Emotibeast Chronicles

Mild Violence

Rage's story of his adventure and his guild team the Emotibeast Chronicles. A story about holding onto your ideals and using might to make right


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Author's Notes

* Some parts edited by Valero!

Prolouge: The End Of The Puritons

This story begins on a distant world; similar to ours in some ways, but drastically different in other ways. It is Personalia, a world of beings known as emotibeasts, fascinating creatures with many diverse and powerful races, possessing unique powers and abilities, different for every race and individual too. A long time ago there was a race of emotibeast known simply as the puritons, a peaceful nomadic race with the power to control light as if it were part of their very body. The only thing they ever needed was a place with plenty of sun and they would always be happy. Though as time went on, puritons took notice of the other races of Personalia and their acts of violence, bigotry, and hatred. Murder, racism, theft, war, it was all distasteful to puritons, perhaps the only things puritons truly hated.

So when time came to move the race once more, the leader of the puritons, Saul Galax, moved his people to the center of their island caught in everlasting conflict, Cerebral Island. Saul went on to establish relations with the twelve other tribes of Cerebral Island, from the misunderstood neurotals, to the violent and aggressive sekevils. Saul married the priestess Dara, and went on to have two children, Cain and Sophia. Cain was stern but fair, upholding to the puriton beliefs as if his life depended on it; Sophia on the other hand, was kindness incarnate, always lending a hand to help any in need. The two of them were a loving pair of siblings, always looking out for each other when they needed it. Over the years, Cain grew up to become a missionary and set off to explore new lands and spread the teachings of the puritons to foreign races he might find. However, the others were fearful, especially Saul. 

“We don’t know if there’s anything else out there. we have peace here. Please, don’t do this. You have the leadership of the race to think about!” 

Cain was solid on his beliefs, refusing to budge or back down as he had always done. He went south to a place known as Venture Cove. Many were said to embark on journeys there, but none were ever reported to return. Unfortunately Cain would not break this tradition. Once he sailed off, that was the last time he was ever seen. Saul felt a deep pain in his chest; everyday he would go all the way down to Venture Cove despite its far distance from his home in hopes to find anything, even the slightest glimmer of hope that Cain was still alive. Years passed, and so did Saul, dying an empty and broken man filled with regret. Dara soon followed, losing both her husband and her son was too much for her heart, leaving Sophia as the sole heir to the puriton tribe’s leadership.

She was unsure of herself, but her heart was lifted up from depression by two male puritons, Jundo and Samson. Jundo and Samson were childhood friends, spending even their infancy playing and training so that they would one day be great Judges. For a puriton, a judge is the highest honor. They protect and serve for the sake of justice. Upholding the law and punishing accordingly for any guilty party they must face. Jundo and Samson were determined to become legendary judges, that was until Jundo met Sophia. He was enthralled by her, wanting nothing more but to keep her happy. Everyday he would visit her in her lonesome home, bringing her gifts and helping take care of duties previously done by her parents. The day came when Sophia asked Jundo to marry her, and he gladly accepted. Samson on the other hand spent years training, and became the Head Judge of the puritons, he and Jundo remaining the best of friends still. 

Then came the shield. That awful shield, it was to blame for all of the events that were to come. Samson was a good judge by all means, a clean record, never letting any criminals get away; even if he felt that they should. Samson came to realize that law does not make life fair for most people. He learned this lesson the day he met that hydropholurk, a northern species who dwells in deserts. Hydropholurks are known for being thieves, that’s how everyone treats them. Though this one in particular, Samson felt remorse for. They were a father, a husband; stealing bread to feed his family. The neighboring race of accousticans are the ones who reported this hydropholurk, and Samson was sent out to deliver justice. He wanted to let him go, he truly did, but he knew that this would mean a law would be broken. Samson became conflicted whether to hold onto the justice he was raised to cherish, or abandon it for what he believed in. The hydropholurk was hanged later that day. 

