[PMD BTS] RP: Double Date Debacle

1 year, 10 months ago

Ivan and Maeve meet up with Gene and Arius for lunch.

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“Maeve, my most beautiful and beloved flower, please, I beg of you not to make us attend this event with Arius. I watched the man almost choke on a soup spoon…”, Ivan said as he walked beside her. His hair was carefully cute, and his horns had budding blooms on them.

- - -

“I forgot she’s friends with Ivan”, Arius grumbled. “He’s so mean to me Gene”, Arius said as he floated along.

Gene found Ari's choice of words curious. Gene would not say Maeve was 'friends' with Ivan, as they were clearly courting. But perhaps Maeve had not told him yet. Or perhaps he had forgotten. "I do believe they are a bit more than 'friends' Ari," he said. Better for the other to be reminded of this sooner rather than later. He did not take Maeve and Ivan for the types that enjoyed public displays of affection, but it was possible they had become more comfortable with each other in the months since he'd seen them. Perhaps reminding Ari ahead of time would help avoid causing a scene; if he was struggling to see how Maeve could befriend Ivan surely he would be just as shocked by any signs of a deeper intimacy.

"If it is any consolation I am fairly certain he is mean to everyone," Gene smile with a laugh in his voice, his cane clacking against the cobblestone as they walked. He had improved a great deal in the weeks since the accident, but he still required something to keep him stable on longer walks. Really the cane had become an extension of him, something he could levitate and turn as the need required. A very handy tool really, he debated holding on to it even after outgrowing the need.

"And besides, Maeve does not strike me as the sort to allow her significant other to bully her friends," he added, recalling the dispute from months ago during the talent show. Maeve had been quite cross with Ivan over how he'd spoken to Gene, and Maeve and Gene were hardly close. Surely such standards would hold true for Ari as well given the two of them had been greater friends for longer.

"As I am sure you are aware I've had my fair share of outings with people I was not fond of, and who were similarly not fond of me. But they can only sour your good time if you allow them. You said so yourself that you've not seen Maeve in some time, do not let Ivan's presence take that from you," he smiled reassuringly.

"Almost. But he has a surprisingly good track record with death. It's as if he is meant to walk this plane forever. Let him have his fun." Maeve pulled on and clung affectionately to Ivan's arm as they made their way. She was all smiles, happy to be with him, and happy to be with her friends as well. The big ghost dance had gone surprisingly well, so how bad could this possibly go? So what if Ari was a little lame? He made life more interesting because of it, brought a new perspective and meaning to it.

Her ears twitched, listening in on Gene and Ari's exchange. It upset her a little to hear Ivan was mean to everyone. For a man with such intelligence and ability, he sure lacked in sympathy. But she knew he was capable, he'd proven it. Ari's disapproval, or denial, of their relationship was irksome for her however. Maeve had, although troublesomely, accepted the union he'd made with Gene, and supported him when he'd even confided in her about their personal affairs. Why couldn't he do the same for her? She wondered.

"So where are we headed again?" She asked more so for directions, but now would also be a good time to refresh anyone else with lapses of memory on the event at hand.

“I just always feel like he wants something. Ivan always handsome sort of sneaky angle. I can’t even trust him in the field. I don’t trust his intentions with Maeve. She is sweet, perhaps to sweet. And I am just worried.”, he said. “I heard he apparently went home with some girl while Maeve was away! He can’t even pretent to be loy- oh! Hey Ivan! Maeve!”, he puts on a smile.

- - - “I accepted this folly because of you Maeve. I will do what you ask of me, but I do ask you don’t allow him to make this event a spectacle.”, Ivan sighed as he looked at the approaching ghosts.

“There is a high end restaurant.”, he looks at Arius. “So everyone should act as a respectable member of society. And not embarrass themselves or the group.”, he said moving his eyes to Gene.

His pale blue eye having a much more noticeable cloudy look to it.

