[PMD BTS] Mission RP: Party Spirit

2 years, 10 months ago

Two couples go out for a night of fun at the ghost party of the century.

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"I don't know whose idea it was to throw a party in a graveyard, but this is so cool!" Maeve exclaimed, rubbing her feral claws together from excitement as she stepped up into the mausoleum. The open room of the dungeon was laid out with several groups of ghosts, shady and ethereal, mingling and conversing with hovering glasses of spirits. The first room was rather stuffy with coffins lining the walls covered in dust and cobwebs, but a hallway to the left had the faint sound of music coming from it, likely a place to dance over there, and to the right was a hall with the scent of fresh pastries and sweet meats to devour.

"It's been too long since my last party, come on!" She encouraged everyone to follow her lead. Her big red eyes took everyone in with glee. A group of Sinistea and Polteaguist were going around pretending to be actual refreshments, scaring pokemon and causing laughter. One of the coffins on the wall rolled off and took the form of a very sleepy looking Cofagrigus, and the room was eerily lit by the flames of several Chandelure and Lampent hovering above.

"Seems this lot was fashionably late to Halloween, or perhaps they just do not want the festivities to end," Gene laughed to himself, admiring the eerie decorations. Now this was a tried and true Halloween party the likes of which he had hoped Chronos might throw, but alas it seemed the Sawsbuck's interest in such outings had waned in favor of my child-friendly activities. Luckily Gene knew a few Wayfarers who were kind enough to invite him along.

Gene glanced around for any familiar Shadewood faces, spotting a few of the Gengar Nikitovich family over by the snack table while Kirill was on the dance floor. Funny; Gene hadn't taken him for the type to let go and just party, but good for him.

Spotting Kirill did give Gene and idea of his own, grabbing Ari's cloth-like hand in his own. "You know, I do believe you owe me a dance that is just about a year overdue," he teased, harkening back to when Ari said he'd invite Gene to the next gala that rolled into town.

Arius was a bit more guarded than usual. Being around other ghosts he did not know had recently become a less ideal situation for him. Still, Gene had been so excited and he couldn’t say no to him. Arius was also carrying his pumpkin to add to the festivities. Seeing other Shadewoods did make him relax a little. “Yes and event as a mission is… strange… but a dance is a dance.”, he assured.

Ivan was in much better spirits. The intelleon had reclaimed his more natural ways. Already he was muttering about the unevenness of some decor items. Yep, Ivan was back.

Around the hall, Maeve picked up on similar words spouting from the mouths of several different groups: The Order and Shadewood respectively. She wasn’t sure what it all meant, but these groups seemed to be conversing politics, something she wasn’t very fond of nor familiar with. Questions could be asked later, she was ready to get wild.

When Gene mentioned Ari owing him a dance, Maeve thought back to her and Ivan’s in her yard. How magical it was to be surrounded in a rainbow veil, twirling together. This would be her first time dancing in her new feral form through, so she was excited to bring out her moves.

“Should we grab a shot before heading to the dance floor then?” She asked the others. She was fine either way, but it had also been a while since she’d really let loose. Noticing Ivan’s attention being pulled to his surroundings with some distaste, her large claw nudged at his arm so that they could link up. Knowing well how his last run in with the vice went, she wanted to remind him that she was here and he was safe with her.

"How's about Jack here sits on the sidelines?" Gene asked as he pulled Ari onto the dance floor. He started to use Telekinesis on the pumpkin, looking around and spotting a chair against the wall where he could deposit the jack-o-lantern.

Arius was not really pleased with releasing his pumpkin, he had become quite fond of it actually. Even it it was already starting to get a even more lopsided.

But he did not fight and gave it up to Gene. “As you wish.”, he supplied as he followed Gene to the dancing area.

Ivan was surprised by her offer, and agreed. He did not see the problem she did with it, and honestly maybe it would let him ignore the lack of proper cleaning. He narrowed his eyes at a few cobwebs, filthy.

While Ari and Gene made a hasty get away to the dance floor, Maeve pulled Ivan along through the other corridor to a lounge. There was a grand table stretching through the hall piled high with all kinds of food, candelabra every six or so paces provided a dim yellow glow over a table cloth of gossamer. At the far end was a mixologist Dusknoir, their glowing red eye fixing itself on the breathing bodies walking their way.

