STS | Sycamore Daily Life

2 years, 8 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
5 7191

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

Constantly being updated

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Author's Notes

Word count: 984 words

Characters mentioned: Barkkit, Daffodilkit, Daphnekit, Maplekit, Olivekit, Smokeshine

None of the characters mentioned are mine.

Daily Life from 01/04/22-01/23/22

While the older kits tussled, Sycamorekit mewls with agitation... or as agitated as a newborn kit can manage. He further cuddles against his siblings as a source of comfort.

Sycamorekit, nervous to leave the nursery for the first time, sticks an anxious paw out from within the nursery. Then another paw, then eventually he makes his way outside with his entire shivering body. Feeling left out in the open, he darts back into the nursery.

Sycamorekit flattens his ears as he watches his sister Maplekit waltz out of the nursery with ease. Seeing Smokeshine approach the nursery, he whispers to her asking if she could give him a tour of camp since he doesn't want to go by himself.

Sycamorekit looks up curiously at the warrior, eventually making his way closer to her side, internally reassuring himself that he can trust another older feline. "Sycamorekit, Miss... Who are you?" Before he could give her a weary smile, Barkkit comes into his vision, and he emits a scared gasp, backing up a little more into Smokeshine. He isn't sure how to respond to the other kit, swallowing back the lump of anxiety in his throat before he speaks. "F-friend? Okay, friend... What do friends do?"

Sycamorekit nods his head, clearing his throat. "Right. We're gonna look around. Do you wanna join us?" he asks Barkkit, peering at him expectantly for his answer before glancing back up at Smokeshine to take in her unfamiliar features.

Not feeling up to exploring today, Sycamorekit delights himself by scanning near the nursery for shiny pebbles. He gets distracted by Maplekit and Barkkit playing, so he cautiously makes his way over to them and wordlessly sits down near them, smiling and watching them discuss... whatever they were discussing.

Sycamorekit willingly scans Maplekit’s fur for any knots or mess, saying she looks pretty as usual. He nervously asks her if maybe she’d like to play with him today, glancing at her with hopeful eyes to see how she’ll react.

Sycamorekit gives a small smile when Maplekit agrees, silently giddy over being able to play with someone today. He notices Olivekit off on her own, so he asks his other sister if she'd like to join them. Maybe they could play tag, or hide and seek?

Sycamorekit chuckles. "So... hide and seek?" he decides, glancing between Olivekit and Maplekit before he hears his name being called. Turning his head, he perks up at the sight of Barkkit, although his friend suddenly turning away disturbs Sycamorekit's formerly ecstatic expression. "D-do you wanna play with us, Barkkit?" he offers.

Sycamorekit silently watches the debacle, immediately regretting the decision of getting involved, before leading them out of the nursery. Clearing his throat, he mumbles "S-so... I guess I'll count? I'll count to twenty, so y'all start hidin'." With that being said, he skips to a tree, covers his eyes, and begins his count. One, two... what comes after two?

Spooked by Daphnekit's sudden approach, Sycamorekit jolts up slightly, no longer facing the tree. He glances down bashfully, ashamed he was struggling with something that seems simple. "Yes, please... Thank you." He pauses. "Do you wanna be a seeker too? For hide n' seek?"

Sycamorekit is busy admiring a budding group of flowers near the nursery, debating on whether or not to pick them and stuff them under his nest. He hears Barkkit calling kits for a patrol but decides against joining to give himself a break from all the talking he's been doing lately. Instead he flashes his friend a smile, if he bothers to see it.

Sycamorekit gives Barkkit a hesitant smile as he is bombarded by questions, assuming it's just how he usually is. He offers that maybe they could have a relaxed day and that he found a really nice pine cone they could play with. He seems nervous about something, paws twiddling for a moment, before he asks why Maplekit and him aren't getting along.

Sycamorekit freezes as Maplekit exclaims her dismay. His gaze switches back and forth between her and Barkkit, having to make such a decision resulting in his queasiness. Unsure of what else to do at the moment, he runs away from both of them to hide, managing to find a bush and huddling in its foliage.

The hiding kit squeaks as Olivekit discovers him. Sycamorekit can't hold back his relieved sigh when he realizes it isn't Barkkit or Maplekit, which results in him popping his head out from the bush. He explains the situation to Olivekit and admits he isn't sure who to prioritize, his friend or his sister. Nodding his head solemnly, he agrees to see the spot, hoping maybe it'd be a better place to hunker down.

Sycamorekit looks over apprehensively at the newborn litter. He wants to get a closer look at them, but he isn't so sure about doing it on his own... He asks his siblings if any of them wanted to come with him to look at the kits.

Sycamorekit gawks at the youngest kits of the nursery, slightly shocked at how much some of them babbled. Maybe it's because they're just learning to talk? He eyes the talkative Daffodilkit in particular, and after some contemplation, decides to retreat outside of the nursery to clear his head and maybe find some pretty stones to collect.

Sycamorekit returns to the nursery later on in the day, carrying a few things with him. He places the two prettiest pebbles he could find near his friends Barkkit and Daphnekit before making his way back to his mother, hoping everything was calm in the den again.

Sycamorekit watches Olivekit play with her beetle from afar, happy that his sister found something neat. He would approach her about it, but the strangers near her made him wary. Instead, he tosses a moss ball around by himself.

When Olivekit approaches him with her beetle in tow, Sycamorekit gives her a nervous grin. "He looks very... handsome?" he comments, giving a nod of reassurance. "Very much so."