Gene's eyebrows furrowed at this new information. "He did? My, that is quite... and they are still on good terms?" Gene couldn't help asking. He could not fathom Maeve tolerating such behavior. Unless... did she herself not know?

Gene was surprised by how quickly Ari donned his smile, though he himself quickly did the same. He glanced to Maeve, noticing how happily she clung to Ivan's arm. A pang of pity rose in him given what Ari had just shared.

"Maeve, Ivan, good to see you both. It has been some time. I am glad to see you are doing well," he said cordially.

At the mention of a high end restaurant he took Ari's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. The number of fancy food-related outings they had gone on without incident were... few, admittedly. He hoped Ari would not feel terribly out of place here.

"Splendid, shall we then?" Gene said simply, all pleasant smiles in an effort to ease the tension. He allowed them to lead the way as doors were difficult for him to manage and his limp made him slow.

Maeve shot her big red eyes up at the building. She hadn't tried sushi yet, but she knew that they would be using chop sticks. They were a little complicated, but she liked the challenge of them. Hopefully this food wouldn't be bland, but knowing Ivan, he had pretty good taste, so she was confident that it would be a success.

Leading the way, she had no trouble finding the party a table. She took a seat in the chair side of a booth so that her wings had some freedom. Little paper lanterns hung above, glowing brightly and casting the area in a gentle golden glow. The upholstery was emerald velvet on cherry wood and there was incense burning, leaving a thin blue haze in the air. Servers walking by stirred up the smoke, until one came by to the table offering everyone a menu and holding up a pen and paper. "Can I start you with drinks?" Their hands were covered in shimmery golden scales, and a few white ones served as eyebrows. They seemed to be some kind of aquatic pokemon.

"I'll take a water." Maeve said. It was an easy option, and something she always needed anyways. Once looking over the menu, she'd probably find something more adventurous.

Arius walked gingerly beside Gene, slowing his own stride in a natural sort of way so as not to draw attention to Gene. He knew it was hard for Gene to deal with being weakened like this. And despite how much Arius praised him, part of him feared that Gene simply didn't agree, or that he continued to feel bad about himself.

Arius and Ivan said little as they walked with their partners. Arius sat across from Maeve while Ivan sat across from Gene.

"Do you have milk?", Arius asks.

Ivan gives a sigh, already his shoulders tensed up. "Arius this is a high brow establishment. We talked about this several times. Read the menu."

Arius looks at the menu, having a very hard time understanding the words. He slowly tried to sound them out like a child might. "I uh- how about a...double phyaulp....."

"Double. Pulp.", Ivan said.

"That.", Arius said cheerfully.

"Please bring me a martini, extra olives.", he rubs the bridge of his nose.

"So Maeve! What have you been up to?", he asks.

As the group made their way to their table Gene noted how Ari slowed to walk beside him, and he realized only then that the smile he himself had been holding was not so genuine. He'd not known what he was doing, but then again old habits die hard. Now his face held a smaller but more natural smile as he felt ever so slightly more at ease, glad to not stick out so much.

He slid into the booth with a relieved sigh, happy to get his weight off his legs. "I will take tea, thank you. Whatever the house special is," Gene said when the waitress looked to him. It would be nice to try something new, but also something warm as it was still too chilly outside for his taste.

He couldn't help glancing to Ivan though he tried not to. He had been corresponding with Garland by letter for some time, and now looking at Ivan he could not believe he'd not spotted the similarities between them sooner. How had he missed it? He wondered what Garland would think if he knew he was out to lunch with his brother, but Gene quickly decided he would rather not think about that and forced himself to focus on Maeve instead and her conversation with Ari.

The server nodded to everyone, jotting down their orders in silent haste before parting ways. It might have seemed like a cold response to those used to hospitality. Maeve was one of those, and she gave a silent stare at the server as she walked away. Their behavior felt stiff to her, but the servers were trained and this was their job, not a weekend joint paying under the table wages.

