STS | Sycamore Daily Life

2 years, 8 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
5 7191

Entry 2
Published 2 years, 6 months ago

Constantly being updated

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Author's Notes

Word count: 2,351 words

Characters Mentioned: Barkkit/paw, Bluepaw, Daffodilkit, Daphnekit/paw, Maplepaw, Minnowkit,  Mothkit, Nightshine, Olivepaw, Rosestar, Softsong, Sunnyspirit,  Thistlepaw, Twilightwatcher

All of the characters mentioned above are not mine.

Daily Life from 01/26/22-03/02/22

Sycamorekit watches the older felines curiously as they fortify the nursery. Seeing Sunnyspirit break some twigs for the construction, he follows her actions and finds  some sticks for himself, placing them against the nursery's walls with  little effect.

Sycamorekit watches attentively as Barkkit taught the younger kits how to play catch-the-leaf, before deciding to  go off on his own for awhile. He comes back with an array of flowers and  begins to decorate the outside of the nursery.

Jolting up from surprise, Sycamorekit eyes the smaller kit with a clump of flowers in his maw. Placing them  gently on the ground, he says he picked reds, purples, pinks and blues.  He blinks. Unless she meant the type of flower, which he has no clue.  Awkwardly he says Daffodilkit can join him, before silently going back to work, unsure how to continue conversation.

Sycamorekit flattens his ears when she gets his name wrong, slowly shifting himself away from Daffodilkit as he hopefully distracts her with his words. "N-no... it's Sycamorekit. Or Syc, or... S'more" His disgruntled expression shifts to a more lighthearted one as he recalls the nickname Daphnekit gave him. "Oh, well, if it makes you upset... maybe we can call these flowers daffodils. Your name is Daffodilkit, right?"

Busying himself with placing each flower in their according place, as slow as he can manage to wait out the time in which Daffodilkit's speaking, Sycamorekit's ears perk as she directs a question towards him. "Favorite... favorite flower? Or color? Uh, well- not blue." He gives a shy smile. "Green, like my ma's eyes... or my eyes too, I guess." He pauses for a moment. "...Do  you want me to go find daffodils? I don' mind. Just wantin' to decorate  so that the new kits get a surprise when they come... whenever that  is."

Sycamorekit notices his friend's changed demeanor, and after saying that he's been swell, asks Barkkit if maybe he'd like to play a game? "We could play... tag? Or... uh, I spy? Or... something else you'd like?"

Sycamorekit smiles brightly, though he attempts to contain himself in front of Barkkit.  He insists on showing the other kit his collection of things that he  thinks are really cool. Galloping to a small hole underneath a bush, he  reveals a bunch of rocks, pointy leaves, and a couple feathers hidden  there. "You can take some things, just... be nice to them, okay?"

Sycamorekit,  shy yet still wanting to make an impression with the new arrivals,  wordlessly places a flower at the paws of each new kitten, before  backing off to let them get acclimated to their surroundings.

Sycamorekit stares back at Mothkit and decides not to comment on her eating the flower, instead giving a  nervous smile. Is that her way of saying she hates him already?

Glancing up to see if anyone could help him out with... whatever was going on, Sycamorekit backs up as Mothkit approaches him. Eventually he awkwardly runs off to go hide somewhere, hoping she'd get distracted with something else.

Sycamorekit starts off his day by bringing Mothkit a bouquet of various flowers as an apology for the other day. "Sorry for runnin' off, t-that wasn't very polite. I dunno if... eatin' flowers is your thing, but here ya go. Sorry, again." He has no idea if she'd even understand him, but so long as he was apologetic, that's all that mattered to him.

Sycamorekit forces a smile, still unsure of Mothkit's feelings, or if she could even express them. Laughing a little, he  decides she looks happy enough and sits near her, watching the other  kits interact with each other from the sidelines.

Sycamorekit sends Daphnekit a sympathetic glance, paws shuffling as he figures out what to do next. "She's... not very talkative," he tells the other kit. "But that's okay. Plenty of kits here who talk a lot already." He asks Daphnekit if she's doing okay, since she seems pretty nervous.

Sycamorekit follows Daphnekit's gaze, spotting Driftkit and Snapkit conversing. For a moment he frowns, wanting to help his friend feel  comfortable, but it's also something he struggles with himself... "S-some  day... you might be able to say hello to someone new. You did that with  me. Don't regret any of the friends I made so far." He pauses, laughing a little at Mothkit flopping closer to Daphnekit. "You could always take your time and start with this one here. She likes flowers, I think."

