STS | Sycamore Daily Life

2 years, 8 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
5 7191

Entry 3
Published 2 years, 4 months ago

Constantly being updated

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Author's Notes

Word Count: 1,376 words

Characters Mentioned: Barkpaw/bolt, Birchpaw, Bluepaw/petal,  Daffodilpaw, Daphnepaw, Driftpaw, Featherfall, Foxgloveleap, Gingersneeze, Juniperkit, Lavenderpaw, Maggotpaw, Mapleheart, Milkweedkit, Mothkit/paw, Nightshine, Olivepaw/web, Thistlepaw, Vipershadow

None of the characters mentioned above are mine.

03/05/22 - 06/05/22

Sycamorepaw watches Mothkit play  with the other kits, a smile on his face knowing that she was making  friends. He keeps his distance from others for the most part.

Sycamorepaw doesn't notice Daphnepaw's approach until she's right beside him, to which his head lifts in  surprise. He greets the molly with a forced smile before immediately  shifting to neutrality. He hopes the look in his eyes would get across  how he's feeling- Barkpaw isn't here, and it visibly still bothers him.

Sycamorepaw makes sure to visit his friend Barkpaw today, wanting to check up on him but also wanting to keep a distance  just in case the other needed it. The tabby gifts him a mawful of purple  asters he plucked during the cusp of leafbare for whenever Barkpaw returned home, which is evident in the slight wilting of the petals.

Sycamorepaw gives Mothpaw a gift to  celebrate her promotion into an apprentice: a pinecone. But it's a very  lucky pinecone, he explains, saying that it'll be her good luck charm  in case she might get hurt during training. It's easy to see that he's  very bothered at the thought.

Sycamorepaw inches closer and closer to Barkpaw and Bluepaw as they converse, unsure whether or not they'd like being intruded on.  He isn't sure why he's so nervous despite being friends with both of  them. He stands there awkwardly, waiting for a perfect moment to butt  in, but he never does.

Sycamorepaw freezes in place, immediately regretting  his decision. He was too worried about himself that he didn't pay any  attention to the conversation... "W-wait, who's sad again?" he questions aloud before correcting himself. "I  mean- it's okay to be sad; being sad isn't always a bad thing,  sometimes it can lead to good things. I'm not even sure if that makes  any sense."

Sycamorepaw makes sure to leave a good luck charm for Daffodilpaw as she's busy with her lesson, putting one of his prized pebbles in her  nest. Hopefully she'll know what it is and won't throw it away... He  goes to find Barkpaw afterwards.

Sycamorepaw happily follows Nightshine,  though he can't help but let out a yawn from tiredness. Maybe he  shouldn't have stayed up so late... He asks his mentor if he could ask  her a weird question.

Sycamorepaw shuffles his paws awkwardly as his head falls, unable to make eye contact with Nightshine when he mutters out his question. He asks if she knew what to do if  someone had a crush. He doesn't know who else to ask- he might be made  fun of for it.

Sycamorepaw nods in understanding, visibly  conflicted on what to say in response. He decides to maybe just change  the subject and abruptly comments on how nice the weather is.

Sycamorepaw debates on whether or not to check on  the sick cats in the medicine cat's den. He doesn't really know either  of them, but then again, Nightshine seemed pretty concerned... He lets both Driftpaw and Gingersneeze know that if they ever need anything, he'll be more than happy to help. He then runs into Daffodilpaw and asks if she needed anything, seeming rather nervous.

Sycamorepaw offers a paw in helping Featherfall clean up camp. Cleaning was one of his favorite activities anyway, so it didn't seem like a big deal to him.

Sycamorepaw quietly makes his way to the medicine  cat's den, though he only lingers near the entrance. He sets a pretty  pebble nearby in order to remember Birchpaw.

Sycamorepaw shyly follows after Barkpaw. He shows a polite smile at Vipershadow and his new kits, but he's unsure what to say to them, paws kneading  against the ground awkwardly. They're just kits- but even so, he wants  to make a good impression with them. The apprentice asks Vipershadow if the kits like gifts.