She was glad to see Ivan helping Arius pick something out, and was even happier to see him indulge in his favorite spirits. Her eyes dug through the options while she answered his question. "I've been helping out a lot with the rescue teams recovery of the Spiral. My Growth came in handy with lifting heavy things and I was able to work on my healing move some more as well. But!" And this was where she perked up, "I got a free weekend and convinced Nergui to teach me to ice-skate. He's been with us for a year now, can you believe that? It's taken him so long to get comfortable with us. It was a little tricky at first, but I got the hang of it thanks to his expertise. We should go together sometime." She playfully nudged Ivan, giving him a side glance.

"What about you?" She asked the others. "Have any of you gone skating before? It was my first time."

Ivan gave her a small side glance, "I am not one to enjoy the winter spirited sports, including such past takes. But, I am pleased you seem to enjoy it.", Ivan said, noting Gene giving him a strange sort of look. Ivan casually looked at his reflection in his spoon to check his hair without making it to obvious.

"Ice... skating....", he sat back and wondered what that meant. Did they take large chunks of ice and... walk them? Or maybe strap them to their feet. "How do you get it to stay on your feet?"

"What?", Ivan asked.

"The ice. How does it stay", he asks innocently.

Gene pressed his lips together in an effort to hide his smile, amused by wherever Ari's train of thought had taken him. "The ice does not... well... the ice does not move, but instead you wear special shoes in order to glide on the ice more effectively," he explained. It wasn't exactly the most accurate description of how skating worked given the blades cut into the ice rather that sliding against the surface, but he hoped this would get the concept across more easily.

"As for partaking I believe Ivan and I are in the same boat. Far too cold for my tastes. Honestly I am surprised you do not feel the same as a g--I mean, I have heard the snowy weather can be quite uncomfortable for grass types," he said. After months of rarely leaving the house he had clearly grown too comfortable speaking to people who know what he was and what he had been. He may have felt some sort of kinship with Maeve as someone he thought of as a fellow grass type, but she had no insight as to why he would feel that way. Or... had she? She knew he was dead, but he could not recall sharing any more details... Either way he certainly had not told Ivan, so best to lean on the side of caution.

"No, I am far more looking forward to the warmer weather," he continued, eager to move the subject along so his slipup could be forgotten. "Spring will be upon us soon, and Chronos is just about due for one of his events. I am more curious what he has planned for this year. I quite enjoyed what he had planned last spring, naturally, with all the flower gifting going on. And I had not realized Ethovalon experienced cherry blossom season, they're quite beautiful." A thought struck him then that, as such a romantic time of year, cherry blossom season was likely an ideal season to get married in. Which was a hilarious thought as it was far too short notice, not to mention that Ari and him had hardly discussed such matters. Nor was Gene in any rush; Ari's 'yes' was really all he needed.

Hearing Ivan wasn't a fan didn't come as much as a surprise to Maeve as other things had in the past. She was okay with their differences, and wouldn't let him bring her down for having her own fun. However, she was a little thrown when Gene seemed to correct the way he spoke of types. She was less offended on assumptions based around type than others, but appreciated his considerations.

"I guess I'll have to take you some time, then, huh?" She said, smiling at Ari.

"The cold has always been a bother to me, though, that much is true." She confirmed for Gene. "But it's easier to tolerate knowing that it does, and knowing that I'll get to warm up with Mavourneen, later."

The server returned, placing their drinks silently beside everyone. A Water for Maeve, Martini extra olives for Ivan, Double Pulp for Ari and a Valerian Root Tea for Gene. "I'd like to try a glass of Umeshu, please." The Server noted it down and gave Maeve a small bow of respect. She would likely take their orders when she came back, so now it was really time to start looking.

“I prefer the fall. The coloration of the trees, sitting out in a nice sweater with a book and some tea.”, Ivan said as he reviewed the menu. He did not look up at them, only side glancing at Maeve when she spoke.