“Oi, we got some beaters er!” They cheered as Maeve took a seat on one of the bar stools. “Uh, beaters?” She asked, earning a hearty laugh from the Dusknoir. “Beaters- your hearts- you are unlike us. But that is okay! You are welcome here.” “Thanks I guess.” She laughed along with them. “Surprise me?” She asked Ivan, nodding to the little menu on the counter. If she could pick it up and choose herself she would, but her inability gave way to a new opportunity. She wondered what he’d pick for her.

Gene was too excited to party with Arius to care much about the pumpkin, letting Jack float through the air and come to rest in the seat Gene had spotted, an eternal wallflower.

The dancers were lively, hopping to the beat of the music casually. Gene was much more familiar with more formal social gatherings but always enjoyed the rare chances he had to attend a more relaxed event and had no trouble joining in.

"I suppose like this you needn't worry about two left feet," Gene said, as his dance partner was little more than a skull and a sheet.

Ivan followed after Mareve, surprised she would allow him to drink given how much she clearly hated it.

The bartender’s words did not bother him. He was use to Arius throwing out weird labels for things, so beaters fit right into that. “Can I please get a whiskey shot?”, he asked.

“I don’t have feet to worry about”, Arius said as he floated in circles around Gene, twirling and moving in a unrhythmic way.

The Dusknoir turned and grabbed a Rye and two shot glasses, setting them on the counter and pouring one for each of them, adding a straw for Maeve's. Maeve was surprised he'd pick something on the hard side, but figured that if they were only doing one then it wouldn't hurt anybody. "To the future." She toasted before sucking hers down as fast as possible. Having to take it through a straw was tough, but she managed. "Ugh, I think I'd prefer to do those when I have hands." Her mouth was as close to being on fire as she'd ever like it to be.

A Golet trodded in, making the floor shake as they walked and sat beside them along with a Honedge and Yamask. The trio eyed the living pair with intrigue.

In the dance hall a Gourgeist was slowly inching their way along the wall towards Jack. They looked shy and timid, glancing at the pumpkin on and off. The musicians were also having a riot. They were an assembly of a fifer, bagpiper, acordianist, fiddler, and lutenist, going back and forth off of one another with simple melodies.

"Precisely my point," Gene laughed, reaching up to take hold of one of Ari's arm-like strips of fabric to twirl himself around before going right back to dancing. Ari was far from the only ghost dancing in the air, the ceiling space filled with Drifloon, Dreepy, and various other legless pokemon alike. After all who really needed a dance floor when you could fly?

Gene grinned wildly, taking in the atmosphere, when he spotted a Gourgeist making eyes at Ari's pumpkin. "Looks like Jack is getting some attention himself," he pointed out to Ari as he continued moving to the music.

"My boy is doing it. Go Jack", Arius said like a proud father. Jack, the lifeless pumpkin, slumped over slightly when someone knocked the chair he sat upon, but did not roll to much. Arius paused his dancing to watch his little pumpkin shoot its shot.

Ivan took his shot down in a single gulp, which really highlighed his ability to consume liquor straight. It was smooth enough, but he sort of wandered if he could talk Maeve into letting him have a martini with extra olives later in the night.

The song tune was shifting, and a more upbeat tune started up as more people fathered on the dance floor. Ivan noticed they where being watched and put his arm around Maeve casually.

The Gourgeist jumped when Jack fell off his perch and onto the floor, skittering their little nubby feet in surprise and retreating a few paces before making another nervous attempt at saying hello. The ghost's hairy hands quivered in front of their face. Clearly they were in the middle of internal turmoil over whether or not to ask this other pumpkin to dance with them. Someone should save them from humiliation.

"Clan Samsara or Clan Wraithliege?" The Golett asked. Maeve turned her attention to their barside company while leaning over close to Ivan. His tail didn't do that funny thing this time to her surprise, or maybe she just didn't notice, being distracted by all these ghosts. "Um- I'm not sure I know what you mean, honey." She said to the Golett. The stony spirit pointed to themselves and then the others with them, "Clan Valiant at your service- m'lady." Their head scraped against their stone body as it nodded.

These three each had very defining scar marks on their feral forms. The Golett was missing his entire other arm, and there was a hole hollowed out in his chest. The crest on his belt was pin-wheel shaped. The Honedge turned and unsheathed itself about half way, kind of like a gentleman tipping their hat, but revealing a chip and gash in the metal of their blade. The Yamask held up the face they used to have in front of them. A feathering pattern traced the edges of one side, spreading over the cheek and to the corner of the mouth. Maeve tilted her head as the marks reminded her of her own electrical burns in her human form.