Sycamorekit spots Minnowkit's fuming expression, unsure whether or not to approach the newcomer. He  decides to do so and quietly asks if he's not having a good time in the  clan?

Sycamorekit flinches a little at the tom's 'no', but he later finds himself agreeing with Minnowkit's sentiment. He says that he still doesn't really understand cats either, but spending more time with them always helps. "Barkkit  and Mothkit are... hard for me to understand sometimes, b-but I'd like  to think we're friends. But, well- bein' alone is okay too! I don't  wanna pressure you into talkin' to cats."

Pinning his ears to his head, Sycamorekit listens to the kit ramble. He isn't sure how to respond, awkwardly clearing his throat once Minnowkit finishes, but the pleading look of the gray cat convinces him to not run away and hide. He presumes that maybe there was more to it, but he doesn't question it. "Well, uh... if you wanna talk, I won't ever yell at you," he says with a sympathetic smile. "You should feel right at home in the clan, not angry or sad, so... whatever it takes, I'll make sure you get that."

Sycamorekit entertains Daffodilkit when she finds him in the nursery, asking her if she needed help with  anything. His attention is taken away from her though as the new  apprentices were being announced, and he leaves the nursery to watch the  scene unfold. He quickly scampers to Barkpaw's side, a wide smile on his face. "Ah, wow.... I can't believe you're an apprentice already! W-will you be too busy to hang out with me? It's okay if you are!"

Sycamorekit glances to the ground shyly. Although he knows Barkpaw well, the commotion in camp during this time gives him a queasy feeling. "That's true, but..." He shakes his head. "You  don't have to teach me, I promise! I'll try and catch up to you the  best I can. I don't wanna get too ahead of my siblin's, I think that'd  be a lil' unfair." He gazes up to Barkpaw again. "I think you'll be one of the best warriors, most definitely. Very definitely."

Sycamorekit watches all the new apprentices shyly from the entrance of the nursery,  a small smile on his face as he imagines his own apprenticeship coming  up in the next moon. If anyone looks in his direction, he'll quietly  tuck his head back in the den.

As he notices Twilightwatcher approach him, Sycamorekit flushes nervously. He's seen her around the nursery, but he's never  interacted with her before... He admits it's been a little lonely  without Rosestar's litter to keep him company. Before she checks up on the other kits, he asks her if she's going to mentor any of the new kits.

Sycamorekit nods his head in understanding, letting out an 'oh' as she answers his question. "W-well... I think you'd be a good mentor," he responds. A short time later, he follows up with another question, hesitantly staying by her side. "What if my mentor doesn't like me? Then what happens? Will I be given a new one, or... am I gonna learn by myself?" The thought's been plaguing him for awhile; even saying it aloud makes him frown.

Sycamorekit feels a little relieved by Twilightwatcher's response, his frown slowly fading into a smile. He thanks her before  placing one of his paws on hers, and as quick as the action was, he  retreated back to his nest where he'd anxiously fiddle with the pebbles  he kept.

Sycamorepaw gives a toothy grin as his friends Barkpaw and Daphnepaw come to congratulate him. He wraps a paw around both of them and brings  them together in a brief hug before coming to the realization that he  hasn't met Nightshine yet. He shakes the terrified thought away and says that he's excited to be in the same den as everyone again.

Sycamorepaw furrows his brows a little. "Is... everythin' okay, Barkpaw?" he asks with concern before realizing his new mentor Nightshine is approaching him, to which he focuses the majority of his attention  on her. Intimidated with her overall appearance, he utters a shaky 'hi'  before trying to calm himself due to her smile. "S-sorry, you're just... uh, big? In a good way, I guess. Sorry!"

Sycamorepaw follows Nightshine's gaze at the camp's entrance, nodding his head in understanding. "O-okay!" he responds, deciding to use this time now to make his new nest in the apprentice's den.

Sycamorepaw awaits outside the apprentice's den for his first day of training, eyes wide open for any sight of Nightshine. Despite his wariness, he's still visibly excited.

Sycamorepaw walks over to Nightshine expectantly, being a little more comfortable in her vicinity as of  late. He can't help but linger on the kits as they play, already missing  his moments in the nursery despite it not being that long ago. "D-do you have kits?" he softly asks his mentor, unsure whether or not that was a weird question, but he wants to get to know her a little bit more.