“There will be flowers again.”, Arius beamed and looked at Gene and his rose sprinkled hair. “I like the pink ones. The free flowers.”

“Cherry blossoms?”, Ivan asked.

“Yes!”, Arius said very loudly. Ivan winced in annoyance.

“Keep your voice down. Manners Arius.”, Ivan scolded lightly.

“Well anyway. I like them. Fancy, I talked to a wedding lady and she talked about how many pokemon get married in spring.”, Arius went on talking.

“It’s rather cliche.”, Ivan added.

“Things are cliche because they are popular”, Arius said back.

Gene held his smile as Maeve extended the offer to Ari, realizing that he may have given the wrong impression. While he would not actively seek out such activities he was more than willing to suffer through them for a group outing. Then again he was in no shape to go anytime soon and likely the season would leave them before he had the chance. Oh well. Instead he busied himself by looking over the sashimi options.

His smile brightened just a hint at the mention of Ari speaking to a wedding planner. "Do not be such a killjoy Ivan," Gene laughed. "I would certainly prefer to be wed in the spring rather than suffer the heat or chill of summer or winter purely for originalities sake alone. Though it may be a rather tight squeeze to plan such an event on such short notice," Gene added, turning to Ari and gently taking his hand in his atop the table.

"Which I suppose that makes this as good a time as any to announce... we are engaged," he said, the words clearly directed at Maeve and Ivan but his eyes on Ari as he spoke with a tender smile.

Maeve set her menu down, though she certainly hadn't made her choice of entre just yet. Her attention averted to her lover, Ivan's favor for fall weather was something she'd make note of, and something she quickly mourned in not sharing much of with him. Instead of going on many adventures like they had before the summertime, they had quarreled and navigated intimate topics, topics that required Maeve to tackle without Ivan's bias.

“Things are cliche because they are popular” Maeve couldn't agree more with Arius' statement. "He has a point." She shrugged nonchalantly.

Maeve didn't feel a need to give a stance on her seasonal preference. She found fun in every season, and would always be warm with her Mavourneen by her side. And being on the move as Wayfarers it was hardly a choice in which weather they'd be navigating next. One day it could be the a dungeon on the Snow Continent, the next, Warm Seabed in the Sea of Beginning. Besides, most people's assumptions on her favor for Summer would be correct.

However, the news to follow came suddenly, and with surprise to Maeve. Her big eyes darted down at their hands, and at first she said nothing. "We're engaged." The words of her own sisters echoed to her in her memory. The happy faces they wore and the glisten in their eyes were matched in Gene and Arius. Her Sister Astrid was set on proposing to her own partner, Alta this spring as well. They certainly were on the cusp of the season of love.

"That's wonderful." She finally congratulated with full genuineness. Knowing what these two were, it only made sense for them to have come to this point. As Ramona had said, soul mates were tied with red threads, and though she could not see them herself, she seemed to know that they were always meant to be intertwined. How long had they been like this? What made those who couldn't see the threads be so sure they weren't with the wrong person? She now had further questions to ask Ramona about later, ones that would likely bother the Malamar, but she wanted answers to things unknown.

"It could be quite the scramble if you want to put your wedding together this spring- but..." She gave Ivan a cheeky smile. They along with the help of several others had collaborated to bring Fiona and Jasper's wedding together in a few short months. They could do it again for sure, since they'd already done it once.

Ivan's face did not look amused, and it was clear he wanted to say something. But, he gave Maeve a side glance, and choked back his comments. It was almost amusing to see Ivan so restrained in his actions. But it was also a testament to his love of Maeve, as it was his only factor for this reduced behavior.

"Yes, I had Gene's ring made before I evolved, it has a shard of the dusk stone I used in it. And he got me this really nice one too. I like looking at it, but I admit I am terrified to lose it.", Arius leaned over and gave Gene a gentle kiss on the cheek. "We do not need to rush. I have loved you all this time, and that will not change if we do not wed for another year, or the next 100 years. I do not need a fancy ceremony to know of my devotion to you...", Arius smiled.