Gene noticed as Jack fell onto the floor and went about righting him with his Telekinesis, floating him upright and back into his seat. But as he focused his attention on the sidelines he could sense the anxious nerves of the Gourgeist who seemed to be trying to converse with Jack. Oh dear, how embarrassing!

Having no desire to go over and explain the details of the situation himself, Gene instead chose to continue puppeteering Jack. He moved the pumpkin as though Jack were looking around for someone in the crowd, and then floated off to join them. This someone being Ari.

"Seems Jack is more the party animal than I thought," Gene said, continuing to dance on the ground while Jack danced above him, bouncing at twirling happily in front of Ari. "Or rather, vegetable."

Arius floated around excitedly, dancing and twirling around with Gene and Jack. Arius leaned down, giving Gene a kiss.

“We don’t take sides in the ghost fights or whatever they are.”, Ivan said. He had overheard Arius and Tobias speaking once or twice over them. He didn’t even really understand it. He assumed it was - petty squabble like savage feral pokemon.

“Ghost fights?” Maeve questioned, shooting Ivan a look of concern. She wondered if Arius was keeping things from her. We’re they not as close as she had hoped they were? But Ivan said he listened to her music box so frequently. Perhaps he kept her out of the loop for protection. Was that why they hadn’t seen each other for so long?

The Yamasaki nodded. “Clans do not always see eye to eye.” They said, making their scars a further concern to Maeve. She wondered if they were hostile, but they didn’t really seem like it. She tried to turn her judgements away. “We are happy to be in the company of tolerant clans for this special time of year. Do either of you have relatives that have passed into a Clan rank?”

Maeve wondered on this. She had never considered her ancestors to reincarnate like Arius and Gene, but if it was possible… that was silly talk, she wouldn’t even know who they are. Was it even a good thing to be brought back? Arius had seemed distraught when she first met him that she wondered if it was even worth it. Sure they had cool powers, but at what cost?

Gene was thoroughly immersed in the music, thriving on the energy of the crowd. It was invigorating to cut lose, not just from his own dancing but also focusing his psychic energy on dancing for two. The added strength from his feral form made it effortless and freeing to move himself and Jack in sync.

He jumped when a hand was on his shoulder and a voice in his ear, dropping his hold on Jack and reflexively catching him in his hands as though the pumpkin were an extension of his own body.

"My, you're a young one aren't you? So fresh and still full of life," the voice said, and Gene turned to see a Sableye smiling at him. Which with their jagged teeth was quite the unnerving sight. "Might I steal you for a dance?"

Ordinarily Gene may have considered such an offer, the chance to mingle amongst others of their kind for just a song. But he knew better than to trust an unfamiliar ghost, especially when he did not even know which clan they belonged to. Not to mention that this Sableye seemed to know he was a soft soiler at just a glance was... unsettling.

"I am... flattered, to be sure. But I already have a partner," he explained. Whether he meant just for dancing or for more it made little difference since both were true.

He turned away from the Sableye Gene floated Jack back up to Ari and continuing dancing as they had been. He paid the Sableye no mind and was unaware that they continued to watch the pair intently with unblinking diamond eyes.

"We do not align with a clan, but I guess if you insist upon labels we attended this event with Arius and Gene.", she pointed at the ghosts. "And Arius and his weirdo dad Tobias are on my team. So you might find more interesting conversation with one of them.", he said.

Arius immediately noticed the sableye and made himself known by dropping his long sleeves on either side of Gene's shoulders. "Yes and he is my date, sorry, I do not share on such an evening. Have a nice night.", Arius ushered Gene a bit further away before he went back to dancing.

"Tobias? As in Shadewood?" The Yamask asked. "Most of us would prefer not to get involved." The Honedge finally spoke. "We mostly keep to our own." "Tonight is an exception." The Dusknoir chimed in. "I suppose you are right but- the Order." The Yamask whispered. "We can't be sure who is and isn't with them, but tonight we want everyone to leave politics at the door." The Dusknoir informed. "Politics knows no bounds. In life or in death." The Honedge siad. The Dusnkoir poured them all an absinthe on rocks, their Clan's choice drink.

"Well, it was nice to meet you all. The name's Maeve, this is Ivan." "Lado." The Golett introduced. "Malacai." said the Honedge. "Nedelka." said the Yamask. "Nd your barkeep is Yakov." The Dusknoir added with the wave of their finger. If the cyclopsid only had two eyes, you could imagine one winking at the pair, but the smiling face on their stomach seemed to grin even bigger.

"Shall we dance?" She asked Ivan. There was a glint of infatuation in her big red eyes as she looked at him.