Sycamorepaw spots Daphnepaw and Mothkit in the clearing, so he decides to visit them! He laughs a little when he sees Mothkit enjoying the flower, before focusing his attention on the other  apprentice and asking her how she likes being an apprentice so far.

Sycamorepaw's eyes brighten as Daphnepaw lists her experiences, trying his best to keep up with the conversation  with occasional nods. He's slightly concerned with how dazed Mothkit looks, but that's probably normal...

Sycamorepaw agrees to groom Maplepaw’s fur. Passing off the discomforting feeling at first, he asks his sister  if she also feels odd. It’s starting to worry him, and he begins to  look around to make sure all of his friends were okay.

As most other felines are, Sycamorepaw is quite down. Although he has no connections to Softsong or any of her family, it still hurts to see clan members in pain. When Maplepaw approaches him, he anticipates for everything except for what actually  happens... a hug, but he accepts it with no question. He can't help but  rest his face against her shoulder for but a moment, wetting her fur  with a few tears, before letting go and deciding to check up on Barkpaw and Daphnepaw.

The recent event is still stuck in Sycamorepaw's mind. To try and preoccupy himself, he invites Daphnepaw and Mothkit to take a stroll with him to see all the pretty leaf-fall leaves.

Sycamorepaw smiles at Daphnepaw's excitement, before nodding gently at her request. "O-of course! She can join now if she wants to... if you wanna invite her?" Admittedly, the thought of speaking to someone new spooks him... What if Bluepaw doesn't like him, and that makes Daphnepaw not like him? That wouldn't happen... Maybe.

Sycamorepaw felt his heart fall out of his chest at the news of Barkpaw's disappearance. He... couldn't have been killed, right? He tries his best to find any sign of Barkpaw from the safety of camp, even refusing to sleep in the apprentice's den  tonight to look out for if he ever returned. If he isn't found alive,  then what kind of a horrible friend would Sycamorepaw be?

Sycamorepaw isn't exactly in the best of moods since the disappearance of Barkpaw,  anxiously waiting for any news of him. He tries to distract himself by  watching others from afar, daydreaming and thinking of silly things,  before almost running into Bluepaw and her clump of leaves. He stutters out an apology before smiling nervously and introducing himself, remarking that Daphnepaw said she was a sweet cat.

Sycamorepaw shivers with apprehension, offering a shaky paw to help Bluepaw back up, if she's willing to accept it. She probably hates him already... who just runs into someone like that? "Uh, well... Daphnepaw and I have been friends since we were kits," he explains, hoping that statement eases her nerves. "S-sorry, again, for runnin' into you- I wasn't even lookin' where I was walkin'."

Sycamorepaw refrains from letting out a sigh of relief once she relaxes, although  visibly still nervous as he bites the inside of his cheek. "A-ah, yeah... She wanted to invite us all to hang out together at some point, if that seems like somethin' you'd wanna do," he offers. His eyes widen a bit in surprise when Bluepaw comments how similar they are, before realizing that maybe her  nervousness isn't because of him after all. He smiles before opening up a  little, explaining how growing up in MonarchClan was great, and he  enjoys giving back to his clan by working hard. He asks if the she-cat  was enjoying her time in MonarchClan, saying that the new environment  must be overwhelming.

Sycamorepaw idly lays about in the grass not too far from the apprentice's den, fiddling with a pretty stone, before he notices Bluepaw approach him. He gives her a sympathetic look and offers that maybe they could make a gift for Dave, Olivepaw, and Thistlepaw as an apology? Getting almost stepped on is probably scary, and he reminds Bluepaw of how he almost stepped on her.

Sycamorepaw laughs a little as well before the first flakes of snowfall melt onto his fur. "W-well... I know Olivepaw loves him a whole lot. A gift can never hurt," he says, opening a paw to catch one of the snowflakes. "I don't know if we can find flowers in this weather... We could try though." His brows raise at Bluepaw hopefully.

Spooked by Bluepaw's sudden reaction, Sycamorepaw jolts up with a frazzled expression, absolutely confused. As abrupt as it was, she seemed to calm down. "It's snow..." he mumbles, giving her a soft smile. "Like rain, but all frozen up. It won't hurt you, but we'll sure get cold if we stay out too long." With that, he follows the molly's gaze and begins the short trek to the warriors den.