"I'm impressed at your vocabulary as it matches your general intelligence.", Ivan said unable to actually stop himself this time.

"It comes and goes, but your poor attitude is forever.", Arius said back with a smile, which got a deeply unamused look from Ivan.

Gene glanced at Ivan with pleasant surprise. He had been fully prepared for Ivan's shock at best and blatant disapproval at worse.

Ari's kiss to his cheek quickly grabbed his attention. "I am in no hurry either, I am more than happy to call you my fiance for as long as I am able," he said, lacing their fingers together.

Gene's disapproval at Ivan's comment was evident in how his brow turned down, but Ari's rebuttal made his smile return. Not wanting to poke the fire between them he merely pulled his and Ari's hands to his own face in order to place a kiss on one of his knuckles in silent approval.

He caught sight of another table nearby placing their orders and was reminded that they still needed to choose what they wanted. "Have you all decided what you want?" Gene asked, sliding his menu between himself and Ari as he looked over the options, assuming Ari would need some assistance with the menu. "If you would like something with crunch I would recommend a tempura roll, and it also comes with fish eggs on top. They are tiny, like beads, and pop in your mouth," he explained, gesturing with his fingers how small the fish eggs were. "You may want to order one or two additional rolls as well, I find one alone to not be all that filling."

"What? They're not objecting. You don't want to plan a wedding for my best friend with me?" Maeve asked Ivan, politely ignoring their public displays of affection. She wasn't looking to start a fight, and hoped Ivan wouldn't take it as such. He seemed quite on edge and wasn't sure why.

The waitress came back with an Umeshu for Maeve and was ready to take their orders. Maeve took her drink and gave it a sniff, delighted by it's pungent scent. She was nowhere near ready, but she was content in surprises. "I'll have whatever your spiciest option is."

Arius tilted his head, "I- but... I don't want to eat... little fish... I don't like fish....", he says with a frown. Although he is enjoying Gene's affections greatly.

"Rest assured there is probably a childs menu with rice and chicken or something.", Ivan said.

"Oh! I like rice and chicken", Arius said with a beaming smile. "And uh... in some sort of sauce please.", he ordered the meal. Ivan got some tuna rolls and a exotic eel roll to extra sauce on it all.

Gene's eyebrows furrowed as he looked up at Ari, a smile playing at the edge of his lips that was more awkward amusement than anything else. "You do not--" he began to ask, but cut himself off as they were not only amongst friends but their waitress had returned and he did not wish to cause a scene. Had they been alone Gene would have certainly dragged out more answers. Ari--who had eaten raw meat, plain flour, and eggs floating in lemonade just to name a few--did not like fish? All fish? When there were so many varieties and ways to prepare it? How was this possible? What about it did he dislike? Several of Gene's favorite foods contained some form of fish and he struggled to piece together what Ari might find unappealing. And how had they agreed about a sushi restaurant if one quarter of their party did not eat fish?

Silence fell between them as Gene's thoughts rambled until he abruptly realized it was his turn to order. "Oh, yes, I will have the yellow tail nigiri and a salmon roll with spicy mayo," he said, handing over the menu with a polite smile that--by Gene's standards, as someone who was always smiling--looked a bit sad. He felt oddly embarrassed suddenly, having just announced their engagement while out to eat with friends and not knowing his fiancé disliked nearly everything on the menu.

Once their waitress had left Gene was eager to fill the silence. "Have any of you gone on any interesting missions as of late? I have not left Ethovalon in some time, as you can imagine, and can only live vicariously through stories," he laughed lightly, more in an effort to make what he said more tolerable for the others and not because he found it humorous.