Gene paused his dancing as he felt Ari's arms drape around him, confused until he realized Ari was speaking to the same Sableye again. Not a great sign.

The Sableye in turn was not impressed by Ari's display. "Really? Don't you think you're a bit old for him?" they said, setting their sights back on Gene as they used Attract. "Maybe he'd like a dance with someone born in this century."

Gene was not interested in whatever this guy was selling, but then something hit him and the Sableye's crooked smile was no longer so creepy and their diamond eye glinted in a way that made Gene's heart pound. That was... odd, but surely he'd they'd just made a bad first impression. After all he seemed plenty charming now.

"Come now Ari, one dance couldn't hurt right?" he found himself saying without much thought, reaching out to the Sableye, entranced.

Ivan smiled and gave a nod, “Thank you all for the introductions”, he wrapped a arm around Maeve’s waist, careful of her wings, and guided her to the dance floor.

Arius was not pleased, and what’s more. The Sableye used attract on Gene! His Gene. The angry bone coveted Ghost turned entirely toward the Sableye. His eyes glowed read as the bones in his body rattled. Some of them cracking as he used Curse on the sabeleye.

Arius was instantly tired, feeling the repercussions of it on his body. But the Sabeleye was not on a time clock before fainting, so their entire night would soon be ruined. “You should have taken no creep.”, Arius said in a low, strained voice.

A deep gravely voice pushed through the crowd, “Youse bes be playin nice. I don’t wanna have tah break up no funny biniss.” A shiny Gengar with a very gruff appearance said as he made his way next to the three ghosts. “Th’ only moves youse should be using are dance moves.” He glared down at the Sabeleye and then up at Arius. He had a mega stone ring on one of his fingers, and it surely looked like he wasn’t afraid to either sock someone with it or use the stones power to really put people in their place.

Maeve kept her eyes peeled out for Arius and Gene as she and Ivan walked out to the dance floor. It was so fascinating to be among so many ghosts at once. That strange out of place feeling crept into her, as it did from time to time, but it wasn’t a bad feeling. Just new and exciting. Her eyes fixed to the Gourgeist alone against the wall, shyly holding one of their arms and looking out to the floor. She followed their gaze until she noticed their party members getting involved with a big Shiny Gengar and some impish looking Sableye. Maeve nudged Ivan to look in their direction, wondering if something not so good was about to happen.

Gene was completely oblivious to Ari's Curse, too distracted by the attractive Sableye asking him to dance. But the sound of something snapping briefly grabbed Gene's attention and he turned towards Ari, noting that several of the bones floating inside his cape-like body were cracked and splintered.

"Ari what... what happened?" he asked in a confused daze, concern for him and infatuation for the Sableye warring for attention.

The Sableye clutched at their abdomen, hissing as a ghostly purple smoke rose from their body. A Curse. Damn it! They'd be out cold in seconds. "...'ur crazy," they spat at Arius, turning to make a run for it but before they could take a single step a Gengar stood in front of them. Son of a--what now? Unless...

"That freak laid a curse on me!" the Sableye accused, pointing at Arius. "Just cause I asked his date for a dance!"

Gene's head tilted in confusion, a small pout on his face. "No... Ari wouldn't do that. There must be some mistake," he said gently as if he were correcting a child, trying to sooth the Sableye. The Sableye was so cute and handsome and flirty, Ari would never hurt someone like that. But why were both Ari and the Sableye injured?

"I... cannot say I know what is happening, but we are all friends here," Gene assured the Gengar, looking up at him with his Attract-induced heart-shaped eyes.

Arius’s piercing gaze did not leave the gem goblin of a ghost. “Using Attract is not innocent. That moves messes with pokemon’s thoughts and emotions. It’s worse then hitting him. I will not apologize.”, he put himself squarely between Gene and the other ghost.

Ivan looked where Maeve pointed, and over the crowd he spitted a to familiar hat. “Oh, it looks like Arius is getting into a fight. Can’t he behave at a single event?”, Ivan said as he turned his back. “Shall we dance on a different part of the floor?”, he did not want to get involved in whatever Arius was up to.

A quick little jab from the blunt end of Maeve's claw-arm met Ivan's arm. "Come on, we should make sure they're alright." She said, her little antennae wiggling for his attention. She began to drag him along, not wanting to lose him in the crowd like she had last time they were in Noe.

