STS | Sycamore Daily Life

2 years, 8 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
5 7191

Entry 5
Published 1 year, 4 months ago

Constantly being updated

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Author's Notes

Word Count: 1,290 words

Characters Mentioned: Ashfrost, Barkbolt, Bluepetal, Daffodilcatcher, Daphnepath, Firfang, Foxgloveleap, Goldenbeam, Gossamer, Hornetclaw, Minnowfleet, Mothdust, Oliveweb, Shrikefrost, Stormpaw, Stumpsnout

None of the characters mentioned above are mine.

11/21/22 - 03/13/23

Sycamoretrail, honestly, has felt pretty dead as of late. He debates on visiting one of his friends- er, yeah, friends... but then another idea crosses his mind. One that he's thought of previously but has yet to enact. So he goes to find the bright red molly Gossamer, stuttering to her and eventually not being able to say what he wanted.

Sycamoretrail, embarrassed over the interaction, glances down at his paws. "Sorry- sorry, d-didn't mean to interrupt," he mumbles. "It's nothin' important, just... y-you're friend, she's mute, right? And knows tail-talk? I don't suppose she could... teach me?"

Sycamoretrail notices his sister Oliveweb out and about, not preoccupied with anything at the moment. He makes his way over to her and asks if she'd like to clean some nests out with him. He's trying.

Sycamoretrail ponders about the clan meeting, but it doesn’t take him long before deciding that he’ll volunteer. He’ll do anything for his clan, and it’s better than sitting around in the cold. He goes to Shrikefrost.

Sycamoretrail gathers enough courage to find Barkbolt, as she was one of the cats to be chosen. He wishes he could take her place, but... the warrior isn't one to question the leader's choice. His face is contorted with a lot of emotions- concern, fear... He doesn't want to interrupt his conversation with Stumpsnout, so he just lingers nearby.

Busy overthinking about Barkbolt's part in the patrol, Sycamoretrail almost doesn't notice Daphnepath making her way towards him. He almost bumps into her before stopping himself, stuttering out an apology before asking how she was doing.

Sycamoretrail frowns at Daphnepath's words, trying his best not to further wallow in his emotions. "I-I'm sure they'll be alright," he manages quietly. The offer is accepted quickly, and he gives her an exasperated sigh. "W-walkin' would be nice..."

Sycamoretrail says that he's concerned for everyone, but... he especially hopes Barkbolt will stay safe. Foxgloveleap too- she's his sister- but he isn't sure if they have the best relationship... Oh, and Daffodilcatcher, and also Firfang since he knows Mothdust and him are close. So pretty much everyone, he summarizes.

Sycamoretrail feels bad for rambling as much as he did, especially when it was Daphnepath who invited him over. He feels a bit better when she pats his head, his disheveled fur becoming even more messy. He insists that he'd like the conversation to focus on her now. Nervously, he admits it's good to hear her voice again, even if that sounds sappy.

Sycamoretrail paces around camp nervously, keeping his thoughts on Barkbolt for most days. He decides to go out early in the morning to hunt.

Sycamoretrail freezes in place when Ashfrost approaches him, head bowing respectfully at the older warrior. "A-ah, yes... but it's just... i-it lets me-" He knows why he wants to do it, it's just hard to put it into words around someone. The last time he tried, it didn't go swell. "W-well, would you like to accompany me? If you want."

Sycamoretrail flushes at the compliment... compliment? Maybe compliment, he isn't really sure. Impress? Is he impressing anyone? "Ah, n-no... No one. Not anymore," he chuckles out, mostly as a joke, but it falls pretty flat. "Just gotta care for my clan. Been taught that e-ever since I was a kit. Um, well, yeah, a-anyway... Let's go?"

Sycamoretrail watches… whatever just happened between Goldenbeam and Hornetclaw. He shudders. After hunting by himself in the morning, he heads over to a flat rock and sunbathes, thinking about a lot of things.

Sycamoretrail visits the herbalist's den, but not before standing nervously at the entrance. He gives Stormpaw a few of the herbs he found during his hunting trip, stuttering out that he thinks these are useful. Maybe.

With embarrassment, Sycamoretrail chuckles a bit nervously before dipping his head. "A-ah, yeah... Woops," he manages. "I'll get better at gettin' things for ya, I promise." He seems pretty determined at providing for his clan, with all things considered. Guess that means improving his herb gathering too…

Sycamoretrail gazes down as he thinks, realizing how neglectful he was previously to such a task. And it makes him feel awful. "W-well, if you ever got the time, I could always appreciate a lesson or two. No such thing as knowin' too much, and I don't wanna be neglectin' the herbalists."

Sycamoretrail nods his head as he takes a few steps back to depart, almost tripping over himself. He tells him he'll stop by as soon as he's able, a trip sounds amazing. He quietly ponders on if he just made a new friend, all by himself, without anyone approaching him first. A new accomplishment?

Sycamoretrail decides to visit Stormpaw in the herbalist’s den, offering to perhaps go on a walk together to stretch their legs?

Sycamoretrail exits the elder's den after changing out some nests when he spots Stormpaw. He clears his throat nervously and apologizes, stating how he was just wanting to take up the offer of going on a little herb-gathering trip. It didn't seem too busy today, so maybe now was better than any other time…

Sycamoretrail allows others to visit Mothdust first, if they wish. He returns to her side when he's by himself, for the most part. He says he's sorry he wasn't there to help her, and gives her a few of her favorite flowers as a treat.

Sycamoretrail can't help but be reminded of when the plethora of rogue kittens first joined, when he was but a kit himself. He decides to just give them some space, as they all look pretty tuckered out, but he offers to show any of the newcomers around camp.

Sycamoretrail hesitantly approaches Stormpaw when he notices him off on his own. Sheepishly, he softly asks if he'd like some company? "Y-you don't look so good, I'm afraid. Somethin' stressin' you?"

Sycamoretrail bites his tongue. He doesn't know the pain of having a family member leave, the closest is when his brother passed. But he's sure it isn't the same feeling. "You havin' any thoughts of leavin' too?" he asks honestly.

Sycamoretrail holds his breath, anticipating Stormpaw's answer with a bit of anxiety. He hates hearing about how unsatisfied cats are with the clan, so much so that they'd think about leaving. He sighs. "Well, at least he didn't leave on his own. They've got some company." He pauses. "W-what's different, now that you're an herbalist?"

Sycamoretrail catches some prey late at night, finding the prospect of being alone soothing, as it is for him most days. However, as he waltzes in camp, he searches emptily with his catch in his maw, as if he were looking for someone.

Sycamoretrail immediately comes to a halt when he hears a voice nearby, something he was looking forward to, although... the tone doesn't seem too pleasing to his ears. He hesitantly looks around before spotting Minnowfleet, ever so high in the trees, where he can usually find the tom. "R-right," he agrees before placing it down. "A-actually, I was meanin' to find someone to share it with. I... don't suppose you're hungry?" An offer that most likely wouldn't be taken, but it was worth a shot…

Sycamoretrail perks up slightly as Minnowfleet leaves the tree, making sure to back up and give the other warrior enough space. He looks to his catch then, satisfied with… whatever meeting this is. ”Sycamoretrail,” he offers, bowing his head respectfully. ”I-I don’t suppose we’ve met, and if we did it was a long time ago.” He lets the other have the first bite, taking a seat under the tree and making himself comfortable. ”You… came with the other kits, yeah? M-Mothdust, and Bluepetal, and a few others… I remember.”