a collection of tales [[ chronocompass writing ]]

5 years, 4 months ago
3 years, 5 months ago
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Chapter 46
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

So I'm in this group that has me write quite a bit about some of my characters, and I figured I could put that stuff as a series on here! These short stories probably won't connect much, if at all.

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secret meeting [ a ton of characters ]

It hadn't been all that long since the last town meeting, really, only a month or two, and yet Teeba still felt like years had passed from then, that brief warning of a storm on the horizon, to now, where he gathered in a quiet attic crafted of stone and metal along with the few members of Salvus he trusted most. Or, well, it had started out as a few.

Of course those who had returned from the heist were needed - Hartwin stood with his recently returned dragon, Dremalk, along the back wall of the room, candlelight shining on his pale face. He was fidgeting with the  artifact that had been recovered, still trying to see if he could figure out how it worked. Dremalk, next to him, was dozing off. Running for several days straight had taken a toll on him.

Aren was there too, though Teeba wasn't expecting her to offer much input. He had never lost a dragon but he had certainly heard of how hard it could be. Thankfully, her dragon family had rallied around her to offer as much support for each other as they could. So that's why, when she showed up for the meeting with three fairly large dragons, he made no objection. The four now were cuddled up in a warm pile in the corner near Hartwin: the pair bonded Quirrel and Gloom snuggled tight to each other, watching the room with guarded gazes. Aren sat on the ground at their side, and Boo perched atop them all, her wings spread out like a warm and friendly blanket.

After them, Alfred had been a practical choice. The fellow had quite the experience with the Militia, having previously been in one of their esteemed families, and Teeba felt that Alf deserved to know what was going to happen, after all he had been through. Alf had found his place near Aren, and Silence stood at his side, at suitably silent attention. The quiet dragon was quite protective, Teeba-ei had found, and hadn't left Alfred's side since the former St. James had become his new rider. Teeba had no intention of splitting them up, so there they both were.

Terra, of course, would need to be involved, as lead of much of the extra security Teeba had hired when it had first become clear that the Militia was not fond of his tiny town. She would need to know the plan, and relate it to her dragons, if she were to help with proper defense. (If it came to that. He was hopeful that the artifact could be figured out in time. But time was running short.)

Terra and her foremost dragon, Raphael, were right by the large trapdoor that led back down to the lower floors of the house that was their meeting place. Terra's arms were crossed, and a scowl was on her face, while Raphael flicked his clubbed tail nervously.

And then there was Fox. The fox cub was still just a kid, not even really a teenager yet. But he had grown wise since Basil had first met him, and as the first new friend he and Otulius had made in this world, he was responsible enough, trusted enough, to be let into the meeting. Still, he had hesitated until Fox approached him on his own and signed an angry message that Teeba could only interpret as needing to be involved. Hence, Fox and his dragon Chrysanthos were sitting on the floor, closest to the table in the middle, where Teeba had set out candles and maps in preparation for the work ahead.

Finally, then, there were several of his own dragons. Otulius, of course, stuck with him through every challenge, and stood by his side as he prepared himself to speak. The Company was present, as well - though it had been a challenge for the large dragon to squeeze into the room, she had managed, and taken up a large patch of floor between Terra and Fox.

That only left... Teeba looked over the assorted riders and dragons in the crowded attic. Where was Sprinkles? As lead of the River Brigade, he had hoped that she would have made it.

"Sorry I'm late!" A blue dragon sprinted up the stairs and clambered in to the already crowded attic. Terra did Teeba the favor of closing the trapdoor behind the dragon.

There was Sprinkles. "All good, just take a seat," Teeba said. "We've got a lot to talk about." As Sprinkles sat down on top of the trapdoor, the tsotska rider began to explain.

"I've received word via a very unfriendly messenger that our friends in the Abrendese Militia are giving us one week to surrender before they attack the town, and likely attempt to capture or kill every one of us. An evacuation isn't going to work, if anyone tries to leave they're likely to be shot down." He sighed and leaned his hands on the table in front of him. "Obviously, I'm not surrendering Salvus. If we take as many people as we could through the reflection realm, they'll still probably find us. We need the artifact working, and fast."

As Teeba finished his last sentence, chaos erupted in the room. Dragons and riders talking over each other, everyone taking in the bad news. Finally Hartwin gained the attention of the room, when Dremalk slapped his tail on the ground with a loud thump. Hart stepped forward and placed the artifact on the table. It was still in its box, wires and magic swirling inside. On the top was a single bright gem, glittering brightly in the candlelight.

"There might have been instructions in the room with the thing, but really, I was just worried about getting everyone out alive," Hartwin shrugged. "I've been trying to figure it out these past few days, but it's beyond me." He glanced around, a bit concerned at the number of eyes in his direction. He still was more comfortable with working in the shadows, staying quiet, but Aren wasn't going to be explaining things. With the help of an encouraging nudge from Dremalk, he continued.

"If I can ask, I'd like some help? Alf, you lived with the Abrendese for a long time, could you figure out their tech?"

Alfred shuffled his feet for a moment until Silence nudged him forwards. "I wouldn't mind it, but I'd like to get Walker involved, too. He's probably the best with technology out of everyone in town, and if we're on a deadline..." He didn't finish his sentence, but the implications were clear enough.

Teeba nodded. "I'm hoping you can figure it out, but I understand we're working with unknown tech here. For the rest of us, we need to prepare for the possible situation where the artifact isn't puzzled out in time. I'm talking fortifications, defense training for as many dragons as possible, counting out our available supplies. Any thoughts on who could help lead what?"

Conversation ensued. Terra offered to teach some classes, Chrysanthos said that Fox could make some maps, and the Company decided to check up on the magical abilities of everyone. They were in the middle of finalizing plans when someone thumped on the bottom of the trapdoor. Sprinkles, sitting atop it, jolted. "Should we let them in?" she asked.

"Might as well," said Otulius, and after Sprinkles moved the door swung up. An excited Basil sprang into the room, much to the confusion of most present.

"Everything alright?" Teeba-ei asked, brow furrowed.

Basil gave an enthusiastic thumbs up. "I just heard about everything that was happening, that's all, and how the town needs to move somewhere safe. Well, I don't know if you've got a spot picked out already..." One paw reached up to scratch the back of an ear. "But I think my home's pretty rad! You all ever heard of a planet called Silvarum?"