If Gene had not stopped to speak to the Gengar they may have looked on, but Arius' accusation only increased their attention to the matter further. He took a step closer to the middle of the two, making sure they knew he was ready to go for each of them. "Stones here is gonna pass out anyway thanks tah you, so youse gonna have tah make up for it somehow. You should know better than to cause trouble, Shadewood. As for you-" He picked up the Sableye by its ear and began to tote them away for time-out in one of the coffins. "I'll be back tah deal with youse in a moment."

Nearly catching herself on fire by racing and almost tripping over a couple Litwick on the floor, Maeve burst forth to be beside Arius and Gene. "Hey what's going on?" She asked? Her big eyes were now drawn to her surroundings, taking in the sea of apparitions and the music that played distorted around her in a hypnotic way. She'd all but forgotten the two ghosts beside them moments ago, and even Ivan holding onto her hand. "Oh, Ivan." She began to eye him, almost seeming like she was in her own state of attraction.

Attract? What was Ari talking about? No one used...

Gene watched as the Sableye was dragged away, a pit in his stomach growing with the distance between them. The effects of the Sableye's charm began to fade, leaving Gene dizzy and disoriented.

"Ugh..." he groaned, holding his head and instinctively leaning in to Ari's space. "Well that was... certainly unpleasant, to say the least. If that bouncer comes back around I will be sure to have a talk with..." he trailed off, only just realizing Maeve and Ivan had joined them. But it seemed Maeve was engrossed in Ivan, which he was thankful for. He was not at all eager to recount recent events.

He glanced at Ari, wanting to thank him but the words felt too heavy, as if speaking them aloud would cause the reality of the situation to sink in. Instead he slipped a hand under Ari's cloak, using Floral Healing without a word.

Ivan was still not interested in getting involved even with her insistence. But then she acted strange, he looked at her, and looked at her. "Maeve...are you... buzzed off one shot?", he asked in both amusement and mild concern.

Arius gave a small sigh, "I do not care what that bouncer says. He attacked first.", Arius looked at Gene and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Are you okay?", he asked, feeling Gene's healing move already. Some of the cracked bones on his coat began to repair themselves.

"Uuuuumm, maybe." Maeve shrugged with a small giggle. She leaned close to him and smelled the purple flowers growing from his collar before looking up to him and gazing deeply into his eyes. Then she noticed something else, her own reflection in the glass of his monocle. She began to fixate on it, wondering if he saw her in the same way she saw herself in it.

Her attention was pulled away when she noticed Gene's hand slip under Ari's cloak, her eyes widening as her two friends' seemingly scandalous interaction put her in shock. But it was only for a moment as she realized that something else was going on when she took notice of the cracked bones suddenly fusing back together.

"Attacked?" She repeated, still not in the loop. There was a bouncer? "Who is fighting at a time like this? I thought this was a peaceful gathering." Some worry slipped into her voice because if anything bad were to happen, well they were all sitting Ducklett in a Monster House. Maybe she should have brought some items to be on the safe side. The real concern was not being unprepared, but having to take action in general. She was just looking forward to having a nice relaxing night out with her tall, handsome love.

Gene's eyes fell shut for a moment as Ari kissed his cheek, stealing his nerves. "Of course, never better," he said with a smile at was just a bit... off. Really he felt disgusting, but he was determined to push such incidents aside. This was supposed to be a night of fun after all, and he wasn't about to let some unsettling Sableye ruin his good time.

"It is nothing to worry about Maeve, just some cretin that could not handle rejection," he explained, not wanting to cause any alarm. As he addressed her he noticed for the first time that she seemed a bit tispy, and Ivan's solidified that observation.

"I could certainly go for whatever you're having," he grinned at the opportunity, letting Jack fall back into his hand and giving Ari's sleeve a light tug with his other. "What do you say, care for a drink?" he asked, eager for the distraction.

Arius explained what happened to Maeve and Ivan in full. Ivan kept a firmer hand on Maeve, not wanting for Maeve to be attacked in the same way.

Arius looked at Gene. “I do not wish to drink but I do not mind leaving the dancefloor.”

Maeve was far less worried about the situation than everyone else after the explanation. There was a bouncer making sure things stayed safe, and she had Ivan with her. Besides, she felt like she could handle herself fine in a similar situation. Not everyone under the spell of attract is helpless and it can be fought. Though in her inebriated state she probably wouldn’t fare as well, but she didn’t know that. What she did know was she didn’t like Ivan’s firm hold growing on her so she shooed his hand away.

With the boys about to leave their side, it was as if in cue the music changed. Something a little slower and tuneful began to waft through the air and couples drew close to one another. Maeve would have rather gotten started on a more lively note, but her hips began to shift and her arms alternated sides with her movement. Her wings waved behind her to get Ivan’s attention.