Samson felt disgusted, the man was just trying to feed his family, he didn’t deserve to die for the sake of this so-called law. He unfortunately knew there was nothing he could do about this, what could one man do to convince an entire island to see the world how he does? As he contemplated this he felt something beckon him, not a person, not even a voice, but an energy. He traveled east, to the deep parts of the Forest Of Illusion, a sacred place said to be left by the gods of old themselves, the Mystgons. Mystgons are creators, they craft worlds with their mere breath. Samson knew this, cautious to tread carefully on this sacred ground. That’s when he found it. It was buried, under many vines, branches, thorns, even rocks. Samson was bruised and cut by the time he unearthed it but at last he had uncovered it. It was a giant scale glistening with a golden hue. It was reptilian like a snake’s and radiated immense power. Samson was fascinated by the scale, and came to a revelation. 

“The world looks in its mirror and sees black and white. I see things differently; I look between good and evil and I see things for what they truly are, gray,” 

and this led to only one conclusion in Samson’s mind. 

“Without law, people can coexist peacefully. I will remove any trace of law, and burn this world’s justice so we as a people can rise from it, stronger than ever before”. 

Samson took the scale and used his tools to craft it into a shield. It glistened in the sunlight and beckoned Samson once more to wear it, and so he did. The power was immense, Samson felt nothing like it before. It was almost too much for the man, the veins on his arms felt like they were screaming in pain, but he endured it as he took in more of its glory. His once golden eyes were now crimson red as his mind's desire were let loose and he finally felt like he could achieve the ideals he held so closely to his heart. He tested the shield in combat by seeking fights with bandits and outlaws. It was though the shield could endure all manner of punishment while making his own power feel even more powerful. It was then he finally proclaimed to himself;

“I am no longer Samson, I’m no longer even a puriton. I am a judge, and I will use this world’s very own sins to extinguish law and bring about a new peaceful world. I am Rasha, and this is my mission!”

In a flash, Rasha fled the village, hiding himself in the eastern parts of the island of Murka Swamps, traveling to the distant Isle of the Forgotten, an abandoned shrine to the elder guardians of old. He cleansed the island in a crimson light and made his new home from scratch, and from there the start of the Great Seven Year War had begun. Rasha began his plan to abolish law by gathering various parts from races all over Cerebral Island. Many villagers reported a vigilante sweeping across the many tribes, taking the bodies of both young and old, leaving their disfigured corpses to rot with only one or two body parts missing. Rasha used these stolen parts for a deadly ritual created by emotibeasts of old. He would stir the parts in vats of deadly looking miasma, and recite ancient dialect from the time of the mystgons. Lastly came the hardest part, bringing forth life. To do this, Rasha envoked the powers of ancient beasts that roamed Personalia long ago, and used less than a fraction of their souls' power to become the sparks of life he needed. His creations would take on the vices of their power sources, and gave themselves monikers after each beast. Rasha bound their souls to him and thus made himself seven generals to carry out his dream. Each general was a deadly monster devoted to carrying out a mission of total anarchy.

“Bel was a host body for his parasitic counterpart Gor. Together they drained the life force of all emotibeasts they could find”

“Beezle was a small yet dangerous creature with jaws that could rip through a body like tissue paper. Mouths and eyes could be found all over it.”

“Leviat towered above emotibeasts and reaped their forests to fuel his polluting body. Smoke containing parasites plagued the air as he expelled them from his body.

“Modeus sought out victims’ brains to feed on their memories. His stinger would impale itself through a poor soul and he would take their place while his true form vanished from sight. He eluded the puriton’s forces for the longest.”

“Mamona tunneled through the sands of of personalia and feasted on flesh when he wasnt stealing riches from families.”

“Cifer crushed all who challenged him. Several armies were needed to finally put him down.”