"I did go on a mission to Purity Forest. Just like we had sent Howell, Lachlan and Jasper thought it would be a good idea to check in on the forest, so I went with them. They think that just because the King of Apulia has retreated that the darkness may not have been put to rest, or whatever force is causing such strange behaviors in the legendaries and nature itself. It has been a fairly quiet season, and with the hills right around the corner, they're growing suspicious in the lack of activity.

Unfortunately, our adventure was put to a quick end, as we found ourselves in what felt like an endless loop of the first level of the dungeon until we emerged. It's as if something there wants to remain hidden. We reported it to Haruki, the forest's guardian, but it seems they do not wish to alarm anyone with the news. At least not yet."

Maeve took Ivan's hand in her own, wanting to be close to him after sharing the news. It was something she'd been meaning to tell him about, but it never felt like a good time to bring it up. Besides, she wanted him to think less of her and more of the book he was working on. It was important to him, and thus it was important to her.

“I’ve mostly spent my time escorting teams to study how the rampages of Kyogre shifted the currents. It seems even after the strange rage calmed that the ocean still quakes. I fear this is not the end of the oddities that afflict the world.”, Ivan said. He held Marven’s hand as he sipped his drink.

“I haven’t left since my last mission in a while. I wanted to stay close to Gene so I’ve mostly been attending to things around town or at the base.”, Arius said.

Gene listened intently as the others spoke of their recent tasks, a small pucker forming between his brow as he took this in. "My, Purity Forest certainly is full of secrets it seems, even now. I caught word of several teams intending to explore further, I hope I will be well enough to join them soon. I would quite like a second chance to investigate for myself."

He was quiet for a moment when Ivan spoke of Kaimana's rampage. He felt so disconnected, knowing that such terror still shook the islands so far from their own coast when he himself had been home for so long and seen so little first hand. Though the influx of refugees seeking shelter in Ethovalon, not to mention his own latest recruit from Onekama served as a regular reminder.

Gene gave a small smile in return as Ari explained his desire to stay close to home, brushing his thumb against his hand. "As much as I adore having you here, I will be fine well enough," he assured him. "Charlotte has been quite pleased with my progress, I suspect by the time Chronos is wrapping up his festivities I will be fit to return to work. Real work, work that requires leaving the house," he laughed lightly.

Maeve gave a mirroring laugh, but she didn't really find Gene's humor all that funny. Staring down at Ivan's fingers she was reminded of how they were bandaged along with all the rest of him about this time last year. She had been one of few to step up and aid him in an effort to relieve Fiona's stresses. A faint smile pushed at her cheeks. If only I had had that healing move back then. "Has your Floral Healing not been helpful in restoring yourself?" She asked with knitted brows. She hadn't actually dabbled in using the move on herself yet, only on others, but it seemed to have quite the effect.

As Ivan said and she feared, the darkness would likely come back, and given how many refugees the Spiral alone had displaced and harmed, having a working healing move would prove highly useful, not just for rescue teams either. She hoped that her exploration of the tallest tree would bring her closer to the healing properties of her element, and was eager to come. She was about to ask Gene if he wanted to tag along, but she will probably be ready to go far sooner than he would be. And considering she didn't know if anything would come of visiting the tree, there was no use in endangering him further.

“I hope so”, Arius said to Gene with a smile, rubbing his hand lovingly “I would love to walk through the spring flowers.”

“From my research, floral healing seems to be most useful for recent injuries that are not deep. Like a broken bone or a light sickness. Something like nerve damage would take much more.”, he says. Pausing and realizing he spoke about how he had been researching Maeve’s moves for his own curiosity.

Gene smiled tenderly at the mention of Ari's plans. "I'd quite like that. I have had my fill of being stuck inside and it's good to finally venture out more."