The gourgeist who had been standing timidly on the side lines waved to Gene and Ari in hopes of getting their attention most likely, while the Gengar was pushing their way through the amass of lovers back to their party.

Gene smile dropped slowly as Ari recounted what happened, too uncomfortable to look them in the eye and instead looking out amongst the sea of dancers. He noticed someone along the wall waving into the crowd and assumed the gesture was directed at someone else until he recognized the Gourgeist as the very same that attempted to speak with Jack. He knew not what they could want with him and Ari and he was not all that eager to find out. But then he took note of the Gengar coming their way, and while that too would likely not be enjoyable he also acknowledged there was no escaping it.

"It would seem we have pressing matters to attend to," Gene said in a tone that was equal parts frustrated and forcibly polite as he squeezed Ari's sleeve. "Enjoy your dance," he said as he coaxed Ari off the dance floor and away from the crowd so they could deal with the bouncer.

Ivan was not happy that Maeve waved him off, but, he also didn’t want to push his luck. He stepped back, but when she seemed to want to dance, he was more than happy to do so.

Arius saw the granger coming back and grabbed Gene’s hand, floating lower in the crowd. “We stick out so much Gene”, Arius said concerned.

Even with lowering into the crowd, the Gengar managed to find the two of them pretty easily. They did stick out, with both of them being potioned variants, and with Gene always leaving a trail of petals to follow it wasn't hard to find him especially. The bouncer took the two ghosts by the backs of their collars. "Youse are comin' w'me." He said as the crowd began to part ways for him and his catch.

He led the two out the front door of the Mausoleum and around to the side. "Some punks decided it'd be funny tah make a mess of our home. So if you can't behave inside, you can clean up out 'ere." He dropped them in front of a mess of grafitti.

Meanwhile, Maeve was enjoying her personal time with Ivan. She hadn't heard the pipes before, and she quite liked watching them be played. As the tune shifted into something more smooth and melodic, her movements also became fluid. Toe pointed, she swept her feet in circles, taking herself for a little twirl. Someone nearby must have had two left feet, as she caught someone else's with her own and was about to fall. No way it was her fault, her coordination when buzzed was still remarkable.

"Certainly, we--excuse me!? What are you doing!?" Gene demanded as the Gengar grabbed both him and Arius and dragged them outside.

Gene could only stare with his mouth hanging open at the mess the Gengar insisted they clean up. No. Absolutely not. This was outrageous!

"Sir--," he said, and then paused to take a calming breath in an attempt to settle his anger. Still his tone remained curt. "--this is unacceptable. It is no fault of ours that you let a lowlife such as that Sableye into your establishment and that we had to defend ourselves. I will not be cleaning this up, and certainly not as some sort of punishment for being harassed and placed under a charm. Either you allow us to speak with your superior, or we are leaving and reporting this incident to the GCFS."

Arius put up no fight as they got taken outside, and only spoke once Gene really exploded. "Listen here, the only reason I used a move is because my partner was attacked on your dance floor! It doesn't matter if it is status, physical, special or otherwise. I did what I could to not make a scene.", he protested.

Ivan followed her, letting her do her own strange movements, he followed after her, grabbing her hand gently and pulling her back to him when she was going to fall. "Maeve, I think maybe we should find a place off to the side off the dance floor. I love you deeply but this is a mission, Arius and Gene made a horrible spectacle. We still represent the GCFS"

Maeve's big eyes stared back up at Ivan, taking in his sleek reptilian features. He was right, they were representing something bigger than themselves. She almost didn't notice when he said that he loved her deeply, because she'd felt it all the time, but he had not uttered the words until just now. Suddenly it was as if anything else that was happening in the moment just did not matter at all. The music silenced, the sounds of the people around them muffled and became breathy whispers, all the ghosts really lived up to their potential in that moment. Her pink face reddened with a blush and she pulled herself up with his weight to nuzzle her face against his. "Okay." She agreed with a quiet whisper as she clung to him.

The Gengar crossed his arms, not enjoying this tyrade coming from Gene what so ever, and giving his attention over to Arius who was acting much more respectable. "Thads 'preciated 'nd understandable, I've no pers'nal poor judgements on your part as a partner. The Sableye will have fainted inna coffin by now, but when he wakes up will serve his own punishment." He said to Arius, then looked over to Gene. "My superior doesn't fear the GCSF, and your threats are embarrassing. You think that just because you two are Shadewoods you can do whateva it is you please? No. Nobody else in there's allowed that luxury eetha." They closed their eyes with a subtle nod. "I take my job very seriously, but if yah don't wish tah do charity work, then you'll have tah have a dance battle with Maurice instead." A toothy grin grew along the Gengar's face.