Sycamorepaw decides to part with some of the white feathers he has, approaching Milkweedkit and Juniperkit and placing the objects in front of them. He scurries away without a word and decides to talk a walk around camp.

Sycamorepaw goes to fetch some prey for himself when he spots Olivepaw plucking off feathers from a crow. He offers to help his sister and  cautiously asks how she's been lately, since it's been awhile since  they've spoken. His mind momentarily flickers to Dave, but he decides to  keep his thoughts to himself for now.

Sycamorepaw sits beside her, silent with his usual hazy eyes as he prods at the crow. He notices Olivepaw glancing back and forth between the ground and him, and he flinches in  reaction, unsure whether or not she regretted inviting him- until she  posed her question. "I hope nothin' bad happened," he worriedly mumbles. "B-but yeah, if you need help with somethin', I don't mind."

Sycamorepaw can't help but leave his mouth slightly agape at Olivepaw's question. He's stuck looking this way for a moment before he can truly understand the situation. "D-do you..." He eerily leans in closer to her as his voice lowers. "have a crush? I-it's okay if you do, I mean..." He clears his throat. "I-I get it. I do get those feelings sometimes. I think it's normal- or it could be genetic."

Sycamorepaw shakes his head. "Ah, no- that's just the name for it," he explains. "I-it doesn't crush you, I think. It's just... a feelin'. I talked to Nightshine about it, and... uh, yeah." He feels slightly flustered about admitting it, but it's not like Olivepaw would make fun of him for it... right? "I-I don't know, maybe a moon ago? I really hope we don't have bugs inside us."

Sycamorepaw is a little too shy to even look at the  newcomers, resorting to just plucking flowers instead. He gathers enough  courage to find Barkpaw and show off the bouquet, smiling weirdly as his heart beats rapidly in his chest.

Sycamorepaw spots the various interactions between Daphnepaw with Lavenderpaw and Daffodilpaw. Too afraid to approach her outright, he decides to pick a few flowers and catch something fresh for Daphnepaw, placing it in her nest.

Sycamorepaw seems absolutely terrified of the sudden array of frogs in camp. He refuses to leave the apprentices den the entire day.

Sycamorepaw nods, slightly embarrassed at his behavior, before he tries to calm down for Bluepaw. "Yeah... I'll be okay," he says before giving her a supportive smile. "Good luck on the patrol, by the way."

Sycamorepaw flinches as a frog inches closer to the apprentice's den, before Daffodilpaw swats it away. He lets out a sigh of relief. "I-I don't know. I really hope it's not some frog apocalypse. What if they all take over?" he mutters worriedly. "I know I look like a coward right now, but I also don't know what to do."

Sycamorepaw sneaks into the medicine cat's den despite the crowd and wordlessly gives some get-well-soon flowers to Bluepaw. Desperate to remove himself from the scent, he's quick on his feet to leave, although he spares her a weary smile.

Sycamorepaw searches camp high and low for Daphnepaw,  intending on asking her if she's wanting to go swimming with him. It's  been awhile since they've hung out, but it's okay if she's not feeling  it!

Sycamorepaw enjoys the weather in his own way, lying underneath a tree as he watches the rainfall with a smile on his face.

Sycamoretrail nods his head in thanks to all the congratulations directed to him, a nervous smile making it apparent that he'd rather not have so much attention on him. Still, he wraps his paws around his sister Foxgloveleap in a brief yet heartfelt hug before he disappears out of sight... hopefully.

Sycamoretrail happily congratulates his siblings, pulling Oliveweb into a hesitant yet heartful hug, if she doesn't pull away. He seems a lot more nervous around Mapleheart, but he gives her a proud smile anyway. He also makes sure to give his congratulations to Barkbolt, repeating to him that he's going to be an amazing warrior and to never be afraid.

Sycamoretrail notices the debacle between Bluepetal, Thistlepaw, and Maggotpaw, and he's quick to make his approach known. Whispering gently to Bluepetal, he encourages her that maybe they could hang out together, and that not everyone is in the best of moods.