“The deadliest of all, Sath rained helfire onto the lands of Personalia. The air became too hot to breathe. The Gravelands, Clef Cliffs, Western Canyon, and Isle of the Forgotten were once lush with life before his fires dried their soil.”

     For seven years these demonic creations wrecked the world they walked upon, always eluding the puritons right before justice could be dealt. This was of course because Rasha knew how the system worked, he was once a puriton after all; so he knew how one would act. He used this to his advantage, until the day came he finally revealed himself to Jundo. Jundo was not afraid when he saw his old friend Samson in such a twisted state. He was confused, he thought it was a ruse, a trick. He did not believe the once saint of a man he knew would do such evil for so long either. He spoke to Rasha. 

“Please Samson, give this charade up. Let's go back to the village and sort things out.” Rasha became enraged to say the least. 

“How can you ask that of me, Jundo? I thought you were my one true ally in all of this. You’ve become a sheep like the rest of them, Jundo. Right and wrong have no meaning, only reason for action is the TRUE judge in this world. I’M DOING THE WORLD A JUSTICE BY REMOVING SUCH CONCEPTS ENTIRELY. but I see now that you only wish to do what others expect, you’ve become predictable Jundo. Now that I know this race has no chance of redemption, I know what must be done.” 

Rasha disregarded Jundo and left the village. At that moment Jundo had felt an anxiety unlike any other, it was like a voice from another world told him to flee, but he refused to listen. Like it or not, he now was a leader of the puritons and refused to abandon them. There was something so much more at stake, his soon to be born child. Emotibeast all come from eggs, a peculiar shaped diamond tinted red like blood, yet delicate like a plate of jello. Jundo vowed to deal with Rasha personally, no matter the risk it would take. The day would come when this vow came to fruition. Rasha had prepared an attack on the village, all seven generals joining the fight. A battle between two ideals was about to happen, and the outcome would be a surprise to both sides.

Before the battle started, disaster had struck. Sophia had birthed her egg, filling Jundo with fear for his child's life. He begged Sophia to flee, and she eventually reluctantly agreed, knowing this might be it for the puritons. The battle had begun, taking tolls on both sides, many puritons perished, but fortunately so did the generals. It boiled down so that only Rasha remained on his own side. However, he had one last trick up his sleeve. He channeled all the puriton power he had left for his ultimate move. The Clean Slate. A concentrated starburst that would erase everything in a glorious ball of light. A dangerous move, but one he felt needed to be done. He launched this ball of light only for the puritons to counter attack, all of them banding together to fire upon the light with all their might. The Clean Slate blew up at too close of a distance to Rasha, and he, along with the entire puriton race, were enveloped by it, never to be seen again.

Sophia ran, she heard the cataclysm but refused to look upon the devastation. She ran as fast as she could to the Sands of Isolation, hoping to reach allies in Reaper’s Village. What befell her was terrible. She saw two figures in the distance, hoping them to be good honest souls. Before she could even get a word out, she was struck by them, burned alive by their powerful fire. They were a sekevil couple, Bellos and Furna. They were just lowly thieves who would attack travelers in the Sands of Isolation, a place so desolate no cries of help would ever be heard. They took all of Sophia's belongings, ready to pawn them off for quick money, but were surprised to find an egg instead. Sophia had no real possessions of her own to pawn off, but maybe instead they could pawn off the egg. 

They took the egg to Magmakor, home of the sekevils. On their way to the pawnshop they ran into rival thieves, a fight broke out and blood was shed, getting on the poor egg as it was lost in chaos to the winding alleyways of Magmakor. Weeks passed, the egg barely hanging onto life, until the newborn creature hatched into this world. He was pink with a devil tail and tiny nubs on his back. He was born by puriton, but now looked like a freak of a sekevil. He would grow up alone, ignorant of all of the world’s wonders, ignorant of all the differing emotibeast races, even ignorant of what he really was. This is the beginning of a journey. A journey of ideals, loss, perseverance, and hope. The emotibeast chronicles starts now.