Gene's eyes narrowed at the Gengar, furious. 'Do whateva it is you please?' he repeated in his head with a sarcastic imitation of the Gengar's accent. Did this imbecile think Gene wanted to be charmed? What had Gene done other than be a victim of circumstance? They had only just arrived at this party, did Gene really want to fight for his right to stay and endure who knows what else? Certainly not.

"I know not what vendetta you have against Shadewoods, but it matters not. I have no interest in setting foot back in your establishment," he said, his tone tight and clipped. "Fear the GCSF or not, I do not care. They will be made aware regardless. I will not be partaking in any charity work or dance battle of yours. I will not be staying."

He gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek as he lead her off the dance floor. He found them a spot that didn’t have many ghosts. “You should be free to dance here.”

- - -

“My bring a Shadewood has nothing to do with this. Gene was openly attacked and I defended up. And yet you don’t even care.”, he growled a bit. His desire to be here was completely depleted as he was full on angry.

“Youse is right, I don’t care if you’re here. I care bout the integrity of the event, nd thads all. This pahty’s meant tah bring us togetha. We clans fight too much as it is. That Sableyes actions were outta line, I agrees wit that much. In a normal situation idda probably done the same thing. But now someone’s fainted on my watch, and boss isn’t gonna like that one bit. I get it if yah want tah go, I won’t stop yah, but gatherings like these only happen once a century or so.” Bouncers aren’t meant to be diplomatic, but with the apparent frustration between Gene and Ari, he felt he needed to clear it up and be real with them. Of course ideally it would be best if they stayed instead of wandering into the dungeon where more hostile ghosts lurked. He’d keep a sharper eye on them and make sure the rest of their stay was safe. The sounds of the graveyard, a crow making a deep haunting caw, crickets chirping, the static noise of wind moving through the barren branches, echoed as a reminder to their location. Eerily silent, the sound of death.

Inside, the music began to pick up again into a more lively tune and more people congregated back to the dance floor, filling the gaps and making the open space Ivan had found more crowded. Luckily for Maeve her wings helped to give her space, but every once in a while a ghostly energy would sweep over them like cob webs, sending chills up her spine. This was so different from the haunted house Chronos had last year. Then, as everyone was getting into the moment, something sounded off and everyone, even the musicians, seemed to stop. Mumbling and murmurs ensued. “What’s going on?” Maeve asked like everyone else. The fiddler’s hand had cramped up and wouldn’t stop, meaning the show was most likely over. The Accordianist stood, “Do we have anyone here who can play the violin?” Hey asked aloud. Nobody came forward.

Gene's frustration began to wain, his scowl loosening into something more akin to resignation. Hearing that the bouncer would have likely done the same in their place was validating, and he appreciated that the Gengar would not prevent them from leaving if they so desired. He was just doing his job.

He gave a deep sigh. "I understand." Knowing this was the only party of its kind for the century did perk his interest, but only slightly. He couldn't say it was enough to return. There would be other dances.

But then the thrum of the crowd and music from within the Mausoleum went eerily quiet and Gene glanced to both Ari and the bouncer, wondering what was the cause. He was reminded then of the other half of their party, Maeve and Ivan. Had something happened? Were they alright? At the very least it would be wrong to just leave them.

He could just barely make out someone calling loudly for assistance, assuming they would be in need of a doctor, but then--

"... correct me if I am mistaken, but did they say violin?" Gene asked skeptically, having a hard time deciphering the words through the thick stone wall.

Ivan looked at Maeve, a bit confused by all of the tonal shift of the event. He also wondered how long they would be expected to attend it. Honestly he was not a fan of ghost pokemon as they gave him an unnerving sort of feeling.

Arius let Gene do the talking, but looked back when they asked for a violin player. Arius had no musical skill, but, he did recall Gene having some. He hovered beside Gene, accepting whatever was before them, not not to keen to stay if attacking people was just seen as okay around here. He was still very bitter about getting in trouble for defending Gene, and then being talked down to by a gengar.

Murmurs throughout the crowd began to rise in volume, and Ivan’s confused face soon became an infectious mask to be shared with others. “Does this mean the party’s over?” “Nonsense, they can play without their fiddler.” “The quality of their sound won’t be fitting enough for dance without it.” “There has to be someone here who knows how to play.”

