Warriors Simplified Genetics

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WW = dominant white 

Ww = dominant white, carrying no white

ww = no white


SS = white spotting

Ss = white spotting, carrying no white spotting

ss = no white spotting

SS1/2/3 = low, medium, high spotting (high can look like dominant white)


RR = female red

Rr = tortie (partially red)

rr = female no red

R- = male red

r- = male no red


BB = black

Bb = black, carrying brown

bb = brown 


DD = not diluted

Dd = not diluted, carrying dilution

dd = diluted (diluted black with dominant white is blue while black with non-dom white is gray, diluted brown with dominant white is cream while brown with non-dom white is golden)


TT = tabby (all reds appear tabby even if not, black tabbies appear brown with black stripes, and silver tabbies are silver with black stripes)

Tt = tabby, carrying solid

tt = solid 


CC = no colorpoint 

Cc = no colorpoint, carrying colorpoint

cc = colorpoint 


II = silver gene (cat only looks silver if they’re otherwise gray! Black cats with silver are smoky while white cats with silver as a silvery-white color. Silver cats with any other colors don’t show it at all)

Ii = silver gene, carrying no silver 

ii = no silver 


FF = short fur 

Ff = short fur, carrying long fur

ff = long fur 


AA = not albino

Aa = not albino, carrying albino

aa = albino (albino overwrites everything appearance-wise but the genes the cat has are still there to be passed on)