you. For a while now.”, he pulled out a box. “It is- a glass jewel, made from part of the soil we collect from our fallen. It was made from Kilesso’s. It can be made into a necklace, earrings, or something else.”

Ananda let out a tiny gasp as Tobias presented the box, but their expression quickly turned to that of confusion. "I... I don't mean to sound unappreciative--I'm very grateful for this--but... why? Why go through all this trouble for me? I mean, Kilesso... wasn't I stealing him from you?" From what their fiancé had shared Ananda was of the impression the Shadewoods were a tightknit group. And what's more hadn't Kilesso faded so close to her own tribe? Surely were it not for their union he might still be...

“My clan is made up of ghosts and others from every walk of life. Kilesso may have been outspoken and rebellious, but he was not any less loved and cared for. It was his choice not to bring you to the fold. He thought he was hiding it, but I saw through his… attempts. Even if Kilesso stepped away, he would always be welcomed as a brother… we are not hard to find. I have clan members all over the world…”, he assured the other.

"That... sounds like him," Ananda admitted. "He knew I would never leave my tribe. Not even for him."

"Yet here we are, huh?" they said with a sad laugh. "Me, speaking face-to-face with Tobias himself. Funny how that works, isn't it? If I hadn't been so stubborn back then... but there's no use dwelling on it. Too little too late," they said with a shrug that was supposed to look casual, but their words clearly weighed heavy on their shoulders.

"I was too late today too, for all of them but Arius. I don't want to be too late again," they told him. "If you've been expecting me, does this mean you'll accept my help?"

“Do not dwell on what can not be changed. Take it from me, I have much regret. But even carrying such burden does not change what happens around us. I will accept your help Ananda. As it is a dire time for us.”, he said.

"Words to live by," Ananda nodded with a sad smile, but it quickly grew more genuine. "Thank you. So what's next? Do you have a plan?"

Tobias put the box in Ananda’s hand before turning and walking i to the graveyard. “Come, we have much to discuss it seems. Alastor, send me message to the farthest reaches of the clan. It is time for the wayward birds to return to the flock before a great storm hits.”

Ananda accepted the box and held it close for a moment before opening a portal and tucking it inside. I will keep them safe for you, Kilesso. Whatever it takes.


Gene sat on the edge of the bed, loosening his tie after a long day of work. Entirely self-imposed work really. With Ari home safe his main concern was put to rest and now he focused entirely on strengthening his team in the unlikely event the Order increased their attack. And maybe, if he was willing to admit it, he too felt the stress of the mint on his relationship with Ari. While he felt calmer, better... he could also see how unhappy Ari was with his choice. And work was a great excuse to not have to see his unhappiness so often.

"How are you feeling Love?" he asked casually.

Arius looked at Gene, mustering up a smile for what it was worth.

"Hello Gene.. did you... have a good day?", he asked softly. He reached out, laying his hand on Gene's for a moment. He wanted to be support of Gene, and his mint but... this... hollow Gene... was hard to be around. To see a glazed look, a complete resistance to show how he truly felt. It felt like a different person beside him, who just stole Gene's body.

Gene looked down at their hands curiously, raising a finger to press against Ari's palm.

"It was fine," he said noncommittally. "But it's not important. How are you doing?" he asked, eager to hear about Ari's wellbeing. He distantly noted the sound of someone coming upstairs but he paid it no mind.

"I am fine... the amount of tiles in the room has not changed... I saw twenty three birds fly by.... that's about it....", he reported.

A crease formed between Gene's brow and he shifted to face Ari more. He hated to see him like this. How much longer would he be force to rest? How long until these wounds healed? He opened his mouth to say something but an unfamiliar, cheerful voice met his ears instead.

"Arius! You're looking much better since I last saw you," they said, and Gene turned to see a short woman with a log ponytail of bright pink dreads standing in his doorway.

"... I am sorry, who are you?" he asked. Where they a Shadewood? They kept their hair in a similar style to Ari.

"You can call me Ananda," they said casually as they made their way closer to the bed. "Hope I'm not interrupting. Just wanted to check up on the patient."

Gene looked to Arius to judge his reaction, as Gene himself didn't know this person and was hesitant about letting unfamiliar ghosts near him in such a state.

Arius knew of Ananada, although not encountering the other in recent memories. "Yes.. Gene this is Ananda. They where- married to one of the Shadewood, they are actually the one who rescued me. And without them it is unlikely I would be here now.", Arius supplied.

"Well, not quite married," Ananda corrected with a casual smile. "Almost. We were engaged and making plans for him to come live in my village when he faded. But I don't want to get carried away with that now, it happened a few years back. I'm much more interested in you two."

Gene's mint-numbed mind was struggling to keep up with all of this. They saved Ari? Married to a Shadewood? When he didn't answer right away Ananda simply continued on as they'd been.

"So you're Gene then?" they said, giving him a once over. "I heard quite a bit about you. Your name was the first word I heard come out of Arius's mouth, even half gone he was asking for you. You must be something special."

Gene's hand went still under Ari's, the visual of his lover bleeding out on the battlefield and only just barely managing to speak his name... if he still suffered from nightmares that would surely fuel them. But as it was such inconveniences did not trouble him as of late.

He turned his hand over to hold Ari's tightly in his own. "I cannot thank you enough for what you've done, bringing him home," he said, his throat growing tight with more emotion than he'd felt in days. "If there is ever anything I can do for you you need only ask."

"Hey now, I'm not looking for any big thanks," Ananda said, shrugging off his gratitude with a shake of their head. "Happy to help. What about you Arius? How are you holding up? Did the doctor say anything good? Must've been feeling well enough for them to let Gene take you out of the nest," they said, moving to sit on the side of his bed.

Arius silently observed Gene's... strange interaction. He wanted to hold onto him more, and speak loving things to him. But it felt so... numb.. he wanted to talk to the real Gene. To his Gene. But such things where selfish, Gene wanted this... whatever.. state this was. And even if it hurt to even look at him, Arius wanted to support Gene's choices.

"Yes, they say I am not at risk of fading anymore. However, they do have a bit of concern still so I am bed bound for a while longer. As- much as I wish otherwise. But, nothing more to really say about it. How are you doing?", he asked Ananda.

"Me? Oh I'm just dandy," they smiled. "All this trouble with the Order seemed to have died down, at least for now. Tobias really let them have it. Guess he wasn't too thrilled about what happened to his little golden boy."

"You two should still be careful," they added. "But I'm off duty for now since the worst of the storm has passed."

Arius gestured to the bed. “I can’t really do any more or less than this…”, he frowned a bit

"Good, keep at it," Ananda said with a smile that turned more sympathetic. "I know it's hard, but hey you're still here right?"

Gene just stared at Ari giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

"Hey Gene, would you mind if I stayed the night?" they asked. "I haven't narrowed down where I'm headed next."

As was becoming the norm it took Gene a moment longer than usual to respond. "Of course, you can stay as long as you like."

"Thanks, but just tonight will do. I'll head out in the morning. Should I leave you two be?" they asked, looking to Arius. They figured he was still pretty wiped out from nearly fading and all, their time with the Shadewoods had been a blur and they didn't know exactly how many days had passed.

Arius told himself he would get use to Gene being so spaced out. Even if it hurt so much to see. “Yes, thank you Ananda.”, Arius said as he put on a smile.