The noise of the crowd started getting to Maeve like it had when she’d first evolved and her ears and antennae pinned back. If Ivan was to speak she wasn’t going to be able to hear him. Hoping he would hear her, she spoke up, “We need to find our friends.”

“Hmm?” The Gengar grunted. “Who said what now?” His ears now perked at the silence and the growing murmurs from inside. A frustrated shout or two also sounded. “Uh oh, I’d better go make sure peace is kept in tha crowd.” Unaware of what was going on, and already afraid to lose his job due to their incident, the Gengar ran back inside to make sure nobody else was getting ready to throw hands, or whisps?

Gene watched as the Gengar hurried back into the Mausoleum, weighing their options now that they were alone. He strongly considered heading for home, but the thought of leaving Maeve and Ivan alone without a word nagged at him.

He gave a reluctant sigh, reaching out a hand to grab Ari's sleeve. "It would not do to leave without informating the others, or without investigating whatever has happened inside," he said. "Let us go check on them and make sure everything is alright."

Ivan looked at her, noticing how she seemed to be having some sort of problem. He grabbed her arm and gently guided her out the way they came into the nice air. He spotted Gee and Arius. "Oh well- looks like they did get kicked out of the party."

Arius looked over, "oh! There they are", he said as he floated over to them. He may be mad about the party, but he was excited to see his friend. "Are you guys okay? What even happened?", Arius questioned.

Maeve's ears perked back up as they regrouped and she embraced the two of them in a touchy hug. "We should be asking you that. I can't believe you got kicked out!" She exclaimed astonishingly. Her eyes darted around them to make sure there wasn't a scratch on them. With the two of them seeming to be fine, she went on to explain. "We were just getting into the thick of it when the music just stopped, and everyone was confused. It seems the fiddler...violinist...whatever they are, has been rendered incapable. The pokemon inside are getting rowdy and upset."

Her wings drooped behind her for a moment, but then perked back up. "Gene! You should go play for them! You know how!" Maeve's enthusiasm for finding a solution to a problem was unmatched. Her claws were tucked neatly under her head and her big eyes glinted, head tilting to one side. "Besides, I have yet to dance alongside your talents."

"Neither can I," Gene muttered, folding his arms defensively as he was still rattled by the whole ordeal. But he was relieved to see Maeve and Ivan were alright and all this commotion was merely due to being down a musician. Seems he had heard correctly.

His face was carefully blank when Maeve declared that he 'should' play. He enjoyed playing, of course, and in any other situation he'd likely jump at the chance to step in. But given recent events he was not enthusiastic about leaving Ari's side, nor was he particularly thrilled with the idea of lending a hand to the hosts of this party. But he put on a brave face, giving Maeve a small smile. He did not want to dwell on... whatever had happened. A distraction would do him good.

He gave a resigned sigh. "I will see what I can do," he said before turning to Ari. "Stay safe, keep close to the others," he requested before making his way through the crowd and over to the band.

“If I where Gene I would let them enjoy a music-less night. They kicked you guys out right?”, Ivan said with a brow raised. Then again had he been shamed like Gene and Arius he would most likely have went on a rank about the questionable decoration choices. Sure you can use orange but why that shade!? Did not a single person on the planning committee have eyes? And with that shade of purple. He looked at Maeve. “Besides, we can always go back go my cottage and enjoy the evening on our own terms.”

Ari gave Gene a hug, kissing his cheek. “Gene I just- am worried if you go back in alone. You already got attacked….”, he said with sad eyes. What if someone tried to grab Gene!?

Gene paused when Ivan addressed him, weighing his options. "I'd have though you would prefer the chance to dance with your... to dance with Maeve," he said, forcing out a small, tired laugh and choosing to refer to Maeve by name. He still knew not exactly what they were to each other, and had learned his lesson about inquiring about Ivan's personal life. He wasn't in any mood to rock any boats further.

What's more, hadn't they come there for fun? He did not want to let a few... unsavory characters put an end to that.

He stilled as Ari embraced him, relaxing into his touch. Ari's concern was palpable, and as much as Gene may have wanted to push past the unpleasantness of their night how could he justify leaving him? Maybe this wasn't a battle worth fighting. If the others did not wish to stay either then who was he being brave for?

He sighed. "Perhaps you are right," he admitted.

And with that the group of guild members made their way out of the dungeon, wary of any ghosts that crossed their path but the way was unusually clear. Seems the party drew most of the natives to it and left little for them to worry about. A small blessing.

Once back in town the two couples bid each other a pleasant night, parting ways and heading for home.