He turned to Maeve, intrigued by her question. "While there are some limitations to Floral Healing as Ivan mentioned, my weakness is not... I'm not injured," Gene said, searching for the right words. "This is only a byproduct of lying in bed for weeks. The way it was explained to me is that without regular everyday use muscles deteriorate, and regaining this strength is not something that can be so easily 'healed'. It would be akin to using Floral Healing on yourself and expecting something along the lines of... Growth, instead. Expecting to be physically stronger."

Gene had completely captured Maeve's attention with the way he explained how the move worked. She'd never considered it in such a way before, but what he said made sense to her. Her eyes flicked up to Ivan's horns, noticing the slightest differentiation between them from when his brother's goons had messed him up. She had managed to help spurt regrowth and take away his pain. Although it was practically unnoticeable now to everyone else, she could tell a difference still. A gentle smile warmed her cold focused features when those wandering eyes also picked up on the jade ring he'd used to cover up the spot where it broke off.

"Quite an unfortunate instance to be hit on the head only for the rest of your body to feel the brunt of the injury." She said, returning her attention to Gene. "Bed rest would drive me crazy. It's bad enough being cooped up in the winter. Despite my weakness to the weather, I still try to find something to do though."

"It's a good thing its getting warmer then, you can take some strolls with your mavourneen. I'm sure Chronos will have a lovely place that everyone can enjoy as usual. A nice shaded picnic pond-side perhaps." Her suggestion lightly inspired by her own experience with Ivan in Noe, though more subconsciously than anything.

“Yes well… I’m just glad you can walk around at all. Please, do not rush your recovery. Take all the time you need Gene. You desire to properly walk down the isle yeah?”, he says with a bright smile. Even with the skeletal appearance he had, his happiness reached his eyes without issue.

“I do not really mind much of the weather. Although I do not like snow. Despite the allowance of me breaking out my favorite sweater vests”, he explains.

“I like the snow. I made a little Gene when we visited Maeve’s family.”, Arius said.

“Yes that seems a task you would enjoy.”, Ivan said as he took a sip of his drink.

"Unfortunate indeed," Gene laughed. "But it would seem I have made out well, all things considered. Frustrating as it may be I am on a steady path to recovery, and I am grateful for it," he said, giving Ari's hand a gentle squeeze. "I will not say I do not wish it was a bit faster," he added with a grin, glancing to Ari. "But for you? I suppose I can take the agonizingly slow route just a tad longer."

At the suggestion of isles a genuine pleased smile spread across Gene's face before stretching wider into a sly grin. "Oh, am I the one who is going to be given away? Last I checked you have a father figure much more capable of doing so, not I," he said. He quite liked the idea of such a display, of Tobias handing Arius over to him, but then again perhaps he should not be so eager to test a terribly powerful ghost in such a manner.

Gene turned back to Maeve then with a curious look. "My mavourneen?" he repeated. "I cannot say I am well acquainted with the term, I assumed it was a pet name exclusive to the two of you," he admitted. After all the word itself sort of sounded like 'Maeve'.

Maeve was surprised that Arius remembered the snowmen he'd made in the woods of her childhood home, and it made her beam. Even Ivan's side comment couldn't wipe away her joy.

"I don't know that anyone else does use it." Maeve said, her wings and antennae drooping slightly. "I know that it is a term passed down in my family. My dad's side I think. He's always calling my mother that. Mavourneen." She repeated the word slower, closing her eyes and enjoying the sentiment of it. "My beloved." That's what it really meant.

"Hmm, you know you may not be able to make a snowman Arius, but spring has it's own enjoyments. I'm sure the morels and other foraging delicacies will be ready to pop up here on Kala any week now. We can gather them up and make something tasty out of them."

"Oh? Well. We could. Do I have to wear a dress? I think that I would be good in a dress, Ms.Charlotte looks good in them. But I don't know if I have a good butt for it, it's flat.", he looks at Maeve. "Where would you get a wedding dress from?"

"When.", Ivan said, and freezes for a moment, drinking his drink abruptly and quickly to pretend he didn't say that.

"Do you even have any intentions of marrying Maeve? She deserves a good man.", Arius says in defense of his friend. Ivan is notably more pale.

"That's a nice sentiment, carrying on a family phrase like that," Gene said casually to Maeve. "Do your siblings make use of the term as well? For their significant others, I mean."

"It is your wedding, where whatever you like," Gene chuckled. "Are butts really that important when it comes to dresses? Do they not fan out from the hips and cover everything? Though I can only guess based on outward appearances since I've never worn one myself."

Gene glanced from Ari to Ivan on pins and needles. He himself had gotten chewed out for positing that the pair might be dating, and should Ari have drawn attention to potential premeditative proposal plans Gene was concerned about the possible aftermath.

"Yes, actually. My oldest sister Moira started it when she gave her vows to her husband Anthony. Surprised everyone, but it made mom smile so we've kept up with the tradition." Maeve glanced over to Ivan, wondering what had gotten into him that he needed to drink so badly. He was going to finish his glass before the food even made it back.

"Hmm. Well-" Maeve was surprised that the conversation looped back so quickly to wedding talk. Though she couldn't blame her two friends from getting so starry eyed about such topics. Truth-be-told, she hadn't put tons of thought into what her dress might be, considering her family's financial hardships. "First off, butts are always important. Secondly, I do have a personal tailor or two, or three to choose from at this point. Ramona of course has done majority of my closet. I always just pictured myself in something simple like the gowns we wear for the Springtide celebration. Or maybe something short so I can move freely, even if it is a little out of fashion." Maeve pursed her lips, hearing herself speak of such luxury made her feel a little out of place. When did she become so spoiled?

"Would it be taboo for the groom to craft his bride's dress?" She playfully wondered aloud, tapping her foot against Ivan's under the table. "Or what if the bride also wore a tux?"

"Of course the butt is important, it sets the shape for how the rest of it flows.", he points at a wigglytuff women at the next table "See? Her dress is weirdly shaped so it makes her butt look strange.", he was oblivious to the angry glare he got from her after.

Ivan ate an olive out of his drink, half hoping the women would dump her drink on Arius, but no dice it seems. How boring. He was trying to ignore the conversation, but his fingers where tapping on the table absentmindedly as his tail coiled and uncoiled slowly.

"I uh- think it is bad luck. Isn't it tradition to not see a bride until the wedding?", Ivan said. Looking at Gene, the Arius.

"Hmmm... I don't really like dresses, but if it is important for weddings, I will do so for Gene.", he says.

"That is not the- Arius where do you even go between sentences sometimes?", Ivan asked.

Gene cringed as Ari blatantly commented on some stranger's 'strange butt'. "Ari, people generally do not... appreciate being pointed out in public and having their bodies critiqued," he said gently, trying to lower the hand pointed at said woman back to the table.

"And while more... traditional marriages often include a tux and a dress, it is hardly required. And I would not consider our union to fit the... standard mold. For what it is worth I assumed you would likely wear a suit as well, given I have only seen you wear suits for such events."

He turned back to Maeve then. "On that note, were you considering a tux for yourself? Or have you a preference?" he asked casually, curiously, picking up where she left off.

“I had only considered a simple gown before, something that would highlight me in a natural way.” Maeve shrugged. Although she felt dating and commitment should be with marriage as a goal in mind for herself, for the couple, she hadn’t stopped to imagine herself at the altar with Ivan. They had been to busy having fun, exploring, getting to know each other on deeper levels, and navigating their relationship to his brother. Gene’s questions were only invoking memories of times since passed with Virgil, things she’d rather move on from.

“What would you want to see me in?” She asked Ivan, trying to include him more in the conversation.

Just as Maeve had inquired to Ivan about his preference in dresses their waitress returned with their food. The conversation naturally wined down as they ate, an occasional question or comment popping up here and there. Eventually with their bellies filled and the time growing late the two couples parted ways, all in all having had a pleasant spring afternoon.